Chapter 10:Bystander

Silence. There was only silence in the room. The only person that was there, was Chloe as loneliness crawled on her back.

Akil never came back home last night, and hasn't picked up any phone calls, or messages.

"He better be alright." She said to herself, as she shoved a spoonful of cookie and cream ice cream in her mouth.

Chloe often eats Ice cream in her free time, or when she's stressing out to an extreme.

In this case, it would be a bit of both.

The moon's light poked into the living room, as the tv's light mixed with it to create a somber feeling in her heart.

She always did love the moon. It was like something she could console whenever something troubling happened in her life, but she quit using it when she dated Akil. That's because he filled that spot just fine. His confident and outgoing nature is whats guided her throughout the rest of her life.

She continued to eat her ice cream and mope at the same time, as her favorite reality tv show The Mashadians.

Suddenly a knock appeared on the door. Chloe jumped up as hope ran through her eyes.

She walked around the couch and swung the door open, only for her expectations to be crushed.

In front of her didn't stand her loving boyfriend. Instead it was the people who just caused him pain.

The masked man barged into the room with quick haste as he made room for the woman to enter.

"Ms Chloe Lamon. I hope you've had a good evening cause this one will be your last, murderer!" She shouted as she pulled out a sword from her sheath. Chloe's throat tighten at the sight of the sharp blade, as a wall of fear overcame her body.

"W-wait! I didn't kill anybody! Please be resona-."

"SHUT UP! I. . . don't need your lies filling my head. I'm done. Kill her Wallachia.

We're done playing poker face.