Assaulting the East Sea

Some time ago.

Walking through ashes, passing by numerous piles of rubble. In a land of blood stained stained soil, where corpses of mighty figures were discarded carelessly. Once beautiful forests, great plains, and wondrous mountains crumbled into ruined wastelands.

The elderly man who did all he could to protect his lived ones clenched his hairy fist. Although he made no audio indication to his grief, the sheer magnitude of his qi communicated his sorrow. It quickly became rage as he remembered who had brought this on.

"Even millions of years since then. Their species still give me so much pain," he spat.

This had been the sight of a great battle not long ago. The invaders had arrived here, meeting this land's few remaining defenders. Their battle was not as big as the ones taking place in other areas he'd heard of, especially not where Primal Zenith Chaos Immortals lead. But it was still large enough to cause great devastation.

To the invaders, this was vengeance and glory. The destruction they brought with them interrupted the peaceful lives this continent's defenders had tried so hard to protect. A million years worth of civilization uprooted by, in his mind, angry children throwing a tantrum.

Before the battle, this wasteland had been the site of a city. A place of shelter surrounded by hundreds of villages. Trillions of living beings lived here, prospective cultivators, traders, just normal people living their long lives.

Years ago, innate creatures featured the prowling gazes of primordial beasts. But that was a bygone era and peace had long been set. 'But those damned villains brought it all back!'

In the old man's opinion, it was unforgivable what those invaders from the east, north, south, and four seas did. They ruined lives, killed countless living beings, destroyed years of progress. But the worst part of it?

They didn't even have to try that hard.

Legions of immortal cultivators moved through the land destroying their enemies. They never payed attention to where they fought, how they fought, or when they fought. Sect strongholds, gathering places of strong devils, storage areas were all attacked.

Those unfortunate enough to be caught in the crossfire?

Needless to say, they no longer walk this plain of existence.

The old man's eyes burned with fury. His furry apelike physique pulsated with an unbelievable storm of anger. His hairy hands clasped the soil and brought it close to his nostrils, only to flinch away.

His spiritual senses informed him of the sheer damage to the vitality of the land. The impact of all the fighting, as well as the use of countless sect defense formations had not only drained natural qi laylines, but also damaged their vitality.

The West Continent was dying.

"Forgive me great patriarch. I swore to protect this beautiful land and all innate creatures living peacefully for eons. Yet those malevolent innate gods tore it all down," he said. "I should've been there at Buzhou."

"What's passed is the past fellow daoist," a faceless hooded man said hovering in the air.

"Senior Hundun," the old man replied. "Their forces stretched out so much. I am but one man. I couldn't save them all."

"Save your grieving for another time. Now it is more important for you to defend your people," Hundun said. "And what is with that senior crap? You've long earned the right to be a fellow daoist up us from the previous era."

"Why have you come senior?" The old man asked respectfully. Hundun chuckled, this individual's insistence of holding his kin in reverence had always been amusing.

"I'm sure you've felt the movements of yin wind?"

"Yes, I'm aware senior Mara's project has been activated. Since you're here, I assume senior Mara has returned and taken direct command?"

"Indeed, with my Dao brother present, the effects of rebirth had been magnified significantly. The plan now is to attack places outside our home. The pressure put on by the uncountable amount of invading immortals is too much. It needs to be lessened," Hundun said.

"I understand senior," the hairy old man said with a cold glint in his eye. Hundun's suggestion was like music to his ancient ears.

The pain, anguish, grief, rage he felt motivated him to think up targets. He had not been back in the East Continent in a long time. But he remembered a major turning point of his life. Coincidentally, it was also where he first met one of the people who was causing his current anguish.

"I know just the place."

Deep below the ocean, East Sea Dragon Palace stood tall and majestic if a bit empty. While thousands of soldiers still maned the place, numerous powerhouses were no long present. The ruling powers had all assumed the war would be limited to the West Continent due to their need to defend against an overwhelming offensive.

In the waters above Kailong Chen and East Sea Dragon Palace, a fading mirage of a two headed dragon flickered. Only the sleeping figure of Hong was fully visible as he was one of the few top tier powerhouse protecting the heart of Zulong's empire. His constant image gave the citizens, cultivators who had not gone to war a sense of safety.

With most remaining dragon experts watching the Sea Eye, this elder dragon was the premiere expert left.

Yet not all was happy at his presence.

Watching his elder from the window, Suanni scoffed before returning to his pacing. Within the confines of one of the palace's living rooms, he muttered numerous curses under his breath.

For months now, he and all of his brothers were trapped in the palace. All nine sons of Zulong were on paper, protecting and governing the empire while their father was away. But in reality, they did little of either.

They sat in their rooms all day, cultivating or assisting their mother and the ministers. But that was it. To someone like Suanni, he found this extremely irritating. They were not children nor weaklings who cannot contribute like the average foot soldier. They were all Primal Origin Chaos Immortals who'd lived for multiple yuanhui for crying out loud.

Yet their parents still treating them as if they were made of glass.

"Can you stop that? I'm trying to decipher this technique," his twin said from a corner of the room.

"How are you of all people content sitting idly here Denglong?" Suanni grunted.

"Mother and father know best, this is where we're needed," the third of nine said. Only, Suanni appeared to not have taken his words to heart and ranted some more. All it did was annoy Denglong further. Hence, the strongest brother placed the scroll he was reading at a table on the side and gave Suanni an annoyed look.

"Fourth brother, complaining incessantly will do you no good. Just go meditate on your Dao."

The reminder only drew out a snort from Suanni. He looked out the window again, towards the ever-looming figure of Hong. Were it not for that expert, he probably could've already escaped to join his father.

"Don't fault elder Nii Hong, they're only doing their jobs," Denglong reminded his twin.

"I'm not. It's just…frustrating," he said after a pause.

The door to their room was opened up and their eldest cousin, Ao Guang walked in with a rather grim expression. The noise startled Suanni as he had not been paying attention, hence drew his ire.

"I thought I told you servants I wanted privacy. Hm? It's you Ao Guang."

The eldest son of Yinglong nodded. Similar to Suanni, Ao Guang was a child of an innate god. However, his mother was one of the first generations of dragons created by Zulong. Thus he shared their dragonic appearance in its entirety.

like Zulong, Yinglong had many children over the years. However, unlike Zulong who only ever had one spouse, Yinglong had many lovers. Each time he hoped to produce a promising talent just like his eldest brother in order to secure the Primordial Celestial Dragon clan's future.

The dragons he mated with were all talents themselves. Yet he'd always been disappointed with his own spawn.

Of the dragon patriarch's many children, Ao Guang, Ao Run, Ao Qin, and Ao Shun, were the only ones who broke out from the rest. It took many yuanhui, numerous resources, and lucky encounters for these four dragon scions to finally reach the Great Principle Chaos Immortal realm.

But even within their own realms, these dragons could only be considered average. They were nothing compared to Zulong's dazzling children. Hence, in the past hundred thousand years, they'd mostly stayed in the background doing administrative jobs.

Over the years, the four were distributed to each of the major strongholds across the four seas. Ao Guang stayed within the East Sea assisting his emperor-uncle in ruling the East Sea from East Sea Dragon Palace. In reality, he was little more then a glorified secretary.

"Come here you old thing," Suanni joking said. If it was his childhood friend Ao Guang, he did not mind the sudden barging. "Good to see you finally escaped that torture."

The torture he was referring to was the gratuitous amount of paperwork Ao Guang did on a daily basis. One of the things he felt keeping this Ao Guang from the one he used to play with as a child.

"Your highnesses, this minister begs your forgiveness for interrupting," his cousin said.

"Oh none of that. We've known each other for how long? No need to stand on occasion."

"Heh, unfortunately protocol demands it," Ao Guang said smirking. Then his expression became serious as he asked Denglong. "Your highness, her majesty desires your insight on a few matters."

Denglong raised an eyebrow. "Mother does? Can't think of anything I'd know that she doesn't already. If she wants my help in divination then it's pointless, the art hasn't been working properly for years now."

Nevertheless he got up. Suanni made an attempt to follow him but Denglong blocked him.

"If you go, you'll just annoy mother with your poor behavior again," he said gesturing at the room. "Remember why you were in time out to begin with?"

"Hmph," Suanni grunted. His gaze briefly met Ao Guang's before he sighed.

"Sorry Suanni," Ao Guang said. "Only Denglong is needed. Though perhaps his highnesses Bixi, Qiu Niu, and Chao Feng can use your company?"

The princes he suggested were roosting atop the palace buildings keeping watch. Suanni reckoned they were just milling around as frustrated as he was.

Watching Ao Guang and Denglong leave, Suanni snorted again. He can't help but think Ao Guang had become less fun over the years. Always working or running errands for his parents. They used to be closer then he was with his own twin.

He stiffened when left to his lonesome. "Getting a bit cold these days."

"Moon Glaze Tower has gone quiet as well?" Denglong frowned hearing the news. "And you say this makes the sixth alchemical production facility that's stopped sending pills in the past month?"

"And the eleventh settlement that we haven't heard from in a while," Qiu Niu the eldest brother added. "Mother, none of our scouts have reported back either?"

Gui Daiyu sat upon the dragon throne in the middle of Zulong's throne hall nursing a headache. She was still reeling from the loss of her father and Zulong's long absence didn't help matters. Yet she still governed Kailong Chen and the wider East Sea as a whole.

Around her were the sons she trusted most as well as dozens of turtle ministers. Qiu Niu, Yazi, Denglong, and Chao Feng were all present. Bixi, Chi Wen, and Pulao were outside, while Bi An was resting. Suanni was doing Suanni things.

"Their life linked talismans tells me they're alive. That's all I know," she said. "All of you, myself included are Primal Origin Chaos Immortals. Perhaps our collective divination bypass the tribulation's interferences?"

"Mother you already know the answer to that," Qiu Niu said.

"Yeah, if father, uncle, and all the other elders can't do tel anything. If even grandmaster can't divine anything useful, what can we do?" Chao Feng said. His feathery clothed form sagged.

"So what do you all make of this?" She asked. "These ministers think it's just delays in supplies."

"Your majesty, with all due respect this isn't the first time such delays happened," a kowtowing turtle minister said.

Denglong was inclined to agree. But his gut feeling kept bugging him. He wasn't the next to speak up as Yazi broke the silence.

"These places are all closer to the coast," he said. Among Zulong's sons, he was one of the oldest and had made many trips to the East Continent.

"But the devils are all contained by the grand alliance," Denglong said. "You don't think some opportunistic warlord is invading us do you?"

"You never know, stupidity is a mysterious phenomena," Yazi replied.

Gui Daiyu hummed to herself. "Ao Guang, how is our line of communication to the other Dragon Palaces?"

"Last I checked they were fine, it still takes a while to send news but the channels are open and steady," Ao Guang said.

"Could it be devils, some may've escaped the blockade," Yazi asked.

"Unlikely, remember that…"

On and on the discussion went.

Eventually, Gui Daiyu dismissed them all for a break and to think more on things. The idea that someone stronger be sent out to investigate, but the empress was reluctant to part with her sons.

As Denglong walked through the halls of the palace, Chao Feng caught up to him.

"Hey fourth brother," Chao Feng asked. "Don't you think it's getting a bit cold these days?"

"We're on the sea floor, it's always cold," Denglong chided.

It happened on a relatively calm afternoon. Gui Daiyu had sent out a Great Principle realm crab general and was reading some reports. The citizens of Kailong Chen were going about their slow day.

Even Hong was feeling drowsy due to how quiet things were being.

A sudden spike in coldness in the air sent chills down his spine. Hong suddenly felt unusually panicked, as if a specter of death had appeared to claim his soul.

"Who dares?"

He waved his hand around finding no one.

"Brother what was that?" Nii spoke from within him.

"I don't know."

"Relax, relax, there is no danger." A voice spoke to him. It was neither suspicious nor out of the ordinary. Hong and Nii were both compelled to obey it.

"Yes, his majesty has this all handled in the west. I don't have to…"

Hong narrowed his eyes. Within his body, Nii snarled.


The body of this Primal Zenith Chaos Immortal dragon irradiated an oppressive aura. It spread all around him, disturbing the water, churning it to a ridiculous degree.

"What's going on up there?"

"Is great elder Hong doing…ah so tired."

"You're right, I don't."

One by one, people started toppling over. The water temperature lowered to near freezing levels as mortal sea creatures, young dragons, and cultivators below the Golden Immortal realm began falling asleep.

A sharp pillar of light shot towards the great palace of Zulong. In the slim moments where Hong was distracted, this attack had already bypassed him.

"Oh no!" Hong was alarmed. When he had grasp of himself again, he could sense the level of power within that attack. It's potency was far beyond what ordinary Primal Origin experts were capable of.

Before the attack could reach East Sea Dragon Palace, a humungous turtle shell manifested. It met the sharp attack in a thunderous explosion. Flakes of the shell broke off as a voice groaned in pain.

"Your highness!" Hong roared. He shot his hand out, releasing a long rainbow that streaked across the water. It pierced the light spear and forced it away from the shell.

"My thanks elder," Bixi's panting voice said. Among the nine sons of Zulong and Gui Daiyu, he was the only one who inherited his mother's turtle body build.

"Shut up and come out now!" Hong roared. He did not inquire as to Bixi's condition further, but rather made an threatening stance towards a certain spot in the water. Instead of a proper response, he continued to hear the enchanting voice in his mind.

"You didn't have to live like this."

"I can free you from this freakish state."

"You and you beloved sister can live normal lives."

"All you have to do…"

"Didn't I tell you to shut up?" Hong snapped. He blasted that section of the sea apart, opening a pocket in the vast ocean which was devoid of water.

"I'll admit, your stealth technique is quite good, but the moment you attempted that trick on me, you fucked up."

"The rainbow dragon, even in the West Continent I've heard of your name," a huffing voice answered. From the water, a gust of silver wind blew into a hurricane of enchanting leaves. Each of them were hypnotic in their movements, each showcased wondrous scenes of bright futures Hong could've had.

Outstepped a faded, semi transparent woman who looked a bit winded. From a single glance, Hong could tell she was a Primal Zenith Chaos Immortal like him. However, she also felt wrong.

"What are you?"

It was then that numerous gusts of wind penetrated the East Sea. The oceans surface was a storm of yin attribute hurricanes. What must've been millions, likely billions, possibly even more figures entered the ocean.

The Primal Zenith Chaos Immortal raised her hand. Beyond the sea, the sky was completely covered by an uncountable amount of ghostly figures.

"Today I'll get my revenge," the woman said.

"Elder, they smell like the devils I fought when we attacked Sumeru. But also a bit…" Bixi was unsure how to describe it. These devils clearly had distinct devilish auras. But they also smelled of rotting corpses, dying Dao particles, and a bit like water from the North Sea.

As the two were observing this, other mighty experts had caught on to the happenings outside. The prince Chi Wen swam up to his brother and elder Hong in his dragon headed fish body form. Even he looked bewildered.

Chao Feng also assumed his true form, that of a giant avian with crimson feathers. He stood along the west wing of the palace and closed his eyes, as if communicating mentally with others.

In mere moments, golden and black energy particles rose up from the ground covering East Sea Dragon Palace and Kailong Chen. A gigantic pair of eyes briefly flashed, overlaying with the city. The cry of an ancient beast was heard for many kilometres.

"The formation protecting East Sea Dragon Palace is activating for the first time in history," Hong said. "I don't know who you are, or where you came from. But you will regret coming here. Make it easier for me and just end yourself now."

The female devil laughed. "What's there to fear? I'm immortal anyway."

From within the palace, Gui Daiyu stepped out with a furious gaze. The first thing she did was mentally call her sons and demand them to return to the main building. Wether they listened or not was up to them.

However, the empress only had her gaze locked to the woman leading the ghostly devils. She recognized her instantly.

"You! You killed my father," she spat.


"That person killed grandfather?"

"But didn't uncle say he's already been avenged?"

A series of questions was asked from each of the princes who heard their mother's words. But Gui Daiyu only had her attention to the devil. To Empress Intoxicating Dream.

"Leize already killed you," she stated.

"Indeed he did," the devil snarled. Her normally attractive face transformed into the snarling look of a pissed off bull.

"You'll pay for killing me! KILL!"

"KILL!" All the devils diving into the sea roared with her.