Chapter 21 / Kiyan return to hell.

"I guess he wore himself out" Vesper says to herself while sits resting with Andras falling asleep. While they sleep in the cave Kiyan appears in his bed in hell. Kiyan sat up panting in his full daemonic form his bed black satin soft. His hair was a black mess as he stood up and adjusted everything like he was perfect here. He walked up to the mirror then stepped back upon seeing his own appearance, a little shocked. "Did you wear yourself out that bad?" Lady Lust speaks up in his room. Kiyan turned his head to see her causing him to step back. "I guess so." Kiyan admits rubbing his head on the side without the horn. "What did you do? cannot handle a lot of fun?" she asks giggling as her tail sways behind her. "If you must know I flew halfway across the ocean and back." Kiyan stated with his temper rising on its own he did not want to say it like that, but he just did like it was his job. "That can do the trick Wrath by early earth morning you'll be able to go back" she informs him as she winks at him. "Early morning on earth so I'm stuck here?" Kiyan asked confused that she called him Wrath before he remembered he was the new Wrath now. "Yes, you over exhaust yourself with time you can go along time without coming back cutie" she flirts as she sits in a chair facing him. "Oh. Wait, why are you in my room?" Kiyan demanded to know. "To see if my hunch was right. you are a new sin sometimes we know when one returns and one of the sins is in a prissy mood too" she bluntly states as she makes a glass appear in her hand drinking from it. "Let me guess you want me the new Wrath to set the other sin straight. even though I am not even sure of my own abilities yet?" Kiyan summarizes to her as he materializes a cigar from thin air lighting it with a white flame hovering above his thumb.

*How the hell did I do that and why in the hell am I doing it? * Kiyan thought as he puffed from the cigar long drags of heavy smoke. "I wouldn't really ask you too. but if you want to kick Gluttony's ass would be great not sure why he is though" she states bluntly with a cheerful grin. "Why is Gluttony being foolish?" he asked, taking another long drag from the cigar. "His minion didn't return from a mission of some kind he didn't specify before trying to overuse his power" she huffs annoyed with Gluttony. After a few minutes of silence Kiyan speaks up. "Was his name Hollow or Hiru by any chance?" Kiyan inquired Lady Lust. "Hiru is Hollows cover name when he was searching for a girl many years ago came back all beaten up. why?" She informs him while looking at him confused. "I might have eaten him." Kiyan admitted shrugging, taking another long drag from his cigar. She looked stunned impressed with how Kiyan handled hollow. "What did the blind fool do to receive that?" she asked with curiosity. "He said he would fuck my mate. while I was standing right there beside her, so I sort of went off." Kiyan replied like it was no big deal but, in his head, he was screaming *I am such an idiot* "wow he was gutsy to say that lie to you then and he deserved it" she shakes her head disappointed with hollow. "Wait, it was a lie? He had not touched her?" Kiyan asked stunned by that information. now the shadows began to swirl at his feet frantically. "he's tried to, but she pushed him away every time. I am the lady of Lust. I know who a virgin is and who is not. did you not ask her if it was a lie?" She questioned him noticing his demeanor changed.

"I really didn't care at the moment in time. plus, I likely mortified her when I shredded Hollow to pieces." Kiyan admitted looking in the mirror again with the shadows curled up on his legs a bit. "Well, she is a caged angel so it wouldn't be surprising take a deep breath Wrath" she replied with honesty. He did take in a few deep breaths slowly. "I'm sorry I'm getting worked up over this aren't I?" Kiyan asked, seeing the shadows around him move around. " a little but you have every right in protecting your mate. what is she like?" she asked innocently wanting to know about her. "Pure in every way possible but she isn't afraid of snapping when she is upset." he informed her thinking about it then sulked a bit. "Hmmm why so glum. You have your mate and all the strength you could ever need" she asked confused about his change of mood. "It is just what If I scare her away like Pride did to his wife?" he said looking at his reflection as if he himself was a monster. "I don't think you will scare her that bad. She is seeing what she never got to do and will not let go. the main reason he lost his wife due to the fact all angels are told they cannot be with daemons religious thing, and she hated the fact he was hers" she informs him while thinking for a moment "and I think having fun with an angel would be nice" she said with a dirty grin on her face. "You do not think Angels are going to keep Vesper from me, do you?" he asked as he took a long drag throwing the cigar into the abyss. "Maybe it depends on who child it is " she states as she takes a long drink from her cup. "Prides daughter" Kiyan replies bluntly. "Well, they may try to but since she is his daughter, and you are her mate. they should not unless they want to start a war again" she states bluntly tilting her head to the side.

"You said Gluttony had sent Hollow to kill Prides daughter, right?" Kiyan asked to confirm if it's a fact. "Yes, I did" she replies with a straight answer. "So, as a result he sent Hollow to kill my mate." He growled at the idea that they targeted her. "Yes, not sure why he would do that" she shrugs not understanding why. "Take me to Gluttony. " He growled his hands leaving shadows as he moved them now his footsteps as well. "With pleasure" she stands up, leading Wrath to the meeting room. Lust opens the door Kiyan sees Greed, Envy, and Gluttony all arguing about something. Kiyan walked in and slammed the door behind him as it echoed, he walked up glaring at Greed and Envy. Greed and Envy stop on the dime backing away from Gluttony fearing Kiyan's Wrath. Kiyan walked right up onto the table kicking Gluttony square in the chest sending him into his chair skittering back. Kiyan leaped off the table walking forward the shadows move around his hands dancing. Gluttony coughs, he looks up to see who kicked him in the chest. while Greed and Envy looked stunned at the site before them, but they lightly clap as Lust giggles in amusement. Kiyan grabs the arm of Gluttony's chair leaning in close to Gluttony's face. "If you ever touch Prides daughter or even try to hurt her one more time. I will strip you of your title like I did to the old Wrath." his voice came out as a deep growl his cloak rising from the sheer energy coming from him. "As much as that sounds fun each sin can fight each other, but not take the others rank. why does it matter to you who I hunt young Wrath" Gluttony sounding cocky but is intimidated by his presence. "Because she is mine." Kiyan said growling deeper as Gluttony raises an eyebrow "oh I see well we can't have you getting mad too often now can we" Gluttony replies as he disappears from the in front of Wrath to by the door walking away with the aura of defeat.

Wrath lifted Gluttony's chair throwing it at the door shattering it into pieces then glaring at Envy Kiyan shouting "WHAT!!!" snapping a bit. "Take a deep breath Wrath" Lust coaches Kiyan gently. "Gluttony is a fucking ass hole" Greed pipe up having enough courage to speak. "If any of you are helping him, I swear to you. you will not exist when I am finished with you." Kiyan threatened venom oozing from his words. while his eyes went from bright red to a dark red as he finished his sentence. "Gluttony wanted us to join him on his escapades but, we hate him honey" Greed speaks crossing his arms looking sassy and flamboyant. Kiyan raised a brow to Greed's statement with the flick of his wrist the thrown chair reappeared itself behind him. Kiyan slouched back into it casually sitting crossing his legs listening. "Gluttony has always tried to get all of us sins on his side for more power for his projects. some are justified and interesting while others not so much." Greed says fixing his clothes. "Sins can team up but not kill each other. if one were to die someone outside of the sins would have to kill that sin or be selected to take that space" Envy spoke feeling less scared. "I'm aware. But I never said I didn't have replacements for the sins if it comes to that." Kiyan said his eyes leering on Greed. "Valid point. But will she be able to, or will she be placed under Pride if he dies is a good question?" Greed suggests an outcome. "Oh, I am not talking about Vesper though." Kiyan's grin grew wide. "I'm friends with many dark, shady people and creatures." Kiyan informs them as a black smokey crown formed over his head at a slight angle hovering there as he became malicious. "That leaves a lot of options open for you then. Gluttony will stay down for now knowing you and Pride wants to tear him to shreds." Envy states looking at him. "Good." Kiyan said, getting comfortable he yawned a bit. "Other than the war against Gluttony please let's get to know each other in a better way." Kiyan said changing the topic as he made a fresh cigar appear lighting it with his thumb. "Agreed I'm Greed" Greed bows low in respect. "And I'm Envy" Envy replied as he messes up Greed's hair with Greed smacking him away while fixing it. "I'm Wrath." Kiyan said looking at them then looked to Lust. "I'm lady Lust" she grins at the two-play fighting. "I'm also the son of the crossroads." Kiyan said as he puffed in his fresh cigar.

"Damn powerful" Envy says as his eyes turn to a deep emerald green. "Well, someone's envious" Greed smirks seeing Envy's reaction. "wouldn't you as well Greed. if you had all that strength and power with Pride backing you up and a mate on top of that" Lust says in a sassy matter-of-fact tone. Wrath looks down curiously now at the trio before him at their conversations. "What do you mean by that Envy?" Kiyan questioned him with a raised eyebrow. "Crossroads are strong all on their own. but you are a sin as well so you would be one of the strongest here if not more powerful" Envy replies remembering another that was once in hell with them before. "You're referencing to my grandfather's power, aren't you?" Kiyan inquired looking at Envy with an enquiring gaze. "Yes, sir he was one of the best Wraths we have ever seen" Envy complimented Kiyan about his grandfather. "I see and if my grandfather said I was to be more powerful than he was one day how would you all feel?" Kiyan asked with his gaze narrowing hinting for them to choose wisely. "I would have no problem with that. I am low on the totem pole anyway" Envy replies with honesty with the other two nodding in agreement with him. "You could collaborate with me." Kiyan offered while he takes another long drag on his cigar. "Sure, I wouldn't mind that" Greed replied in a calm tone. "What about you two?" Kiyan's gaze turned to Envy and Lust. They nodded in agreement with greed. "We will collaborate with you on whatever you may need Wrath" Lust says with confidence in her tone. "Very well then. I need information on the angel Hiroshi." Kiyan said yawning again leaning back into the chair. "What would you like to know about him?" Envy asks as his wings spread out ready to take flight. "What are his motives and why does he want Vesper back in heaven." Kiyan tells Envy what he wants from him. "More than likely his mother commanded him to do that, and he worried for her knowing she was hurting at one point" Envy replies but nods understanding Kiyan's concern. "I want you Lust to get info on her mother." Kiyan smiled while moving his cigar between his fingers.

"Yes, sir I will" Lust replies as she disappears from view. "Greed split Abaddon from the mother keep them apart as much as you can. Get all the info you can " Kiyan said in a dark tone. "Yes sir" Greed replied disappearing as well leaving Envy with Kiyan. "Envy find the whereabouts on Hiroshi then get greed and lusts help to get him kidnaped. I don't need him delivering any word about this." Kiyan states in a commanding tone. "Yes, Wrath it shall be done" Envy leaves as Kiyan begin to feel it is turning to morning on earth. Kiyan yawned sort of falling asleep in the chair then he appeared as a ghost in the cave they had rested in. Vesper yawns waking up exiting the cave to do her morning stretches. Kiyan followed her then sat next to her. "Good morning love " Vesper softly said to him feeling his presence by her. He materialized next to her stretching. "Morning." Kiyan said tired while rubbing his face tiredly. "Go rest dear, I will be okay " Vesper tells him as she turns to face him. "No, we should hurry" he yawned trying to wake up faster. "But you're not fully rested" Vesper looks at him worried. "I'll be fine." Kiyan dismisses it. She leans on him sighing then mumbles saying "ok" " I'm stubborn." Kiyan admits to her. "I can tell that love. What are your plans after you are fully back? " She cuddles into him. "To make sure you're not taken away from me." he said straight forward about his decision. "I like the sound of that I don't want to leave your side. I'm willing to go where you go" she states not wanting to lose him. He smiled down at her. "Let's go then, shall we." Kiyan speaks to her. "Okay " Vesper says while Andras wakes up stretching. Kiyan stood staggering a bit but helped them pack they got all the stuff packed up. Andras carries the bags while Vesper stays by Kiyan to help him. Kiyan walked well on his own up the path. She walks ahead with a smile on her face knowing he will be fully back soon. Andras walks next to Kiyan looking at him with concern. "I didn't sleep." Kiyan admitted to Andras. "You appeared in hell last night, didn't you?" Andras asked Kiyan while he keeps a straight face. "Yes," Kiyan replied bluntly to him. "How was it" Andras inquired Kiyan with curiosity. "empowering" Kiyan said feeling pleased with himself. "Good, better than your last time there. Did you run into some of the other sins?" Andras asked wanting to know more. "I met them all and I kind of broke Gluttony's chair." Kiyan said looking away feeling like pride would be upset with him. Andras chuckles "that's what that bastard gets when he pisses people off "Andras states bluntly not really caring about Gluttony. "I sort of made friends with Lust, Envy and Greed." Kiyan said with a smile. " Well sort of." Kiyan corrects himself. "Sort of?" Andras questions Kiyan confused. "I scared the shit out of them." Kiyan admitted to what he did.

"That can happen especially if they saw you go off on Gluttony. But he is one of the most hated" Andras stated bluntly with a curved smile at the thought. "Yeah, he sent Hollow to go after vesper." Kiyan informed Andras "at least your attack on him was hopefully effective enough on the bastard "Andras replied with a growl in anger. "Me too." Kiyan replied agreeing with Andras. "But aside from that how do you feel about fully returning? You will need plenty of rest after it's all done. " Andras asked, changing the subject. "I'm scared honestly." Kiyan admits with fear in his tone. "Why is that? I would think you would be happy to be back and not fading away" Andras questioned Kiyan confused. "If this doesn't work then I'll remain a soul forever." Kiyan admitting his fear if it did not work. "It will work Kiyan. that is why we needed the teeth" Andras replied trying to ease Kiyan's mind. "I know but if something goes wrong I just I don't know." Kiyan replies still feeling uncertain. "Understandable but let's hope for the best" Andras stated as they reach the top. Kiyan's physical form vanished as soon as they opened the door. Vesper walks in with Andras behind her as she makes her way to the main room. Kiyan followed his ghostly appearance fading increasingly as they got closer. She enters the main room " Ryuji?" she asks as she investigates the room. Kiyan walked up to his body practically invisible now as he looked at himself. "Ahhh your back. so quickly too I'm impressed." Ryuji complimented her with a smile. She nods walking up to Ryuji holding up the bag that has the sea witches' teeth in them. "What do we do know?" Vesper asked Ryuji looking up at him. "Here is where my work begins." Ryuji said taking the bag with care placing the teeth in a stone bowl. He inhaled deeply and blew on them softly, heating them with his fiery breath, he began to crush them into a powder. Vesper watches from where she stands intrigued by Ryuji's actions. Ryuji slathered the hot liquid teeth across the curse mark then Kiyan's soul vanished entirely as his body jerked upwards and thrashing. Vesper moves closer to Kiyan wanting to calm him down.

"Stand back Vesper the reaction he will have been unknown." Ryuji states firmly to her not letting her pass him. Vesper stands back looking worried for Kiyan asking him. "How long does this last?" "I don't know." Ryuji admitted to her softly. She nods as she waits patiently for the process to finish. Hours went by but soon he stopped, he laid there unmoving his chest rising and falling softly. "Can I go to him?" Vesper asked Ryuji. "Yes, but don't wake him he needs his rest." Ryuji replied reminding her to be careful. "Yes sir" Vesper says in a soft tone as she moves closer sitting near Kiyan watching over him with a gentle smile. "We should leave them be Andras you and I will likely need a nap too I'd say." Ryuji gave Andras the crooked old man smile. "You may be right Ryuji " Andras replies giving a gentle toothy smile in return. Ryuji walked Andras to an empty room with a bed so he could rest. "Thank you, Ryuji " Andras thanked Ryuji as he walked into the room with yawns. Ryuji left him to his own devices, turning back to his chambers. "Vesper you should rest I can watch over him for now." Ryuji offers to her knowing she will be tired. "As much as that sounds nice I do not want to leave his side" Vesper admits as she stiffens a small yawn. "I would be a bad father if you couldn't rest as well. while I watched over my own son." Ryuji said coyly. "Yes sir, my apologies were shall I go to rest?" she asked, rubbing her eyes, giving in. "Go to my sons room remember where it is?" he asked kindly. "Yes, I do Ryuji " she stands up slowly walking towards Kiyan's room. He nodded walking over to Kiyan sitting down carefully leaning on the tree beside him like a guardian to his son. Vesper walks into Kiyan's room passing out on the bed. The time passes to late morning Vesper slowly wakes up stretching fully awake while Kiyan was sitting up slowly beside his father. Vesper softly walks into the main room to check on Kiyan.

Kiyan was sitting up looking at his sleeping father. Vesper watches from the door giving them space together. Kiyan got up wobbling as he stood. Vesper walks up gently not wanting to wake Ryuji "morning Kiyan" Vesper spoke in a gentle tone. "Huh? Oh morning." Kiyan replied to her then looked back at his dad gently shaking him. "Dad wake up there is a lady here." Kiyan said innocents in his tone like his memory was a little behind. Vesper stops at the water's edge looking up confused then looks down not making eye contact. "Dad wake up the priest lady looks like she wants something." Kiyan shook Ryuji a bit harder. Ryuji wakes up by opening his eyes and standing up stretching. "Morning Kiyan and morning Vesper sleep well?" Ryuji asked her in a kind tone. "Yes, Ryuji I slept just fine" Vesper replies bowing hiding her emotions. "Dad who's Vesper?" Ryuji looked at Kiyan stunned then spoke to him. "You don't remember son" as Vesper slowly backs up and lightly holds her side. "Remember what dad?" Kiyan asked, tilting his head. "What do you remember Kiyan" Ryuji moves his gaze to his son. "Um... I... remember... you sent me away to heaven and I was banished then I... I... went to the temple... I helped people..." Kiyan spoke with his voice was steadily shifting from childish to that of an adult to sounding dark. Ryuji watches Kiyan as he is going through the process "after helping sailors pass safely you got cursed and Vesper with her father helped bring you back with your soul following with them" Ryuji jogs Kiyan's memory while Vesper keeps her bow low. "My soul...." Kiyan went quiet then pulled his shirt off. Kiyan looks, to see the curse mark is no longer there. "Yes, son they had to get sea witch teeth to remove it and you are now fully back as a whole. thanks to Vesper for not giving up on you" Ryuji says as Vesper looks up at them with hope in her eyes.

"Vespers my other half." Kiyan said touching the tattoo. "Yes, son she is your other half" Ryuji says as Vesper gives a gentle smile while she lifts her shirt showing hers that matches Kiyan's. Kiyan nodded, holding his head now curling up a little. "Sit down son it's a lot to take in" Ryuji suggests helping Kiyan sit down. Vesper lightly flies to the other side of the water but still gives a lot of space for Kiyan. "Shit." Kiyan mumbled. "What is it son?" Ryuji asked his son while Vesper stands with her wings tucked against her back. "It wasn't a dream." Kiyan said as his memories begin to flow through his mind. "No, it wasn't a dream son" Ryuji states calmly as some of the petals fall from the tree. "I'm a sin lord then." Kiyan says. "Yes, Kiyan that's some of the reasons why you were able to come back with little problems" Vesper speaks up. "No, it's not that...." Kiyan replies with Vesper looks at him. " You fought the old Wrath in hell and won" Vesper jogged his memory more as He nodded. She slowly steps closer to him. "Does that bother you?" she asked softly. "Yep." Kiyan said straightforwardly. Vesper puts her hand on his shoulder "I will do my best to help you and my father could help you as well" Vesper offered to Kiyan. "No, I just I may regret something I've done." Kiyan admits aloud. "Like what?" Vesper asked while she had the look of worry on her face. "I'll explain when it happens." Kiyan said, his head pounding. "Okay " Vesper replies as she gently hugs Kiyan with her wings drooping to the ground. Kiyan laid there as She sits next to him feeling relieved. " How much do u remember?" she asked with curiosity. "Everything." he muttered. She holds his hand then let's go "do you want me to leave you alone for a while so you can relax better?" She offered it to him. Kiyan nodded in response.

"Okay I will go" she gets up fling out of the room leaving Kiyan and Ryuji alone in the main room. Kiyan looked at his father. "What is troubling you son" Ryuji asks as he sits at the base of the tree. "I sent the sins to kidnap Hiroshi" Kiyan admits to his father. "Why is that son? What involvement does he have in all this" Ryuji inquired his son on the matter. "He is a messenger, and I don't want the Angel's getting word of where Vesper is yet." Kiyan replied honestly. "Cause they may want to take her away." Ryuji says catching on to what Kiyan is thinking with Kiyan nodding. " You both are safe here as long as you do not leave mountain and pass the river guardian " Ryuji offered his son an option. "I know but I can't hide from them forever dad." Kiyan states knowing he is right. "I know that son but rest here and gather your strength up till you are ready" Ryuji tells him in a fatherly tone. Kiyan nodded, leaning against the tree once more. "Glad to see you back son" Ryuji smiles. Kiyan nodded agreeing with him. "Thanks dad" Kiyan thanked his father. "No problem son" Ryuji replies to him.