Second Generation Innate Gods

News travelled fast, and soon enough, Da Hai's image as a powerful expert was cemented in the hearts of all creatures living in the East Sea. The story of his battle with Si Hai spread rapidly, eventually becoming a local legend in the east..

Of course, the events were exaggerated again and again as it went along the rumour mill. From the story of the two having an epic duel, to Da Hai defeating the wannabe-conqueror with a single slap, to Da hai outright killing him and replacing him with a clone, the stories about the fight kept becoming more and more outlandish. As Da Hai had made no attempts to dissuade these rumours, they just kept spreading and getting even more ridiculous.

South Sea

Si Hai slammed his tanned fist on his throne. His injuries were severe, but not fatal in any way. However, he was forced to stay in his palace to heal. As a result, his empire was already near crumbling. While the West Sea was still peaceful for the most part, the North Sea was in open rebellion against him..

Si Hai had been forced to send a large portion of his army to the North Sea to quell any dissenters. He rubbed his temples tiredly, Shenni had really left him a big mess. He couldn't even enjoy a good meal recently.

"Damn you Da Hai, I'll get you back for this," he growled. "But those illusions, I need to come up with something," he began pondering. "Yingzhou's very nature is mysterious. I've never seen anything like it. My Dao really was powerless, my water control is negated by that damned flag, and physical force is useless if I can't see shit," he sighed, disappointed.

Si Hai's Dao of the Supreme Seas was shaken. He couldn't overcome Qiong Qi all those years ago, but that made sense as Qiong Qi was an ancient life form with a fierce reputation. But the Da Hai he'd lost to wasn't supposed to be all that strong.

"Information from the devilish Dao isn't that reliable, but what else is new," he said in a self-deprecating manner. He decided for the time being to go into secluded cultivation. This way he would take what he'd seen on Yingzhou and try to come up with some techniques to guard against illusions.

After Si Hai's decision, massive armies of the South Sea travelled westward and eventually northwards. While it may seem counterproductive to take such a long route instead of a more direct route crossing the Central Continent, it was actually for the better. The marching speed of the sea creatures that made up his army was greatly enhanced underwater, not to mention they were in friendly territory.

East Sea

For Da Hai, the long game had begun. Si Hai had unknowingly bought him a lot of time. Time he was determined to use well. On Yingzhou's beach, Da Hai practiced with his Teardrop Sword, comprehending various combat techniques in the process. Over time his application of his Dao in combat gained a sharper edge.

"Combat ability is good, but it must be balanced with Dao realm," Da Hai put down the sword. Although he owned the bladed weapon, he felt it was not really suitable for him. He placed it back into his pocket dimension and contemplated.

The Dao of Distant Seas was already fully formed. Da Hai was now in the process of improving it. Pellucid Divine Water had been a great help in that regard. Da Hai looked up at the night sky, catching a glimpse of the starry skies. He saw the stars hanging stationary in their positions, glowing in starry might.

Although they were fully visible, they existed in another dimension entirely, each star containing extraordinary power. Yet the starry sky of the current year was not the vast expanse of the Three Realms, it was many times smaller and weaker. But they still seemed completely out of reach to many immortals of the world.

"So close yet so far away," he said in amazement. The sea god sat down on the beach and began meditating. Due to Yingzhou's nature, he remained undisturbed for many years. As time went on Da Hai continued cultivating beneath the sea of stars.

"The abyss of the Dao is so profound, no matter how deeply I reach, there always seems to be something more. Is this what true infinity feels like?"

It was an indescribable feeling, although Da Hai personified the ocean, he could not help but feel infinitely insignificant when he peered into the Dao. "To think Pangu comprehended this in entirety," he said in amazement.

The very nature of near and far were contradictory. Yet they fit together so well. Da Hai's body seemed like it was fading in and out of existence. He slowly opened his eyes and tested various cosmic abilities.

Rivers of water surrounded him, transforming into a stream of stars before catching fire, exploding into a winding stream of apocalyptic fire. Da Hai changed the elements again and again, from fire to brownish soil to electrifying lightning.

"All things belong to the ocean, for the ocean encompasses all things," he muttered as he fell ever deeper into enlightenment.

Yingzhou was sealed off and disappeared from this plane of reality. However the denizens of the East Sea did not forget Da Hai or his deeds. His reputation in their eyes became even more exalted.

As the millennia went on, many more Golden Immortals arose in the East Sea. The sudden surge of strength made many of the land dwellers envious. The few land dwellers who had good relationships with the sea clans could obtain some clues, but those deeper inland were stuck even worse.

Those who were aware of the Eastern Supremacy Hongjun looked towards Mt Yujing, hoping for some sign.

Over 30,000 years later, a sudden change occurred a few thousand kilometres off the coast of the East Sea. Thunderous lightning struck deep into the ocean floor shocking many passing cultivators.

"What's this?" A mighty Golden Immortal who was passing by exclaimed. He was an elder of the Azure Rain Snake clan, specifically one of the strongest second generation experts of the East Sea named Flowing Rain serpent.

Upon seeing the vast buildup of primordial Qi and tribulation lightning, he became incredibly excited. Xiantian spiritual treasures had become exceedingly rare, the vast majority were owned by the original innate gods and the very strongest of clans. Even his own clan only had a half a dozen low grade xiantian spiritual treasure.

"These signs, it's at least a high-grade treasure. Perhaps something even better." Flowing Rain smiled in excitement. He couldn't believe his incredible luck. "The heavens have truly blessed me today, ha ha," he laughed in happiness.


Mighty rounds of tribulation lightning struck the ocean. The aura was so great, even strong Golden Immortals like Flowing Rain retreated. The snake looked around to see if anyone else had noticed the commotion. Thankfully their location was a rather secluded one, quite far from the ocean centre and a bit away from the shore.


Flowing Rain waited for nine days of consecutive tribulation. He didn't mind the wait. As a being who had achieved the Dao fruit of Longevity and tore himself out of the River of Destiny, he was ageless. Waiting for ten thousand years was nothing to him, much less a measly nine days.

On the dawn of the tenth day, mysterious golden light shone from the heavens. Dark tribulation clouds parted to reveal auspicious signs. A mysterious imperial aura could be felt making even Flowing Rain feel as if he wanted to kneel.

"Can this treasure be so strong?" He muttered in amazement. He was about to reach into the sea when he detected something. Something he had not expected.

A sudden surge of life-force erupted from the ocean. A thunderous roar rumbled through the surrounding area. The majestic aura of a Golden Immortal was felt for kilometres around sending Flowing Rain into shock.

'Shit, did someone actually find this as well?' He was fully prepared to attack but felt off. This life-force was nonexistent a mere moments ago. Rather it looked to have just come into existence.

Before he could react, the vast ocean erupted in an explosion kicking up a tsunami hundreds of metres in the air. Three gargantuan serpentine figures rose with one golden shadow in front and two behind.

The leading figure resembled a sea serpent yet was vastly different, with gleaming golden scales. It was long, easily ten thousand kilometres in length. It had a head resembling a crocodile with rows of fierce, serrated teeth, it had ears resembling an ox and antlers of a deer. It had a wild mane of hair and long catfish whiskers twirling in the air. Its body winded across the sky producing auspicious clouds wherever it stepped.

It had four limbs, each long and resembled muscular scaled human arms. Its hands were thick with muscle, resembling a hawk's claw. Nine digits stretched from each of its claws, sharp and deadly. In its right claw was a huge azure coloured pearl. In its left claw was a chain of beads totalling twenty four. They were both top grade xiantian spiritual treasures

The following creatures looked less impressive, the one on the right was slightly smaller than the lead. It had yellowish scales and a white belly. It too also possessed nine digits on each of its claws but they were green in colour. The most unique aspect of him was the two massive feathered wings coming from its shoulders. They casted a massive shadow that enveloped the ocean.

The third figure on the left was equal in length to the winged one. It possessed auspicious azure scales. Its antlers had the texture of trees and its mane resembled a bush of greenery. Its nine digit claws were more rounded and overall it looked more kind.

All three stood atop auspicious clouds generated by their bodies. They looked incredibly imposing. Each of them held the aura of Golden Immortals.

"Elder brother, we have finally done it, after all these years we have finally transformed," the winged one said excitedly. The azure one also nodded one excitement.

"Hm," the golden one agreed. However he turned his eyes and saw Flowing Rain. The sea snake was staring right at the treasures in his hands. He felt incredibly uncomfortable and slightly offended.

Flowing Rain was openly salivating. He was grinning ear to ear when he saw the two. "You lot, hand over the xiantian spiritual treasures," he said with open greed.

"Has this guy gone mad?", "There are three of us and one of you," the winged one and the azure one said in unison. They were gearing up for a confrontation as well.

"Hmph, I can tell you're all only beginner Golden Immortals. Let me tell you, your father here has been at the Golden Immortal realm for over ten thousand years. Do the right thing and hand them over," he said with madness evident in his eyes. He couldn't let this opportunity slide no matter what.

"No," the golden said and scoffed. "We brothers are dragons, the highest gods born of Pangu's Qi. What right do you have to make demands of us? Worm," the dragon said with rage on his face.

"That is right, big brother, let's teach him a lesson in humility," the winged dragon chimed in as well. The azure dragon readied his flaws for a charge.

"Ignorant brats," Flowing Rain transformed into a serpent over ten thousand kilometres long. His scales resembled rain drops, rounded and uneven. "Let's see if you dare," he charged at the golden dragon in the centre.


The golden dragon did not back down nor use his treasures. With his titanic body, he grappled at Flowing Rain. "Do not interfere," he roared at his brothers behind him.

The two fought in the sky above the ocean but the superior one was clear. Flowing Rain was being pushed back. Much to Flowing Rain's shock, the golden dragon hurled him back into the water with a single swipe of his claw. The dragon dived in after him, all thirty-six claws at the ready.

"You fool, water is my origin," Flowing Rain laughed in mockery. He swam fluidly in the sea and attacked the dragon. The golden dragon merely smirked, "So's mine," he said.

With equal fluidity, the dragon danced around the serpent, biting into Flowing Rain's neck and drawing large amounts of blood. The dragon's many claws ripped into Flowing Rain's stomach, easily puncturing his scales. The water surrounding them was dyed red with blood and random innards which flowed out.

"How was it brother?" The azure dragon asked.

"Weak, couldn't even put up a good challenge," the golden said unceremoniously. He didn't even struggle that hard against the snake.

"Yinglong, Qinglong, let's go. I want to see what this world has to offer us," he commanded. "I am Zulong, heavens hear me, I am the Supreme one of the sea," he roared in arrogance, announcing to the world his challenge.

In the distant south, a mighty firebird burning in Nanming god fire and rich in yin. Her cry could be heard for millions of kilometres. Her call made all the avians in the world flutter. They could all sense it deep down, their empress had appeared.

In the barren north, the cry of an auspicious beast reached the ears of many. A four legged hoofed, scaled horse like beast with catfish whiskers stood majestically atop a mountain. He smiled at his future kingdom.

I've tried writing some stuff: