Chapter 14 / the town of Alcina

The wagon has made it into Alcina Hiroshi went to a resting place for wagon travelers. He walks into the wagon saying "good morning you two love birds" as he yawns. Arianna stirring awake from hearing Hiroshi. Kiyan's out like a light still He is half sitting up sleeping position questionable for his back. Hiroshi chuckles lightly "sleep well brother?" As Arianna growls mumbling "morning" Kiyan looks up wearily and winces as he looks down at his bare chest where Ariana was laying sees five long gashes that had scarred. "Wow nice scars" Hiroshi says as he gets his bed ready and sits on the bed. Arianna sits up as she still looks a little wobbly but not trembling rubs her eyes. "Yeah, it's still fresh and tender so it hurts a bit " he said sassy tone to Hiroshi. "True you two can go explore the city for a while I need a good nap" Hiroshi admits tiredly. "Should we get some supplies while were out Hiroshi?" Kiyan questioned him. "That would be a clever idea Kiyan no telling where we will head to next once the messenger returns when I wake" Hiroshi curls up in his bed falling asleep. Kiyan nods walking outside in just his pants. He heads for his horse then pulls an old dusty cloak from his saddle bag. It looked like a royal red coat with embroidery. "Sorry it's all I have for a short now it's my dad's old coat." he told Arianna with honesty. "It is alright Kiyan. It is beautiful" she smiles warmly at the coat. They hear people moving about early in the afternoon with stalls getting set up. He nodded as he closed the bag pulling it on the dangling chains. He straddled his horse and offered Arianna a hand up.

She takes his hand loading up on the horse. Kiyan lifted her in front of him with ease. "Where do we head to first?" She asks looking up at Kiyan. "Will check the local market first then move to the trade market." Kiyan states looking ahead of him. "Sounds like a plan dear" as she looks forward curiously. He turns red as she calls him dear and spurs his horse to a trot towards the market. The horse moves along; they see a sizable number of people, but it is not too crowded in the market. "This looks promising. " Kiyan says looking around maneuvering the horse around people. "Yes, it is bigger than any other market I have seen" Arianna comments as they travel through to see supplies for food, water, even basic first aid. Kiyan leaps down and ties his horse to a post then he assists Arianna down. "Where to my lady?" he asked as the large v shape collar on his coat flares out giving him pirate vibes with his red hair not helping. "Let us get food and water supplies first then some extra first aid then some clothes too" as she turns red taking in his fresh look and mutters "wow" "Alright" he says not hearing her mutter as he helped her down, he was stunned at how light she was when just earlier it was taxing just to lift her. she giggles as she slowly walks forward heading to some of the stalls. Kiyan walked by her side keeping pace as he mulled over about making small talk with one of the vendors. he can see she is in his eyesight as she is looking getting supplies as the vender greets them. "Excuse me sir? Do you by chance sell any clothes?" The vendor looks up at Kiyan speaking to them. "I do have some. What kind of things are you looking for?" he asks as Arianna is off in her own world looking at a few items.

"Well for starters do you have anything my size?" The vendor looked Kiyan up and down then went through the sizes and pulled up a small sized box "these will be the closest to your size sir" it has a few shirts and pants in it. He looks through it and finds a pair of pants one size larger than himself and a baggy shirt. "These will have to do till I can make some." He purchased his clothes from the vendor. The vendor nods and taking the money "pleasure doing business with you sir" the vendor hands him the clothes. He folded them and placed them in a cloth bag he had brought and went to seek out Arianna. He sees her two stalls down carrying a bag of supplies looking at diverse kinds of stones. Kiyan walks up looking at them with her. ~"You deserve something that shines like you do."~ he suddenly covered his mouth. she looks up at Kiyan blushing fiddling with her hair "thank you dear" ~"None of these amount to you."~ he shivered unable to control his own words. she looks up at him stunned in awe thinking *his is the one I want* "I'm flatter let's get some food to eat I'm sure we both need it" now red as a tomato. ~"Of course, my treat."~ He winked casually and offered her his hand. she gently takes his hand and smiles "what would you like to eat?" ~Anything raw~ "Whatever you want Arianna." he fought to say. She looks at the various kinds of food and at what looks like pastry buns " how about curry buns?" as the buns look big in size.

"Hmm that sounds delightful." he says staring at the large deer being slaughtered in the back drilling a bit as he pulls himself together, he is mildly disgusted that he found it appetizing. She goes up to the vendor orders two of them and watches them get made with a mixture of meats and veggies inside a bun that is fried. Kiyan pays the vendor and looks around the market from where he stood. He noticed some people pointing and whispering and assumed it was just gossip over his height. She gently hands him his curry bun and walks to where there are less people feeling self-conscious around many people. " So many people" she whispers. moves her coat to where her arms are covered. Kiyan looks down and finds a bench to sit he places his food aside pulling Arianna into his lap so she could eat comfortably he slowly munched on his curry bun, but he only eats a small portion of it his stomach disagreeing and his own thoughts telling him it was trashy food. Arianna eats her food happily while turning red from sitting in his lap. Some people whisper about His tall height and age. Arianna being young. calling Kiyan, a pervert or a pirate whoremonger reaching Arianna's ears. From what Kiyan heard, its whispers of the caravan coming into town and what the show will be this year. Arianna thinks to herself *am I dating an older guy*. "Umm Kiyan can I ask you a question? how old are you?" she whispers the last part to Kiyan. so, the people cannot hear her ask. "I'm twenty-one why do you ask?" he says softly.

"Just wondering" as she fiddles with her hair embarrassed. "How about you Arianna? " He says casually. "twenty" she looks back at him softly smiles. "Did you think I was older?" he asked coyly teasingly. "a little" she sticks out her tongue being silly "What made you think I was?" "Well, your hair is red with flecks of white and...." her gaze went dazed out thinking about what the people whispered. "What do you mean flecks of white?" as he unties his shoulder length hair letting it drop so he can see it. "Woah it really does have white and silver in it." He seems shocked himself. "But it looks great on you" she smiles. He loosely tied his hair back up. " Thanks, Arianna." a small group of guys walk by noticing Arianna "hey good looking why doesn't you come by my place for a good time" the guy grabs her by her chin as the others back him up. She looks unamused by it blankly stares at them. Kiyan looks at them the with dark glare ~ "Why don't you go kiss your sister punk?"~ "Like you got a chance with her old man " they say grabbing her arm pulling her away from Kiyan. He stands up with his hair falling back down since he did not tie it properly, he pushes it out of the way losing sight of them in the crowd. Kiyan can lightly hear her fighting back hollering Kiyan's names right before they cover her mouth. He listens growls as her cries go silent, he sniffs the air oddly not thinking like himself. He picks up the smell many things but pinpointed her scent that he cannot miss it. He walks calmly to the location as He followed the scent getting stronger, he hears her silently whimper with the sound of her clothes getting ripped. He starts running towards her as he turns the corner, he stops dead in his tracks taking in everything he saw. He sees her pinned to the wall with torn up clothes by the main guy as the others get closer and the main one says, " now let's have some fun" His coat is flared open now from running his eyes turn from innocent blues to a violent red and his hair marks like white fire from the ends up changing color as he steps forward his footsteps sound heavy, and he growls deeply.

~"get your hands off her."~ "No get him boys " as the others rush at him with small handheld weapons. Kiyan clothes lines the first one in line watching him ram into his arm flipping face first into the gravel. The other three jump him at the same time as the main guy holds Arianna by her hair exposing her chest. Kiyan grabs one by his hair slamming him into a building. another he knees in the crotch the last he deadlocks snaping his neck stepping on the man's face a sickening crunch can be heard. but his gaze does not falter as he rears back his fist and slams it into the man's face who is holding his mate. Kiyan crawls atop him pinning him laying blows to his torso and head pummeling him to a pulp. Arianna covers herself shaking muttering " you humans are damned to hell" as part of her hair turns purple then she rushes to Kiyan to get him to stop. He keeps throwing punches until he sees her and stops dead. "Please stop I know he did hurtful things to me, but it won't fix it " He nods once still in a kind of daze. She kisses his cheek "thanks for saving me" as she tries to keep her chest covered with her torn coat. He takes his long coat off and slowly moves to takes hers gently to not scare her "may I?" his bright innocent blue eyes looking into hers. She looks to him giving him a nervous nod "yes, you may" He removes her coat and shirt with care places his coat over her. The coat is so long it is dragged on the ground, he buttoned it fully, so it covered her well. She gently pulls her hair out from inside the jacket and lets it sit on her chest as he can see the tip is a dark purple. He blows it off more concerned for her wellbeing and says, "Let's head back" She nods following him without saying a word shaking a little in fear. He lifted her up carrying her back to the horse. his own nerves on end as he involuntarily growls with draconic fangs to any man who comes near. She holds onto him tightly "Kiyan" ~"Yes love?"~ "I-I'm sorry love " she stated sounding scared. ~"you have nothing to apologize for this was my fault."~ he states as he sets you atop his horse.

"But I couldn't defend myself because I'm weak" she looked down ashamed of herself. ~"there was five of them, any normal man would have been torn to shreds, Arianna you are extraordinarily strong for even telling them no."~ he says as he mounts his steed spurring it to a trot back to the wagon. The horse trots out of the area heading to the wagon. Arianna thinks to herself she needs to speak to her father when she can. ~"I think Hiroshi will enjoy the rest of this curry bun."~ he chuckled changing the subject. "He probably will like it " she snuggles into him more like she wants to hide. He holds her close as they arrive. They get to the wagon as a light snore can be heard coming from the wagon. "Hiroshi!" he shouts caring Arianna still. He hears Hiroshi fall out of the bed and runs out the door "what the high heavens happened" hiroshi looking to them concerned. "Hiroshi calm down I handled it Just some punks" Hiroshi holds the door open "looks to be more than that " Hiroshi says skeptically watching them. "Well Arianna was... ~Were not going to speak of this it will not happen again~" his voice shifts halfway through his sentence. Hiroshi looks startled "o-okay" "Here go lay down Arianna. Me and Hiroshi will be outside if you need us for anything." Kiyan stated as he started stepping outside. "Ok" she replies going into her nook and closing her curtains with Hiroshi walking out behind kiyan. Kiyan paces outside his footsteps heavily as he walked, he looks stressed out. "Speak to me Kiyan please " Hiroshi pleads with him. "I let this happen she got hurt because I wasn't paying attention" Kiyan answers Hiroshi in a distraught tone. "Let what happened? " Hiroshi inquired wanting to understand his stress. "They tried to sexually assault her." Kiyan replied pulling at his hair with the hair ribbon long gone.

"Damn but you did save here from any further harm" Hiroshi tries to help him feel better. ~"It should not have happened."~ Kiyan and his dragon speaking at the same time. "Some people are like that just as bad as some sins are" he grabs ahold of Kiyan's shoulders "you got to her in time instead of being too late a lot worse could have happened to her" sounding like an older brother to Kiyan. "Hiroshi, I don't feel well...." Kiyan admits looking a little famished. "When was the last time you ate anything?" He looked at Kiyan worried. Kiyan hands Hiroshi the curry bun he only took one bite from. "It didn't set right on my stomach." Kiyan states while Hiroshi took the curry bun. "Go to the forest and listen to your instincts for food. She will be in the wagon the rest of the night I promise" Hiroshi told Kiyan with a gentle commanding tone. Kiyan nodded and began walking towards the woods. Hiroshi checks on Arianna seeing she is fast asleep, closes her curtains and pulls out the feather ringing the bell on it calling the messenger. Hearing the bell, the angel lands outside of the wagon. Hiroshi exits the wagon seeing the messenger "good to see you again" Hiroshi addresses the angel "And to you as well. But times are dark Hiroshi. I brought you books for Kiyan, and the council sends warnings." The angel replies while handing Hiroshi the books. "Thank you for the books and what is the warning?" Hiroshi questioned sounding worried as he takes the books. "Be prepared for battle with Gluttony and the angel of hope watches over the seer but cannot always see her so fair with caution brother." The angel uses brother in a godly way unlike Kiyan who means it like a sibling. "Thanks for the information. what could keep an angel from seeing them?" Hiroshi questioned confused. "Daemons lurking near, magic no telling at this point in time. Hiroshi and how is Kiyan holding up with the change? We heard his father was called upon." The angel inquired about Kiyan "I think he's conflicted.

his father figured out why it bloomed early" Hiroshi replies to the angel. "Really? The angelic council would love to know to prevent a crisis in the future." The angel asked with curiosity. "He found his mate or life partner Arianna the seer" Hiroshi states honestly. "Wait the seer is Kiyan's life partner that is a crazy accident. Well, he is on track with you for becoming Angel's again so keep up the excellent work Hiroshi the council is counting on you." The angel encourages him. "We will do our best for the upcoming battle and make sure she is away from the fight" Hiroshi tells the angel. "That would be best. I should go now. Keep an eye on her and stay safe." The angel says looking around cautiously then he opens his wings. "Safe travels to you to brother" as he holds the books close, so they do not fly out of his arms. The angel took flight the wind from his wings buffeting Hiroshi a bit as the angel spiraled off into the clouds as the angel leaves. We moved to Kiyan in the woods to hunt alone well, mostly alone. He is walking through the woods huffier and puffier than hunting. The woods are silent and still as there is a full moon out, he can see quite clearly, he starts to calm down some as he hunts. He rubs his face as he looks about feeling heat in his gut and a tightening feeling ~you are going to throw up that food or breath fire~ he says bluntly. "Fire?" he mumbled. ~you are a dragon child~ He clenches stomach falling on his knees as he begins to vomit. ~gross~ the dragon admits grossed out. "Well, it happens." he growled as he looked around.

~now you can hunt properly ~ the dragon purrs. "For what if I'm just goanna puke it up again?" he snarls back at the dragon in his mind. ~really? have you tried raw~ the dragon suggested to him. "That's just asking to get sick." Kiyan says coughing a bit from the acid stuck in his throat as he starts walking again spotting a small lake ahead of him. ~raw is better most of the time for dragons and you are one too~ the dragon states in a matter-of-fact tone. "Well, I'm still partially human I'm not a dragon yet." He retorts to his dragon ~true your palate will be unsure for a while~ the dragon admits to him "Damned." Kiyan muttered as he leaped onto a rabbit involuntarily clawing it open, taking a bite. Kiyan feels it tastes normal but weird at the same time. ~eat up we need to be strong for anything that comes our way~ the dragon states as Kiyan shreds into it. "God, I hate this" ~get over it I am sure neither of us want to be so weak we cannot keep her safe~ he growls out as Kiyan finished off the rabbit. ~feel better now ~ "A little." ~that is good to hear~ he begins to feel his body get stronger and tougher. "Whoa what is this feeling?" ~you got stronger from eating it raw like a dragon would~ Kiyan feels rejuvenated and no longer feeling sick but a little thirsty. He stood up walking towards the river.

As he stepped into the river, he cupped his hands scooping up water while drinking it. He can see his reflection and have a clear mind over the events of today. Kiyan looks down at his own reflection with the white that had nearly overtaken his hair color. He touches the water watching it ripple and smooth back out. He watched as his soft blue eyes fade to red when he heard it speak. ~You are ready. To start shifting~ as he feels his body twist changing as Kiyan begin to take on his dragon form. He grips his hair as it takes on its full white coloration now with his hands clawed. He backs up out of the river onto the grassy bank, he feels his ears become sharper looking down at his chest. He can see the silvery white chest plates cutting through his ripped skin. He looks up in pain when he feels his tail rip free from his back. He crawls towards the woods as his arms become steadily littered with scales. As the final stage ended, he felt weak from the transformation but felt a rise in strength. ~how do you feel now~ as the forest that looked big is now smaller in size.

"It feels wrong." he growled as he curled up around a tree with a huffed his body still in pain. ~you will get used to it soon. then it will be easy as pie for you ~ it grumbles at his statement. As He huffed a large plume of smoke came out of his mouth. "I refuse to breath fire just the sparks burned me last time." ~ oh, why is that are you scared of breathing fire~ the dragon lightly taunts him. "No, it's just too risky if I get injured." Kiyan says looking around to make sure no one is around still. seeing the forest has no people in it. ~it would sting you but not overly harm~ the dragon said bluntly. "Yeah, and a forest fire would have people crawling all over" he snapped back in matter-of-fact tone. ~good point what if it was in the middle of a fight~ Kiyan put his head under a clawed hand like he was tired of talking and just laid there a white scaly loaf with no wings. The voice does not say a word giving Kiyan some peace. He lays motionless for a bit enough for the wildlife to return. He snatches a deer in his claws and starts to eat again, his stomach still in knots with his body drained from fighting the change that happened. ~when you are ready to go back, I will help you shift back~ it states calmly and kindly. He just finished the deer ignoring his own thoughts. And slowly stood up stretching cat like. It sighs it is close to midnight with the moon high in the sky. He curled back up and appeared to be trying to sleep.

While Kiyan drifts off into sleep the dragon takes control and slowly shifts back to his human form heads back to the wagon. ~Stupid young self does not understand~ he thinks as he walks. He approaches the wagon and hears Hiroshi lightly snoring. He opened the door and changed into shorts scales still glimmering in some spots, but he could care less he was going to sleep with his mate regardless. ~Where is she, I know her bed was this way~ he sees the curtain where her bed nook would be picking up her scent when he got closer. Climbs slowly up in her nook curling his body around her as he gets comfortable. ~Stupid mortal self, letting anyone touch her that way other than myself...~ he muttered pissed as he embraced her. He sees she had put a new shirt on, with his coat folded up in the corner of the nook. she lets out a hum as she is embraced in her sleep. He lays his head protectively over her chest not really realizing it is on her breast and he falls asleep purring to her hums. she mumbles in her sleep "Kiyan" with her face changing from calm to a pained look as her heartbeat slowly increases. He shifts a bit but does not wake up. "Please don't leave" she starts to shift in her sleep. His embrace tightens on her as he wakes up. "How did I get here?" he whispered to himself mildly panicking and feels his dragon had something to do with it as he noticed she is asleep but in a panicky state "please don't go" as her hand moves to reach out.

He shifts over her and into her arms hoping to calm her some. He sees her take in a deep breath then wakes up panting. Kiyan blinks knowing he still has scales and is in her bed. Arianna hugs him tightly "your back " she lets out a shaky breath not noticing the scales. He sighed relieved she did not notice his hair was pure white as well as that he was speckled with scales he just leaned in her embrace. "I thought you left " she cried thinking the dream was real. "Why would I leave?" he whispered his voice messed up from the shift. "I don't know what, but something happened between us in my dream to where you left me behind " He caressed her cheek with his clawed hand. ~"You couldn't make me that angry so easily."~ She leans into his touch putting her hand on his. "Promise?" ~"so long as you accept me for what I am."~ his voice was low and husky. "I would accept you know no matter what you are" as she blushes at his voice. ~"That makes me happy."~ he said with his voice still husky. ~"I am going out to patrol now it is nearly dawn. Please get some more rest love."~ Kiyan replies to her. "Okay" as she gently kisses him on the cheek while laying back down.

"Be safe dear" as she is curled up. He tucked her in and went to patrol. As he got outside, he began to tremble. "If I can't even control my own body, how am I supposed to honor my father" Kiyan asked himself ~every dragon goes through this I am sure your father would agree~ the dragon gives some form of comfort. "it's your fault I'm only twenty-one your literally four hundred and seventy-nine years early." The dragon growls back ~I was not expecting us to find our mate this early either ~ "Well I was willing to wait." Kiyan states he starts scaling up a building. ~you would not have known unless I said something~ "Whoa." He stopped taking in the rooftop view, he had forgotten how beautiful it was to fly. ~it is a beautiful sight to see~ the dragon likes the view as well. "Wouldn't you like to.... fly." Kiyan softly says knowing his thoughts and words can be heard but dread is in the back of all. ~yes, but when you shifted no wings appeared. we may have to earn them~ the dragon said sounding sad in a way. "Earn my wings just like in heaven." he joked, lightening the mood a little. ~I think so, but I am sure we will get the chance soon. since we do have a mission to complete~ "finally on my page huh." he scoffed as he stepped into the center of the rooftop. the dragon sighs ~many questions remain though~ Kiyan spun on a dime. "you're about to answer mine too." he said, breaking into a sprint for the ledge. ~what is it~ "how strong are you." as he leaps off the ledge falling towards the gravel below. ~pretty strong now are strong enough yourself~ He hits the gravel with a gentle puff of dirt, and he stood dusting himself off. "I do work out." ~good that will be great in any battle we may have. considering we are chasing after a sin lady~ "well I don't think we are strong enough I honestly think we should test what we could do together." Kiyan suggested to the dragon. ~what do you have in mind? ~ a feeling of curiosity rises from the dragon "I can punch a tree taking half of it out what can you do?" Kiyan questioned the dragon. ~I can harden our scales to were nothing can damage it and when your ready breath fire~ "All right do that to my hand I will get us to the woods." He states moving quickly on foot towards the woods. ~very well~ he feels his scales grow over his hands feel light but strong.

~are you ready~ the dragon asked him "I was born ready" Kiyan said as he stopped running looking around his environment. The dragon chuckles ~good~ Kiyan sees a variety of trees that seem close together. Kiyan steps up to the first one placing his clawed scaled hand on it taking a deep breath. He feels like he hit through air and the tree starts to tumble down. "Whoa." he said, finding a larger tree by taking a swing at it only punching three-fourths of the way through. the jar of the punch jots his shoulder because the tree did not fall. "Shit." Kiyan cursed under his breath ~flatten your hand and swipe across like your hand is a blade~ the dragon suggests. Kiyan does so by jumping up swiping at the same tree higher up. flaying it in a clean blow without the jagged breaks of punching. ~impressive job~ the dragon compliments him with pride. "Whew..." Kiyan pants catching his breath. "~take your time use this knowledge for fighting as well~ the dragon patently waits on Kiyan. "Then let's find a fight." Kiyan stands up then starts running back into town. He walks through town looking around. He spots one of the men that harmed Arianna is surprisingly alive walking around searching. He sidestepped into an alleyway watching the man from the shadows. "Damn where is that seer. she needs to die before Gluttony gets here" the man goes down one of the dark alleys nearby. Kiyan's expression goes from anger to pure Wrath as he starts walking around the corner into the alleyway where the man went. ~be careful Kiyan~ the dragon warns even though he is pissed as well. the man did not notice Kiyan yet with one clawed hand Kiyan digs into the building with his pointed boots helping him scale up the wall. the man turns around not seeing Kiyan "damn animals. Why in the hell does he want the seer dead? She looks like good candy" The man talks to himself while he continues walking.

"I am goanna kill him" Kiyan muttered from above stalking him after some time of trailing the man he spots an opportunity to strike as the man stares across the street. He leapt down from behind and used his own weight to impale the man straight threw gripping his heart in his claws. Kiyan whispered in a possessive tone in the man's ear. ~"You will not harm what is mine."~ a minute before the life left the dying man. the man did not say a thing as he drops to the ground dead as a wave of relief a dread from the info he has learned. Kiyan inhaled deeply dropping the man and his heart. Kiyan walked out of the alley into the street coated in blood. he sees the streets are empty at this hour ~we should wash up Kiyan~ Kiyan nodded to himself and started walking towards the river. He reaches the river he can feel the dragon thinking but not voicing his words. He strips down stepping into the water to wash himself. the water icy on his bare skin but where he has scales not so much. The dragon stays silent as dawn begins to rise. ~she will wake in a few hours~ Kiyan dries off putting on his pants walking back. As he gets closer to the wagon, he sees some people out walking around. He turns to see the wagon door being opened. He steps into the open still partially dragon. Kiyan bumps into Hiroshi "did you sleep at all Kiyan?" Hiroshi inquired Kiyan with a raised eyebrow. He looks at Hiroshi a little tiredly. "Yeah a few hours."

" I have news from the heavens " he backs up to let Kiyan in. Kiya walks into the wagon and sits down "What is the news?" Kiyan questioned while looking at Hiroshi. "Gluttony plans to bring a battle here soon and the angels will give assistance in the fight" Hiroshi replies to him. "I am aware of this. I overheard a daemon last night." Kiyan says poking the dying fire as he inhaled deeply and blew out a white-hot flame on the firewood relighting it rubbing his throat. "I guess all we can do now is wait. what should we do for Arianna's safety?" he asked, watching the fire coming back to life. "We should go about like nothing's happened would be the safest bet for everyone." Kiyan suggested it to Hiroshi. He nods in agreement "understandable, how are you holding up? have they brought some books to help with your dragon things?" Hiroshi informs Kiyan by pointing to a bag they are in. "I'm grateful for the books I'll read them. I am tired. My brother last night did not bode well for me." Kiyan tells Hiroshi in a low tone. Arianna opens her curtains walking out to them "morning guys" she says cheerfully. "Morning Arianna" Kiyan says softly watching her. She smiles at them she turns reaching up for a jar bringing it down to make breakfast for everyone. Hiroshi says "morning" she sets plates on the table for the boys as her hair sits on her chest. Kiyan's gaze follows her unfaltering his red eyes spooking Hiroshi a bit. "Easy Kiyan she not going to vanish out of thin air" Hiroshi whispers while she is not paying attention. "Never know these days." Kiyan states bluntly. Hiroshi sighs knowing he is not wrong "true I can't argue with that. I would be doing the same if I found a person I like" he eats his food that Arianna made. Kiyan does not touch his passing it to Hiroshi. "I ate already." Hiroshi passes the empty one, so Arianna thought he ate the food. She sits down to start eating her food. Kiyan stokes the fire with more wood. After she finishes eating, she re-braids her hair. As she finishes braiding her hair, she sees it is halfway purple a look of oh shit look remembering. Hiroshi looks up at Arianna asking, "are you alright did you forget about something?" Kiyan's gaze shifts to Hiroshi.

"I guess, I got my hair into something cause half of it is an unusual color, but I do not remember" she touches her chin thinking. "I could say the same." With his hair being completely white now not helping the situation. Hiroshi gives Kiyan an unamused look. "True but yours looks good and normal. purple is not a natural color for hair" Arianna states bluntly to him. "Sure, but I am not old either, so it raises questions." Kiyan says looking at Hiroshi asking him. "How good can you cut hair I need a trim I don't want to get accidentally recognized for what happened last night." Hiroshi nods understanding his hint replies. "I can cut hair pretty well. how short do you want it" Arianna curls up in her seat thinking. "Leave an inch or two cutting it as I was going to pass my dad off. It is sacred to keep it long, but I do not have a choice right now." Kiyan says mid yawn revealing his long canines and mouth full of sharp teeth. "Very well Kiyan" Hiroshi replies while he starts cutting his hair. She takes the dishes and cleans them, zoning in and out. Kiyan watches the fire, so he does not see his heritage and life's work falling to the ground. Hiroshi finishes cutting Kiyan's hair a gets rid of the hair on the ground, so Kiyan does not have to see it. "All done brother" Arianna finishes cleaning the plates she turns around seeing Kiyan's new hair style. He stands up running a clawed hand into his hair shaking it, so it does not have any loose hair. "Do I look alright Arianna?" he asked, turning to face her. "stunning" was all that she could say. She looked like she drooled a little bit. Kiyan blushed a bit. "R... r... really?" "Yes," she replied, her face turning red. "You both are too cute" Hiroshi says raking the moment between them. "Hiroshi Gluttony is closing in on us." he said suddenly remembering what the daemon said last night. "How close" Hiroshi asked wanting to know. Arianna looks at them confused. "Nearly atop of us" Kiyan says bluntly. "Damn he must be preparing for the right time to attack" Hiroshi says as Arianna goes into her nook and comes out in her performance outfit grabbing her bag.

Kiyan stands looking at Hiroshi telling him. "I think I slowed them down but not by much." "That's good " Hiroshi says as Arianna puts her hair up in a braided bun. Kiyan goes to run his hand through his hair forgetting he just had it cut pausing. "I'll go get changed." Kiyan speaks in a softer tone. He heads for his saddle bag pulling out his new clothes he bought and going to change in the woods. He gets his clothes changed Kiyan sees Arianna is getting Baira dressed up for the upcoming performance. He watches for a minute or two before heading out, changing, and coming back. Kiyan return, he sees Hiroshi watching Arianna as she brings out Baira and jumps on the horse with ease practicing a few of her routines. Kiyan finds one of the books Hiroshi mentioned and begins to read. The first book he picks is on the basics of coming into your dragon powers with the signs and the changes. He reads intently on the changes that would occur. some changes can be triggered by emotions like rage, pain, and others. When the dragon earns, its wings will happen in human form can be painful or not. "Painful." he muttered as he looked for symptoms and signs of the wings. Searing sensation right before they appear. "Humph more like ripping tearing burning and bone breaking." he grumbles. ~yep~ the dragon speaks. The book shows several types of dragon wings, but none have angels in them. He looks at the different shapes and sizes. He sees some are big and small in human form and incredibly detailed. He proceeded to read on to scale styles, shapes, and types. He sees some are oval shaped and circular with Some of the scales look like jagged armor and other look smooth as silk. "Can I change the type or is it a set natural pattern " he whispered to himself asking his dragon. ~Yes, it just takes a small amount of energy for it~ he comes across uses on scales in many ways.

He reads deeper before looking up to see what the others are doing. He sees Hiroshi clapping as Arianna is doing a handstand on Baira's back. Kiyan's skin crawls as he watches refraining from getting up and getting her down because he saw it as dangerous. ~she is flexible for a performer ~ his dragon purrs. As she bends backward standing up on the Baira's rear. He gets chills again that crawl up his spine as his scales and claws vanish. ~ good to see you have some control over your scales do you want to read another book ~ "yeah." He puts down a book and picks up another. He picks up another book on tips and tricks on using your dragon form. "This seems pointless." as he opens it up. finds information on how to easily transition between forms without too much trouble with how to fight in dragon form. He reads the information silently disagreeing with some of it. He sets the book down picking up another glancing up to Arianna. He sees her do a back flip as she lands, she does the splits taking deep breaths from her practicing. He blinked to make sure he saw it right. He sees that she did what he saw, and she gets up petting Baira. He looks back down at his next book. The next book is on dragons and mate behaviors. He opened it, turning away from Hiroshi and Arianna as he began to read cheeks pink. He sees it describes how you know who your mate is. Diverse types of mate rituals and list of know pairings of dragons and other types but two kinds.

He reads the list of known pairings First. He reads every pairing, but angels and daemons are left blank marked unknown showing possible character traits on offspring of those known pairings. "Makes since an angel would never be with a daemon." ~like oil and water none are known to mix with dragons either ~ "interesting." He finds this peculiar yet fitting for Nobel reasons. ~for daemons they are only seen as monsters and that there is no good in them. for angels it depends~ He moves on to another section growing bored of all the detailed context. He sees a part in marking mates. He investigates it involuntarily. It reads that both partners would need to agree to the marking and the mark could be anything from a bite to tattoos. "That's deep." he whispered. As he read about bodily changes that may occur once finding a mate. The body develops more muscle mass to look more mature and other physical features could change to impress the mate. protective instincts the need to be around the mate and watch over them. easily agitated when mate is threatened or flirted by other males. He continues to read more on changes and symptoms. After the mate is marked, they can feel each other's pain, strong emotions and when they are injured. When extreme situations occur involving the mate the dragon instincts kick into overdrive to defend. "Well, that's helpful" he puffed as he kept reading. ~yep~ as Kiyan continues to read and sees a small chapter on showing their mate, they are a dragon. He turns to it and begins to read it. The book shows subtle hints to more obvious ones like showing their dragon powers. As Kiyan continues to read Arianna sneaks up behind Kiyan "its time go dear" in a cheerful hyper tone.

He slammed the book shut and looked up. "Oh. Okay..." he says stuttering as he collects the books shoving them in his bag. She laughs managing to surprise him as she loads up on Baira with Baira trotting in place. He goes to his horse, and it rears up as he scrambles back "Guess I'm walking." he said looking at Hiroshi. Hiroshi looks surprised by the horse. "Well, that is odd I will walk as well. unless you want to ride with Arianna" His eyes flash red for only a moment ~"We can both walk do not need to spook her horse."~ Kiyan states to Hiroshi "ok Arianna lead the way" Hiroshi says as Arianna leads them to the main plaza were the performance is taking place. Kiyan keeps his head down as he walks hands stuffed in his pockets. "Are alright Kiyan?" Hiroshi asks as they follow behind her. "I'm fine just feel a little heavy is all." he said as he kept walking. "Ok if you say so you looked like you almost had a heart attack when she surprised you" he chuckles as they get closer to the plaza. "I nearly did I'm not easily spooked like I used to be?" Kiyan states unamused by Hiroshi "True it was funny to see. she was going to just walk up you, but she got a mischievous look and spooked you" Hiroshi replies to him. They start to notice crowds of people are coming into see the show as Arianna leads them to front row seats. Kian stands he had a bad feeling about the wooden chairs he had Hiroshi sit at the end corner, so they had a better view of the crowd and Arianna. They see Arianna meet up with the rest of the crew getting on their horses. From what they can see her horse has no saddle but decorated in black, white and hints of purple. they all start performing as Arianna is onstage dancing with other female gypsy's playing with fire.

Then they see the riders hold up thin polls with small platforms on top as the crowd's cheer. Kiyan's gaze leered over the crowd. He noticed the riders had torches and a jar with some kind of liquid. They put the liquid in their mouths and blew fire as Arianna running up each with a torch in hand and her cheeks puffed out full of the liquid. Once she reaches the top, she blows on the torch creating a big flame as the crowd claps amazed. "Humph.... hahaha" he started laughing when he saw it. They hear her whistle doing a flip ten feet in the air landing on her horse. They all do synchronized dancing with their horse moving around. His laughter stopped and he watched intently, his eyes slowly turning red, knowing the danger. Suddenly on the stage a daemonic portal opens scaring people and the animals nearby. People start leaving in fear as daemons come out ready to attack.