Secrets within Mt Buzhou

The great wilderness had finally entered an era of peace and prosperous growth. Thousands upon thousands of innate creatures manifested, populating all sides of the primitive universe. Though the suppression of the Heavenly Dao limited their abilities, and by extension their ability to travel, these tribes were able to slowly carve out a territory amongst themselves.

However, it was inevitable such expansions will bring a rise to conflict. Because of the disappearance of a vast majority of ancestral masters, the innate creatures were able to rise as masters of the north, south, and east continents.

A thousand years after the great battle against Shenni, two tribes of innate creatures were having a territorial dispute on sorrow cliff mountain. It was named as such due to rumours of crying being heard from the mountain many centuries ago.

"Old Meng, you really are a fiend. You actually dared to trespass into our rhino clan's territory?" A buff elder at the Profound Immortal realm called out.

A sleek snake like man scoffed, "Your territory? Our ancestor claimed this land thousands of years ago. You upstarts were the ones who stole it".

"We've been here for millennia without issue. You can only blame yourselves for being too weak to keep your own lands," the rhino elder mocked. The snake's elder Meng signalled for his men to attack.

Soon another battle ensued. These battles have been on the rise for the past few decades. It was not strange for the desolate soil rhino clan and the dreaming white serpent clan to clash.

The chieftains of both clans were early stage Profound Immortal cultivators. Heavenly Immortals among innate creatures were exceedingly rare so their current cultivation was considered very good.

They ran across the mountain fighting fiercely, hurling boulders and uprooting forests with their primordial spiritual weapons. At some point, they released their true forms and continued fighting

The giant white snake hundreds of metres in length managed to coil around the rhino. Around them, the snakes were beginning to gain an advantage over the rhinos. Their speed and corrosive venom cultivated from their special bloodline were very useful in defeating the rhinos.

'Will this be the end of my desolate soil rhino clan?' The rhino elder thought depressingly. His clan was a new tribe that sprung up after the Heavenly Dao came into effect. In comparison to the dreaming white serpent clan, they were indeed worse off.

Suddenly the ground shook shocking both armies. The mountain they were fighting over was trembling. Avalanches of soil, rocks, and forestry tumbled down the mountain.

The shaking was so violent that both sides had to flee. Their war was forgotten as the mountain howled in sorrow and fury.

The mountain that had sat for over a thousand years erupted in a fountain of soil and debris.

Admits the rubble, a titanic 8 headed serpent with long sickle like claws sat with gleaming blue scales and flowing yellow hair. It was clearly aquatic in nature as it possessed fins, whiskers, and gills.

Da Hai had fully recovered, his cultivation base of Taiyi Golden Immortal peak showed signs of breaking through at any time. His eight heads surveyed the fearful creatures far away from him.

"Finally out," he roared out in relief. But he quickly noticed the environment around him felt different.

In the past, innate creatures had to survive primordial beasts and reincarnated chaos godfiends alike. These days most innate gods were dead and primordial beasts were non existent. The former died during the war while the latter was exterminated by the Heavenly Dao.

Primordial beasts were always little more than a tremor in the primitive world. Their extinction was inevitable, even if the Heavenly Dao missed a few, they were unlikely to live peacefully in the future.

Da Hai stared across vast distances, his superior eyesight could pierce the dimensional fabric of the western border of the east continent. Mt Buzhou was easily in sight.

Rage welled up in the sea god, all consuming rage. In his anger, Da Hai snapped towards the last known destination he knew the murderers of Huoyun were at. The distant mountain Buzhou loomed ominously and Da Hai only glared hatefully.

He did not think deeply on any action he took. The seal that trapped him was like a time capsule. His mind was still coming to terms with what had happened.

At that moment a burning desire for vengence burned within Da Hai. His bloodlust gushed out of him terrifying both serpents and rhinos alike. These creatures immediately prostrated themselves begging the god for mercy.

They cursed their luck to run into an ancient powerhouse so soon. 'Weren't they all supposed to be dead?' They cursed.

However soon the rage gave way to depression. Da Hai hung his heads, retracting into his human form. There were changes to it now. While he still wore white robes with blue lining, he was physically older and taller.

Da Hai now resembled a young man in his twenties filled with anger. He thought about the sheer difference between Hongjun, Luohu and himself and sighed.

Looking at the direction of Mt Buzhou, Da Hai pondered. Perhaps he could discover something there that can help him defeat Hongjun and Luohu. Mt Buzhou was extraordinary, it is his only hope right now. As the spine of Pangu and the pillar of heaven, it should be the only thing that could help him.

Da Hai ignored the prostrating rhinos and snakes and left the area. Breaking through space, he teleported towards the central continent.

"Heaven was on our side, we were truly lucky," a rhino said in excitement. Both clans survived a terrifying ordeal that still left them trembling. They looked at each other and suddenly had a thought.

Soon an alliance was formed bringing peace to the surrounding regions. As thanks to Da Hai for indirectly bringing peace to their clans, a statue of the 8 headed snake was built for worship.

A decade later, Da Hai reached the base of Mt Buzhou. He stared at the golden merit within his inner cosmos and laughed in amusement. Sadly he had much more pressing matters to attend to.

He scaled the celestial mountain. With his peak Great Unity Golden Immortal cultivation base it was easy to begin. However, he soon felt suppressed and had to land on his feet. The suppression force on Mt Buzhou was much stronger compared to the previous era.

As the primitive world grew in strength, Mt Buzhou grew with it. Even Da Hai who was 50% of the way through could no longer fly.

Undaunted Da Hai began hiking on foot. With his high strength and agility he continuously dashed up the mountain. However, as he went up the suppression force kept getting stronger and stronger.

At 70% of the way up Da Hai could barely move. The suppression force was increasing exponentially. Da Hai could barely lift his body from the ground.

Forcing his head against gravity he looked up at the sky. The sky above the upper area of Mt Buzhou was pure golden. The current Mt Buzhou could be considered a universe in and of itself hence changes within could hardly be felt outside. The auspicious sky of Mt Buzhou could not be seen from the base of the mountain.

Da Hai guessed the golden sky was the Heavenly Dao's true form. The feeling it gave him was simply terrifying. He had seen Chaos Immortals in action and from the Tian Hai's memories, Primal Origin Immortal and Primal Zenith Immortals.

Yet nothing short of Primal Zenith Chaos Immortals can even come close to the Heavenly Dao. Even then, he'd wager that even those immortal gods would be forced to retreat.

'To think it is still in its infancy,' he thought in wonder. The heavenly Dao was still young, it was bound to grow stronger over time. In the future, during the era of the six saints, the Heavenly Dao was more than capable of suppressing experts of that level.

Da Hai attempted to get up only to be crushed again. He could feel a familiar Dao essence of Hongjun and Luohu above him. He felt extremely hateful.

Witnessing Luohu killing Huoyun and arresting the five element pearls had infuriated him to no end. He had to do something, he couldn't let go. He had to think of a way.

The golden skies shined with divine light. The dark energy of the devil and the pure energy of the immortal could be seen within fighting for dominance.

However, the majority of primordial golden might still hold dominance over the two. It ignored the fighting completely as if it wasn't even aware of it.

"Will of the Heavenly Dao, I wish you no harm. I can see Hongjun and Luohu had done something to you. I wish to rectify it," Da Hai proclaimed, although he was only using this as an excuse. In truth, he wanted to screw over the Dao and devil ancestors.

The golden clouds rumbled, the fighting of devilish Dao and Immortal Dao was pushed to the wayside until it could no longer be felt. An unspeakable might barrelled onto Da Hai pushing him off the mountain.

Da Hai fell helplessly off Mt Buzhou's upper stratum. He fell and fell for days, weeks, months without seeing the bottom.

Eventually, he landed in a pool of blood. It was then that Da Hai regained his freedom. He had sustained some injuries and was bleeding Dao essence. Quickly, he swam upwards until he broke the surface.

He discovered that he had crashed into a large pool of blood about 50 metres radius. He quickly got out of it and looked around him. Surrounding him were 12 similar pools of blood.

Da Hai widened his eyes in realisation. 'Twelve ancestral Wu,' he thought. The famed ancient gods of china, predating the heavenly court of daoism.

"This means that behind me is," Da Hai turned around. What met him was a gargantuan royal pavilion hundreds of thousands of metres in size. Its massive pillars held up its circular roof and hung a massive sign post displaying the following words.

Pangu Temple!

The invisibly force emanating from the temple was incredible. Upon experiencing it for the first time, Da Hai felt his knees give out against his will. He fell into a kowtowing stance of reverence. The Pangu temple was what became of the heart of Pangu. It was hidden deeply within Mt Buzhou and no one knows how to even begin looking for it.

After kowtowing Da Hai got up groggily. He could feel a pulse within him. Something telling him to go inside. Da Hai frowned but nodded to himself, perhaps the Heavenly Dao wasn't trying to harm him.

He walked up to the massive doors thousands of kilometres high. Da Hai was only 1.7 metres tall. He looked insignificant compared to the temple. Even his true form will be tiny in comparison.

He raise his arms and pushed the doors open. Inside he saw murals, paintings carved into the walls depicting scenes of battles, individuals, and universes. He recognised every single individual depicted, they were the 3000 chaos godfiends.

These murals showed the memories of the chaos period, of the mighty gods who fought for dominance. They all led to a centre point where 12 circular thrones sat arranged in a circular position atop of the 8 trigrams. Each seat displayed strange symbols.

Da Hai recognised them as the writings used by the chaos godfiends. This language was mystical in nature, only readable with a high enough cultivation otherwise they'd just be gibberish.

Each symbol named one of the core elements of the Heavenly Dao, natural laws of the world. Forces of nature integral to maintaining balance and existence of the Primitive world, divine authority of the gods.

Chaos, world, wood, metal, fire, sky, violent water, war and battle, lightning, death, calm water, and soil.

At the very back wall was a lonesome statue of a hairy fierce looking man. Yet he also looked wise dressed in grass-like loin cloth with an emblem of the taiji displayed. He stood on a spinning lotus, held an axe in his right hand, and a disc with the image of a butterfly spun behind him.

Da Hai stood before this statue and bowed in respect.

"You have come," a weak ancient voice called to Da Hai. The statue's eyes had brightened up in pale luminescent light.

"You…you're…no that's not possible," Da Hai gasped between bated breathes. "You're dead. Your life extinguished years ago! You can't possibly be here!"

Because the presence who spoke out towards Da Hai, was none other then Pangu himself.