Chapter 22 / balancing out

Meanwhile outside of Ryuji's chambers Vesper is practicing her transformations as a daemon for several hours. She sits alone after a while meditating in her angel form. "Vesper are you afraid of your power?" Andras asked calmly, appearing next to her. "In a way yes" she admits with a sigh looking worried. "But I need to try to use it safely" Vesper states trying to sound confident. "Then you need to meditate. let it flow never fight against who you are." Andras said as he sat down to meditate Infront of her. she takes in a calm breath laying the back of her hands on her knees and meditates. "Let your memory flow and let your sins out into the open they are a part of you just like a virtue is" Andras calmly tells her what to do. She lets her mind flow relaxing slowly letting out her daemon side as some of it begins to show on her body, but she does not flinch or panic. "Good you're learning. but do not exhaust yourself this takes time" Andras says in a calm tone. "Yes father" she takes a few more soft breaths then opens her eyes. "You're tired still but it is to be expected you panicked, and it gave a negative reaction." Andras states while she hangs her head low nodding. "I wasn't expecting to either at that time. it was like a flame that kind of erupted and I did not have control" she admits to her father. "That is something you may never truly have; we are never in control but a vessel to guide the power." Andras tells her about it from his own experience. "Seems so but I'll do my best to get better " Vesper says with a determined look. "Very good my child." Andras replied to her. "Aside from meditation how else can I practice? " Vesper asked her father wanting to learn more. "Balancing your powers within yourself." Andras calmly states to her. She closes her eyes meditating more.

"Finding balance is the most difficult part though. The bad we have done may outweigh the good. forgiveness of oneself for the bad is where we make balance." Andras informs her. She nods as she lets her mind go blank to search for forgiveness for her own bad. "There will be times when you cannot forgive what you have done. To balance this, we use acceptance." Andras starts knowing she will possibly run into it in the future. "Seeing it as something that could have been avoided but accepting and understanding why you chose that path" she says calmly as half of her body is daemonic and angelic. "Balance." That is all, Andras said calmly while watching her change. "Now when you want to invoke a certain half of you. you need to embrace and feel that half more than the other like heavenly thoughts for angelic and Daemonic ones for the daemon" Andras tells her a way she could invoke either side. She thinks of angelic things changing to full angel. Then after a few minutes she thinks daemonic thoughts and slowly takes on her daemon form. "Don't panic but open your eyes" Andras softly commands her. she slowly opens her eyes, takes a deep breath, and looks at Andras. "How do I look?" she asked as her skin almost black as night with light flecks of gold around her tattoo. her horns curved up as her wing look big with her tail long. "You tell me" He said gesturing to the stream. She gets up to look in the stream with an impressed and amazed look. "Wow I look cool" She spoke amazed as her tail sways around. "Don't get too excited." he said watching her carefully. "Sorry it is nice to see though" she rubs the back of her head. "Looks aren't what we are here to focus on." Andras says sternly to his daughter.

"I know but at least I'm now comfortable with my appearance" she gives a toothy smile. "Sometimes comfort will not always be an option my child. think back when Kiyan destroyed Hollow, I imagine he was in a lot of pain" Andras says to have her think about it. She thinks about that moment. " The bones breaking and blood going everywhere " Vesper replied cringing at the memory. "Some of that blood was his own from the ripping and tearing of his own body. Vesper you are lucky he is built for such kind of transformations. a normal sin attempting such would have died." Andras tells her so she can understand. She nods to his words. " I know" she says with a sigh. "So, what have you learned my dear?" Andras inquires to see what she has retained. "How to better understand tapping into both sides. not to overreact because it can cause problems for myself and others" she says calmly looking at her father. "Very good" he replied. She nods in a calm fashion; she slowly stretches her wings. "I wouldn't fly yet if I were you. your body isn't ready unlike angels for daemons, flight drains their strength and stamina like magic would." Andras warned her. "Ok what can I do at this time?" she asked with her wings curled up to her back. after a few hours of Vesper taking lessons with her father. Andras says, "take a break and rest you practiced enough for now" Vesper nods "thank you father for your help" she thanks him as she sits down to meditate with her daemon wings resting on the ground. while Andras walks away letting her rest in peace. Kiyan leaves his father's sanctuary room seeing Vesper meditating alone. He walks up to her then lightly taps her shoulder. Vesper opens her eyes looking up to see Kiyan standing beside her. Kiyan holds out his hand to her "I want to show you something Vesper" Kiyan tells her. Vesper nods, taking his hand standing up. He leads her to a hidden place on the mountain side overlooking a beautifully lush valley.

They both sit down on the ledge watching birds fly until they see a pair of eagles doing a cartwheel courtship flight. Vesper looked at the eagles then looked at him confused she asked him. "Why do they do that are they angry with each other?" Kiyan shakes his head no then gently patting her head "the eagles are doing their courtship. They lock talons together and plummet close to the ground before separating" Kiyan explains more about the eagles. Vesper watches Kiyan as he talks about the eagles. Her heart flutters and intertwines her fingers with his. Kiyan looks down and softly smirks as he pulls her further into his little hiding spot in the mountain. She follows his lead as his hands rest on her hips and pulls her to his lap. His clawed hand rests under her chin and pulls her into a kiss. Vesper melts into the kiss as her tail flicks around excitedly. Kiyan's daemonic dragon tail wraps around Vesper's tail as his hands pull her closer to him deepening the kiss. They both lean back needing to breathe and they smile at each other in the back of Kiyan's mind his dragon and daemon side growl dissatisfied. "Where shall we go after being here Kiyan?" Vesper asks sounding concerned on the topic. Kiyan blinks shaking the sounds out of his mind "we will find a place to stay either it be your father's cottage or somewhere else" he reassures her. "After you are recovered enough, we should try and stay at my father's cottage for a while to be safe" Vesper suggests hugging him with her head resting on his chest. Kiyan's chest rumbles a purr like sound "that probably the best action to take for now and I will know you are in a safe place when I'm not around" he says as his arms and wings wrap around her protectively.

We pull out from Kiyan and Vesper focusing in on a group of angels landing at the entrance of Ryuji's throne room. The elite Angel's Castiel, Michael, aminediyl wait patiently as a monk has entered the throne to speak with Ryuji before the angels can enter. The monk returns to the three angels "my lord Ryuji is ready to speak with you now" the monk states as he opens the door for them to enter. The angels kindly bow their heads and gracefully enter the throne room. They see Ryuji sitting on his throne with a blank expression "Well. Well. Well. Look what the heavens dragged into my domain." The trio of angels give a curt bow then Castiel speaks in a calm but serious tone. "Ryuji, we have come before you. asking for advice on a few grave matters of what is to possibly come to fruition" Ryuji raises an eyebrow with his gaze shifting between the angels asking them "and what grave matters would that be Castiel?" Aminediyl speaks up "the seers have predicted three paths the future can hold" Ryuji nods for Aminediyl to continue speaking when suddenly fighting and shouting can be heard through the temple doors. Ryuji's, Castiel's, Michael's, Aminediyl's gazes all turn to the temple doors. "Let us go see what the ruckus outside is about shall we?" Ryuji stands from his throne leading them out through the temple doors. The angels follow quietly behind as they begin to wonder *what is going on? * Ryuji opens the doors revealing.