
"Hehe, if it isn't fellow daoist Da Hai. It's been awhile," Si Hai greeted as he sat down on the offered seat. He felt quite comfortable here, evidently Da Hai knew how to treat guests well.

"I am sorry about your loss, I understand you and daoist Five Elements were close," he said while drinking a mouthful of hot tea, much to Da Hai's surprise. At Da Hai's questioning look, he clarified, "I found out from my own sources."

"Yes, I lost a friend that day."

"Indeed, I owe my life to him. He saved me during the final battle at Mt Buzhou, you know?" Da Hai was quite suspicious, Si Hai was acting quite friendly. Officially, this was the first meeting between the two but Si Hai seems to be talking to an acquaintance.

Da Hai sipped tea in silence while Si Hai kept talking. He got the feeling Si Hai was buttering him up.

"I never thought I'd run into fellow daoist Tian Hai's inheritor out here in the East. What's more, to see that you have joined those of us at the Great Principle Immortal realm. Truly you did not disappoint us chaos godfiends," Si Hai laughed heartily.

"So, how about it?" He asked.

"How about what?" Da Hai returned the question.

"You don't have to be coy with me. We're both from the sea, I already rule the vast oceans of the Primitive World, but I could always do with more help. That fiend Qiong Qi has already thrown his lot in with Luohu but you my friend, your bravery knows no bounds," he complimented.

"Oh? I do not think my actions warrant such praise," Da Hai scratched his cheek and looked away.

"Haha, fighting Taowu while being a whole realm lower. That's the stuff of legends," he laughed with a broad smile. "I need someone like you by my side, a fellow Chaos Immortal," he finally made the offer.

"Why though? You're plenty strong yourself, I'm sure by now Qiankun, Shangxia, Wangshu, or even Yingyang would have also reached the Chaos Immortal realm. You had no reason to invite me specifically," Da Hai retorted. Si Hai frowned slightly and drank his tea.

"Besides," Da Hai continued. "Such imperial ambitions goes against the lifestyle of godfiends."

"Pah! the civilization is gone already. What remains are just titles. Fellow daoist, we are both beings born of the sea. It's only natural we should work together," he said with an amiable smile.

"Are you that afraid of Luohu?" Da Hai said, also with an amiable expression. However his words came out as mockingly as possible, making Si Hai really displeased. However, the prospect of recruiting a Great Principle Chaos Immortal, which will greatly bolster his reputation and power, made him bottle his rage up for the moment.

"The devilish Dao is a problem for all of us. You of all people should have more than enough reason to despise them," he said. Da Hai did not respond but his silence was very telling. Si Hai could see the pressure on Da Hai's teacup increasing to the point where the utensil was on the verge of shattering.

"See, this is why you should join me. I will name you Great Emperor of the East Sea, with the addition of your strength and Yingzhou to my forces, the devilish Dao will be defeated in no time. What's more, you'll get an endless source of food, plenty of treasures and slaves," he smiled more and more as he made that offer.

"Wow, you really don't know anything about me," Da Hai calmly said before finishing his tea. Si Hai frowned, for he did not expect such a reaction.

"I do not see a point in conquering nor enslaving others. You and I share a common enemy, but that does not make us allies," he said.

"Careful with your words Da Hai, you'll be wise to join me," Si Hai warned. Da Hai waved his hands and put away the tea set. He stood up and walked past Si Hai.

The doors of the main hall opened, "I think you should go, fellow daoist. I have no desire to be under anyone."

Si Hai also got up from his seat chuckling, "Oh Da Hai, do you really think I was asking?" A profound aura filled the great hall shaking the entire building.

"Outside please," Da Hai gestured for the door. Si Hai smirked and exerted more pressure on the building. The structure began making creaking noises much to Da Hai's dismay.

"Fellow daoist, I must insist we take this outside," he asked once more, releasing his own power. The creaking noise stopped as Da Hai canceled out Si Hai's power. The two stood in a stalemate, staring at one another.

The great hall suddenly exploded, showering the area with bits and pieces of broken wood and furniture. Da Hai and Si Hai stood opposing one another in an open space filled with rubble.

"I spent a lot of effort to build that," Da Hai said unhappily.

"Then you should've accepted my proposal."

Da Hai placed two fingers on his forehead and sent a voice transmission outside of Yingzhou. "Defend your homes," he said. Si Hai had also done the same for his troops, albeit his command was a lot more vicious.

Si Hai waved his tanned arm and drew a long harpoon. He pointed the bladed end at Da Hai, as if signalling him to attack. Da Hai clasped both hands.

A massive surge of water caught Si Hai and tried to crush him. Si Hai merely smirked and split the wave with one stroke. However both halves of water condensed into giant sea serpents who bit at Si Hai.

"Haha, Da Hai you're quite funny, using water against me?" He gripped one serpent construct tightly before hurling it into the other, splattering both into millions of droplets. These small droplets froze in the air and shot back at Da Hai like a shower of bullets.

The Ocean Swallowing Water Jug appeared on Da Hai's right palm, drawing all the water back in. No drop was leftbehind, all were sucked into the jug.

Seeing no progress, Si Hai leapt at Da Hai for a stab. The eastern sea god bent out of the way but had to jump back again against a follow up downward swing. The harpoon struck the earth hard, but no damage was seen.

Si Hai looked at the floor in wonder, 'This mountain was truly something special'. Da Hai launched pure energy blasts at Si Hai, while the latter spun his harpoon like a helicopter blade, perfectly blocking the attacks.

Si Hai took out a sickle and chain from his pocket dimension and threw it towards Da Hai. Da Hai's left hand transformed into a webbed claw with a single long sickle claw and repelled the sickle. Si hai jumped with the chain held in his hand pulling the sickle back.

He threw it in an arc while stabbing at Da Hai. Si Hai's harpoon was a top grade xiantian spiritual treasure and incredibly sharp. Da Hai's 12 Petals White Lotus appeared in his right palm and blocked the bladed edge.

However the sickle swerved around the lotus, aiming at Da Hai's neck. He leaned back narrowly avoiding the blade and twisted his left claw catching the sickle. Si Hai's eyes glowed slightly, surprising Da Hai as the sickle's hooked blade elongated into a spring-like trap that wrapped around Da Hai's entire left arm.

He swung his left hand, creating a long arc of water that froze into ice shooting up towards Si Hai who had taken flight. Si Hai smirked, stabbing the harpoon down and collapsing the ice entirely. His other hand commanded the chain to perfection.

The chain was wrapping around Da Hai. Si Hai tightened his fist and the chain followed his command. They wrapped tightly around Da Hai's form.

"Not bad Da Hai, but too bad for you, that chain can trap anything in this world," Si Hai flaunted. Da Hai didn't look worried, his body turned into water and he stepped back, easily slipping out of the trap much to Si Hai's shock.

"Well, that's a surprise," Si Hai's smirk disappeared. "Let's end the warmup, I have a schedule to follow," Si Hai's tanned form disappeared in a hurricane of water. Si Hai had opted to reveal his true form.

Standing many kilometres tall, easily reaching the clouds of Yingzhou. Si Hai resembled a cookie cutter shark's head with pale white skin and no eyes attached to a slim neck and a bony white scaled body. He had large wings that resembled fins in two sets of two on his back, four long arms each with four fingers. His lower half was a set of four octopus tentacles.

"You are really emphasising the number four, aren't you," Da Hai commented in good humour.

"Enough jest, submit now or face the consequences," Si Hai commanded once more. Da Hai chuckled and shook his head. "Very well Da Hai, It seems this one will have to teach you a lesson," the harpoon enlarged into a massive weapon held in Si Hai's right upper hand.

He held a scroll in his lower right hand, the sickle and chain in upper left, and a fishing net in lower right. "You are no match for me," he announced, unleashing the full might of his Dao.

Da Hai felt an unfathomable wave of Dao essence wash over him. Si Hai pushed out with the fishing net which expanded many thousands of times, enveloping Yingzhou entirely.

Da Hai, in response, brought out the Chaos Cauldron. The starry flames of the Cauldron shot out, burning away at the net. He also held up his sword and swung it leaving a trail of water. This was the Teardrop Sword. While t's sharpness wasn't great, combined with the strength of the Chaos Cauldron, it was able to cut apart the massive net.

Si Hai retrieved the net and roared in anger, shaking Yingzhou. He unleashed an unrelenting tsunami with the scroll, the water within contained his profound meaning. Just a single droplet could've brought a man to enlightenment.

However Si Hai's opponent was also a sea god. Da Hai created his own wave spewing out from the Ocean Swallowing Jug. The surface of Yingzhou was covered in two clashing oceans with only the mountain peaks and the Fusang tree visible.

"Foolishness," Si Hai announced. He pointed up, creating a drill of cosmic energy and made it descend on Da Hai. Da Hai released the 12 Petals White Lotus whose petals were unbothered by the attack. Si Hai then swung his harpoon down, pushing the lotus and Da Hai into the sea.

"My waters are superior, you cannot win this, just submit," he ordered. Da Hai was wholly pushed into the roaring seas. His wave was overtaken completely by Si Hai's wave.

Undeterred, Da Hai merely smiled, he pushed his arms out and held a large flag. It was the Xuanyuan Water Control Flag. With a single swing Da Hai took command of the ocean, pushing it up and surprising Si Hai.

"What?" Si Hai called out as his whole body was overwhelmed by the ocean of water pushing him off his tentacle feet and crashing into a mountain of Yingzhou.

The Xuanyuan Water Control Flag's special ability was in its name. It was unmatched in control over water, even if the water belonged to someone else. Da Hai commanded the ocean and pounded Si Hai into the mountain.

"Enough!" Si Hai roared, his very breath dispelled the water barrage. Charging forward, he swung his harpoon with four hands at Da Hai. Da Hai brought up the Teardrop sword, it combined with the 12 Petals White Lotus into a longsword with a segmented white edge.

Both forces clashed with ferocity splitting the heavens. The winds generated from their clash uprooted many trees on the Island. It was quite a funny sight as Si Hai was a giant while Da Hai was only 1.7 metres tall.

"You know, I quite liked my garden," Da Hai said as he maintained his grip.

"Your hands are slipping Da Hai, your Dao is inferior to mine," Si Hai did not make small talk. He directly pointed out his advantage.

Da Hai nodded, "Indeed, my current Dao is a little inferior to yours. But do remember where we are fighting." Da Hai's voice became more transcendent, more profound. Si Hai found that he was unable to see properly. He felt incredibly small, surrounded by fog.

"In a direct discussion on the Dao you'd certainly win. However, you picked your arena poorly," Da Hai's figure disappeared. Si Hai swung his head around trying to see the sea god but found himself covered in fog.

He struck out everywhere only to hit nothing but fog. "Where are you!" He roared and stabbed the ground in rage. He pushed the full might of a Great Principle Golden Immortal into a single strike misspelling the fog and revealing his location.

He was in his true form many kilometres tall and stood among rubbles of Da Hai's palace. His harpoon was pulled from the ground as he looked up. Da Hai stood high above him on one of Fusang tree's branches, both hands behind his back.

"On Yingzhou, I am supreme, remember that," as Da Hai spoke, Si Hai felt infinitely smaller. He felt sixteen glaring serpentine eyes staring down at him with the ominous shadow of a gargantuan white tree.

"What is this?" Si Hai was struck with an incredible force pushing him up against his will. "Argh!" The emperor spat out mouthfuls of blood unable to block the attack. His battered body flew helplessly, though he immediately operated a fleeing technique, reaching Yingzhou's border in an instant.

A second force slammed into him, driving him hard into the sea floor outside Yingzhou. Si Hai barely managed to look up and saw a scene that terrified him. Eight smoky snake-like heads extended from Yingzhou like a god descending from heaven. Each one opened its mouth in unison blasting Si Hai once more.

"I am outside Yingzhou, don't think too highly of yourself," he moved to intercept but the blast did an enormous amount of damage to him again. "Sneaky bastard!" He roared as he suffered another blow and flew through several leagues of clouds before finally descending and hitting the open ocean.

The celestial mountain stood before him with Da Hai standing at the entrance. Si Hai gritted his teeth and turned around, he pushed off into the water, swimming as quickly as possible. He displayed the full power of his cultivation and fled with all his might, leaving his army behind.

Since Da Hai was empowered by Yingzhou, he could easily fight off Si Hai. Even killing him on Yingzhou wasn't an issue. However, at the last moment Da Hai changed his mind. Si Hai was better alive than dead. Besides, a replacement has already been preordained. Da Hai made a note to plan for the future.

He scanned the remnants of the sea and noticed losses weren't too bad. The overall superior cultivation of the East Sea cultivators outmatched the strength of the South Sea army. While formations were good, a genuine Golden Immortal was simply too much to handle for those with inferior cultivation bases.


Mt Yujing.

Hongjun frowned as he pinched his fingers on the Jade Disc of Fortune. 'Why can't I divine anything?' He thought with frustration. For whatever reason, the events of the East Sea were hidden from him. He even considered leaving Mt Yujing and going east to check for the reason.

However Luohu has been eyeing him hungrily for some time. If he went east, Luohu might just be spiteful enough to attack Mt Yujing in his absence and cause untold destruction.