Chapter 13 / poison of nightmares

The sun begins to rise Kiyan wakes up before everyone else. He got to sit up but could not move, feeling the weight on his chest. He looks down to see Arianna's face sleeping on him soundly. A faint blush comes across his face and whispers "shit" as he hears himself purr. He stays still thinking about what to do. Arianna begins to stir, waking up looking up to see a blushing Kiyan. "Good morning, Kiyan how do you feel?" she questioned "I'm feeling well thank you, Arianna" he replies with sincerity "I am going to head down to the river for the horses and to collect any unique things I can find, ok?" she smiles at him. "I'll come with you" as he begins to move but she stops him then tucks him back in. "I will be fine you need to rest more you fainted out of no were and might be ill" Kiyan thinks for a moment confused but shrugs it off "ok if you need help holler for me or Hiroshi" she nods heading out the door grabbing water buckets for the horses and refill their water reserve. After a few hours she walks through the woods looking for anything useful and hearing footsteps behind her. "Kiyan, I thought I told you to rest" as she turns seeing a strange traveler. "Hello, miss sorry to bother but I need help with my fortune" the stranger says in a calm manner. "If you are wanting your fortune told sir, what do you offer me as payment?" as she looks at him seeing he might not have much. He searches through his pockets and pulls out a potion like bottle holding it up for her to see. "What is in the bottle?" Arianna asked curiously as she looked at the bottle's details. The vial is dual chambered with red and blue colored liquid. Gold covers the base with two golden strands curved up to the top. The top has a golden lid with a snake coiled around two pomegranates and a scroll. "it's a potion that creates a special shield to protect you from any harm even other types of magic" the stranger explained to her "how did you get ahold of such a potion?" she asks, surprised, knowing they're exceedingly rare to find let alone to make. "Bought it years ago to protect my wife from harm. But.... I.... did not get to her in time from being killed by a vengeful monster and I have been wondering ever since then. Please take it as payment miss" as the stranger cries a little.

"Very well I will accept the payment" as she gently takes his hands "I see your fortune turning around. But tread with caution, you will have many challenges in your way. Stay strong and keep your chin up" she finishes saying letting out a tired sigh. "Thank you, miss" he hands her the bottle bows his head leaving but hides out of view to watch her. "He said it can protect me from harm it will be helpful if I drink it now" as she opens the bottle drinking it. She put the bottle in her coat pocket heading back to the wagon. Meanwhile Kiyan and Hiroshi are at the wagon camp. Kiyan walks out to do his morning stretch routines. Hiroshi comes out yawning "how are you feeling brother? you fainted after you fought against Deimos, and have you seen Arianna this morning?" Hiroshi questioned Kiyan "Who is Deimos and I fainted?" Kiyan asked sounding confused. "Yes, Deimos is the daemon you saw before he tried to find Arianna to kill her and after you gave him a message to give then you fainted. me and Arianna carried you into the wagon so you could rest" Hiroshi looks at Kiyan with concern. "You're joking Hiroshi. You are pulling my leg right me let a daemon go?" he chuckled, not believing it at all. "To deliver a message telling Gluttony that you'll cut down anyone who goes after her" Hiroshi gives him the I am serious look. "So, you're telling me I fought a daemon let it go all in one setting and I fainted? " He stated still not believing it. "Yep, good thing Arianna didn't see anything. cause you were covered with scales till you fainted."

"Scales?" Kiyan at Hiroshi with a skeptical look. "Yes, like a dragon" Kiyan rubs his forehead thinking. "Hiroshi I can assure you I'm far too young for that still." He reassures Hiroshi. " I think so as well. But it does not change what I had seen" There conversation is cut short as Arianna comes back from the woods. Arianna walks up with an apron full of various plants and flowers. "Morning boys did you sleep well?" Hiroshi nods "I slept simply fine " "I am all right are you though? You look a little pale." Kiyan asked looking over her with concern "I don't feel really ill. I did leave forgetting to grab some food though." she passes Kiyan heading to the wagon hanging the plants upside down to air dry. She is easily fatigued more than normal. Kiyan started helping her hang the plants he was on his toes now. Hiroshi goes inside and comes out with food for her to eat. She gently takes the food trying to eat some food. Hiroshi watches her with concern "did you get bit or attacked by anything?" "Not that I know of. I only seen a strange traveler asking for his fortune" she looked to be swaying a little. Kiyan takes the last on hanging it up. "Arianna did something happen in the woods " Kiyan asked once he hung the last one. "I was approached by him asking for his fortune in exchange for a potion" she replies looking progressively getting sleepier by the minute. "Shit, do you have the bottle?" He started panicking looking at Hiroshi. Hiroshi looks worried "yes, I do still have the bottle he said it would protect me from harm" she pulls the bottle out of her pocket holding it up to Kiyan to see.

Kiyan looks for a label upon seeing a small label at the bottom in writing that does not look like a human language. Arianna's breathing slows like she has not slept in days. "Hiroshi your good with languages here read this one." He hands Hiroshi the bottle looking at aria he walked over to her suddenly swooped her off her feet. "Something is wrong I'm taking you inside to lay down." Kiyan states as Hiroshi looks over the bottle the look of fear spreads across his face as he follows them. Arianna starts to groggily say " I-I'm fine" sounding weak. "You are not fine." Kiyan lays her in the bed tucking her in fetching her water. Hiroshi goes after Kiyan whispering "this is daemonic language. I do not think that stranger was human" Kiyan sets the water at her bedside then walks outside screaming a slur of curse words. "FUCK!" he shouted pulling at his hair clearly on a rage path. "What shall we do Kiyan? "While she is fatigued it does not correspond with any poison, I am familiar with on our travels " Hiroshi states as he is pacing around worried as hell like a sibling. "Don't you think if I would have known I'd have done it already? We have no clue what it will do and if it's daemonic the Angels cannot help us. We would have better luck asking my father. If I do that, he will literally kill me if this is not fatal" Kiyan shouts back angerly pacing around.

"It could be fatal if we do not act fast" suddenly Arianna lets out a weak scream of pain. "Shit alright I'll contact my dad get in there calm her down." Kiyan says panicking turning pale himself at her scream. Hiroshi nods heading to Arianna to calm her down. Kiyan heads for the river once at the bank he crashes onto his knees he puts his hands out over the water shakily. "Father if you can hear me, I need your help." he says as a tear rolls down his cheek splashing into the river. "I hear you, Kiyan. what is it you need help with?" Ryuji's image appears in the water looking curious and annoyed. Kiyan's voice suddenly shifted to the growling one like yesterday. "The women I love has been poisoned. I am powerless to helping her and.." his voice shifted again "I don't know what's happening to me dad I feel odd, and Hiroshi says I had scales yesterday." He finishes talking tears streaming down his face as he looks at his dad with fear.

Ryuji looks shocked by the shift in behavior but nods understanding the urgency. "I will assist you after she is safe from death, I will need to speak to you privately understood?" Kiyan can see slight worry in Ryuji's eyes. He nods "How long till you arrive?" he asked before his father departed. "I will be at your location in ten minutes, and I will be in my human form when I land so if she does see me, she won't panic as much " Ryuji states in a calm tone. "Alright I'll wait here for you I had to come a little way from camp." he sniffled standing up waving his hand over the water dispelling the image as he turned slamming his fist into a tree out of sheer anger. He took a chunk of the tree out in one blow. He looked down at his hand, he noticed it was bloodied but not broken, He now had more concerns. As time goes by Kiyan hears dragon wings. His father lands by the bank taking on his human form but, still has most of his dragon features. "This way father." Kiyan keeps his head down with his bloodied hand folded in his other hand as he leads the way walking quietly to the wagon. Ryuji follows Kiyan to the wagon "what are her current symptoms " Ryuji inquired Kiyan "Fatigue and faint screaming last I checked Hiroshi will know more." he says meekly. Ryuji nods as they both arrive at the wagon as a mixture of faint screams and incoherent words can be heard.

Kiyan books it to the door going in panicking. Ryuji follows calmly as he enters the room, he sees she is no longer awake but stuck in a nightmare state of sleep he noticed some of her veins looked blackened. "While you called your father. I translated the words they mean poisonous nightmares" Hiroshi states extremely worried for Arianna. "This is bad unbelievably bad" Kiyan replies while he paced then took himself outside again. "Hiroshi go outside with Kiyan, I'll take it from here " Ryuji commands Hiroshi nods going outside to Kiyan. Ryuji begins to work on Arianna to heal her. Kiyan was pacing then punched a tree right as Hiroshi came outside leaving a large chunk knocked out with his other hand bloodied now. "Kiyan take a deep breath" as he sees Kiyan hit the tree. " He will be able to heal her" trying to soothe Kiyan anger. Kiyan looks at Hiroshi with a mixture of emotions on his face. "Yes, but it's my fault I should have been there." Hiroshi tells him in a brotherly gentle tone. "Neither of us could have seen this coming " A light chuckle could be heard a good distance beside them. " Looks like we meet again lizard breath" Deimos walks up to them with a cocky aura. "I will show you lizard breath pin head." Kiyan's voice turns into a deep growl as his hands begin to shift more like dragon claws as he steps towards the daemon.

"We will see Dragon breath. She was so trusting to random strangers" Deimos pulls out his swords getting into fighting stance. Hiroshi gets ready to fight as well behind Kiyan. Kiyan's foot digs into the ground with his snarl coming to life as he suddenly lunged with unearthly speed. Leaving a small crater where he was now standing on the other side of Deimos with his sword high in the air. when Deimos had not yet drawn before Kiyan moved. "Dammit your fast for a newbie smokey" Deimos looks surprised at first but uses his swords as a defense growling at Kiyan. Hiroshi has his sword fully drawn ready to back Kiyan with a worried look on his face. Kiyan spins around on a dime leaping up leaving himself wide open as he goes for a full frontage strike. His skin growing scales again with smoke curling from his nose. Deimos bolts at Kiyan to strike. Kiyan grabs him by the neck throwing him back away from them and the wagon. Deimos turns bolts heading towards the wagon. Hiroshi gets in his way cutting Deimos's arm clean off. "Damn you both such pain in the ass" Deimos says grunting in pain. Kiyan leaps back, with his neck is now covered in scales, he bolts over swiping low knocking the daemon off his feet. Deimos is on the ground with his swords stuck in the ground away from him. Deimos leaps up using his long claws to strike Kiyan like a feral animal. "you're delaying the inevitable dragon breath. She will die soon from the poison. she's useless for anyone but to my sin lord" he taunts, it dawns on Kiyan that he is not aware of Ryuji's presence.

Kiyan begins to chuckle darkly. As his chest begins to bleed deeply from the new cuts. "You have struck the wrong child daemon. I am not simply another lizard. I am Kiyan crossroads son of Ryuji crossroads." As he falls to his knees he shouts. "DAD!" the atmosphere around everyone drops to almost freezing temperatures a rumbling growl is heard right behind Deimos. Deimos turns towards the growls seeing Ryuji full dragon form flames leaving his nostrils with his body wrapped around the wagon Ryuji can smell the fear rolling off him. "fuck" Deimos begins to tremble in fear. Ryuji bites down onto Deimos eating him into pieces then looks to Kiyan "that daemon is no more and won't cause any more problems" he growls out slowly shifts back to human form. Kiyan falls on his side bleeding through his shirt now. Ryuji walks over to Kiyan and puts his hands on his injuries. "This will hurt" he says bluntly as blue flames erupt from his hand healing Kiyan in the process it feels icy cold but burn at the same time. Kiyan screams out in pain. Hiroshi cringes at Kiyan's pain. Ryuji fully heals Kiyan's wounds. " Your fully healed now but take a deep breath before you get up. I am going to check on the girl to make sure she pulled through" he stands and moves to the wagon passing Hiroshi. Hiroshi walks to Kiyan to keep an eye on him. Kiyan's breathing is labored as he sits on his knees his silvery white scales reflecting in the sunlight clearly now as he takes his shirt tattered shirt off, he reveals the spiraling scales down his body. "Will you be ok brother?" Hiroshi asked concerned while looking at Kiyan's scales in aww.

He nodded. "Father wouldn't let anything happen to me." "True he cares in his own unique way. would you like some help up?" Hiroshi smiles gladly he is doing ok. Kiyan nods extending his hand to Hiroshi. "Remember to take a breath" he pulls on to Kiyan to help him get up. Kiyan inhales air then coughs up sparks as he stands up. Hiroshi looks stunned by the sparks stating in a I told you so tone. "Now do you believe what I told you?" "Yep, but your stomach is on fire so, can it bro it hurts more than it looks." Hiroshi pats out the small fire with an unamused look. Ryuji walks out of the wagon with a calm expression walking over to them. Kiyan's sharp red eyed gaze shot to the ground his fiery red hair that matched his dads was salted with silvery white. "She has pulled threw but she will be weak for a few days. The poison they used on her was lethal it could have killed an angel or a daemon with it being a full bottle" he says in a neutral tone looking at Kiyan. "Thank you, dad." he softly says, his voice hoarse. He begins to cough again, sparks flying like before. Ryuji nods to them "now on to the concerns of you becoming a dragon very early Kiyan." Ryuji hands him a cup of water to drink. Kiyan takes it drinking it gratefully. "I thought I wasn't supposed to hit that till I was 500, right dad?" Kiyan questioned his father. "That is true but something specific or multiple things triggered it to activate early" Ryuji comments as he sets his index finger on his chin thinking. "Dad" Kiyan catches Ryuji's attention. Ryuji looked up to his son giving him all his attention. "I can hear a voice in my head..."Kiyan states sounding scared. "That would be your draconic mind every dragon has it. If you both are uncoordinated terrible things can happen to you and others as well. when did it first speak?" Ryuji asked him for more information.

"Yesterday evening in the woods, I left my quiver when I went to hunt for Arianna." Ryuji nods to the information "any other times it spoke?" He questions thinking of many reasons. "It talks a lot about Arianna when I'm near her." Kiyan blushes lightly embarrassed. "In what do you mean Kiyan?" Ryuji gets a hunch on what it could but wants to hear it from Kiyan. "Well Arianna dad I um it wants Arianna like infatuated with her." His cheeks became red hot as he finished his sentence not only with blush but shame. "You see her as your mate as in life mate?" as Ryuji asks as he looks astonished. Kiyan nodded looking down. "that's great you found your life mate. I am proud and cannot wait to brag to the draconic council " as his chest looks puffed with proud fatherly vibes. Hiroshi laughs holding onto his gut. Kiyan glared at Hiroshi for laughing at him. "That doesn't fix the fact I'm become a dragon so young dad I can't stop it can I?" Kiyan questioned hopeful something can be done. "It explains why you did what you did and once it starts it normally doesn't stop son. why would you want it to be dangerous?" Ryuji says curious and concern. Hiroshi puts his hands up in defeat from Kiyan's glare. "Maybe when she is well or when you're ready Kiyan tell her" Hiroshi offers an idea to ease his mind. "It hurts all over that's why I want it to stop my insides are on fire with my own skin is stabbing me. if I tell her she'll just run away, and daemons are hunting her as is telling her a dragon is her life mate, she will send us all away." Kiyan voices his concerns running his hand through his hair. "Son, I understand your pain and frustrations. the pain will fade with time then it will not hurt unless you and your draconic mind fight. hiding it for too long will upset her more than you are telling her. I had that happen with your mother fearing the same almost losing her while she was pregnant with you" he looks at his son with sincerity in his voice.

Kiyan looks down defeated. "Dad I'm scared." he tears up. "I know son take it one step at a time and keep a close eye on her slowly tell her over time of what you are. cause if you do not tell her your draconic mind will get impatient or even an accident happening causing you to reveal it" Ryuji envelopes his son in a fatherly hug. Kiyan leaned in his dad's embrace asking, "What will happen if I become an angel again?" Ryuji thinks for a moment about it. "I am not sure nothing could happen or a battle between the two will occur" sounding uncertain in his words. "Dad Will you still love me, right?" he said suddenly even stunning Hiroshi. "Yes, son I will" he hugs Kiyan tighter. "Alright I'll do my best to be the best angel dragon and youngest dragon the world has seen. I want to live to be as great as you one day." Kiyan states with happiness and pride. "I'm sure you will son." Ryuji lets go of him giving him an approval smile. He smiled back bowing to his father. Ryuji gives a small bow back disappeared leaving Kiyan and Hiroshi alone. "You will be great Kiyan and she will see it too" Hiroshi says smiling giving Kiyan encouragement. Kiyan looks at Hiroshi with a weak smile asking. "I'm not too scary looking, yet am I?" "You don't look scary at all brother, and she might not be fully alert for a few days due to the poison." Hiroshi replied sounding optimistic about the situation. "You should go check up on her" Hiroshi suggested to him. Kiyan inhales deeply as he walks to the door pausing in the doorway, he looks at Hiroshi asking. "What if I cough sparks again?" Hiroshi thinks for a moment then replies" cover your mouth with your hand and turn away from her" giving him a thumbs up.

"What if my hand catches fire?" he said, walking further inside. "Have a bowl of water nearby and If it happens dip your hand in it " Hiroshi states back while putting his sword away "Hiroshi...." Kiyan looks down at Arianna weakened form. Seeing her slowly recovering as the black color in her veins slowly began to disappear, she moves reaching her hand out with her eyes not fully open. "Kiyan " she speaks weakly. He jumps surprised taking her hand softly in his clawed ones. "I'm sorry" Kiyan says sorrowfully while her hand holds weakly on to his "w-who was the guy earlier. he reminded me o-of you" she tries to move closer to Kiyan. "It's me Arianna I just um look a little different than before." He stuttered out quickly not thinking. "Did y-you get h-hurt finding t-he stranger?" sounding worried as she tries to sit up but looks like a trembling mess. He slides beside her to support her while he waves Hiroshi to bring water. "We did everything's going to be alright now." Hiroshi brings the water and looks sad that she is in this condition. "Did you call for an herb person or shaman while I was in bed?" Kiyan realized she is talking about Ryuji as well while her breathing was steady. "It was an old friend of mine he practices medicine." Kiyan looks to Hiroshi with what do I say look. Hiroshi shrugs and whispers in Kiyan's ear "tell her what you think is right and we can clear it up later with a reason."

"That was nice of him, you have great friends" she tries to open her eyes more, but she ends up blinking several times then keeps them closed. "Well, I'd do anything for you." His voice comes out husky like he is fighting what he wants to say. A faint pink appears on her pale face" if when I get better would you like to date" she mumbles the last part while she cuddled up to him. His husky tone remains, and he does not even blush. "You will get better, and I'd love to be with you forever. " His red eyes dart to Hiroshi for help. Hiroshi looks at you like I do not know look and mouths " like I know what to say to a woman who wants to date." The two continue to exchange looks until she speaks up. "Am I making you uncomfortable Kiyan?" her eyes open enough to see almost a clear image of him. "No of course not here I'll stay with you while you rest." He holds her now trying to comfort her. "You're a kind person." she wraps her arms across his chest. " I'm lucky to have met you" She holds Kiyan slowly dosing in and out sleep. Hiroshi gets up and says, "I will get the horses all tied up and lead them into town" "should I help?" Kiyan asked while watching Hiroshi head for the door. "I got it and I think she needs a good companion right now" Hiroshi says in a calm tone. Kiyan lifts his arms as she holds him in her arms. His body curling into a soft purring sound he looked at Hiroshi like what the hell am I doing? Hiroshi shrugs as he exits the wagon, gets in the horses all strapped in. He climbs into the coach seat getting the wagon moving.

"Tell me a little about yourself " she asked Kiyan while she slowly woke up. "What do you want to know?" his voice was husky again. "Have you ever dated before?" she asked curiously. "No." he replies to her. "What kind of man are you" she takes in a deep breath exhaling slowly. "I'm a holy man." His voice sounds horse as he says it. Kiyan's dragon side states in his mind ~I am a dragon~ "are holy man aloud to date?" she asked with a confused tone thinking of a priest dating. "No, I just work for god. We can date it's not illegal." Kiyan says while trying to ignore his dragon speaking to him ~I slay daemons. and protect the innocent. ~ she hums responding to him "that's different than what I was told. but that is cool" kiyan raises an eyebrow at her statement. "I'm not a priest if that's what you're asking." He clarified for her "I'm not sure. what was your first thought on a seer?" she admits to him. "That it was fake but hey I'm not, always, right?" Kiyan replies not wanting to upset her. "I understand that. many think that way and...." she shivers at the thought. "What's wrong?" he asked concerned. "Mean people who don't like gypsy's or seers hurt them for being who they are" ~"I will not let anyone hurt you anymore "~ Kiyan and his dragon say in unison. "Thank you, Kiyan, for your kindness. but what about you what if you get hurt?" she hums feeling safe with him. "It won't be long before hurting me won't matter" he remarks to comfort her as the dragon boasts in his mind. ~Once my scales come in, I will have armor. blades will bounce right off me it will take more than a boulder or a catapult or a spear to hurt me. ~ she gives him a confused look "what do you mean by that?" he thinks for a moment, stating to her "I'm not normal. " He smiled down at her. she softly smiles back at him saying "then we go well together" "You make me feel less strange." Kiyan admits to her. ~You are my soul mate~ "I'm glad I can do something for you when I've not been much help" she admits to him. ~"Your smile is all I need"~ she yawns a little "I'll find a way to make it up to you" she slowly passes out with her grip loosening. Kiyan yawns to fall asleep in her arms. As his draconic scales, claws, and teeth vanish from him simply leaving the only clue is his once flaming red hair had little bits of silvery white to it.