Chapter 17 / new pathway

"Vesper my dear are you hurt?" Her mother flew down picking Vesper up from the fight then proceeded to seek out the two brothers. "What in the hell are you thinking little brother!" Hiroshi fumed as he slashed the daemon to bits. "I thought I could take him on but then felt like I couldn't, so I distracted him" Abaddon answers truthfully. "I'm fine mom just tired from the attack" Vesper says panting from fatigue. Her mother lands with her sons. "I'm so proud of all of you, but this battle is not over yet. Head to earth my children and seek safety. Hiroshi goes to the temple and Abaddon goes to your father." Narina said sternly to them. The three children nod and fly up following their mother's command. "Why did they attack Hiroshi? They're happening increasingly now" Vesper says concerned before Hiroshi heads to the temple. "I'm not sure Vesper. but I know this will not last forever." he says softly to soothe her. "Vesper go with Hiroshi to the temple there is a boy by the name of Kiyan crossroads who resides there tell him I sent you both for him to look after you." She commands them like a leader rather than a mother "okay" Vesper follows Hiroshi to the temple puffing her cheeks. She kissed them both goodbye and flew back into the fray. Vesper and Hiroshi fly to the temple.

while their mother fights off the daemons' attack on the heavens. Narnia flies through defeating many daemons in her path. Out of nowhere the sin lord Pride strikes her steel blade with his own demonic sword. "Why are you here Pride" holding his strike in place getting ready to strike back. "I'm here for my daughter." he growled out in anger pushing her with his blade. "She doesn't belong with you in hell. she deserves a better life away from you" she pushes him back swings her sword at Pride. "I don't want her in hell. I just want to see her she deserves to know her real father." Pride says mad while blocking her advances. "I can't allow Pride, besides attacking heaven, won't help you see her either" Narina barks back at him. "I am her dad Narina, and I will not call off the attacks until you allow me to see her." he said determination vanishing in a plume of golden flames. she sighs taking in a deep breath "damn him" she pinches the bridge of her noes thinking. "What shall I do" she asked herself as the rest of the angels finished cleaning. Another angel flies to Narnia putting a hand on her shoulder in comfort. "Stay strong don't give in to whatever his demands are" the angel says to comfort her. Meanwhile Hiroshi and Vesper make it to the temple they were told to go to and land there. An incredibly young monk walks to the doorway greeting them opening the doors. They both bowed their heads then walked inside. the temple appears calm as the rest of the monks go about their daily routine. It seemed peaceful as they both walk to were Kiyan usually hangs out at in the temple with Vesper behind him admiring the beauty of the lives of the monks.

"Kiyan you home?" Hiroshi asks aloud hoping he will hear him. Kiyan places a firm hand on Hiroshi's shoulder sneaking up from behind his flaming red hair short and his appearance rough. "What took you so long. " He said, his voice husky. "There was a fight with daemons in the heavens and my mother sent us here" Hiroshi says calming down from Kiyan sneaking up on him. Vesper turns seeing Kiyan with her wings fluffed. Kiyan chuckled deeply at Hiroshi's startled reaction. "Sending the Angel's to the outcast now?" Kiyan said stepping out into the light his appearance rough and rigid his clothes tattered on the sleeves and the cuffs of his pants but, his father's red cloak clean. "I'm following what my mother commanded. she seemed very uneasy this one sin presence being in heaven." Hiroshi says in a firm tone. "You don't look like an outcast to me. you are extraordinarily strong from the looks of it" Vesper says kindly in a shy way. His attention snapped turning to Vesper "Oh and who is this Hiroshi." said caressing Vesper's cheek carefully. "She is such a sweet lady calling me strong." as he looks back at Hiroshi grinning. "Your girlfriend?" Vesper blushes at Kiyan's actions not used to that kind of contact. "Thank you" she stutters. "No, I do not have a girlfriend. she is my sister Kiyan " Hiroshi crossed his arms and smirks at Vesper seeing her behavior.

"Oh, so fair game huh?" he teased and slinked over to Hiroshi. "Sooo, I got into trouble." Kiyan whispered to Hiroshi. "If you do don't break her heart, she's already had a few of those and what did you get in trouble for this time?" Hiroshi asked him with worry. while Vesper wonders around a bit from them looking around her environment. "Don't say anything I know it's only been five weeks since you last seen me. but I am cursed now doomed to die in a few days. So, since you both are here, and I must watch you both, I guess I will just have to take you both to see my dad. " He says pulling his shirt down in the process revealing the big black veined x mark on his chest. "Why are you cursed is there a way to stop it?" as his face shows pain and sorrow while Vesper picks up a few flowers. "No clue and I got cursed by a sea witch when I chose to call her a monster for asking for a sailor sacrifice needless to say she is dead. I am cursed and the whole crew lived." he shrugged like it was no big deal as he grabbed his pipe and lit it up. "Damn does your father know" Hiroshi questioned as Vesper slowly walks up to them after making a few flower crowns. "No not yet anyhow why else would I be going to see him if he knew already you think I'd still be cursed Hiroshi?" Kiyan smarts off to him with Hiroshi raising his hands in surrender "just asking since everyone has been busy" while the two boys talk Vesper floats up putting the flower crowns on their heads as she lightly giggles not paying attention to their talking. Kiyan's crown sinks over his left eye sending peddles into his face making him sneeze looking up.

Vesper gently waves at Kiyan giggling "you both look cute with them on" Hiroshi chuckles at Vesper's naive behavior. "Well, let us head to your father Kiyan" Hiroshi says to him. Kiyan pulls his off tossing it aside walking out still smoking his pipe as he saddles his horse. "Come on Angel's let's go." Vesper lands next to Hiroshi then they both follow him. "How long have you lived here Kiyan?" Vesper asks curiously. "Let's see I'm twenty-one now and I was banished from heaven at seven so..." he counted on his hands. "Fourteen years. " "wow Kiyan that is a long time in one place" she says amazed as she walks faster to match Kiyan's speed with him on his horse. "You think I've stayed in one place?" he chuckled at her the thought. "I've sailed the seven seas, traveled great deserts, and forests just to fill the border of my life." He says describing his travels to her. "So cool" as her eyes sparkle in amazement. "I bet it was fun seeing and experiencing all of that" she says in wonder. "Sure..." he says waving his hands about. "If monsters and near death is your thing." He says bluntly. "It sounds interesting. I don't normally get to leave the heavenly borders or my earth home" she states with a sad tone. "Oh...." He goes silent, not sure what to say. "Yeah, my mom is very protective" she rubs the back of her head embarrassed. "Alright let's make camp were halfway there now. tomorrow we will cross the dead river so get some sleep." he says unloading from the horse. then tosses a sleeping bag up to Vesper and one to Hiroshi as well as he gathers wood for a fire.

They both take their sleeping bags and begin to get them set up. They waited patiently for Kiyan Vesper started to sketch in one of her scrolls. Kiyan builds the fire lighting it with a match as he lit his pipe sitting on a stump watching the flames like an old man. Hiroshi lays down with his eyes closed as Vesper looks up and down from her scroll sketching Kiyan. He puffed his pipe quietly before extinguishing it then shifting into a meditation stance like a monk. She sets her scroll down quietly moving closer to him while he meditates watching his features as he remains motionless. She sits like him mimicking what he does. His breathing is steady and calm, his eyes are closed, and his hands rest gently on his knees. she empties her mind and exhales a breath mumbling "interesting" "Silent." he said sharply to her. She does not say a word as her hands are on her knees palms up and tucks her wings closer to her. Kiyan tilts his head down a bit his body relaxing entirely as he does so, but his spine remains straight. she lets out small steady breaths as her wings start to droop by her sides. They meditate for hours while Kiyan's form unwavering. she opens her eyes and in a gentle tone asks, "Kiyan, what do you want out of life?" "I'm not sure why?" he speaks with utter calmness. "I would like see the world to find someone I could be with as a partner. but that may never happen" she says clouded in her thoughts and emotions. He cracks an eye open. "You want to fall in love." he said curiously tilting his head.

"Yeah, seeing how my mom loves my father. I felt like I should find someone too and have adventures with them" she softly smiles thinking about. Kiyan chuckled "Love isn't fun. It's painful." "If it's not the right one then it's not. I have met a few and they were not the ones either. but being hopeful for the right one pushes me forward to try to find them" she gently holds his hand. He looked down then softly smiled. "I'm not sure if it's me Vesper. but I'll let you try if it makes you happy." He states with sincerity. "Anything is possible that I do know" she smiles warmly at Kiyan. He stands up pulling her to her feet as well. she looks him in the eyes as she tucks one of his loose strands of hair behind his ear while on her tippy toes. His hands slide down her back caressing her angelic wings as he leans in slowly his breath hot as he kissed her softly. her wings shiver to the touch as she melts into the kiss humming from her wings being touched. His kiss becomes more aggressive, full of power and longing. her wings wrap around Kiyan pulling them closer together as she behaves submissive with desire to his kiss. His hand slides up her shirt as he breaks for air. "Vesper, I don't want to go too far. so, do not be afraid to stop me." he said honest with her.

she nods taking a calm breath "I trust you Kiyan" as she shivers from the skin contact as her heart beats faster. He suddenly gone with a gentle tug his figure is against a tree. Hiroshi in a stance of letting him go as he sinks to the ground with a thump. "That is my sister Kiyan, and I personally don't trust you yet." he huffed like a protective brother. Vesper turns super red hiding her face behind her wings as the top of her wings turn a light pink as well. Kiyan remains slumped against the tree. As Hiroshi walks back to his bed. She gives an apology look to Kiyan. He is out cold as She walks to Kiyan "sorry I didn't mean to get you in trouble with my brother " she apologized to him as she hangs her head low with her wings dropping to the ground. He snores a little being in an awkward position. She softly smiles "rest well" as she heads to her blanket closing her eyes. Time flies by to the early morning hours. Kiyan wakes up holding his head. Hiroshi and Vesper are still asleep in their sleeping bags. Vesper tosses and turns in her sleep while Hiroshi snores lightly. Kiyan walked over slumping to the ground in front of her gently pulling her in his arms to comfort her. "Damned Hiroshi ruining my moment." her wings move around Kiyan as she lets out a small yawn rubbing her eyes "Hmmmm.... you remind me of a kitten." he said softly to her. "Hmmm?" she opens her eyes slowly looking at him "is it morning handsome?" she asked in a groggy tone. "Yeah, beautiful time to hit the water." Kiyan states with a soft chuckle. She blushes sitting up " ill wake up my brother then" she kisses his cheek "that was a great feeling when we kissed last night" as she stands up admitting to him.

"I agree." he said agreeing with her. "Almost like I've kissed you a long time ago." Kiyan said while he stands by his horse getting it ready. "It felt right, and it does seem familiar even though I never kissed anyone on the lips before" she replied as she lightly nudged Hiroshi awake. Hiroshi wakes up getting his things together with vesper doing the same. Kiyan pulls his things off the horse and slapped it on it rear sending it running off back to the temple. Vesper and Hiroshi walk up to Kiyan waiting for what to do. Vesper smiles at Kiyan while Hiroshi has the look of a protective brother. He walks a little way out of the woods up to a huge river then he pulls his shirt off tucking it in his bag. they follow and Vesper stares at Kiyan as Hiroshi gets ready to cross the river. Kiyan tightens his bag then dives into the rushing currents as he begins to swim across. Vesper puts her bag on her back then swims through the currents with Hiroshi not far behind her. suddenly one of the strong currents manages to knock Vesper off course forcing her to go under "Vesper!" hiroshi tries to get to her, but the currents make it difficult to for him to reach her. Kiyan inhales a large breath of air and dives deep below after her, seeing the current drag her under as her left wing caught in the rocks as she tries to reach for Kiyan. He swims down towards her and takes her hand pulling hard up. He feels she gets pulled loses and holds on to him as they head for the surface. He resurfaced with Vesper on his back as he continued to swim across the river pulling her weight. She lightly coughs as everyone gets to the other side of the river. While Hiroshi looks panicky on the shoreline. He drags them onto the riverbank.

"Thank goodness you both are okay" Hiroshi says relieved as he looks over Vesper "thank you Kiyan" Hiroshi said nodding to Kiyan. Kiyan just lays in the sand as Vesper sits by him as Hiroshi inspects her left wing for injuries while Kiyan rests. He soon got up dragging himself from the sand as he looked back at the water. "You were lucky it was just the current and not the river guardian." he sighed. she nods as Hiroshi points at the large snake like water dragon coming right for them. "You mean that river guardian" hiroshi states in a worried tone. Kiyan turns around with an oh shit look as he places one hand in a fist the other flat and bows. Vesper and Hiroshi do the same, but Vesper looked nervous as the river guardian got closer to them. Kiyan remains in his bow then he says, "Peace cousin." the river guardian slows down hearing Kiyan and says, "very well, thought for a moment we had intruders" the river dragon refereeing to Vesper, and Hiroshi "no cousin Just the son of crossroads I'm heading to see my father and time is short I would be honored if you could assist a young dragon." he stated, not daring to look up. "I will be honored to help you; young crossroad and you are permitted to look up" as it lays on the shoreline. He straightened himself and placed a cool hand on his snout. "Permission to ride upon cousin?" he asked so he would not be carried.

" Yes, and what of the two behind you I can smell them?" as he flicks his tongue smelling the air. " No worries, friend they fly." Kiyan replies to him. "Very well they can look as well just in case its needed" he grins stating "the female seems very skittish too" as he flicks his tongue. Vesper shifts hearing the river guardian speak. Kiyan leaped up and over the dragon's slender back and hugged low to him. "Alright cousin we are ready when you are." He continues to be respectful. He chuckles as the angels take flight near but not too close to give the guardian space. the guardian starts to swim down the river for majority of the trip everyone is silent as they get closer to Kiyan's father. "Such a peaceful day." Kiyan said leaning back relaxing as Vesper nods and Hiroshi stays silent. Kiyan looks at the black curse mark that had spread down his arm and chest. "We are here" the river guardian says, and Kiyan carefully dismounted. "Thank you for your hospitality cousin." Kiyan thanks him "No problem " he replies before swimming off the Angel's land on the ground. Kiyan shakes off the water walking up to the temple as monks stop them. "State your name and business" one monk says. Vesper and Hiroshi follow behind Kiyan. "Kiyan crossroads I'm here to see my father and these are my friends." They both bow their heads in respect. "You may pass but beware your father is not in a good mood." Kiyan nods to the monk's warnings. "I will take caution friends." as they enter the temple. They both follow Kiyan in silence into the room. He walks down a long hallway while Hiroshi walks in silence "what is your father like?" she asked in a small gentle voice as she walked keeping pace with them. "Um I'm not sure I haven't seen him in years." he shrugged. she nods as they get to where his father stays.

He pushed open a large door alone, taking all his strength to move it a few feet. Vesper and Hiroshi assist Kiyan with the door. They walk into the vast glowing cave with a huge pool of still water with a large bonsai tree with white leaves grown in the center a thrown sitting empty on the far side of the room. "It seems father is out we will have to wait." Kiyan tells them. "It's beautiful and majestic," she stated as she looked at the tree and the water. "okay" Hiroshi says as he sits down to meditate. Kiyan stepped onto the water and began to walk across like it was not epically deep as it was. She watches impressed at the edge of the water. He leaped gliding in slow motion, threw the air to the soft grassy island and sat by the tree. She looks at the water lightly set her foot on the surface but halfway sinks in pulling herself out. She sits at the edge confused and curious. Kiyan's voice echoed "It's never let anyone walk on it except me and my dad it's something about sacred blood and crossing the lines of reality I'm not sure what that means but he said it was because we went like others." Kiyan explains to her. "I see it's interesting to see very unique things" she smiles at the knowledge. "You can fly over if you want to it won't stop you." he said yawning as he laid down in the soft grass littered with white petals.

she softly flies over landing sitting on the grass "the petals are pretty like fresh falling snow in the winter" she describes what the petals make her think of. He nodded "they have always been this color." as he adjusted a bit, pulling her down, putting his head in her lap and gently began to doze off. she smiles as she gently pets his hair with her wings lay on the ground relaxed. His breath began to become increasingly shallow. She stays in place not moving, looking down at Kiyan with a smile and a small blush thinking he is just sleeping. A man with red flaming hair walked in stopped looking at everyone as Kiyan's breathing ceased. Vesper looks up at the man gently nudges Kiyan's shoulder and Hiroshi comes out of his meditation. Kiyan's head rolled to the side. "HOW DARE YOU ANGELIC FOOLS ENTER MY CHAMBER!" Ryuji roared not even recognizing Kiyan from so many years away from his own son. They both flinch at his loud outburst. "We were sent here by our mother and your son brought us here," Vesper says scared as Hiroshi remains motionless. "My son?" he asked pointing to Kiyan. "y-yes sir" as she gently moves Kiyan's face to face him. He walked over the water kneeling. "What happened why isn't he breathing?" He placed his head on Kiyan's chest. His face became dark as tears began to pour down his face. "My... My son he .... he is ... dead ...." "h-ow he was perfectly fine when we got here" Vesper starts to cry feeling horrible to not see it sooner. " i-i thought he was just resting" She admits with Hiroshi flying over to them. "What happened to him?" Ryuji asked tears pouring down his cheeks. As he held his sons' limp body. "He saved a crew of people on a ship from a sea witch and marked him to die. He had told me about it yesterday and wanted to talk to you about it" Hiroshi speaks up shaken that his friend has died and puts his hands-on Vespers shoulders trying to calm her down.

"I wasn't there for him when he needed me most, he did good I never asked him for anything, and I let my only child down. " Ryuji said darkly as he held his son close, tears streaming down his cheeks. Vespers left side feels a ghostly tingling sensation that creeps up her side gently while on Kiyan's deceased body a mark began to form. She touches her left side feeling the sensation as her eyes go to a grey tint to them losing its bright color. "You did the best you could for your son, during the time I met him. he is a great and strong person because of you sir" vesper speaking with sincerity to him. Ryuji's eyes grow huge as he sees the mark forming on Kiyan. "Vesper, may I see your side?" Ryuji softly asked her with a hunch in his mind. "y-yes sir" she lightly lifts her shirt as Hiroshi looks confused about the question. He compared them and nodded. "Vesper my son was your life mate. I am terribly sorry, but you will never have a soul mate now he died protecting the weak." he said softly caressing her face now knowing this news would hit her as hard as him. Vesper breaks down crying and hiccupping as Hiroshi holds onto her "can I make a special necklace to h-his memory p-please" she manages to speak looking drained of the rest of her colors. "How am I going to explain this to our mother when we return sir" Hiroshi asks as he rubs his sister's back to comfort her.

"First you should see if they permitted his soul into heaven, you may have a chance to bring him back here to life. Secondly if your mother is wise, she should understand the situation. now go children you have seen enough death for today go and mourn for him." Ryuji said as he stood taking Vespers' hands nodding to her giving her permission to her request as he turned and folded his son's hands to rest peacefully under the crossroads tree his body now sacred as the ground they walked upon. Vesper creates a special necklace and puts it around her neck. "Thank you, sir. you are a great man." She plucks one of her feathers out and sets it in Kiyan's hair so a piece of her was with him. Hiroshi and Vesper lightly flap their wings fast taking them to heaven. Ryuji walked silently to his throne. "Kiyan if you can hear me, please remember you are not a mortal, and no mortal punishments can bind you down below fight and prove to them all you are more than a dragon but a crossroads. " As Ryuji began to doze in his chair. Thinking Vesper and Hiroshi are arriving in heaven. He watched his son shine and a shimmering glow overcame him as Kiyan's hair turned silvery white in his deceased state. "There may be hope yet." Ryuji mumbled as he yawned and carefully fell asleep. Vesper flies as fast as she can making it to heaven with Hiroshi right behind her with her making her way to heavenly admissions to heaven's room with a strong determined and sadden aura rolling off her.

"Slow down Vesper I'm tired and I'm having trouble keeping up with you." Hiroshi said strained. She stops for a moment "so-sorry brother" she apologizes to him. He caught up breathing hard. "I know your hurting but there isn't a guarantee he is here." Hiroshi said with honesty. "But I want to know as soon as possible, plus you know mom will want to speak with us and I don't know if I can handle both at once" she states as a few tears fall down her face. "Alright let's go." She starts to walk again after a few minutes they reach the admissions room Vesper walks in. Hiroshi follows concerned for his sister's health and sanity. They walk in the two angels spot them walking in "hello you two what can we help you with today" Hiroshi slinks back letting Vesper talk Looking away. "I'm looking to see if k-Kiyan of the crossroads has been allowed into heaven" she asked trying to sound strong while the angels look through their records for him. "He has omission, but it seems he was banished. if he somehow died then he would not be here." the angel shrugged not knowing. "Besides Kiyan's tough he wouldn't die." the angel jokes about. "He did today. he died in my arms" she said as tears fall heavily down bolting out of the room running off to her own room. Hiroshi looked at the angel like way to go man and headed off to find his mother.

As he looks around, he sees his mother talking with a few elder angels. Hiroshi walks over and stands quietly with his wings down as he waits to speak to his mother. she finishes talking to the elders and walks over to Hiroshi and hugs him "what is wrong dear is your sister alright I haven't seen her yet" she starts to look worried only seeing him here. "Mom.... Kiyan... he .... he...." Hiroshi finally breaks grabbing his mom bawling his eyes out. "Take a deep breath Hiroshi. what happened?" she holds him close petting the back of his head in comfort. "Kiyan died in Vespers arms... and Ryuji said they were life mate's mom.... and I threw him into a tree even though. Hic... even though he was sick. And when we finally got there, he died it was too late and... and... hic... "Hiroshi tries to explain as he breaks down feeling horrible. "Shhh, you did not know how bad it was son you cannot blame yourself." She states in a soothing tone as her expression dropped "we should go check on her to make sure she won't do anything too drastic. some of the ones that have lost their mates have done dangerous things in the past" Hiroshi's eyes widen "I will fetch Abaddon." as he flew off with new urgency.

she nods running to Vespers room as she walked in, she could see Vesper was sobbing in her sleep. She quietly enters Vespers' room seeing her room is a mess from Vespers earlier outburst of emotions. Narina sighed in relief as she stated to herself. "At least she didn't attempt going to hell." Vesper starts to move panicky in her sleep as parts of her skin start to turn black as coal. "Oh no..." Narina began to shake Vesper trying to wake her. "Vesper wake up mommy is here Vesper dear wake up please." as tears began to drip down Narina's cheeks as she sees her daughter in this horrible state. She shallowly screams then wakes up with her left leg, right arm, and left daemon horn showing with her freaking out. "Shhh. Shhh. Shhh. Vesper it is all right think heavenly thoughts love please mommy loves you." Narnia embraced her trying to soothe her. Vesper jaggedly takes in deep breaths as the daemon features begin to slowly disappear " m-om I lost my life partner, and I had a vision involving the sin lords" she says panting her mind moving a mile a minute with information. "Tell me my dear." she says calmly lifting Vesper's hairbrush. she began to brush her daughter's hair humming gently. "The sins are all in the room talking while they watch the sin of Wrath fighting a fallen soul. Wrath and the soul looked like they were fighting for hours on end. I tried to move closer to the fight. But a sin put his hand on my head and said "now, now you don't want to get too close now child" After some time passed Wrath was defeated and the soul became the new sin of Wrath. then I started to lose sight feeling like I was on fire" a few more tears fell down her face. "Mom, I hope you don't lose father anytime soon it hurts really bad, and I should send a letter to Kiyan's father" vesper says with new urgency.

"It is too dangerous to go out now Vesper the aerial aces are not flying, not even castiel our best flier." She tried to reason with Vesper "But mom he deserves to know when involving his son my mate there must be a way, I can send a letter to him" Vesper states with a pleading look. "No and that is final Vesper rest you may leave tomorrow when the weather is clear" she commands with authority. "Understood mom" Vesper replies in defeat as she hugs herself. "I miss Kiyan mom. this pain will not ever go away, will it?" Vesper asked in a sorrowful tone. She shakes her head now then kisses Vesper's forehead. "It never does. I love you now rest." Narina stood up leaving her to rest. Vesper sits on her bed alone with her thoughts. "I miss you so much" she thinks about what she wants to do. She can feel a gentle wind on her cheek. She looks up confused searching for the source of the wind. As quickly as it had happened it was gone. She sighs, goes to her desk, and prepares a letter for Kiyan's father. No one else disturbed her while she wrote the letter. She finishes it by putting it in an envelope. She stares at the letter then looks down at her pendant. She then puts it in her pocket, gets up, and walks to her door. She can hear someone walking down the hall going past her room. She opens her door and peeks out looking for the source of the sound.

Hiroshi stands guard at her door. She sees him slipping past to leave without him noticing. Hiroshi yawned closing his eyes as he stood there not even noticing her leave. Vesper quietly walks away heading for the gates to leave. The storm below sounded angry and dangerous with swirling vortexes in the clouds. Vesper watches the storm for a bit taking a deep breath "I can do this" Lightning cracks from below her. She flies down through the storm heading to the temple. Lightning strikes all around her and the wind is blowing around her like a rag doll. She tries to maneuver around the trees "almost there" A limb suddenly snaps flying right into her. Vesper falls from the limbs impact hitting the ground hard damaging one of her wings. She lets out a cry of pain and uses the last of her energy to send the letter to Ryuji with her feathers attached to it. The letter vanishes as she begins to lose consciousness.