The Mighty Hongjun

Incredibly long, monstrous, ferocious and furious. This was the current state of Da Hai as he lunged at Hongjun. The divine water known as pellucid divine water flowed through the sea god's veins allowing him to avoid Hongjun's palm strikes.

The old man whirled his palms around and deflected one of Da Hai's heads into another head. The sea god flew up and wrapped his tail around Hongjun only to be prevented by a bubble.

"Hmph! how uncouth," Hongjun snorted. The bubble exploded in a bright purple light. Golden radiant Dao essence bled profusely from Da Hai's remaining stump that was once his tail. Sixteen eyes narrowed as eight mouths opened blasting bolts of electricity in unison.

Hongjun pointed his index finger up. It glowed purple with swirling clouds surrounding it resembling a tunnel. A narrow laser shot out of his finger, its might easily eclipsed Da Hai's attack. The lightning was shattered as the purple laser blasted through them all.

Da Hai's eyes widened. With impeccable reaction speed, his entire body melted into a stream of water phasing through the beam. Hongjun narrowed his eyes.

The great immortal clasped his hands and breathed out calmly. A small spec of purple energy appeared in his hand. With a quick motion, he threw it at the battery form of Da Hai.


What could only be described as an apocalyptic purple blast occurred in the largest explosion ever conceived in the history of the primitive world. Space and time were torn apart revealing a gaping black hole into the void between realms.

However, Da Hai in a pure water form still floated in the air. Slowly, the water receded as the sea god moved away warily. The distance between them was at least 43 million kilometres.

Hongjun frowned in irritation. The purple bomb had done more damage to the primitive world than Da Hai. The taiji painting appeared in his palm. The dual extremities of the black and white expanded and covered the surrounding area in an invisible dome.

Da Hai narrowed his eyes as the dome expanded faster than he could move. The hole into the void was also enveloped. The balancing effect of the taiji painting instantly took effect.

Space was locked down and this area was isolated from the outside world becoming its own separate universe. Like shards of glass, pieces of reality mended the hole restoring it to the blue cloudless sky. It was as if no damage was ever done.

Hongjun smiled in soft triumph. Purple lightning crackled in his eyes as orbs of immortal energy floated around him attacking Da Hai with long distance bombardment.

Da Hai gritted his teeth and flew away kiting the attacks. As he'd done so, his tail regenerated bit by bit. Da Hai swerved into the air abruptly flying up then turning again and again.

As one of the serpent heads looked back, Da Hai noticed the projectiles gaining ground. He narrowed his eyes and concentrated, pellucid divine water ran through his veins again.

'What if I…ok let's do this,' he strategised in his thoughts. As the energy blasts neared, Da Hai dived. He descended and flew above the ocean surface while pulling tendrils of water to intercept the blasts.

Hongjun waved his hand and the blasts swerved around him. Da Hai nodded in expectation, he ripped a huge portion of the water into a tsunami hoping to engulf the blasts. In response, Hongjun flexed both his arms out and pushed.

Without hesitation, the blasts shot through the tsunami wall nigh effortlessly. They continued chasing Da Hai as he dived deep underwater. But he couldn't continue running for long.

Hongjun looked pleased when they impacted in a massive explosion. Because of the sealed universe, collateral damage was also none existent beyond the ocean being kicked up a few million kilometres.

"Now how will I approach the dragon?" He stroked his. His eyes suddenly widened. Behind him, water conglomerated into the human form of Da Hai.

In his hands lay the xuanyuan water control flag. The actual flag was neatly wrapped around the pole. Above the flagpole, the 12 Petals White Lotus disengaged into a conglomerate of white steel petals. They attached themselves on to the top and built upon themselves until they became a coherent sharp blade.

Around the base of the blade, the cycling waves wheel manifested and became a hilt guard. The ancient looking ocean swallowing jug appeared and attached itself onto the pummel of the flagpole turned handle. Water rose out of the jug into the handle forming a long thick hilt of ice. The completed weapon heavily resembled a zambato.

With both hands, Da Hai held the fused treasure. The sheer power from combing two top grade xiantian treasures and 2 high grade xiantia treasures was incredible. The top grade treasures were notable as they provided the offensive power while the high grades merely stabilised it.

As he swung down, Da Hai did not make a peep. His eyes carried a look of bloodthirst rarely if ever seen on the man. The white blade glowed in transparent greyish light striking at the back of Hongjun's head. All of this took place in an instant.

Divine sense was an extremely useful tool at a cultivator's disposal able to detect foreign energies. They awakened early on during the development of the nascent soul and only grow exponentially more powerful from there. The only real way of defending from a sense was to forcefully block it or be lucky enough that the user doesn't have it on.

Hongjun was an experienced member of the chaos godfiend civilisation. He was no stranger to using divine sense and as such had a small passive sense active warning him of the danger of incoming attacks. Throughout the years he'd admittedly grown lax as he became confident in his position.

However, that wasn't to say he'd neglected divine sense entirely. As although he'd not actively used it after assuming he'd killed Da Hai in that blast, he was able to sense and react to an oncoming attack.


The white blade formed from the white lotus clashed against the flagpole of the Pangu banner. Hongjun had long since turned around and blocked Da Hai's strike with clear surprise in his eye.

"Today is just full of surprises," Hongjun muttered.

Sensing danger immediately disengaged and leapt back assuming a full form of pellucid divine water as a grey wave of power washed over his form. Hongjun's face twitched as Da Hai phased through his deadliest method of attack. The chaotic sword Qi had failed to reach Da Hai.

"I've already sealed dimensions, how is he doing that?" Hongjun raised and brought the Pangu banner down in a slash motion. He cleaved the oceans and skies apart in one stroke.

Loathed as he was to admit it, Da Hai was becoming somewhat enlightened from just watching the moves employed by Hongjun. He felt pellucid divine water drain away from him as he narrowly avoided the oncoming blow.

'This cannot go on forever,' he thought regretfully. His moment of raw rage is now costing him dearly. He quickly bought his weapon up to block a casual swing by Hongjun. 'He's not even taking this seriously.'

"Tell me, what other surprises have you've got," Hongjun asked. "And what was that technique just now. I'd love to trade pointers."

'This motherfu…' Da Hai raged as dodged and went for another swing only to be denied blood by the Pangu banner.

Hongjun smiled softly as the banner slid across the white lotus blade and slashed at Da Hai via the flag. Da Hai leaned back just barely dodging the blow and associated shockwave. Bits of his hair flew off as well as a small gash on his forehead.

Looking back Hongjun, with his banner raised, was generating a huge amount of chaotic sword Qi. It was formed into a blast.

'I cannot let that reach me,' Da Hai thought as Hongjun brought the banner down and unleashed the blast of grey. It sped and sped travelling for a very long time yet not at all.

"Great control of space," Hongjun complimented. The space between them was forcefully expanded yet the two still stood very close together. The distance travelled by the chaotic sword Qi continued to increase however.

"Sadly, chaotic sword Qi is very good at a few things. Most notably, destruction," he casually said. The grey wave of energy was like a gas of clouds. Reality suddenly twitched, Da Hai lurched back, and the chaotic sword Qi expanded in a deadly wave.

From within the pummel of Da Hai's blade. The ocean swallowing jug unleashed its stored contents. Years of pellucid divine water harvested and stored came gushing out meeting the wave of Qi.

"Hmph, were you not listening young man?" Hongjun spoke condescendingly. "Hai, this old man will teach you a lesson…hm?" Hongjun looked in confusion as after the water enveloped the Qi, it harmlessly travelled without affecting anything.

It was as if the Qi was right here, yet so far away that they couldn't cause harm. Da Hai huffed and puffed as he narrowly escaped with his life. Hongjun was not an opponent to take lightly at all.

"Okay," Hongjun finally relented in annoyance. "Guess I can't mess around anymore."

'Fuck,' was the singular thought running through Da Hai's head. He raised his weapon and blocked a single bash by the Pangu banner. With his free hand, Hongjun followed up with a palm slap. A slap Da Hai could not avoid.


Da Hai flew incredibly fast and incredibly disorientated. He slammed into the barrier isolating this dimension so hard that glass like fragments came off. His treasures were split and fell to his sides.

Da Hai looked up a gargantuan purple palm came at him. Immediately, the 12 Petal White Lotus appeared surrounding him. It wrapped Da Hai's body and expanded into a massive shield specialising in defence.


The lotus flower was pushed so hard that the barrier formed by the taiji painting was beginning to crack. Da Hai looked back at the wall, the teardrop sword appeared in his hands and he slammed it with full force into the barrier. His full cultivation struck with everything he had concentrated at a singular point. Combined with the force of Hongjun's own attack, a small crack opened through.

'Yes!,' with a single thought, Da Hai transformed into a stream of water. His treasures disappeared in flashes of light, fading into himself as he exited through the crack.

Watching this go down, Hogjun frowned in irritation. He spread out his arms dispelling the taiji painting. With his superior vision, he saw a severely injured Da Hai. He was bleeding everywhere, golden Dao essence was also coming off of him.

"It was entertaining at least," Hongjun muttered and prepared another attack. "Can't have a variable running around."

"MASTER!" A voice called out as a black and yellow light rocketed for Da Hai. Hongjun raised an eyebrow as a golden serpentine dragon wrapped around Da Hai's severely injured form.

"What is?… Zulong you fool. Get out of here," Da Hai screamed.

"No, I cannot obey you this time master," Zulong replied inspite of his own injuries. "I cannot allow you to die."

"You," Da Hai uttered. He clenched Zulong's body and pushed. "Get away from this place, you'll only find your own death," he said desperately showcasing more emotion than he'd ever done for many years.

Up above, Hongjun hesitated. 'Master and disciple? Shit,' he thought in anger. So that's where the dragon was this whole time. The phoenix and qilin were hard to track but he'd managed it. Only the dragon eluded him and it turns out, he'd already had a master.

'What's going on? I need more information,' Hongjun thought in a panic. He dispelled his next attack making sure to not accidentally do anything like killing Zulong. 'Hmph, well played,' he thought bitterly.

"But," he said aloud. "It's not like this is too much of a hindrance," he said coldly. Hongjun waved his arm in an arc, Zulong widened his eyes as he felt trapped. A purple outline enveloped the dragon.

"GRRRR, " Zulong attempted to resist but could not move. His body moved without his own input as he unwrapped Da Hai and flew involuntarily into the air.

"GAH!" The dragon roared as he was forcefully thrown away.

"ZULONG!" Da Hai called out.

Hongjun smiled as he raised to Pangu banner preparing to stab out.


Hongjun suddenly turned around and grabbed the forearm of a new arrival preventing a devastating palm strike. "Even you showed up?" He said to a furious Wangshu.