Chapter 12 / messages in heaven and hell

Deimos enters hell rushing past other daemons with tortured souls to gluttony's private quarters. Gluttony waves the other daemons off as he turns to Deimos. "Where is the seer Deimos?" Gluttony growls seeing the seer is not with him. "The seer is still alive. She is being guarded by a human and a dragon. The dragon said he will kill everyone you send after the seer" Gluttony growls slamming his fist into his armchair "dammit if a dragon is guarding the seer than that means the human with the dragon may have ties to the heavens" as he glares at the floor in frustration. "So, a change in tactics instead of the intent for quick kill we do silent kill" Deimos suggests as he backs up to give Gluttony space. "Yes, I will give you this change to keep your rank if you fail you will be demoted If you survive" Gluttony sits up walking over to his hug glass hutch to open it "what are you looking for my lord?" Deimos questioned nervously. Gluttony's hand goes over various vials and bottles "there is a potion that we will need to get rid of the seer but, be very careful with it" as his hand stops over the vial he is looking for. The vial is dual chambered with red and blue colored liquid. Gold covers the base with two golden strands curved up to the top. The top has a golden lid with a snake coiled around two pomegranates and a scroll. "Why is that my lord?" Deimos tilting his head confused.

"Because this potion is a very dangerous poison and will cause horrendous nightmares to anyone who comes into contact with it" he states bluntly with indifference. Deimos nods understanding "I will be incredibly careful my lord" Gluttony picks it up handing it to Deimos. He takes the potion carefully putting it away "this seems very drastic my lord would you want to use the seer's powers for yourself?" he questioned. "You're right I could but the other lords and angels will want it and could discover my true plans to take over both realms" Gluttony says. "My lord how shall I convince the seer to take it?" Gluttony thinks for a moment "study the seer, find their weakness, and offer it as a solution or offer it as payment" Deimos nods "yes my lord I will succeed" "you better" Gluttony growls out snarling at him. Deimos disappears into thin air. Gluttony stares out to his domain "I will rule over all life" chuckling darkly.

Meanwhile in heaven the messenger angel reaches heaven flying to a group of angels. The angels turn to face the messenger. "Any news from Hiroshi?" Uriel asks. "Yes, Uriel they had found a human that is as seer being targeted by the sin lord of Gluttony. They are about a day away from Alcina" messenger says catching his breath. "Why would he attack a seer? Their visions do not always work" a young angel asks confused. "They see possible outcomes young one. It depends on the person's choices if that outcome happens" the angel of Hope speaks up. "they're under hopes watch messenger angel and she has seen a decline in the few that truly exist." The young angel says to the messenger "What does that mean if a sin is after them?" the young one asked. "It means they are planning something big and want to make sure we are still in the dark to their plans" Imperius walks up to the group. The angels nod agreeing with Imperius. "Lady of hope I need to get some books of information for Hiroshi as well" messenger asked her. Angel of hope nods and leads the messenger the way. "When the messenger is ready you will send him the info you need to tell him" Imperius nods to her as he looks to the rest of the angels to hear their ideas. "We should have angels at different times survey around the city after we know they're in the city" Uriel suggests. "That will work for now, but I sense a battle will take place there as well so let us be prepared for one. since Gluttony has his eyes on the seer heading to the city" Yael says as the others run off to return to their duties. The messenger returns to Imperius carrying books and scrolls "what information do you wish for me to tell Hiroshi?" The messenger angel asked, "Tell Hiroshi to be ready for a possible battle with Gluttony and we will send help for the battle" Imperius commands with authority. The messenger nods and flies off in search of Hiroshi.