Chapter 18/ Vesper’s nightmare

Kiyan falls into the pits of hell hearing and seeing tortured souls. "Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!! " He braced for impact as he hit the rocky floor scraping himself up and slicing his arm open. "Oh, what do we have here another plaything for my lord?" A rank four daemon approaches Kiyan with a sinister grin. Kiyan sits up eyes widening as he scrambles back trying to get away from the daemon. "No leave me be leave me alone." Kiyan states scared as he chuckles at his fear. "Sorry I can't do that your here in hell" as he grabs Kiyan arm pulling him to his lord that is watching a fight with his back facing them. "No" Kiyan says thrashing about as he was dragged towered them. "Feisty fighting spirit" as he stops in his lord's presence "my lord Wrath, I have brought you a freshly fallen soul" the daemon bows pinning Kiyan in place. "No get off me your filthy bastard." Kiyan shoves the daemon off him. in a quick motion Wrath grabs Kiyan by the neck holding him in the air looking at him thinking. Kiyan grips onto Wraths hand pulling them back so he can breathe. "a child of the dragons. I know just what kind of punishment is for you. Hollow get a pit ready and let us force a shift" Wrath grins darkly while chuckling. "Yes, my lord" as Hollow runs off preparing a pit. Wrath lets go of Kiyan throat and drags him by his hair to the pit. Kiyan pulls his knife out slicing his long hair off.

"I would advise you not to run" growling as he grabs him by the back of his shirt. Kiyan kicked and thrashed while he was dragged to the pit. Wrath throws Kiyan into the pit then he stabs his hand chanting. as the foreign words reach Kiyan's ears, he feels excruciating pain like something trying to claw its way out of him. He screamed, scrambling back, gripping his head in pain. Kiyan starts to feel scales ripping through his skin while other sins come to watch in their chairs. Kiyan rolls on the ground panting in pain as his body ripped and tore from the scaled, he tore off his shirt the fabric hurting his skin where it had torn as his nails began to lengthen into claws his knuckles snapping and cracking, he screamed again. Wrath grins and slows down his chanting to make the shifting go slower. Kiyan can feel the back of his jaw unhinge as draconic fangs slice into his far to small mouth stabbing into himself sealing his mouth shut as blood poured from his mouth and the ripping and lengthening of a tail forming as he moved to all fours gripping his head as his body ripped itself up. The other sins are grinning enjoying what they see except for one the sin lord of Pride carries a blank expression unamused.

Wrath continues chanting, jumping into the pit pulling out his sword ready to strike Kiyan at any moment. Kiyan's back snapped at that moment, and he lay there crippled. Wrath stops chanting "I expected more from you dragon child" he said lifting his sword ready to swing down. A small sized daemon tries to move forward but is stopped by Pride speaking but could not be heard by Kiyan. Kiyan's spine snapped back as the large spikes ripped through his back and his mouth now muzzled. He snapped once at Wrath as wings ripped free, but they had no hide only bones of what was to be as Kiyan stands himself up with his clawed hands began to swing and swat at Wrath he snapped and bit driving him back. Wrath jumps back and lunges at Kiyan dodging his claws. Kiyan pressed on as with each step he grew taller, his tail longer, his wings getting larger. Wrath backs off with an Oh shit look he fell to his front paws. he snapped his wings open; they filled in with scales the ends clawed hooks that grappled the ground in front of him as Kiyan's deep red glowing eyes met Wraths. he roared out a white-hot billow of flame that encased the sin lord. his long-curled horns growing atop his head as he did, so he did not end the flame it hurt too much he was screaming when it was done, he stopped and licked his maw turning his head to the sin lord above him he roared spreading his gleaming white wings. Wrath burnt to a crisp as a feeling of daemon strength course through him.

As Pride stands up saying "welcome new sin lord of Wrath" he walks down to Kiyan's level. Kiyan stepped back as black souls began to swirl around him, he began to shift back as more souls began to swirl around him, he saw Pride his eyes soft blue and filled with fear until it was black. Pride watches Kiyan studying him as the other sins had left leaving them alone. Once the black souls left, he was a man once more his attire was pure black with a ghostly red tie his hair pitch white his eyes deep red with a sharp toothed grin he walked up to Pride. "Hello Pride." Kiyan said not sounding like himself. Pride nods asking him. "What brought you here in hell?" He looked at Kiyan impressed. "Sort of missed the place." he chuckled. "Interesting it been a while since I have seen your type of dragon here before young crossroad" Pride said smirking at him. "I'm impressed my bloodline lived long enough to regain their rightful place in hell. The road is dusty, but I am impressed with my grandson. I must go take care of him Pride or I will take care of you." The spirit said in a threatening tone while deep red fades from Kiyan's eyes and he is left in the sin lord's attire, his blue eyes blink twice before he loses consciousness.

Pride nods picking Kiyan up carrying him to Kiyan's sleeping quarters laying him on the bed and sits in a chair near the bed. Pride sigh rubbing his eyes talking to himself. "I hope I get to see my daughter soon" Kiyan wakes up as he hears Pride and turns his head tiredly to see him. "Who is your daughter?" Kiyan tiredly asked pride. "She's an angel, her mother won't let me see her. I worry about her." He gets up bringing Kiyan something to drink. "I miss an angel too I love her." Kiyan said sitting up taking the cup to drink. "what's her name to have caught your eye and do you know if she is your mate?" He sits back down looking professional. "Well, I'm not sure if she is but her names Vesper and she is so beautiful and curious about the world she has the most adventurous heart." Kiyan reminisced while taking a sip on his drink. Kiyan sees Pride stiffen at her name being said. "Her mom let her leave the heavens. how did you both meet?" Pride inquired Kiyan wanting to know more. "I'm her guardian well I was till I died." he said sighing, feeling sad. "There are ways to see her again we just have to be sneaky. her mother tries to keep her in one place to make sure no one knows I am her father" his claws slightly dig into the armchair. "Whoa wait your Vespers dad?" Kiyan stood up suddenly scrambling back. "I'm so sorry I'll break up with her right way sir." Kiyan starts to panic thinking he is about to die. "No, it's fine you can date her young man as long as she is happy with you, I will allow it" Pride states in firm tone. "Really?" his eyes lit up. "Do I have your blessing then?" Kiyan asked to make sure he heard right. "Yes, you have my blessing. now we just need to find her I know she is not in heaven which worries me" Pride said with worry "Well, let us start with getting out of hell of here. I am not comfortable here." Kiyan said remembering the harsh torture he just went through moments ago.

"I have a cottage we can stay at in the human realm. What is your name? Mine is Andras." Andras stands up to open a portal open. "Kiyan." he said, raising his hand as he looked down at his clothes "What am I wearing?" Pride firmly shakes Kiyan's hand chuckling "a suite it happens every time a new sin is created or born by bloodline coming of age if their bloodline becomes active" Kiyan looks to Andras confused "Bloodlines?" he questioned before waving it off. "Some sins titles can be passed down to their children. If they have any" as he snaps his fingers looking and smelling human. "Woah." Kiyan snapped his fingers, his whole suit livened up from its deadly appearance. His hair went from white to black as night. Andras chuckles "let us go. now if any angel asks who you are lie and hide the daemon side of you" Andras advised Kiyan as he walks into the portal. Kiyan followed behind him with a blank expression on his face. Kiyan and Andras walk through the portal appearing next to the cottage. they see it is pouring down rain a hint of the smell of blood is in the air. Kiyan instantly began to follow it, his stomach turning with hunger. Andras follows behind watching Kiyan with interest. As Kiyan gets closer with the scent of blood getting stronger Kiyan sees white feathers with blood on them under a large broken tree branch. He walked up to it lifting the large tree branch with ease. Kiyan sees its Vesper pass out with a severely damaged wing. Andras reaching his location but cannot see her just yet asking him. "What did you find Kiyan?" Kiyan threw the tree, sending it spiraling then he lifted Vesper up with care. "It's Vesper sir." Andras bolts to Kiyan upon hearing it is her. "What the hell is she doing out here in this weather. shit her body is freezing and has a high fever" Andras says as he touches her forehead then leads Kiyan back to the cottage looking like worried father.

He followed Andras looking to where her shirt tore at the mark on her side. Kiyan's eyes begin to fill with tears as he looked at it. Andras opens the door for Kiyan and gets a bed ready for Vesper to lay on "set her down on this bed so we can get her wing fixed" as he grabs various herbs making a paste. He laid her on her stomach with care as he stepped back crying before storming out into the rain. Andras sees him bolt out but fixes her wing and puts the paste on and wraps her wing. he gently moves her to where she is on her back covered her with blankets and a damp rage on her forehead. After an hour Andras walks outside to check on Kiyan "Kiyan are you, all right?" He nodded slowly and looked at Pride. "I died she has the same mark my mother had when father marked her its... she... and...." sighed looking away. "She is your mate, Kiyan. I am sure when she wakes, she will not want you to get sick. She will be happy to know your alive and I do not think she knew till after your death" as he puts a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Wait I can get sick?" he said surprised. "it's really hard for a crossroad to get sick but, I do know you both are linked together. now come inside and watch her as I make something to eat, please" giving off fatherly aura. He nodded and followed his head down. Andras walks into the kitchen, and you see Vesper sleeping peacefully, only twitching here and there. He veered towards her and crawled into the bed with her. His body heat three-fold of her own his natural fire within hotter than hell fire.

she curls into Kiyan enjoying the warmth as the pendant rolls across her chest and she cries in her sleep "k-Kiyan" "I never left you." he whispered running his hand through her hair. her eyes barely open "wh-ere, am I?" sounding really disoriented. "You are safe me and my... Uncle found you in the woods, you were pinned under a tree, we rescued you. I am .... Zuko... " He uses his grandfather's name. she tries to sit up but winces and whimpers from the pain. as Andras walks in with bowls of soup. "Uncle she is awake." He looks at Pride with his eyes huge. "that's good news. I was beginning to worry she would not make it. your wing is severely damaged you will not be able to fly for a few days" Andras says as he sets two bowls on the nightstand by them. Kiyan took one and began to feed Vesper with care as he even blew the heat off the soup. "So, you're an angel that's cool right uncle. we did not know they existed but helping you God will put us in his good grace's." he smiled. She slowly eats with a faint blush on her face "it's possible" "It is cool but sad to see one that was injured, the weather is dangerous for anyone" as Andras sits down to eat his soup.

"I'm sorry uncle I didn't mean it as offensive" as he feeds Vesper a little more. "I apologize our stew is not holy food, but it is a warm meal." "it's all right Zuko no offence taken. I normally do not leave heaven often on my own and the stew tastes good" as she eats more with a smile. "Uncle Iro and I Hunted 3 weeks to make this." He looked to Andras for confirmation that he understood the roles Kiyan picked for them. "We did and I made sure my nephew learned extra tracking skills during that time" as Andras nods his head confirming to Kiyan. "They came in handy for sure uncle it helped me find our lovely house guest." He smiled "I will put on tea. " He winked to Andras to say he was giving him time with Vesper alone as he went to make tea. "Yep, in the nick of time" Iro says as Vesper stays sitting up and fiddles with her necklace. Kiyan quietly made tea in the kitchen. "So, what's your name young lady?" Iro asks. "Oh, how rude of me my names Vesper sir" sounding formal trying move to look formal even though her clothes were torn from the incident. "Oh, such good manners from a sweet young lady. but there is no need for sir just call me Iro child." "Thank you, Iro, for your kindness and saving me as well. I was not thinking straight. " She looks down "Why is that, Vesper?" he asked sipping on his soup. "I wanted to deliver a message to my mates' father on information I learned after my mate's death. went against what my mom told me to do and went out in the weather." as she hugs herself.

There is a crashing sound in the kitchen with Kiyan walking past them covered in hot tea and he goes right out the door. "Seems he is especially important to your Vesper, and it also appears my nephew is very clumsy." She nods then takes a deep breath. "He is my life mate. but he died in my arms and from what my mom told me the pain of losing a life mate never ends" she holds her left side hugging it. "Will Zuko be ok it looked like it burned him?" she asked him with concern. "Hmm if you would like to go see how he is. while I clean up the kitchen Vesper." He stands taking their dishes to the kitchen. "Okay thank you Iro" she slowly gets up to go to check up on Zuko. "Zuko are you alright?" she asked in a soft tone. He stood with his back bare showing large scars down his back two lines as he wrung out his shirt. He did not recognize the name at first, so he did not respond. "Where did you get the scars from Zuko?" she asked speaking up more with concerned tone as her hand lightly touched his back. He flinched then explained to her. "Um it was a burn from a whip they caught on fire two lashes to banish me from my home." She gently hugged him with her face pressed against his back. "Why would they harm such a sweet man like you" Vesper said not understanding why his punishment was so harsh. "My temper. I spoke out in the royal council when I was just a boy." he said recalling how he got banished from heaven. "That doesn't sound justified for that kind of punishment" she lets go and moves to where she can see his face.

"I thought what they were doing was unjust and I acted out because of it, may not have been just, but it went against everything my home stood for to say such things." He tells her while she looked into his eyes "I'm sorry you had to face that kind of punishment" she apologies to him. "It was not your fault." his expression softened to her kindness. she reaches up to softly caresses his check. He leaned into her touch. "I love you..." he whispered then covered his mouth "I apologize." He said to her worried to upset her. she blushes stunned by the response "I-it's okay Zuko aside from your uncle you don't get a lot of empathy, do you?" She looks out to the woods watching the rain pour down with a sigh. "I'm going to be in a lot of trouble when the weather clears" she admits to him thinking about what to do. "Maybe I can help?" he offered while looking into the trees as well with her. "How Zuko?" she questioned while she rubs her arms shivering. He noticed she was cold then stepped closer beside her. "Elves are powerful creatures too." he said as he wrapped his arms around her to give her comfort and warmth. "How I never met elves before" she states to him with curiosity. "Elves are one with nature and the elements. So, I am sure we could do something. we are often unheard and unseen but do exist." He replied while he made his ears sharpen to look more elvish. "Wow that is so cool Zuko. you look very handsome too" she looks at Zuko then she covers her mouth in shock at her own words. "Sorry I don't know what came over me," Vesper apologizes to him as she grips her necklace in her hand that is around her neck. "It is not offensive to give a man a compliment." he grinned trying to put her at ease. "Are you sure? I am new to a lot of things, and I am not sure what my mate would think" she looks uncertain on what to do.

"I'm sure he would want you to be happy." he said caressing her cheek with his thumb rubbing over her cheek. she blushes closing her eyes leaning into his touch looking content. He leaned slowly and kissed her forehead softly. "Let us go in and rest now the weather is angry at the world." he said in a soft tone. "Okay," Vesper replies, then she slowly walks inside, being mindful of her damaged wing. Kiyan followed behind her then tucked her into bed gently before going to find Andras, while Vesper closed her eyes to sleep. Kiyan hears movement in the kitchen. Kiyan turned heading into the kitchen. "Andras we are now elves. " He sighed holding his head in frustration "good to know. I can see your frustration tell me what is on your mind" Andras questioned him while Andras was leaning with his back on the counter facing Kiyan. "I love her and yet if I come out with it the ruse we have would be broken. I am a sin lord of the crossroads, who has not been sin lord since my grandfather, and I am the same sin he was when he went to hell" Kiyan explains to him. Andras nods, understanding his situation. "I worked with your grandfather when he was alive. we could make a way that you as Kiyan can come back in some way" Andras state while he taps his chin thinking. "My body is at the crossroads." Kiyan sighed. "What kind of power did my grandfather have as a sin lord Andras?" Kiyan asked Andras wanting to know more about his grandfather. "He had a lot of powers, one of the strongest in his time. let us see dark magic, draconic form and can easily intimidate others is a brief list he did not tell me all" Andras informs Kiyan about what he knows. "Hmm.... guess I will find out on my own. we should get some sleep the Angel's will be at our doorstep at any moment." Kiyan says as a yawn escapes his lips. "You go ahead and sleep I will be fine. During this time, I will think about what we can do. since she will start responding like she is with her mate over time but will not understand why" Andras tells him as he pushes himself off the counters edge. "Do not where yourself out man." Kiyan teased Andras with a smile then went to a room crawling in the bed to sleep knowing he had Vesper unharmed.