Arrival in the South

'The ocean air of the south sea carried a much different feeling than that of the west or north,' Zulong idly thought. The sailing journey had been very smooth with very little interference aside from a few wannabe pirates. Of course with the group's power level, what pirate could possibly threaten them.

But if the dragon had to be honest, the journey had gotten incredibly dull. There was little to do and most people knew better than to approach a ridiculously fast ship carrying several powerful auras. Zulong concisely looked westward and opened his divine sense.

'Still nothing,' he thought sadly. He looked back at the sitting figures of the four symbols divine beasts. They sat in a formation representative of the four cardinal directions.

"Anything?" He asked with hope. Qinglong opened his eyes and shook his head. Zulong sighed at the implications.

"The starry skies is sealed," Qinglong said. "It's unusual for me to not even feel the power of the stars for such a long period of time."

"Right, it is strange. Almost like that constant companion that just one day disappeared," Xuanwu agreed with similar nods from the other two. "I don't think any more attempts of probing the starry skies will work friend."

"Zulong," Yinglong called out from the steering platform. "I'm sure master will contact us when he has returned. Don't stress too much."

"You say that like you're not stressed," Zulong retorted. He could see the same hopeful glint in Yinglong's eyes as he had. Yinglong's was a pretty good actor when he wanted to be. But nothing his brothers do can fool the eldest dragon.

"Whatever the case, probing the stars are useless," Zhuque said walking up the platform. "We cannot detect those seniors and even if we could, what can we do? It's not like any of us are strong enough to matter."

The vermillion bird took over from Yinglong as the helmsmen and steered the ship northwards. "I'm familiar with this region, used to explore here every day, still do actually. We should be seeing the mainland in a few hours."

"Wait, you explore these parts? I thought Si Hai had it out for you?" Baihu said. "Doesn't his men like, hunt you or anything? You're not exactly subtle."

"Oh please, that ugly turd hadn't gotten off his lazy ass since before I was born. His men can't ever hope to match me in a fair fight or even a normal ambush," Zhuque scoffed.

"Didn't they just do that shortly before we met?" Baihu snarked.

"That's why I said normal ambush. That was anything but normal," she said. "Pure happenstance and will never happen again."

"Right, of course it won't."

"Shut up Baihu," Zhuque said zapping the tiger with a stream of fire. "In other news, you guys are going to love the phoenix's roost. My sister's castle is the greatest fortress city in the world."

"Truly?" Qinglong challenged. "My brother's success in the east I nothing to scoff at either. They tout it as the trading center of the seas."

"I'm sure brother Zulong's city is impressive, but my sister is an emperor of the world. The crowned phoenix sovereign and direct descendent of Pangu," Zhuque said smugly.

She looked down at the conflicted gazes of Qinglong, Yinglong and Zulong. 'Hm? What's up with them?' She thought.

'This complicates things,' Zulong thought. He thought back to the last time he'd encountered a fellow emperor and wondered if this Zufeng he's meeting will be similar.

'Zulin exists in the north, my brother to the east, Zufeng in the south,' Yinglong pondered. 'Only the west is spared but are ruled by the devils. Three rivalling emperors of the primitive world, it's almost like the primitive world is gearing itself up for another conflict.'

The universe traversing boat continued to travel at a steady pace. The southern parts of the primitive world weren't known for conflict unlike the rest of the world. It was actually one of the quietest and most peaceful portions of the world.

During ancient times, many innate creatures who became refugees migrated here and set up their own clan compounds. These clans only had a handful of strong fighters left and over the years very few were produced. Over the years, the south had garnered a massive population that rivalled the thriving west continent and east sea. However, unlike the latter two, the south continent wasn't home to many powerhouses.

Zhuque looked up at the sunny bright sky in anticipation. She'd missed her home for the past several years now. Her sister must've been very worried for her.

"Who's that?" Baihu suddenly asked standing up.

Zhuque was only confused for a moment before sensing the approaching presence. She smiled softly and replied, "That's one of my sister's generals, Chongming."

"He's strong, I can feel it," Xuanwu complimented getting up and gazing at the distant flying bird. Chongming was massive, he was easily several thousand kilometres in wingspan.

"Chongming has been following my sister for a long time. He's an innate god of the east continent and one of my sister's most loyalist follower," Zhuque explained. "He's trustworthy, he's likely patrolling right now."

As Chongming got closer, the rest of the group got a better look at him. This bird deity was similar in build to Zhuque's true form. He was also red and orange with some golden feathers jutting out like flames. He resembled a skinny chicken and had two eyes. However, each of his eyes bore two pupils making four pupils in total.

Chongming was one of the most majestic bird's they'd ever seen. Second only to Zhuque and far superior to the devil raven father and son duo. He was also pretty powerful at the Great Unity Golden Immortal realm.

Zulong suspects that he could fight Yinglong. Perhaps not win but could definitely hold his own for a time. Though this was only preliminary speculation. Chongming could be a support specialist for an alchemist with poor offensive capabilities for all he knows.

"Chongming, over here!" Zhuque called out to the massive avian.

"Princess," Chongming greeted descending from his position in the sky. His avian form shrunk until he was approximately six foot tall and took the form of a man. His hair remained red and yellow while his eyes possessed two pupils each.

"Princess, it is good that you've returned. Recent movements in the south seas have gotten her majesty worried," Chongming said looking around. "Who are your companions?"

"These are my new comrades Chongming," Zhuque said then introduced everyone on the ship. "They helped me get out of a trap and escape emperor Si Hai."

"What? Si Hai was spotted returning to the sea a little while ago. Did you have anything to do with that?" Chongming asked.

"What's there to say? We encountered him and had to fight him but managed to escape," Zhuque explained.

"I think we'd need more detail," Chongming replied.

"Yes, but I want to go home quickly, I'll let my sister know myself," Zhuque said calmly but with small amounts of excitement. "I have guests here as well and we were in a hurry. Please return and notify my sister of our arrival."

"Very well, greetings to you all," Chongming said nodding to the rest of the crew on the universe traversing boat. Then he suddenly had a thought, "My princess, when did you learn to sail?"

"Oh I don't, this ship is sailing itself. I'm just telling it where to go," Zhuque revealed.

"Wait, you mean to tell me that I didn't need to be steering?" Yinglong chimed in.

"Don't speak to the pri…" Chongming tried to say before he was interrupted by Zhuque's gesture.

"It's fine Chongming. As for you, well you never asked," the vermilion bird said.

"She's right Yinglong, you kinda just walked up there when she got down," Qinglong said smirking.

"But I thought ships… Sigh, treasure not ship," Yinglong sighed gripping his forehead. He walked away and sat down while the azure dragon laughed.

"Charming bunch," Chongming said slowly to which Zhuque nodded. " In any case, I shall be returning now. Princess, I shall send escorts for you immediately," he said.

Zhuque gestured for him to go and the innate god soon took flight and left. "The phoenix's roost is due 137 thousand kilometres offshore," she announced. "Prepare for the most amazing sight you'll ever see," she said giddily.

"We'll see about that," Qinglong retorted. Though deep down, he was also curious about his fellow divine beast's elder sister. This scenario was quite similar to his own family after all. He idly wondered if Zulin had any such siblings.

In just under three hours, the universe traversing boat arrived in a small bayside fort. It was one of the military bases set up to watch for movements from the south sea. Chongming's personal forces were already there waiting for them.

However, they were not the primary reason they were there. Due to Zufeng's ambition, tension was high between the continent and ocean. Normally, with Si Hai's presence, such insolence would be crushed. However, the emperor of the four seas had not made any moves in many generations. As such Zufeng's boldness had increased exponentially.

As such, the borders between both powers were rife with armies. Even Zulong was impressed by the squadrons of Immortals present. It would take an alliance of many clans in the east sea to gather this many forces that were present along the southern borders.

'It seems that I'm a bit late to the party,' Zulong thought stroking his chin. From what he'd understand and what Zhuque was telling them, Zufeng had been in power for quite some time. In fact, she was already building her empire when he was still in training.

'Meeting master held back my plans by a lot,' he mused in his thoughts. 'But I do not regret them, slow and steady shall win this race. I still have a lot of time,' the dragon said to himself and smiled. He admired the sights of the south continent, it had a charm to it that many places he'd been to lacked.

The south continent was not as dense with primordial Qi as the east nor west. It was densely populated but at the same time exuded a peaceful aura that was the exact opposite of the north. The south was dense with woodland areas and grass fields and very temperate. It was in many ways, the perfect place to cultivate life.

The group was treated to an army of servants who greeted them. Hundreds of maids and butlers readied chariots pulled by magical horses. Zulong idly pondered if these horses were rewarded for their services as mounts.

"My princess, this way please," the servants said bowing to Zhuque pointing towards a prepared chariot. Zulong and the rest followed after the vermillion bird collected the universe traversing boat. She'd also had the kunwu sword strapped to her side on full display making no attempts to hide its rank.

It was evident why she'd done so when the servants and soldiers she'd passed held fingering gazes of awe. Zulogn doubted that they've ever seen a top grade xiantian spiritual treasure in their lives. Low grade perhaps but higher grades were exponentially rarer.

When they were on board the carriage, various refreshments were brought in. Fruit juices, exotic fruits and meats. Overall, a universal standard treatment reserved for royalty. Zulong was not unused to this, he quite liked it.

Seeing Zulong nod in approval filled Zhuque with happiness. Once someone's gotten to know Zulong, they instinctively knew he was in charge. Among the four symbols, they were all fellow siblings born apart but united as one. They were a team with equal input and equal rank.

But Zulong had always been above the rest. Everyone trailed behind the dragon. Even strangers would hold themselves respectfully when meeting him. Her servants were also extremely polite and dutiful and the vermillion bird could tell that not all of it was simply following orders.

The dragon reminded her of her own sister. In many ways, that actually quite frightened her. The anxiety of what could come of it did not fill her with much hope. Free as she was, Zhuque loved her sister a lot for all her faults.

She prayed to the heavens that such a meeting would go well. The four symbols as a family depended on it.

"Great Unity Golden Immortals? All of them?" A woman dressed in long elaborate imperial robes decorated with fire and birds of all kinds and a crown of many jewels and beads hanging on the side. The appearance of her crown vaguely resembled that of a peacock's tail. She rested her hand on her knuckle on her right looking down.

This woman was exceedingly beautiful. Everything about her screamed beauty and power beyond even Wangshu. His eyes were orange with trails of fire. The light of the yin and yang were held in her pupils. Her power at the peak of Great Unity Golden Immortal was unquestionable. This was Zufeng the Phoenix Sovereign, someone who was undefeated since birth.

"Such a large gathering of experts followed my sister?" The phoenix sovereign asked. The person she was addressing was Chongming. The innate god was kneeling at the foot of her throne rigidly.

"Yes your majesty," Chongming said. "All five of them were Great Unity Golden Immortals. It is a for sure guarantee that they've all found their Dao as well."

"Hm," Zufeng placed her index finger on her right cheek in thought. "Capable servants are rare to find. My sister deserves many rewards for her efforts."

"Your majesty," Chongming said. "I believe that is an incorrect assumption."

"Oh?" Zufeng gazed down. "What makes you say that? Do you believe my sister is incapable of recruiting Great Unity Golden Immortals? Especially for the chance to serve under me?"

"With all due respect your majesty," Chongming began. "Great Unity experts at theirs and my level won't submit for just a name."

"The audacity," Zufeng snarled igniting the room around her in a flurry of Nanming Divine Fire. "You dare spout nonsense?"

"Not nonsense your majesty," the Chongming bird met the sovereign's gaze with his own. "I apologise if my words offend you, you may punish me anyway you wish. However, I stand by my opinion."

"Hmph, we'll see about that," Zufeng got up and stepped down from her throne. "You're lucky you're useful," she said walking past the kneeling innate god. Exiting her throne room leaving Chongming on his own, Zufeng spotted the ministers waiting outside.

"Prepare a banquet," she ordered. "We shall celebrate my sister's return."