The Moments Prior

By the next day, phoenix's roost had become incredibly lively. Zufeng was not joking when she uttered the words 'spared no expense'. In under a day, the city was decorated, statues lit up in flames, and various ornaments were placed throughout the city.

Overnight, the busy city had transformed into one on festive mode. All on the whims of their divine ruler.

From his position at the window, Zulong observed the people below. His suite was one that allowed for easy viewing into the greater city. This was something he'd requested from minister Lu and granted with no resistance.

"Hm, these people know who's in charge, who they should worship," Zulong quietly mused. Yinglong who sat deeper in the room sorting through the collected treasures perked up.

"They practically have it all shoved in their face, it's quite pretentious if you ask me," Yinglong said before going back to his work.

"Yes, a bit too on the nose," Zulong agreed before diving into deep thinking. He reflected upon how he'd built his city and saw the startling amount of similarities. 'Perhaps I should tone done things in the future. It just looks like I'm overcompensating,' he pondered. 'I should ask Yu'er when I get back.'

Meanwhile, Yinglong moved a pile of ores rich in fire Qi into a small pouch. The enormous amount of material was shrunken down to make it manageable for such tasks. Yinglong had already gone through the collection of herbs sorted based on their elemental affinity.

Placing the fire ore pouch alongside the others he stretched his neck. "Their foundation is not shallow brother, the avians have rooted themselves into the south quite successfully," he said. "I wonder if Zulin had done the same in the north".

"Her head start is troubling but not unchallengeable. Once we return I can finally begin assuming power," Zulong said. "There are a few things I want to try first, however."

"Oh? May I ask what?" Yinglong enquired.

"Look at them," Zulong said pointing to the people below. "What do you notice?" Yinglong narrowed his eyes and observed. His divine sense shot out of the phoenix's roost and into the city below scanning the civilians.

These civilians consisted of both mortals and immortals in a nine to one ratio. However, even so, the mortals held varying degrees of cultivation at least above the Nascent Soul realm. Only the youngest of children were still below that and hence remained in their natural forms.

"They're all birds," Yinglong stated. "Or at least of avian descent, only a very minor few are not." The winged dragon turned towards his elder brother in thought. "That's odd, the beasts and sea folk who live here remain out of the way towards the outskirts."

"Zufeng is herself an avian," Zulong said. "She is the ruler of all birds in this world. I sense a separation going on between the avian and non avian members of her empire."

"Is that not a bit early to tell?"

"Above all else, the phoenix sovereign is arrogant and conceited. In the eyes of the supreme of all birds, she is first, that means the family she comes from, that is to say birds, come directly after her. Everyone else comes after that," Zulong said sitting down across from Yinglong. "I know this for the same reason you do brother. I am exactly the same in how I view ourselves."

"Or rather, how I viewed us dragons at the dawn of our inception," Zulong mused drinking his cup of juice that was on the table. "It does bring about an interesting fact though. Everyone below identifies themselves as avians, even the beasts. Hence there is a level of unity."

"Sounds similar to the devils," Yinglong said. "Except theirs was a cultivation method that evolved into the basis of an entire civilisation and way of life." The winged dragon suddenly perked up and said, "You're thinking of doing the same aren't you."

"It brings about a level of unity and stability. But how I do so will need to be different. I cannot be as wasteful of the devils in Nan Dao Chen had shown themselves to be," Zulong said. He reached into his inter spacial ring and pulled out a scroll and handed it to Yinglong.

"That's the silk sheet you were drawing on during our journey," Yinglong said in recognition. He took the scroll and began reading its contents.

"It is only in the prototype stages, I hope to infer with master once he returns," Zulong said with a sad look. "I hope he returns soon."

"Have you picked out what you're going to wear to the banquet?" Zhuque asked. She was sitting before a large table playing cards with the rest of the four symbol divine beasts. They were subsequently all dressed in plain guest robes except Zhuque.

"What? Why does it matter?" Baihu shrugged throwing down a five. "I'll just go as I always go, in my normal clothes."

"You kidding? You look like you're dressed for a hunt," Zhuque snorted. "If you want to look tough at least play up the warrior look and go in armour."

"My fur is my armour, unlike your soft feathers, they can take a hit without being plucked off," Baihu joked. "Sides, I look great."

"My sister thinks you're a barbarian," Zhuque replied flatly. "I don't want her to think my friends are barbarians," she sighed. "Xuanwu, Qinglong, you understand what I mean right?"

"This is my first time I'm attending something like this" Xuanwu said uneasily. "Truth be told I'm a bit clueless."

"Never really crossed my mind," Qinglong scratched the back of his head and chuckled. "You've met my brother, right? He doesn't really care much for these things."

Zhuque sighed, "Just make sure to dress nicely. In fact, I'll get the servants to bring us matching robes. We're a set of divine beasts, we need to look the part of divine beasts."

"You're really stressed about this," Xuanwu said. "I don't know much so I can't guarantee anything but I promise to do the best I can." Baihu and Qinglong nodded along with the black tortoise.

"That's all I can ask for," Zhuque sighed. "My sister expects great things from all of you. You mustn't disappoint her, she's a bit prideful but I promise that she's a good person."

"Prideful's putting it lightly," Baihu snorted only to receive the vermillion bird's glare. "Alright, alright, I'll concede," he put his hands up in mock surrender. "It's been a while since I've been to a gathering like this. Some of the major provincial leaders on the west continent hold similar events."

"Oh trust me, we avians take clothing very seriously. Nothing in the world compares to us, you have not seen anything," Zhuque insisted. "Beauty is intrinsically ingrained into southern culture."

The other three divine beasts nodded. "Alright, the servants will show you where all the noble outfits are. If you really can't decide, then I'll pick one for you," she stated with finality. The divine beasts could only nod in agreement.

That evening, the banquet hall of the palace was littered with esteemed nobles. Powerful cultivators, ministers, and generals alike gathered under the orders of their phoenix sovereign.

Tables were aligned along the room. Rare spiritual fruits were adorned upon plates. Herbal dishes as well as the meat of immortal beasts were also served. Dishes of carefully cultivated worms were lined upon colourful dishes decorated with images of flowers and feathers.

Banquets were not an unfamiliar sight to Zulong. The sheer extravagance of what is being served was also not strange for the eldest dragon. What was new however was the dress codes for the participants.

Zulong himself had opted for his preferred colours of yellow and black. His given outfit was one made of plums of feathers embedded with jewels. He honestly found it gaudy and unbefitting of his royal visage.

He scanned the room and found groups of Heavenly Immortal and Golden Immortals. Clearly, the upper echelons had shown up. Perhaps not all the sum total of Zufeng's forces had arrived but a good majority had. Zulong thinks it's likely due to distance.

Already, the guests were chatting merrily. The major players had also arrived. Zulong easily found minister Yu who'd guided him a day ago. The man was a bit of an enigma to the dragon. He was very dutiful and disciplined. However, he was also not very talkative nor sociable.

Chongming had not arrived yet but Zulong guessed that he may be with Zufeng. At least one powerhouse should accompany the sovereign as her guard if only for appearance's sake.

"Is this everyone?" He heard Qinglong ask Zhuque. The vermillion bird began to shake her head but stopped and made a so-so gesture instead.

"Kinda? Minister Changfu should be here and if not, he'd likely accompany my sister. But otherwise, all the important people are here," Zhuque said.

"Changfu? I guess he's the third Great Unity Golden Immortal after Yu and Chongming," Baihu chimed in.

"Indeed, the three primary immortals under the phoenix sovereign involve myself, brother Chongming, and brother Changfu," Minister Yu spoke up calmly for the first time. "We serve as the direct servants of her majesty."

"I see," Zulong mused. "How did you meet the Phoenix Sovereign if you don't mind me asking? How did you come under her employ?"

"Is that a question?" Minister Yu asked with a raised eyebrow. He was a burly man bigger than Chongming. In fact, he looked to be the sort that'll be a soldier rather than a simple minister. He'd also worn a nose ring like a bull.

"Her majesty is the supreme king of all avians in the world, it is only natural we follow," minister Yu said. "It is only a matter of time before all come under her rule."

"That so?" Zulong grinned. "You sure about that? I hear that many hidden powers exists in the primitive world. The supreme bird is not the supreme of all living creatures after all."

"Be that as it may, all shall accept their place as avians," Minister Yu stated looking blankly at Zulong. "You will learn as well fellow daoist, as I have."


The doors swung open with an entourage of servants. They announced the entrance of Zufeng. Chongming and another smaller man wearing puffy feathered clothing trailed behind her. Zulong could distinctly sense their auras as mighty Great Unity Golden Immortals.

'That should be Changfu,' Zulong pondered. 'These three are not second rate, they're all innate gods, I can feel it.'

Zufeng marched until she reached the main seat above all others and at the centre of the main table. Zulong sat a few places to her right along with his brothers and three of the four symbols.

He looked up feeling Zufeng's gaze bear down upon him. He frowned slightly. He'd long considered himself a sovereign of the world just like Zufeng. At this moment, he felt a bit peeved at his placement. It was like he was being treated as an afterthought.

He should at least be placed on equal to Zufeng seeing but seeing as he was only a guest, he could accept things for now. The dancers were trickling in along with other performers.

Zufeng smiled at the banquet. She raised her voice and announced the commencement of the celebration. Immediately, the room was flooded with her power. Her Qi was felt bearing down upon all beings.

To Zulong, this power was vastly different from his own origin within the seas. Zufeng's origin was that of harmony between yin and yang, of the five elements born in between. All the transformations of the five elements were keenly sensed by Zulong and he gasped in wonder.

Zufeng's attire was a royal dress decorated like a peacock. Behind her was a train of tail feathers lit up in brilliant colours resembling the peacock. A divine aura hovered around her that reminded the dragon of both himself and Zulin.

"Today we gather upon the successful return of my dear sister, your princess Zhuque," Zufeng announced. "She'd done great work dealing both a fatal blow to our fierce enemy, Si Hai of the four seas."

"She'd also done great aid to our divine nation by bringing in additional help against our foe. May I present immortals Zulong, Yinglong, Qinglong, Xuanwu, and Baihu."

Zulong narrowed his eyes. He hoped this ordeal will be over soon. There was only so much he could take.