A Banquet on Fire

Sitting here, in this banquet hall, being served fruits and worms. Zulong felt extremely uncomfortable and unsatisfied. Keeping his thoughts to himself was never something he'd found challenging up till now. But currently, the dragon was itching to start something.

Zulong looked to the side and saw his little brother and Zhuque happily chatting and sighed. He'd bear with things a little longer. After all, some petty slights aren't the priority. Instead, Zulong defaulted back to his standard behaviour when in an unknown environment.

The ancestral dragon silently observed those around him, taking in as much as he could. The hall had a jovial atmosphere yet there was a clear air of pride exuded by those present. Zufeng was trying to court the four symbols and himself to her side and it was aggravating.

Personally, Zulong found the decorations to be gaudy. Too much flashy gems, too much flashy iconographies of the phoenix. But once voiced, Yinglong will call him a hypocrite. His own master would just give him a blank stare with the same meaning.

Zulong drunk down a glass of spiritual fruit juice and grumbled. 'Some wine would've been better,' he thought. He began contemplating about spreading his master's creation to all corners of the world. It will be something that'll make events like this slightly more bearable.

"Ng…Zu…g…Zulong," the dragon's attention snapped to his second brother beside him. The winged dragon had been calling out to him for a bit trying to get his attention.

"What is it brother?" Zulong whispered back.

"The royal party is beginning to get agitated," Yinglong warned and Zulong realised his mistake. He'd been scanning the various noble guests and the banquet hall but had neglected the hostess herself and her entourage.

Turning his gaze over, he saw the calculating yet disapproving looks the three Great Ubity Golden Immortals at Zufeng's side. Her seating position at his superior still bugged him but she showed an expression of clear annoyance. Not to the degree of outright anger but enough to know that she is displeased.

Zulong put on a small smile and made a compliment to ease the situation. "Your generosity knows no bounds," he said. "To spend so much on such short notice speaks volumes of your character."

"Obviously, as civilised people, it is only natural that lead by example," Zufeng spoke pridefully. Zulong frowned a little within, there wasn't even a hint of humbleness that was common in social interactions.

"It is from my understanding that you came from the east?" The phoenix sovereign suddenly asked. Those around her silenced themselves as she spoke intending to listen in. Placed on the spot, Zulong sighed in his heart and began answering.

"Indeed, I originated in the western portions of the east sea," Zulong answered truthfully.

"Sea? I am only familiar with the east continent," Zufeng admitted. "I hear it is a brutal place of power struggles between rivalling factions."

"There is some truth to that," Zulong said. "But there are mutual rules obeyed by all. Rules for engagement between the various kingdoms."

Zufeng scoffed, "Say what you want about that abominable Si Hai, but at least he brought order to the seas and the lesser beings." The phoenix sighed, "Unfortunately, the east cannot be like the south. It must be hard living in such a barbaric place."

Zulong had to physically hold himself still less he lose his temper. What was this woman trying to do? Purposefully antagonise him? Instead he decided to probe for more information, "You seem very knowledgeable of the east."

"Of course, the continent at least is famed for being home to ancient experts. Who hasn't heard of mystical Mt. Yujing, fire cloud cave, or the mysterious Mt. Kunlun," the phoenix said.

"The east sea is also a place for experts," Zulong reputed. "Yingzhou mountain's ancestor Da Hai, not to mention the host of Great Unity Golden Immortal leaders of the sea folk clans."

"Yes, a most chaotic place," Zufeng nodded. "Not to worry, it is only a matter of time before I ascend to a higher realm. I shall bring order to your home and put an end to the fighting," the phoenix assured sincerely.

Qinglong turned away from a slightly nervous Zhuque and frowned deeply. Yinglong slowly put down his glass as well. Around them, the rest of the four symbols also somewhat frowned. They were not overly familiar of the east sea but they still felt cross due to their friendships.

Zulong leaned back and took a deep breath. "I would suggest taking that back," the dragon said. "The east sea does not appreciate such dismissal of us."

Zufeng raised an eyebrow. "You think I speak falsehoods?" She inquired. "The waters of the east exhibit none of the harmony I have brought. Mosasaur, Plesiosaur, Colossal Shark, primordial turtle, and so many sea clans vying for power. Whereas I have united all the avian clans and even beast clans recognise me as sovereign."

"The east sea is vastly superior to your measly territory in every conceivable way," Zulong began. "You do not have a right to rule our waters. Less so before I."

"Hmph, amusing dragon. You believe yourself my equal?" The phoenix sovereign taunted. "I have an established kingdom. I am a sovereign recognised by the Heavenly Dao. What do you have in comparison? A measly city?"

Zulong perked up in surprise. "I figured it out," Zufeng said. "I've heard of a famous trading city in the east sea shaped like a nine digit claw. Goods from that place came here as well." She leaned forward and sneered.

"When I met you, I felt the imperial destiny that you and I shared. But after all this time, what have you to show for it? You're not even a monarch, just a rogue cultivator, a cit lord at best. A bunch of primitive fishes," the phoenix sovereign laughed a mocking tune. "You should to the smart move and join me. I can put your muscle to good use."

"How dare you!" Qinglong jumped up and pointed Zufeng. "Is this how the avians act towards their guests?" Yinglong roared jumping up. "Such uncouth behaviour, as expected of barbarians," he threw back the insult.

"Ignorant worms," Changfu got up and began flexing his power. "You should speak with respect when speaking to her majesty," he growled.

"And what would a feathered pig like you know of respect," Yinglong bit back revealing his wings. Changfu humphed and sprouted three wings from his back.

"Wait, perhaps we should calm down a bit," Zhuque stood up trying to appease both sides. However, Chongming held his arm out and nudged her back. "Princess, get back, these are dangerous individuals," he insisted.

"No, they're my friends," the vermillion bird tried to say only for her eldest sister to stand up as well silencing her.

"You're still young and naive," Zufeng said. "These foreign dragons are ignorant. I shall teach them why they should not stand against the phoenix."

"But sister!" Zhuque began. "Silence!" Zufeng commanded washing the room in a wave of heat. The harmonious fire of the Nanming Divine Fire glowed along with her figure. Numerous brilliant tail feathers rose up behind her spreading outwards like a peacock.

"You were foolish and deserve to be punished as such," Zufeng announced. "But I am a gracious ruler, you still have a chance to join my ranks."

"Stop your drivel, it's killing my brain just listening to you talk," Zulong growled. "Peacock, you will regret declaring me as your enemy," the dragon replied in equal pride.

"What did you just call me?" Zufeng frowned. Her aura flared outwards shaking her palace. The various guests took this as the opportunity to begin running. Not even Golden Immortals can survive her full fury without proper protection.

Chongming, Lu, and Changfu took stances behind their sovereign. Baihu materialised his sword and moved to stand alongside Qinglong and Xuanwu. The trio looked in apologetic regret at Zhuque who remained by Zufeng's side with a horrified expression.

"I am the celestial phoenix worm, sovereign of all avians. You will treat me with proper respect," Zufeng growled flaring her aura even more. An invisible Dao fruit manifested behind her and glowed in five coloured radiance. Her eyes flashed with the light of the yin and yang.

Zulong scoffed and flared his own aura. "I am the celestial dragon peacock. First disciple of ancestor Da Hai of Yingzhou, chief disciple of Yingzhou, sovereign of the seas. I shall treat you however I please peacock," he responded back. Black and yellow light appeared around the dragon countering Zufeng's own.

Both sides glared as they rose into the air. The cries of a dragon and that of a phoenix could be heard. To the outside observer, the phoenix sang a harmonious song, it made them want to kneel down and revel in her glory, to follow her to the ends of the earth.

The dragon's roar however manifested an imperial might. It made observers shiver in awe and respect. It made them want to kowtow and bestow the title of rightful emperor upon his head.

The heavens above darkened. Storm clouds rumbled and an ominous presence could be felt for many kilometres.

Both sovereigns shed their Dao bodies and assumed their true forms. Zulong stretched ten thousand kilometres in length covered in glistening golden scales. Although the injuries of yesteryear were still visible on his body, he still looked magnificent.

The phoenix who appeared was both fresh and much smaller. Her body was only a thousand kilometre from head to the base of her tail. Her head was green with a crown of feathers, her neck was white with a metallic sheen, the back and wings were crimson red, her chest was covered in black feathers. Her legs and claws were of a yellow colour.

Zufeng looked like a beautiful male peacock. Her tail was much longer though and stretched for many kilometres, vastly longer than her body and wingspan. The king of all birds appeared majestic alongside the celestial dragon.

Below both monarchs, the others took to their true forms as well. The azure dragon, winged dragon, white tiger, and black tortoise appeared combating against Chongming, Lu, and Changfu.

Chongming was a Herculean chicken with polycoria. His red feathers clashed against Qinglong's fierce blows without losing out. However, Qinglong managed to effortlessly dance around the bird and strike from behind. During this engagement, Chongming had to admit that Qinglong was the superior fighter. However, while he was not able to win, he was able to tie Qinglong down for a time.

Changfu was much more hideous. He was a pheasant with three heads, three wings, and three sets of legs. He was fanatical in his fight and engaged Yinglong in a brutal struggle.

Lu was perhaps the most unenthusiastic of the three. Unlike the two birds, Lu was not wholly birdlike. His head was that of an ox, his body was that of a reptilian fish complete with small fins. On his back were birdlike wings and flapped to defend him.

Baihu and Xuanwu together was overkill though as Lu struggled with the pressure. So much so that he disengaged and flew back.

Above them, Nanming Divine Fire flashed in many directions. This particular divine flame was generated from the harmony between the five elements and the dual yin and yang. It is perhaps the most stable substance in the primitive world while giving off an all encompassing energy.

Zufeng was by all accounts an incredibly skilled fighter. She had no reservations against going all out from the get go. Arrogant she may be, but she was far from incompetent.

In contrast to the dragon's invincible physique. The phoenix kited Zulong, blasting him from a distance. The ancestral dragon narrowed his eyes and unleashed a blast of lightning from his mouth.

Zufeng's body glowed in myriad lights. Her body unleashed a wave of glittering radiance that seemed to calm Zulong's raging attack before dissipating it.

"Hmph," Zulong's body glowed before his aura expanded into a massive dragon hundreds of thousands of kilometres in length. "The dragon emerged from the sea, soaring above the clouds," he chanted.

Zufeng grimaced in panic flapping her wings fiercely, she backed away as quickly as she can when the attack was fired. A massive burst of light made up of five different colours emerged from the phoenix's body.

Both sides clashed producing heaven splitting rainbow lights. Zufeng pushed hard, she unleashed the Nanming Divine Fire in conjunction with her rays of lights. However, her opponent was Zulong, he was like a brick wall that refused to move.

Zulong grabbed hold of the energy wave coming at him and held it back with his claws. Growling, he stretched out his right claw releasing the dragon pearl. The treasure was deployed like a hammer.

Zulong smashed Zufeng's attack to pieces with a strike that could only be described as a universe full of endless ocean condensed into a tiny orb used for bludging.

"Gah!" Zufeng was pushed back spitting out a mouthful of blood. The phoenix looked astonished at the dragon who despite his previous injuries held a distinct advantage in this battle.

The phoenix sovereign was barely able to stabilise herself before being hit by a fatal swipe of Zulong's claw. Her body was paper in comparison to Zulong and could not withstand the blow. Her chest and side bled profusely as her innards spewed out and much of her gorgeous feathers fell.

"Your majesty!" Chongming cried out attempting to gain altitude only for Qinglong to grab the bird by his talon and smashed him back down onto the ground. Chongming's attic of tying down Qinglong had turned into Qinglong timing down Chongming.

"No!" Changfu opened all three of his beaks to breathe fire at Yinglong. The winged dragon flew up in an arc avoiding the flames. His auspicious clouds generated rain putting out the flames and enraging Changfu.

"Get out of my way," Changfu jumped to attack with his claw. His attempt was met by Yinglong's own claw strikes. His pecks were slapped aside by the dragon's tail.

Crashing down onto the ground, Chongming and Changfu raised their heads to look at both dragon brothers hatefully. The disdain from the dragons was evident in their gaze,

On the other hand, Lu continued to put minimum effort into his battle. Baihu and Xuanwu as well did not give their all. There was no point in wasting energy when the dragons had everything handled. Knowing Zulong's pride, he'd hate for them to interfere anyway.

In the sky, Zufeng engulfed herself in an eruption of flames pushing the surprised Zulong back. The brilliant Nanming Divine Flames flashed in rainbow light spreading out in a radiation of divine fire. Phoenix's roost was bathed in this fire knocking down buildings and statues.

From out of the fire, Zufeng emerged looking as if no damage had been dealt. However, her disposition was noticeably different. The phoenix was slightly pale. He narrowed her eyes into a glare. Zulong met her gaze with equal contempt.

Neither was willing to back down. Both wanted the other dead. Perhaps this innate dislike was why Zufeng purposefully antagonised Zulong. Either way, there was no way they could tolerate the other living.

"Wait, stop this. Please, just stop this already," Zhuque's panicked scream suddenly rang throughout Phoenix's Roost. The vermillion bird blitzed into the sky. "Just stop fighting already!" Zhuque's cry was like a sonic boom.

The Great UnityGolden Immortal unleashed a sound wave that caught the attention of the dragons and avians. Her red and yellow avian stature spread out her wings coming in between Zulong and Zufeng.

"Please, just stop fighting," she begged.