Chapter 113-Carbon vs Helios, Part Two

"O-old man…"

"Car…bon…" Tungsten weakly smirks as he peers over at his son, before coughing out a glob of blood, and dropping to the ground.

"OLD MAN!" Carbon cries as he scrambles to his feet and rushes to his father's side, before crashing to the ground next to him.

"Wh-why didn't you use your iron, you idiot!?!"

Caron then looks around, noticing the puddles of silver liquid surrounding them.


"My iron…isn't as strong as your steel…" Tungsten weakly coughs.

"Th-the sun…" Carbon whimpers, "Helios' heat melted your iron…"

Tungsten nods solemnly.

"Dammit Old-Man…" Carbon trembles, "Why did you come?!"

"I told you," Tungsten smirks weakly as he slowly lifts a hand into the air, "I wanted to look strong to you."

Carbon's eyes widen.

"I hope you know, Carbon…I never once hated you for leaving…" Tungsten continues, "In fact…I understand, better than even YOU understand yourself. I…hate my weakness too…I was too weak to take revenge on Prometheus over killing your mother. But you, Carbon…you're strong…"

"So fight…fight and avenge the BOTH of us…"

And then…Tungsten's hand falls to the ground for good.

Carbon's entire body begins trembling.

"What a touching family reunion," Helios interrupts.

Carbon snickers sadly to himself.

"Some E-Charger I am? Talking such a big game for being able to wield and combine two elements, yet…I can hardly wield Plasma Charge with my left hand, or my Steel Charge on my right. I gave that damn ice bitch some pointers, yet I can't even use 'em myself…"

Carbon sighs.

"I'm pathetic, aren't I? Everything special about me…was just the random circumstances of my birth. I lost my ego after losing to Prometheus. I'm…pathetic…And now, thanks to that patheticness, I got my old man killed…"

Carbon slams a fist into the ground.


Carbon grits his teeth and clenches his eyes so that no tears fall out, and yet…moisture begins springing out of Carbon's eyes and trickling down his cheeks.

"I'm sorry for leaving you, old man!" Carbon wails, "I'M the reason we never got to have much of a bond, not you, me! Yet…thank you, for showing me just how much you cared in your final moments…DAD!"

"What a touching family reunion," Helios taunts.

"You're wrong…father…" Carbon softly says to himself as he stands up at last, "I AM weak…"

"I'm sorry I cut it short," Helios continues taunting.

"YOU'RE the strong one…" Carbon continues, "All this time…you were trying to change yourself to become a stronger and better man. Yet me, I stayed the same…well…that's not gonna happen ANY LONGER! Carbon brasher will no longer be rigid like steel, because I…I WILL CHANGE!"

"He was weak," Helios adds, "Even weaker than YOU."

"What's wrong?" Carbon smirks, "Feeling jealous? I know how Prometheus neglected you! He NEVER saw you as his TRUE son! He always liked Smokey more…didn't he? You and I have that BOTH to share."

Helios' eyes gloss over.

"What did you say…"


"You finally showed some emotion, huh?!" Carbon cackles madly.

Silver and purple sparks of energy EXPLODE from Carbon's body then rise into the air, taking the form of a roaring dragon, with giant wings of silver and purple energy flowing from Carbon's aura.

"Y-you've…" Helios stammers.

"Yeah," Carbon smirks, "I've AWAKENED."

"All my life, I've been fighting by COMBINING my two elements together in fifty-fifty split," Carbon continues, "Because of that, awakening was hard for me to do, because rather than perfectly combining my two elements into one thing, I have to manipulate them into something I'm not, basically the opposite of what I've been doing. But then…through fighting you, I realized it: my awakening isn't the same as everyone's. I'm different. I may not be the strongest…but I'm SPECIAL. So rather than TURNING my elements into something new, I'll COMBINE THEM into something new."

Carbon narrows his eyes at Helios.

"Anti-Magnet Charge…Level One…"

Helios' eyes widen.


Carbon thrusts a hand towards Helios, and all of a sudden, Helios is sent FLYING backwards by an invisible force, and landing on the ground dozens of feet away from Carbon.

Helios coughs as he pushes himself up.

"What…was that…?"

"Repel!" Carbon shouts again as he dashes towards Helios, being propelled forward by an invisible force.

Once in front of Helios, Carbon launches a simultaneous vertical punch towards Helios, a steel-coated face punch and a stomach uppercut pulsing with purple plasma.

"Anti-Magnet Charge, Level Two: Juggernaut!" Carbon shouts as he slams both fists into Helios.

Helios cries out in pain as his face is attracted to Carbon's steel punch while his torso is repelled by Carbon's plasma jab, causing Helios' body to fight itself as to which direction isn't going, resulting in Helios being sent flying backwards due to the strength of Carbon's attack.

"Anti-Magnet Charge, Level Three: Railgun!" Carbon shouts as iron walls begin to rise out of the ground, forming a railgun which is glowing with purple plasma.

"Sun Charge, Level Three: Planetary Fire!" Helios shouts after scrambling to his feet and resuming his Charge STance, yet…nothing happens.

"Wh-what?!" Helios cries, "The sun…isn't melting your steel?!"

"Nah," Carbon smirks as he pats his pulsating purple railgun, "As you see here, I coated my railgun with an anti-magnetizing plasma that repels the sun."

"I CAN'T LOSE!" Helios roars, "I have to make sure…I HAVE TO MAKE MY FATHER PROUD!"


Carbon's railgun begins charging up a sphere of plasma, and in response, Helios thrusts both hands towards Carbon.



With two battle cries, Carbon and Helios launch their spells towards one another in an EXPLOSION of purple plasma and white light.

However, upon colliding, Carbon's spell cuts through Helios', and Helios' eyes widen as Carbon's plasma grows ever closer, and this time, Helios' is the one who's vision is overtaken by a bright light, as if being guided to a purple Hell.

"Fat-ther…all I wanted to do…was make you look at me the same way you looked at the Smoke Charger…"

Helios howls in pain and his flesh is slowly roasted as Carbon's blazing beam of plasma BLASTS into him.

By the time that Carbon's spell lets up, Helios is lying on the ground, charred completely black and lying in a pool of blood

Carbon smiles weakly as he falls to the ground, as well.

"How's that, Smokey? Ya' bastard…"

"Damn…so I barely even took out the SECOND sun, huh…?" Carbon laughs, "Ah, how fitting…"

"It's up to you guys, now…"