Chapter 15 / the battle and discovery

Gluttony walks out of the portal in his full sin lord form grinning like a mad man. Kiyan's gaze went from Hiroshi to Arianna. He began to sprint as scales ripped onto his face and spine his hands form into claws as his primary objective was to protect the seer. Hiroshi rushes with Kiyan calling the angels. As Gluttony sees the seer he yells "attack!" as many rank threes and lowers run out to the people ready to kill. Arianna tries to control Baira but gets bucked off then the horse takes off. The angels appear keeping the daemons back from leaving the area. Kiyan leapt onto the stage darting between the Angel's and daemons. he reaches Arianna quickly to see she has minor scraps from her fall as some daemons approach them both grinning ready to strike. Kiyan swept her up darting past them. Hiroshi jumps in fighting the daemons back as Kiyan got Arianna away from the fight. He manages to get a fair distance away from the fight before carefully setting her down his draconic scales on both his cheeks to his hands and up his arms making him look terrifying. he knelt to her looking at her wounds. As he reaches out to her his clawed hand becomes normal, he pulls her skirt gently back to see the cuts.

"I'm ok Kiyan their only minor" she manages to speak still shaken. He kissed her knee then looked back out to the fight "Stay here." He commands her in a serious tone. She nods "yes" she moves back. Kiyan's hand returns to a silvery claw as he ran out into the battle leaping up and slicing one in half like had done the tree. She watches from her hiding spot wanting to help but fears what Kiyan would think of her. He suddenly jumped into the air spewing white hot flames across about three daemons. "Vesper what are you doing here? you shouldn't be here in the battle zone" Pride growls as he watches the fight with her. "I was targeted by someone; please be safe Kiyan" she states watching Kiyan draw his sword as he disappeared into the fray. Arianna loses sight of him and looks around panicky. Pride looks at her worried "you like someone don't you" Pride questions her. she nods then replies "yes, father I do he's kind" Pride rolls his eyes at her statement then speaks "I will not believe it unless he is your soul mate no one in the world likes daemons regardless of if they try to do good so we gave up trying" she listens to her father's words. "I'm willing to risk it and find out" she replies with her tail swayed as she uses her daemon sight to search for Kiyan. She can see Kiyan pinned with a daemonic blade in his shoulder about thirty feet away. she lets out a deep feral growl as she runs, she turns into her full sin lady form attacking the daemon that harmed Kiyan killing it. She roars loudly standing in front of Kiyan protecting him. Gluttony sees her then escapes through the portal before the angels can catch him. The angels use heavenly chains to tie her down. She thrashes screaming in pain. Kiyan is blinded in pain by the sword lodged in his arm as he shouts "Hiroshi! Help!" Hiroshi runs to Kiyan to help him remove the blade.

the daemon before them stops thrashing trying to move closer to Kiyan but could not move. As the sword is removed his body becomes encased in draconic scales, he pushes himself up his shoulder bleeding heavily as he looks at the sin lady chained by Angel's above him. You see into the daemon's eyes they seem familiar with worry and fear as it lets out a cooing sound like it is trying to talk. He feels a heat swelling feeling in his chest when they make eye contact. She leans closer, she lifts her hand up to reach out to his injury as black liquid falls from her eyes. one of the younger angels uses a chain to wrap around the daemon's wrist thinking she is going to harm Kiyan. She lets out wine but keeps her arm still. Kiyan looks to the arch angel walking up to Hiroshi and walks over to them. one of the angels walks up to Kiyan and Hiroshi "well done you two. you draw out the sin lady of Wrath." as the other angel's circle around her as one with a giant axe walked to her. She begins to panic and gargled franticly saying "don't leave" was all everyone could hear her say as she tries to protect herself. Kiyan looks up at the sin and looks to the arch angel. "Have we been reanointed as angels?" Kiyan asked the arch angel. "Yes, you completed the mission" she swipes at the angels to stay away but pants from fatigue.

Kiyan looked to the arch angel "I'll be back sir I have to check on someone I care for deeply." Kiyan says as he jogged off to where he left Arianna. The angel nods as he gets to where Arianna was and sees that it's empty, but he sees black liquid claw marks leading up to the daemon as he gets suspicion the daemon knows. Kiyan clenches his side dropping to his knees as he suddenly feels his skin burning as he raises his shirt to look, he sees a tattoo of two big roses burning into his skin.... He hears the daemon collapse and cries out in pain as her tattoo glows through her blackened skin. "Kiyan, you need to see this!" Hiroshi yells at Kiyan. Kiyan looks up from his own burning skin to Hiroshi then the daemon as he feels the dragon growl. ~"That's our Arianna."~ he notices the angel about ready to swing down to cut the daemons head off. she tried to move but was chained down preventing her from moving. Kiyan runs his body pushed to the max as he slides in front of the axe, his wings ripping free. His hands are held up to stop the blow, his back bloodied from the wings tearing free, but he did not care he had to stop this at once. he panted hard, not even noticing the huge wings spanning across his back. The angels stepped back stunned.

"Kiyan what are you doing? that thing needs to die" an overconfident angel yells angry as a light weak growl emits from the daemon's throat. Kiyan's own growl echoed twice as loud as the daemons. His flames crackle from his mouth at the overconfident angel. ~"Touch her and you will die"~ Kiyan snaps back "why do you defend this beast of a monster. it is no one" the overconfident angel argues back as Kiyan noticed her hair by his feet begin to turn purple. Kiyan's body cracks as he shifted into his draconic form and in a clean bite ripped the overconfident angel's wings off. Hiroshi backs the other angels off" they're a mated pair dumb ass!" Hiroshi shouts at the angels. "Kiyan if this true show us you can calm her down" angel of hope speaks in a gentle tone to Kiyan. He huffed a huge cloud of black smoke and turned his long draconic wings stretched to the max blocking the Angel's from getting near them as his tail coiled around her with his head leaned against hers, he huffed his red eyes glimmering like Ruby's. "We will have to wait till he calms down as well miss hope" Hiroshi states to lady hope. "That is fine Hiroshi, she will live as long as she does not cause problems for use in the future" angel of hope says. Hiroshi moves closer "Kiyan please let me take the chains off her so she can recover please brother" Hiroshi speaks to Kiyan being sincere. Kiyan's tail snaps like a blade breaking the chains on contact as he curled around her laying down, he puffed a small cloud of smoke at Hiroshi. "Stubborn as ever" he stands there giving a light chuckle. Arianna gently nuzzles Kiyan's face "Kiyan I'm sorry for not telling you I was afraid" she says to Kiyan. Kiyan's large maw opened as he picked Hiroshi up by his shirt putting him on his back as he turned facing the rest of the Angel's he let out a deafening roar. Arianna looks at the angels thinking her hair returns to solid black and she kisses Kiyan's cheek "they didn't know darling please relax " as she coos trying to calm Kiyan.

After a few minutes Arianna returns to her human form with her hair on her face. Kiyan places his head at her eye level. She hugs Kiyan's snout humming happily kissing his snout. He scooped her up in a large, clawed paw with his free one he took a claw curled her hair as he ran a talon down her cheek lovingly. she smiles brightly "do you feel better?" His forked tongue flicked tasting the air tickling her just lightly as he curled looking at the Angel's baring his mouth full of fangs as he pulls Hiroshi down in his clawed paws with Arianna and looked deep in his eyes as a husky growl came out. ~" If anything happens to her, I will slaughter God's army."~ the angels were stunned by what they had witnessed. "She will not be harmed by us Kiyan of the crossroads. she is a rare gem" angel of hope speaks. Arianna stiffens a giggle at the angels. He sets them both down as he shifted his wings still on his back his draconic tail tracing the ground in a curl around Arianna and his Horns arching out of his hair his cheeks scaled down to his hands as he let out a deep sigh flames arcing as he did, and he walked to Arianna embracing her in his arms protectively. "We will leave for now rest well Kiyan, Arianna, and Hiroshi. I fear the fight has just begun with the other sins. she is excluded from the list and can help if she wishes to" as angel of hope bows her head lightly. Kiyan's body trembled as he let out a growl as he nodded with his eyes like knives. With a snap of the angel of hopes fingers everything is fixed like nothing happened as they disappear, and it is now nighttime. Kiyan wobbles a bit now his breathing labored as he lifts Arianna in his arms he pants as he Carries her back to her wagon... "Kiyan are you sure you're well enough to carry me" Arianna asks concerned as Hiroshi follows behind as they head to the wagon. He nodded as they arrived at the camp, and he stepped into the wagon.

Hiroshi closes the door behind them and lays down on his bed. "What a day" "Went better than I thought it would." Arianna admits. Kiyan sets Arianna down carefully before he collapses. Arianna tries to lift him up enough to get him on the bed by Hiroshi. He seemed a lot heavier than before, his wings vanishing as she lifted him leaving nothing but a pile of white feathers in his wake. she tucks him in, cleaning up the mess, and says "sleep well" Hiroshi falls asleep in his bed exhausted from the battle. Kiyan's human features slowly return throughout the night he grows feverish. she dips a towel into icy water putting it on his forehead. He looked pale and he was sweating. removes the blanket and dabs a cold rage on his body. He turns, revealing the two large gashes on his back that had soaked the bed with blood. She cleans out the gashes and sews them shut then wraps it up with her heart racing a little as she cleans the bed. He lays there, his breathing is shallow. She lays her head gently on his chest and curls up around him with tail resting near his injury "please be okay love" she says mid yawn. He rested silently through the rest night into the day. Arianna fights the urge to sleep to make sure Kiyan's injury heals safely. His head lulls to the side as he begins to snore. She shakes her head and yawns happily. He is resting okay. A few days pass and Hiroshi set them out of town to avoid the raging townsfolk they had stopped in the forest to gather water, food, and Kiyan wakes up finally that evening while they are out. Arianna helps Hiroshi with the work quietly while Kiyan rests from his injuries.

He stepped outside hardly able to keep his feet under him as he stumbled for the nearest tree, his own body weight pulling him down as the large tree bows a bit as he leans on it groggily. "Kiyan you should be resting " she walks over to him with worry sitting by him. He slid to the ground sitting in the softer dirt around him caving in with ease. he mumbled "how long have I been out?" "A few days we are now in the woods. Hiroshi didn't want get mixed up with angry villagers." She replied to him by kissing his forehead. "Where is Hiroshi?" he mumbled. "Making breakfast in the wagon" He nodded and as he pushed himself up the dirt cratered around his hand. He wobbled a bit walking towards the woods. "I'll be back Arianna I have to take a leak." He walked swaying into the woods. "Okay dear be safe" as she begins to clean dirty clothes and sheets in a big bucket hanging up the clean ones on the line. He wobbled a safe way out of sight and did his business his attention snapping up as a deer walked right up him. The deer stares at Kiyan for a moment then runs off. Kiyan tumbles after it, his stomach growling as he fumbles through the trees and sees a few deer nearby and spots an injured deer. He hunkers down on all fours and like a wolf he leapt out tackling the injured animal with his body weight crushing the deer as with his normal human teeth he bit down through the fur into its skin holding the animal down till it died.... The animal no longer struggles to get free and goes limp from the attack as the rest of the deer run away.

Kiyan lifts it and hauls it back to camp. As he returns to camp, he sees Arianna gathering the clothes off the lines as she looks dirty aside from her arms with her tail swaying. Hiroshi picking up a few logs for the fire. Kiyan drops the deer by the campfire unsure of what he needs to eat. His stomach hurts as he drags himself by the fire and just fell over laying on his stomach his increased body weight pulling him down hard without exercising the past few days it had become taxing. "Welcome back Kiyan you should try to eat something" as Hiroshi puts more logs into the fire. Kiyan inhaled deeply exhaling hard as a plume of white flame ignited the campfire logs Hiroshi just added as his response. Hiroshi shakes his head and grabs the deer prepared saved a slab of the meat turning it into jerky. Arianna walks next to Kiyan rubbing his back gently. He started to purr involuntarily. she smiles at this "let's get you inside so you can fully recover, ok?" as her tail lays on Kiyan's back in comfort. "I don't want to go in." he whined. "ok" she pets his hair "I'm sorry you got hurt" as her hand stops over his injuries. "It's a part of the job." he huffed looking at Hiroshi. Hiroshi returns with food, handing everyone a plate as Arianna helps Kiyan sit up to eat. He eats a small portion he assumed his body was to fatigue to care for it. "Will you be ok right here. while I go bathe?" she asks as Hiroshi begins to eat. He finished his meal letting out a deep breath "Will you be okay going alone?" Hiroshi asked softly. "I do believe so and I don't want either of you to strain yourselves " Hiroshi nods understanding "I am fine Arianna I promise." Kiyan said while Hiroshi is getting another bowl of food. "I will let it be your choice to make" she replies as she kisses his forehead, she then grabs clean clothes and a towel. Heading down to a river to clean up. "She watched over you the entire time you were out like a light." Hiroshi says bluntly. "I'm sure" he said forcing himself to stand the weight annoying him as he finds a large stone putting his toes under it, he begins to do sit ups.

"Getting it back on track " Hiroshi says watching him "I feel heavy, and I haven't done my morning routine in over a week now I don't want to be fat Hiroshi." he grumbled as he got threw his second sit up. "Understandable. She never left your side, and it is good to see you awake too" "Those whole days huh?" Kiyan asked with a hint of surprise in his tone. "Yep, the first day she didn't eat a lot during that time. But she started to eat more." Hiroshi informed him on past events. "Thank you for watching over her." he said as he was on his sixth sit up. "No problem she had her scary moments "Hiroshi says. "Scary moments?" he asked confused. "Well, a few times she has growled with some of her sin form showing when near you and her eyes glow in the dark sometimes when she hunted at night" he answers honestly. "Oh...I forgot about her being a sin lady." he said laying down looking up at Hiroshi. "True but no buddy has ever seen a daemon or sin lady act this way for a mate. what the council have and what I witnessed are two different things" Hiroshi states with honesty. "What did you see?" Kiyan questioned further "Worried behavior, lack of eating, and pent-up aggression. I figured that fully out when she did go out, she demolished a few trees. her shifting in and out during that time as well. I kept my distance a few times then she goes into a depressive state when she sees that. I tried to console her by letting her know it's okay." Hiroshi admits feeling a little guilty. "Is it strange that I have a heavy feeling of depression then as well?" Kiyan asked, thinking about it. "didn't one of the books talk about marked pairs?" Hiroshi asked staring at him. "Yeah, I just don't know how we accepted each other without well accepting each other." Kiyan admits puzzled by it. "Hmmm I'm not sure brother maybe something triggered it like protecting one another or something else happened" Hiroshi suggested an idea to him. "Hmmm." Kiyan says on his fiftieth sit up now. "It did seem odd when in her form she said, 'do not leave' before we realized it was her" Hiroshi states puzzled thinking. "Yes, I'm kind a curious about it too." Kiyan states on his eightieth push up. "I'm sure you two will figure it out. Maybe ask your inner dragon they could know something " Hiroshi suggested confused on if that would work. "You do realize he is just me, right?" Kiyan states bluntly.

"Yes, but he could especially if you fell asleep and woke up somewhere else you don't remember" Hiroshi says being honest about it. "I consider that sleep walking." Kiyan sighed after he did his hundredth sit up rolling to his stomach to do pushups. "It was worth a shot, I'm no expert on dragons" as Hiroshi gets into meditation stance. "Well, you have to think Hiroshi I can't just say bam dragon its emotional not verbal." Kiyan states in a sassy tone. "Hmm I guess so. it is possible the sacrifice you did to protect her after she saved you had something to do with it." While Hiroshi closed his eyes thinking. "You think?" he said going to stand. "It's possible you laid down your life and so did she that could have made it official " Hiroshi nods "You're such a librarian Hiroshi." Kiyan suddenly clenched his gut and muttered "fuck." as he doubled over. "Are you all right brother " Hiroshi looks at him worried. Kiyan placed his hands on the ground as he threw up coughing violently after throwing up worse the second time as feathers spilled out soaked on the ground. "Umm well that's gross and fluffy " as he turns away grossed out. "Why. Blehhhh feathers? Bleahhh" as he continues throwing up. "You bit off a cocky angel's wing" Hiroshi says bluntly. "I did? bleahhhhhhhhh " Kiyan says shocked while finishing throwing up. "Yep, for threatening to kill Arianna " as Hiroshi drinks from a cup. Kiyan wipes his mouth saying. "I don't remember much." "You went into overdrive" as he hands Kiyan a cup of water. Kiyan downed it then asked. "How so?" as Hiroshi helps Kiyan remember what happened during the battle. we move to Arianna, getting out of the water drying off then got dressed facing the water. Pride appears behind Vesper placing a clawed hand on her shoulder and gripping her firmly. "So, is it true my daughter?" She stiffens then relaxes knowing it is her father but keeping a strong stance. "Yes, it is. are you mad?" as she looks over her shoulder to see her father. "A little but I would say your more so for loving a dragon angel boy." Pride states in a low tone. She turns to fully face him "being someone's mate can't be changed regardless of if they are a dragon or an angel. I thought of all people you could know that" she says to him sounding upset. "of course, I know but I did not expect things to repeat themselves so soon." he admitted as he walked past her to the edge of the water. "What do you mean by that father, what would be repeating?" she follows beside him. "It's nothing to be concerned about. But I will have the angel councilors head who nearly had you killed my daughter. Your mate is the only exemption and that boy angel that baby sits his temper. No one steps on my Pride like that and walks away alive." his golden hot aura flares up as he gets pissed thinking about the executioner.

She gives him a soft hug " one day it may concern me father. I'm glad I'm not a full disappointment to you." With her horns and tail showing. "How would my beautiful daughter ever disappoint me?" He questions in a soft tone. "For not fully doing her job as a sin lady and help Gluttony on the battlefield" she replied in a said tone. "Gluttony had messed up from the beginning. he did not wait for my call the Antsy bastard could not wait." He spat with anger. "I guess so I'm still a little hazy on who tried to poison me before I got to the city" she said looking at the water. "POISON!" he screeched now pissed off. "What kind?" he hissed out. She flinches startled from his outburst. "I lost motor control, my veins were turning black, stuck in endless cycles of horrible dreams and felt I was being drained" "I swear I am going to murder that bastard." he began to pace. She watches him pace back and forth. "Who father" as she starts braiding her hair. "Gluttony child. He is not worth my time, not as much as that Angel's. they need to go first those white feathery bastards. not only think they can let you go with just the reason your mate being a dragon. there planning something I know it now go back to your other half and convince them to get you into heaven so you can open the gateway for me." he growled with seriousness in his tone.

She seems conflicted for a moment before replying to him. " I will do my best and what could they need me? He did threaten them" as she stands tall honoring her father. "Experiments." he said darkly. "Why would they want to do that. I thought they capture and kill all daemons?" she asked with curiosity. "Your mate bonded with an angel.... perhaps or possibly because you're not just a daemon but a bloody sin lord child." He says angerly. "I see father. I will tread with caution involving other angels " her gaze turned away with puffy cheeks. "Vesper, you know you deserve revenge; they nearly killed you and you other half." he says gentler realizing he approached it wrong. "I know father, but I know I'm not strong enough to fight them head on" as she involuntarily growls thinking about it. "You may not be but the power your mate has is awe inspiring. not to mention my own and the daemonic army if you open the gates. Just play along to get there for daddy darling." He patted her head softly. "Yes father. How often should I update you?" she asked him. "Just when you can dear." He replies. "Okay" she gives him a big hug telling him. "I missed you" "And I you child. Now go before they worry. " As he steps through the shadows vanishing in gold and black smoke. She nods heading back to camp. Kiyan and Hiroshi are dumping water on something white and shimmery on the ground. She runs up to them "Is everything alright?" With her eyes narrowed. Hiroshi spoke before Kiyan could. "Kiyan puked up feathers." "When the bloody hell did you consume a bird " she asked then it dawns on her that he bit an Angel's wing. Chuckles at the Angel's misfortune. "I didn't eat a bird. " He whined, finally getting the feathers cleaned up. "Nope an angel wing if remember right" she said rubbing his back. He sighed and picked up some of the feathers hanging them to dry. "Well now we have the fastest way in the world to travel at our disposal." she tilts her head confused "how with feathers" as she picks one up. "Um it's an angelic secret" Kiyan stutters a response. "uhuh sure" as her tail flicks back and forth as she hangs it up then sits on one of the wagons wheels thinking.

Kiyan walked over, placing his hands around her hips carefully. "I'm sorry if I upset you." Kiyan apologizes to her. She blushes at his touch, she replies. "it's fine I get that I shouldn't know about angelic things. Since I am a daemon" her tail slightly stops moving when he holds her. Kiyan nodded speaking to her " it's hard to explain." "It's fine you don't have to explain it dear" she leans on him purring at the embrace. He shivered a bit still unsure of how to act around Women. " I couldn't stay upset with you even if I wanted to" she gives off a calm aura with her tail wrapping around Kiyan. He stiffened his back, starting to get chills as a deep rumble came from his chest. her tail uncurls from around Kiyan, and she looks up at him in worry "are you alright Kiyan?" He nodded. "I have no idea where that came from" he said huskily. she blushed reaching to her ears "your voice sounds nice" He turned red as cherry. "Oh sorry, sin lady Lust says a husky voice is sexy and she's right" she purrs leaning closer into him. He looked away unsure how to respond to her words. "Wow I um... "Don't know what to say" his husky voice sounding shy. She hums as she leans back "sorry I made you uncomfortable didn't I" she looks down feeling bad. "No, it's okay I just I'm not sure how to react just yet. I'm new to love." She nods "okay I haven't had many relationships. she has given me ideas without my father knowing " Arianna admits thoughtfully to Kiyan. "Lust... Is she that reliable?" Kiyan questioned her about it. " I am not sure I never really tried any of them some of them were explicit" she turns her face away embarrassed. He turns bright red at the thought. "How is your injury" she tried to change the subject when suddenly her stomach growls. "You should eat." he chuckled at her. "Yes, Maybe I should" she stands up heading over to make a bowl of food to eat. He follows right behind Arianna. the food cooks she stares into the fire thinking. Kiyan stands stretching his tired bones. "How are your injuries" as she takes a bit out of her food.

"They hurt but not as much as they did when it happened. " He said touching his toes. Suddenly Kiyan hears Ryuji shout his name from a distance as Ryuji flies into camp. His whole body stiffened, and he got chills down his spin. "Are you all right dear" as she finishes speaking then appears a pissed off Ryuji and smacks Kiyan across the face "what were you thinking during that battle" Ryuji yells as Kiyan went spiraling into a nearby tree. Arianna looks startled. "Answer me Kiyan" Ryuji yells as he is about to recoil back and strike. Arianna stands between them in her human form. Ryuji stares Arianna down like he could swallow her whole as she keeps her ground. "It is all right Arianna. " Kiyan stands up whipping the blood from his mouth. "So old man you want to fight huh?" Kiyan questioned his father. "Explain yourself " Ryuji growls at his son. But Arianna stays in front of Kiyan stubbornly. "Why do you need me to explain." he growled back. "I was informed about what happened in Alcina" he says. Arianna gives an Oh shit look. "Yeah, what about it?" he growls his eyes changing color. "That was insane threatening the Angel's not only that you protected a sin lord " he roared as more of his dragon features showed. Kiyan's scales ripple across him "That sin lord was my mate!" he roared back. Ryuji looks at Kiyan stunned "prove it" Ryuji commands as Arianna sinks into Kiyan getting scared of Ryuji's angry gaze. He pulls off his shirt throwing it aside revealing the bright red and black tattoo on his skin and the deep long scars down his back. "Well, this is new, never have I truly seen a sin be bonded like this before." as looks to have calmed some thinking. As Arianna holds her side where hers is as well subconsciously at the request. Ryuji notices her actions "I'm assuming this is the sin?" as he stares at her analyzing her. Kiyan's skin crawls as he feels more scales appearing and he curls defensively around her. "Does she have it as well and how is your transitioning" in a calm and calculated tone.

Arianna whispers "he won't try to kill me, will he?" He carefully lifted Arianna's shirt whispering in her ear huskily. "I wouldn't let him lay a hand on you." She nods, turning red. Ryuji sees the matching tattoos "very well, my apologies for being over reactive the relations between Angel's and dragons are tight as of late" he looks sincere but looks to have concerns. Kiyan pulls away from Arianna and with his bleeding mouth hugs his father. "I forgive you." Ryuji hugs back asking his son. "What do you know about daemons son?" As Arianna slowly approaches them. "Not much to be honest just how to kill to them really." Kiyan states honestly to him. "There's a few things that you may want to know including her since you both are young" Ryuji replies to him. "Like?" Kiyan questioned wanting to know more. "Well, they can get very territorial like almost kill threats especially with their mates involved. they must indulge on their sin every once and a while or they could lose sanity which is dangerous and black moon" as Arianna focused on what Ryuji said. "Black moon?" Arianna asked him looking confused. Kiyan looks concerned as well. "Black moon is a special solar event that all daemons become Lustful and will seek out a potential mate if not paired already." he says bluntly. "Lady Lust did mention it before in front of my father before he got annoyed" Arianna says remembering that day. Kiyan turns three shades of red. Ryuji smirks, slightly amused by his son's response. "Anything else you may want to know son?" Arianna looks away. "Will my manhood be alright?" he cringes and holds himself as he asked. "No, it won't, it will change " Ryuji says seriously as Arianna has the look of worry. Kiyan turns pale as sand as he looks like he may faint. "How are you doing with your dragon powers coming out " his smirk goes to grin. Arianna moves to Kiyan worried about his health and touches his face. "Well, I did manage a complete shift if that's what you are asking." Kiyan turns around showing his dad his back.

"That's good news. Other things will change with time" Ryuji said as Arianna feels relieved Kiyan's ok "What do you mean?" Kiyan questioned him. "Some of your dragon features can show in other ways besides aggression and protective" he replies to him. "Like my scales?" Kiyan asked, tilting his head to the side. "Yes" Ryuji said as he nodded. He looked at Arianna. "Yes Kiyan?" She spoke in an asking tone meeting Kiyan's gaze as her tail sways. "I'm sort of scared." Kiyan's gaze went back to his father. "It can be scary but I'm sure you both can pull through it" Ryuji says with confidence. Arianna looks at her hands thinking. He looks at them both "You both are hiding things and I really hate it." Kiyan spoke then stormed off into the woods Ryuji sighs in defeat as Arianna takes off after him. "Wait Kiyan" He pushed his way through thickets of trees his bare skin getting small Nick's and cuts and thorns, but he keeps going. "Kiyan please stop" as she gets closer to him reaching out for him. He stopped, causing her to stop suddenly. "Kiyan what did we do wrong" as her hand gets close but does not touch him. "You both are treating me like a child. neither of you will just straight out tell me anything you're both beating around the bush." He said angerly. "Some of the stuff I was not sure how to tell you and some I did not know. I think he is trying to slowly tell you, so you do not freak out. I was told not to ever show people the ways of a daemon from other daemons." As she looks down, she is sad. "I'm sorry " he takes in a breath. "That is just it. would you trust your mate with that do you not? And if it is slow and it happens early, how am I supposed to know what the fuck to do?" he questioned her. "Yes, you are right I should have told you sooner. I was more concerned for your health at the time before I knew you could be well enough. " She keeps her head down ashamed of herself. "I'm fine Vesper. I may be injured physically but I am well mentally" She freezes in place "h-how did you" "Did I what know your real name? It's hard not to when I'm hacking and slashing through daemons and Angel's to protect you when they all scream where is lady Vesper." He replied in a sassy tone.

She stands there stunned "I guess so. I wanted to tell you, but I guess I am still afraid of ...." "Of what?!" he shouts, getting angry. "I nearly died for you. Or was that the whole plan all along." Vesper snaps her anger boiling out shouting back at him. "No! I fell in love with you that is not fake. I was told no one would want to be with a daemon because we are monsters to all. I feared you would hate me and kill me!" she cries out black tears. "How can I trust you if you are only going to hide things from me?" He lifted her chin and whipped her tears away with his clawed thumbs. "I don't want to hide things from you I really don't I just haven't gotten the nerve to try." She replies leaning into his touch. He sighed as a plume of white smoke rolling above them as they talk. As we pulled away from Kiyan and Vesper we moved to Ryuji and Hiroshi. Hiroshi walks up to Ryuji. Ryuji sighed deeply "I did not mean to anger him." Ryuji spoke silently. "It's all new to him so that maybe the only way he knows how to react" Hiroshi replies to him as Ryuji gets big water eyes. "Hiroshi am I a bad father?" he pulls his arms into his chest innocently. "You're not a bad father this is all hitting early and he's trying to get sorted out" Hiroshi answers him. "He is growing up so fast I do not know what to do Hiroshi. I do not want to lose my baby boy just yet." he teared up worse. Hiroshi sighs "you won't any time soon they're both very socially awkward with each other " He hugs Hiroshi. "His dragons not though it's so mature!." he begins to cry his eyes out. "True, but they don't always see eye to eye sometimes." As he Pat's Ryuji's back. He sniffled "what do you mean Hiroshi? Is Kiyan fighting with himself?" he questioned Hiroshi. "Well, there were a few times his dragon side spoke and acted on Kiyan's behalf Arianna may know more on some of it." Hiroshi admits to him. "Has she even noticed?" he said before he even went to ask.

"I'm not sure but she may see them as one or he wasn't ready to tell her fully" Hiroshi replies to the best to his knowledge "This could be awfully bad for him." he said deep in thought now. "What do you mean by that" as Hiroshi raises eyebrow concerned. "It means the dragon will not feel pain they are in. Arianna would not feel pain but Kiyan himself will feel excruciating pain as he undergoes the changing of becoming a dragon." Ryuji elaborates more on the topic. "Damn that's not good is there a way we can help lessen the pain?" Hiroshi asked wanting to help as much as possible. "Only he can. " He sighed. "Darn she's going to be scary when that happens" Hiroshi said in a worried tone. "Arianna? Well, if you can hide it from her, you will not have to worry, the link between them will not affect her yet. because it is a natural thing for dragons that may be one downside for him." Ryuji informs him "I can try. during the past few days when he was unconscious from the battle, she did not leave his side often did not eat much either" Hiroshi tells him. "She is dedicated I'd give her that." Ryuji admits he was a little surprised. "True but I'm guessing she's conflicted about something. I do not think she ever expected something of this nature" Hiroshi admits with honesty. "Neither did Kiyan." He replies agreeing with Hiroshi. "I'll do my best to help any way I can Ryuji. what is an effective way to know to back off from either type?" Hiroshi asked wanting to know. "Kiyan will blow smoke or growl deeply. Arianna will likely hiss or give you a death glare." Ryuji informs him of what he knows. "Okay dually noted anything else I should know" Hiroshi makes a mental note. "Don't piss them off." Ryuji states bluntly. "I'll try not to" as Hiroshi sighs and asks, "Should we go check on them or wait?" Kiyan walks into the clearing with twigs in his hair with Vesper walking behind him. "Is everything alright Kiyan" Hiroshi asks. "Yeah, could be better but I'm not complaining I'm going to take a nap now" "okay rest well" Hiroshi says as she stands in her place in silence. Kiyan walked inside to lie down as Ryuji looked at Arianna then Hiroshi.

"My apologies for his rudeness. He has a lot going on and is still recovering" Hiroshi speaks up. " My real name is Vesper. I used Arianna as a cover name to hide amongst everyone and forget who I was for a while" she bows her head low in respect. Ryuji tilted his head up. "I hold no respect for you child the only reason you stand in my presence is because of my son." He states firmly to her. "I'm very aware of that sir. I know you, would rather I never have existed in the first place. I want to do good things and I will prove it." she says to him determined to earn his respect. "I hope you will." his gaze narrowed as his wing ripped open and he took flight flawlessly without even saying goodbye. She sighs and goes back to work not saying a word to Hiroshi. Hiroshi goes inside to think about the events that had transpired. Kiyan is out cold in his bed with twigs still in his hair. Hiroshi sits on his bed noticing the twigs but does not bother him "I hope things turn out well for everyone" as Vesper exercises outside to help her calm down.