Da Hai Against Hongjun

First there was Hongjun, then there was heaven. One phrase that dictated the world. The mystery of mysteries saint who embodied the great balance of the universe prior to the splitting heaven and earth. That was to say, Hongjun predated the heavens.

Da Hai's mind swirled with old memories of a world he'd barely dwelled on. Truth be told earth or terra or whatever you'd call it rarely entered his mind unless he wanted to remember mythological trivia. In this time period however, barely any was useful.

But no matter what source, no matter which text, no matter which description. One consistent thought was universal. Do not fuck with Hongjun.

Yet right now, all Da Hai could think about were the last few conversations with Huoyun. Those memories tens of thousands of years old. Memories that remained vivid throughout all his time cultivating and instructing.

"Wait a second," Da Hai had said. "You vitality Huoyun, you're severely injured. Are you really going to fight in this state?"

"Hm? What other choice do I have," Huoyun answered flying with equal pace with Da Hai. "Our home is being threatened by a madman drunk on revenge. Just abandoning everything and leaving is not an option."

"Except it is, you once taught me to not be too benevolent less I be taken advantage of. To be wary of strangers, to not pick fights I cannot win," Da Hai said.

"I did," Huoyun sighed. "But right now, things are bigger then just you and me. I cannot let something as big as this go."

The daoist of the five elements closed his eyes in tired sadness. "This world is still in its infant stage. Hongjun and Luohu, their desire for control, their desire to cultivate this world. The bodies of our brethren they'll leave in their wake will be catastrophic."

"You've already told me," Da Hai stated. "Hongjun injured you so?"

"I wish it were not so, else I'd be at 100% for the fight," Huoyun sighed. "Who knew the grass cricket will grow so strong so fast. I know he incarnated early but to already…Hai, I don't know if he'd pursue me or not but…" he shook his head. "The past is the past, we can only look to the future, work with what we've got."

"Stay safe alright," Da Hai said. "We'll come out of this war fine."

'How idealistic I was,' Da Hai thought retching himself out of his memories. 'Hongjun, I blame you. I hate you,' the sea god closed his eyes to suppress his rage from showing.

"Fellow daoist," Hongjun approached steadily, not too fast nor too slow. A steady past with firm steps and a strong posture. He appeared old but not frail, not simple. Just looking at him gave off a feeling of vast mysteries, deep enlightenment into Dao.

"Daoist Hongjun, greetings," Da Hai said evenly. He discretely motioned with his fingers facing away from Hongjun for Zulong to move away.

The old man took a side glance at Zulong and the four divine beasts. His eyes got a brief look of relief. In fact he'd also looked incredibly happy.

'Right, Zufeng exhibited an aura similar to Hongjun. There is a high probability he'd gotten to the Qilin as well,' Da Hai thought while observing Zhuque for any reactions. 'No reaction, she doesn't recognise him. Approached from a false identity perhaps?'

"It is Da Hai correct?" Hongjun asked and Da Hai nodded. "Well, I haven't seen you in ages. I believe this is the second time we've met."

"Yes," Da Hai said. "But the last time could hardly be called a meeting," he said taking a deep breath.

"You are troubled fellow daoist?" Hongjun asked appearing concerned. "What ails you friend?"

"A lot of things," Da Hai admitted. "But I must say, your appearance here was unexpected."

"It was merely a quiet stroll," Hongjun sounded very friendly when he talked. "It's not good to stay cooped up for too long. Cultivating can get quite boring."

'Likely story,' Da Hai thought. 'What could he be after? He took zero interest in Si Hai, but a lot in me and Zulong. Zulong I understand, but I am just a background character.'

"Haha, when I first met you, I thought you were an oddity," Hongjun said smiling. "So like Da Hai but so different in your aura, you were like a completely new person. Tell me, do you still go by Da Hai?"

"Yeah, I do," Da Hai nodded. It was no secret that all three thousand chaos godfiends knew each other at least to the degree of an acquaintance. Hongjun had seen Tian Hai and spoken to him plenty of times. It was only natural considering how many yuanhai passed in the Chaos Sea.

The chaos godfiend civilisation brought to extinction by Pangu had been around for many cosmic years. Around 313 or so, that was to say 313 Yuanhai went by before Pangu executed the godfiends. Translated to the time flow of the primitive world, that was 40,377,000 years. Plenty of time for the main three thousand to meet.

"Wonderful, fellow daoist Da Hai, it truly brings this old man joy to see how much progress you've made. Truly I am envious," he said jovially. At the same time, a seniority was established. Yet Hongjun is acknowledging Da Hai, attempting to play to his ego.

"How can I help you fellow daoist," Da Hai finally asked. "I stand by the justice I've dealt to Si Hai."

"So such small issue," Hongjun said. "I was merely appraising you," the old man walked up to Da Hai and suddenly appeared very serious.

"The truth is, this world is in danger," Hongjun said sadly. "The Heavenly Dao is in danger of assimilation by a terrifying demon."

"Luohu," Da Hai whispered. Hongjun nodded.

"I see you're already aware," he said stroking his long white beard. "Truth is, I am gathering allies. An alliance of the strongest cultivators to combat him." 'A sales pitch huh?'

Hongjun sighed in sadness appearing very tired and distraught. "Already we are losing this war. Many comrades had fallen over the years. Even the mighty godfiends like patriarch Kunwu. Even one of our greatest, daoist Huoyun was tragically assassinated by Luohu," he said with a grief stricken face. No falsehoods could be found in his voice. 'The fuck did you just say?'

"Alas, a tragedy, struck down before his time. Luohu is a man who'd do anything to win," he said. 'You hypocrite.'

'How dare you!' "Yes, it was. Most tragic loss," Da Hai gritted his teeth and clenched his fist. His blood boiled like magma and it was only through years of controlling his emotions that none were leaked out.

"You were familiar with the late daoist Huoyun?" Hongjun said with a hint of surprise. "Indeed, it was a tragic day when he perished. Luohu snuffed out a very kind soul. Inspire of his fearsome reputation, daoist Huoyun was not like others of his rank," the old man smiled sadly. 'You despicable lying piece of shit.'

"Fellow daoist, you are quite possibly one of the strongest immortals that exists in this world. Please help me avenge daoist Huoyun," Hongjun pleaded. 'What utter nonsense.'

'I wish you dead,' Da Hai thought trying to keep a perfect poker face. Then he twitched, and twitched again, then again. "What a load of bullshit," he whispered.

"Hm?" Hongjun grunted tilting his head. 'What am I doing?'

"Tell me Hongjun, does your goal not equal that of Luohu?" Da Hai snarled. "Do you not admit your involvement in brother Huoyun's death? Do you not admit your true intentions?" 'I am making a mistake.'

"What?" Hongjun raised an eyebrow. 'But right now…'

"I think there's been a bit of a misunderstanding fellow daoist," Hongjun said evenly. 'As I stand before you…'

"I am working for the betterment of all living beings," Hongjun admitted. "You must understand the gravity of the situation. I cannot be lax in my judgement. Are you with me?" 'I just don't CARE!'

"Fellow daoist, you are making a mistake," Hongjun sighed. "You do NOT want this fight."

The world exploded in a flash of light before Zulong's eyes. He couldn't open his eyes he was thrown back. He tumbled across the ocean slamming into an island, shattering the island and continuing in his trajectory.

Tensing his claws, he gripped the fabric of reality to steady himself. The dragon slid for millions upon millions of kilometres before managing to somewhat steady himself. He raised his head and immediately looked away.

The assault to his senses was too much. The sky sang, the ocean rejoiced, the lightning danced. Bridges of immortal marine gods were beating their drums of war, blowing on their trumpets, announcing the offensive.

Reality distorted and tore apart. Two titanic auras washed over the dragon making him question what was real or not.

Water rose up and clashed against celestial clouds. A javelin of ice landed somewhere close to Zulong. A massive explosion threatened to rupture his eardrums.

Da Hai, 12 Petals White Lotus spun in one hand, each of its soft lotus leaves were like steel blades, desperate for blood. In his other hand was a large flag swirling with dense water, the xuanyuan water control flag.

Hongjun grunted in surprise as he leaned back to avoid a swing of the flag. Then he raised his arm to block a torrent of water the force of which cracked reality and slipped into the void before doubling back for another hit.

Hongjun closed his eyes and sat crossed legged mid air. He clasped his palms and breathed out. The water splashed harmlessly over him and returned to the ocean. The grinding power of the white lotus did not reach him.

Hongjun slowly opened his eyes which glowed purple.

"ARGH!" Da Hai flew back having been struck by a fierce blast of immortal power. The white lotus appeared behind him in support. Its nursing energies empowered the sea god. The flag at this side was raised and the ocean along with it.

At least 30% of the west sea rose into the air transforming into a mighty serpent. It stretched on for tens of millions of kilometres long. The serpent lurched forward and Hongjun.

The old man sighed, he clasped his hands and chanted. The maw of the serpent bit down at Hongjun before exploding into uncountable amounts of droplets. Hongjun sat mid air looking disappointed.

"Last chance fellow daoist, with me?" He asked.

The droplets in the air froze into sharp edges the size of a pocket knife. They bombarded Hongjun in a hail. The old man opened his palm and slapped the air. A massive wave of wind obliterated every single droplet in existence.

Da Hai snarled in rage and drew his sword. In a wide arch slashed at Hongjun. The sea parted in his wake and the heavens split.


Between Hongjun's index and middle finger, he held the edge of the teardrop sword. He sent his other palm out at Da Hai's stomach.

A massive wave of purple light radiated from the impact point spanning vertically in a circular shape like a disc. The eight headed serpentine form of Da Hai impacted the ocean floor below. Eight pairs of eyes glared at Hongjun hatefully.

With those eyes, sixteen beams of laser shot into the heavens carving at Hongjun. The old man opened both his palms and held them open before him, one up and one down. He twisted them around.

The two extremities of black and white met forming a diagram of the Taijitu. The spinning wheel of two extremities gave rise to the spinning wheel, perfectly balanced harmony. Bleeding into each other, they gave rise to five aspects of creation, four surrounding a fifth. Eight images appeared beyond forming a perfect balance of the cosmos.

The Taiji painting, a piece of Pangu's axe that split off after the primitive world was opened. It appeared in Hongjun's hands and spun. All things in this world exists in harmony, the process defined on the painting detailed the change from primordial heaven to early heaven with the oncoming rise of latter heaven.

Da Hai ultimately failed to land a single blow on Hongjun. And as the wild winds of the primitive world blew. Da Hai rose to face the ancestor of the great balance.