The Phoenix Sovereign

The famed location of the South Continent known as the Phoenix's Roost is both a castle and a city. Rather, the name refers both to the palace of Zufeng and the surrounding city built around it. The towering structure of the imperial palace outlined by a statue of a phoenix spreading its wings was visible even at the coast.

Upon entering the city, the iconography of various birds subservient to the phoenix was depicted. Although he'd only been there once, Yinglong found the build philosophy to be similar to Zulong's city. That was to say, very egocentric.

However, whereas Zulong had a pragmatic side to him as evident by prioritising security, the phoenix's roost seemed to lack that. From a glance, Zulong's city can be identified as a death trap to attack for any army of immortals. But the Phoenix's Roost appeared more decorative.

That wasn't to say that the avian's capital was defenceless. It certainly had formations drawn in place and powerful fighters stationed. It was obvious from the distinct auras of half a dozen Golden Immortals and three Great Unity Golden Immortals that it was a force to be reckoned with.

Seeing the concentration of fighting power, Yinglong thought it made sense why the avians were able to stand up to the south seas. If you ignore the presence of Si Hai, both sides had a similar amount of experts. In fact the avians likely had more.

The winged dragon studied the city while paying close attention to Zhuque's introductions as the journey continued. While his older brother had proven himself very observant, Yinglong thought it best to give him a second opinion.

"And just over that way is the market area. Foreign clans travel here often to make trades in cultivation and crafting resources from us. Our supply is the greatest in the South Continent," Zhuque chatted merrily with her fellow divine beasts.

"That's impressive sister Zhuque," Xuanwu complimented. "Just how many people come here?"

"Oh I think Minister Lu said there were about nine million people a month," Zhuque said. "Most of these are just the visitors, farmers or merchants conducting whatever business they're doing."

"Oh, so many people," Xuanwu felt dizzy. He was of a similar age to Zhuque and roughly knew there were a lot of people in the world. But to hear it being stated so casually was a little nauseating. Especially since he primarily resided in the north.

"Might sound like a lot, but it really isn't," Qinglong said. "The east sea where I'm from had tons of settlements with millions of people travelling to and between. It's not strange to see billions of movements on important days."

"Wow, same," Zhuque said. "I thought only the south was so populated."

"I've travelled more than my brothers so I've seen the continents from a distance," Qinglong explained. "The East Continent is not that populated compared to the south but the east ocean is heavily populated."

"Wow, I'd love to visit there," Zhuque said in amazement. "But unfortunately my sister banned me from there. Said it was too dangerous or something like that."

"Really? How so?" Qinglong asked.

"Something about how it was a chaotic mess of clans vying for power. How there were Golden Immortals by the dozens in every few hundred thousand kilometres," the vermillion bird said.

"Hm, well big brother is more familiar with the situation than me but I can see that being the case," Qinglong said. "What's the current census of Golden Immortals?" He asked Zulong

"At least one per clan, extrapolate from there," Zulong replied.

"Heavens," Zhuque squeaked at the implications. If the east sea was anything like the South Continent, then there were easily tens of thousands of clans. "How does one raise so many Golden Immortals?" She asked curiously,

"Advancement in methods," Zulong explained. "Everyone knows everyone in the east. It's not strange for cultivators to trade insight and recourses."

"But to develop so quickly," Zhuque mused in wonder.

"All thanks to our master," Qinglong smiled in pride. "Many years ago, he preached to the masses and upped the quality and quantity of cultivation techniques. Since then, the successes of cultivators had risen exponentially."

"Wait you mean the eastern preaching session actually happened? It's not a rumour?" Zhuque exclaimed. The there dragons all started chuckling at that.

"Hm, I wasn't sure either," Baihu said. "There were some rumours a while ago about a sect in the east but I never paid it any mind. You're saying your master accepted the entire east sea as disciples of his sect?"

"No, nothing like that. I wasn't born then but from what those who attended say, he gave lots of pointers and generic advice that enlightened everyone," Zulong corrected. "The east sea is indebted to master, without him, the secrets of immortality will be held back for ages. Even the continent proper had benefitted."

"Now that you mention it, I think we benefitted too," Zhuque said in realisation. "I always thought the progress was natural but it may have flowed from the east sea considering our interactions along the dimensional wall."

The conversation continued after that with both sides trading information casually. For Yinglong, it was a good time to prepare himself for meeting the famed Phoenix Sovereign. His advanced hearing picked up idle chatter from their escorts and from their description, she was quite a prideful person.

The group finally arrived at the palace compound. As their destination was reached, they exited the carriage and were greeted by the familiar Chongming and another individual of similar rank and power.

"General Chongming, Minister Lu," Zhuque greeted the two.

"Welcome back princess," both innate gods greeted her back with a salute. "Her majesty is anxiously waiting for you in the main chamber."

"Of course," Zhuque nodded. "Come alone, I can show you the way," she said gesturing to Zulong and the rest.

What greeted them inside was a structure showcasing the colours of red, yellow, and orange in every way they could without being jarring. The palace was built to be the lap of luxury and power with depictions of the phoenix. Most notable was a statue of the phoenix roosting above a multitude of birds below its feet.

The message was clear. The phoenix was the king of the world. She stood above all avians as the supreme king of birds.

When Zhuque led them into the throne room. Zulong's gaze met Zufeng's for the first time. In that moment, the world stood still. Roaring water met with burning fire. In that moment, two emperors recognised each other despite never having met.

It was as if two swirling abyss of primordial power clashed. Both came from the same source. Both recognised each other as family. Yet at the same time, both detested each other for daring to impose themselves above the other.

There was an old saying, two tigers cannot share the same mountain. If one considered the primitive world to be a mountain, these emperors are tigers born to rule it. They knew from the get go that they were each other's adversaries.

From the moment they've locked eyes. Zulong felt almost nostalgic. Yet his eyes narrowed as he instinctively knew that the woman before him can never be his follower. No words needed to be exchanged for both parties to know this.

'Such is the clashing path of my destiny,' Zulong sighed in resignation. He felt very guilty at this moment. His little brother felt for the first time, truly complete, yet now that blissfulness may well be stripped away.

"Ng……Lo…g…Zu… Zulong," Yinglong's soft voice snapped Zulong back to reality. He broke contact and looked to Yinglong.

"I'm sorry, what were you saying?" He asked.

"You were spacing out a bit there, things got a bit awkward," Yinglong whispered back. Looking forwards, Zulong also saw Zhuque repeating a similar action to a slightly stunned Zufeng.

"What's wrong sister?" Zhuque whispered. "This is very unlike you."

"That man," Zufeng gestured with her eyes at Zulong. "Who is he?"

"Hm? Don't tell me you're interested in Zulong?" Zhuque gasped. "Well, he is easily the strongest of the group and very handsome."

"Stop," Zufeng snapped raising a finger. "That's not what I meant, give me a second." The phoenix snapped her eyes back to the rest of her audience.

Chongming and Lu were looking curiously at what was happening. Zufeng felt slightly embarrassed at her silence. She could see that the other guests, Xuanwu, Baihu, and Qinglong were getting slightly agitated at the silence.

"Greetings," Zufeng announced breaking the ice. "I welcome you all to my domain. It is my understanding that you aided my sister?"

"Yes, your uh…your majesty," Xuanwu and the others gave a respectful bow whereas Zulong only gave a respectful salute. Zufeng felt a sense of irritation aimed at the ancestral dragon.

'That's fine, they always are arrogant in the beginning,' she comforted herself in her heart. After all, Lu and Chongming's loyalties were among those she'd won through combat.

"Do you not bow before your sovereign?" Zufeng challenged.

"These legs don't kneel to any bar one," Zulong returned. The atmosphere became tense again. Both Zhuque and Qinglong could feel their hearts tighten.

"Ah, fellow daoists are all just awed by sister's beauty," Zhuque quickly came up with an excuse. Qinglong motioned to do the same but Zulong threw him a glaring look.

"You should already be able to guess why I won't and never will," Zulong said. Behind him, Chongming and Lu tightened their stances.

"Heh, hahaha," Zufeng chuckled before narrowing her eyes. "On the account of my sister, I shall forgive you. But I will not tolerate disrespect in my court."

"With all due respect your majesty," Baihu began. "We are not a part of your kingdom nor are our statuses inferior in any way to you. Expecting fellow daoists of similar standings is a bit presumptuous don't you think."

"You think yourself my equal?" Zufeng raised an eyebrow in amusement.

"Baihu, that's enough," Zhuque snapped. "Don't needlessly antagonise my family," she scolded. "Please, sis, spare them some leniency," she begged Zufeng.

"Fine," Zufeng huffed. "I shall permit this," after she'd said so, the room returned to normal temperature. An invisible pressure that did not affect those present but could be felt lifted.

"As thanks for aiding my sister, I have prepared a banquet for you all. That is to be held tomorrow evening. I trust you'll all attend?" Zufeng extended the invitation.

"What right do I have to refuse such a generous offer?" Zulong accepted. Seeing that everyone else had no objections once Zulong spoke Zufeng nodded.

"Very well then, I've also prepared rewards for you. Ten thousand kilograms of top grade spiritual herbs and ores as well as xiantian spiritual treasures. I will have minister Lu guide you to receive them." She announced.

"Very generous of you, your majesty," Zulong said.

"I spare no expenses when it comes to family," the phoenix sovereign retorted.

"Neither will I," the dragon mused softly. "I accept your proposals. We've only done what any good samaritans would've done. And as well, my brother and your sister belongs to the same family of divine beasts. It was only natural for us to help."

"Same family you say, inform me later," Zufeng whispered to Zhuque. "If that is all, then I shall extend my hospitality to you all. You will find my kingdom to be beyond expectations."

Taking the signal, the party turned to leave for the waiting minister Lu. However, before they left Zufeng Called out again.

"All experts are welcome in my empire, I hope you make the wise choice," she finished as the doors closed. Zulong narrowed his eyes but kept silent. He wordlessly sighed, he was right after all.

"Come, this way," Minister Lu gestured for them to follow him.

'We can regret it later,' Zulong said to his brothers through mental communication. 'Enjoy whatever time we have now.'