A New Era Dawns

The self detonation of a Chaos Immortal was extremely dangerous. The inner cosmos and all the constructed foundations that were formerly stable became highly volatile resulting in an explosion on a truly massive scale.

Shenni's suicide attempt would've easily damaged the infant primitive world. The power generated was in fact enough to kill many fellow cultivators of the same or even higher realm.

Which is why the actions taken by Hongjun and Luohu were so impressive. The two worked in unison, harnessing some of the greatest defensive treasures and techniques to contain the blast.

Taiji painting, unbreakable balance that locked dimensions. The 12 Petals Black Lotus, indestructible harbinger of destruction wrapped around the epicenter of the explosion. Jade Fortune Disc, its natural karmic luck bolstered the power of the former two.

As in the attempt was the nine devils pagoda wielded by Mara. Wrapped in mysterious snake constructs and floating orbs of power. This pagoda opened its doors sealing the explosion within.

As quickly as it occurred, it ended. Shenni's suicide bombing had accomplished nothing in the end. The blast harmlessly passed signaling the death of the former beast emperor.

All that was left was a small sparkle that exploded into a flower of light. If Da Hai were present he'd licked it to a fireworks display.

Hongjun could feel the cultivation base of Shenni fly towards the peak of Mt Buzhou. In the end, all Shenni accomplished was aiding in the of growth of the primitive world. The end result was the complete opposite of what he wanted to achieve.

"Just one more," Luohu said softly. Hongjun eyed the experts behind Luohu, the devil ancestor starred back in return. It was a sit Luohu was darling Hongjun to attack. Currently, Hongjun was nowhere near ready to fight the full force of the devilish Dao.

"Indeed, only a little more and this farce can truly end," Hongjun nodded to Luohu. Silently they both came to an agreement, they simultaneously stared eastwards.

"Return to Mt Sumeru," Luohu ordered. His subordinates not daring to argue bowed in fear and reverence.

"As you command, master," the hairy ape man at the front turned around and led the lesser devils away. Hundun, Mara, and the high level gods nodded to Luohu trusting him to bring glory to the devilish Dao. Luohu did not need their help for he was fully capable of handling himself.

Hongjun frowned at the scene. He had really fallen behind, had he become complacent in the east? Mutually agreeing, the two flew rapidly chasing after Huoyun in the east.

Da Hai groggily opened his eyes. His serpentine body was wrapped in masses of colourful clouds, sitting within the 12 Petals White Lotus. He immediately recognized the person carrying him.

"Wh…where, Taowu," he stuttered in hand conscious confusion.

"The situation had been handled," Huoyun answered Da Hai much to his relief. He wasn't sure pellucid divine water's phasing out of this dimension would work considering the Taiji painting. He made a gentle note to conduct more studies in the future.

"I am glad that's all over, I'm looking forward to taking a long nap after this," he said. Da Hai began stretching his body, his severed head's necks followed along. The pain was still very real but nothing he couldn't handle.

Da Hai looked at his own pulsating flesh. Primordial Qi from the 12 Petal White was already working on healing him but Da Hai would need years to fully recover.

'Looking at your own wounds is gross,' he thought. He began shrinking wrapping himself and adopted a human form again. His human form appeared whole if a little pale.

He sat down and stretched some more whilst admiring the floating colours of Huoyun's cloud body. He could glimpse the Dao of the five elements with clarity. As a being of water, he could learn a thing or two from Huoyun's Dao.

In this regard, a human form was much better than his true form. In truth, only Da Hai called it the human form due to his relation to his predecessor. The true name should be Dao body, a construct most ideal for enlightenment into Dao.

The form of four limbs and five digits was what is closest to the Dao. Calling it the human form was very wrong. Humanity merely resembled this look. Da Hai recalled Nuwa's legend, of how she molded the first humans from clay.

The day she gave them their bodies and declared them a new race was the day humanity will be born. Due to their appearance, they gained natural Dao bodies, unlike innate creatures who had to cultivate to a certain level before gaining theirs.

For powerful gods like Da Hai and the chaos godfiends, they were born at Golden Immortal and they too possessed an already formed Dao body. Innate creatures who were already immortals were much the same.

The two continued to travel rapidly. Huoyun had broken space and was teleporting with blitzing. They had already returned to the east continent. Huoyun only looked ahead with bloodshot eyes and heavy breath, but Da Hai hadn't noticed still chatting.

Da Hai smiled, "Brother Huoyun, you should come to visit me in the east sea." He began telling the innate god all the things underneath the sea. How the times of sea creatures had expanded peacefully for the past 10,000 years. How coral like herbs grew on the sea bed that were very beneficial to cultivation.

Da Hai also brought up the untapped riches of the east sea. How large gatherings of primordial Qi will eventually spawn an embryo that could be forged into primordial spiritual treasures. If you were lucky a low grade xiantian spiritual treasure may form.

As Da Hai was speaking Huoyun's true form receded back into his human form. He looked incredibly uneasy.

"What's wrong?" Da Hai asked. Huoyun looked back west and sighed. He motioned for Da Hai to follow.

"You know, the primitive world really is a wonderful place," he said. "During the chaos, we had observed some naturally forming worlds from a distance but never approached. The beings there were just so weak, so insignificant. However that drive to survive had always been something I admired. I do not truly care about them, but I do think that they have a right to attempt it."

"Why the sudden philosophical talk?" Da Hai asked him curiously at the sudden change of tone.

"Shenni's goal of destroying everything compromised that desire. The primitive world and all its living inhabitants wanted to live as well. I did not want conflict with Shenni, but it was inevitable we would clash," Huoyun continued looking around sadly.

"We were all fellow daoists of the chaos, in this new world we should not fight each other," He admitted. He looked at the primitive world with a complex expression.

"Do you want to know something?" Huoyun suddenly asked. Da Hai who was increasingly worried about Huoyun nodded.

"I perfectly understand Shenni. Deep down I also hate the primitive world!" He exclaimed.

Da Hai was shocked, "What are you saying?" He gasped.

"It all traces back to Pangu. I spent years in that cave cursing his name. I was so happy in the chaos," tears began welling as a look of frustration appeared on his pale face. "You want to open a world? Sure go ahead, I applaud you for it. But why did you have to drag me into it?"

He looked in the direction of Mt Buzhou and said, "Why did I have to die for your goals? Why did you have to slaughter us?" He turned back to look at the concerned Da Hai, "Sorry for my ramblings brother. I just felt I needed to vent before it's too late".

"What?" Before Da Hai could even complete his sentence Huoyun moved. A large seal formed by the five element pearls formed a trigram of the five elements. Before Da Hai could react it bound the sea god.

"What is the meaning of this?" Da Hai roared angrily at Huoyun. The daoist of the five elements had the face of a man in acceptance.

"Saving you," he said. With a swipe, he pushed the sealed Da Hai away. Da Hai landed in a large lake, the trigram formed massive chains blocking the lake. Primordial Qi, pure spirit energy of the world gathered, erecting the soil around the lake.

"Huoyun WAIT! What is happening?"

In an instant, a massive mountain with an underground lake formed before Huoyun. After it was completed, all traces of the seal had disappeared. It was as if the mountain formed naturally.

Huoyun looked back west and brought out the five element pearls. Before long the majestic figures of Hongjun and Luohu appeared before Huoyun.

"Finally stopped running?" Luohu taunted. "Where did that snake with you go?"

Huoyun didn't answer, he immediately charged Luohu. The devil ancestor scoffed, the current Huoyun was so tired, so weak that he couldn't put up much of a fight. Luohu pierced deeply into Huoyun's stomach stopping him mid air.

"Die!" Huoyun shot the five element pearls out along with his fist punching Luohu with his remaining strength. The devil ancestor easily caught the attack and crushed Huoyun's fist.

"So much for the 4 greats," Luohu tore into Huoyun's chest. The dying innate god looked miserable.

"One day Luohu, one day you will pay. You and Hongjun," he managed to make out before his body collapsed into Dao essence.

"And so it is complete, now to just… wait where did he go?" Luohu looked around and saw Hongjun's figure dashing away from him back towards Mt Buzhou.

"You fucker!" He roared and chased furiously. They had come together to keep an eye on the other but who knew Hongjun was so sly.

In their haste, they ignored the new mountain Huoyun had made and the sound of enraged wailing emanating from within its underground lake and the sound of someone desperately bashing against a wall.

"Hongjun you old bastard, I won't let your scheme succeed!" Luohu called out as both deities flashed to Mt Buzhou. Hongjun arrived first and immediately unleashed his immortal power. He sent his own Dao signature into the Heavenly Dao.

Not to be outdone Luohu threw out his own lot as well. He cannot let Hongjun grab all the benefits. Since Hongjun was distracted by the Heavenly Dao, Luohu was able to send a bit of himself into it as well.

The golden egg cracked when both signatures entered. Hongjun did not have time to be angry when vast Dao might flooded the primitive world. Hongjun gritted his teeth when he saw the laughing Luohu fly away. The war between the two had just begun.

The situation could however be salvaged. As long as he can win the Heavenly Dao over and convince it that his immortal Dao was superior, then he can still win. Luohu will be pushed out, Hongjun had already seen it.

Beneath the mountain, Da Hai watched as a radiant light illuminated in the distance from Mt Buzhou. Heavenly thunder and lightning roared along with celestial clouds. Constructs of auspicious dragons, phoenixes, qilins, turtles, tigers, and many creatures roared in harmony.

Golden soldiers made of pure Dao essence danced admits the heavens. The Heavenly Dao had finally appeared.

Across the world, a change was felt. The lands became more stable, primordial Qi became richer. The vast wilderness was overall a vastly more stable space.

True Immortals suddenly discovered they were no longer as strong as before. They could no longer run, fly, nor punch as hard and their magical powers were weakened.

Profound Immortals and Heavenly Immortals discovered that space could not be broken so easily. They cannot wantonly break reality and teleport without paying a heavy price.

But another positive change was the sheer richness of primordial Qi. Many living beings felt that cultivation was so much easier than before. A breakthrough to the next realm might be possible now.

The current yuanhui had ended, 129,600 years had passed since Pangu opened the primitive world. A new era had dawned