Assaulting the East Sea II

The East Sea erupted into battle. Due to the sheer difference in numbers, Gui Daiyu brought up the palace's local defensive formation and turtled in. Despite her anger, she kept her rationality.

With all the riches of the four seas concentrated here, Zulong had built a supremely powerful city defense formation. It was not as advanced as the Immortal Extermination Four Swords, nor whatever odd phenomena was occurring in the West Continent. But Zulong had refined a very powerful one.

It was not the original defensive formation of the city and palace. In the million years since Zulin's ill fated attempt to steal from Zulong, it has been changed several times over. From gathering high grade xiantian spiritual treasures, to sacrificing rare cultivation materials.

Zulong had even taken unique objects that Da Hai brought back from the Chaos Sea. The end result was this highly powered, but also highly stationery defensive measure. This formation was called, King of Four Direction!

But any person who'd seen Luohu's work with formations can tell you, that this formation was incomparable to what the Devilish Dao controlled. Both parties on both sides knew this, the devils knew that unlike the Immortal Extermination Four Swords, this formation will eventually fall after sustaining enough damage over a long period of time.

The moment it appeared, thousands of True Immortals, Profound Immortals, and Heavenly Immortals woke up from the dream like state entrapping them. The sheer magnitude of energy conglomerating, empowering their bodies snapped them out of whatever trance they had previously been in.

As if being woken from a nightmare, only to realize said nightmare was a paradise. They gasped at the situation they found themselves in.



"We're being invaded!"

"Fight to your last, defend East Sea Dragon Palace at all cost!"

"By the heavens! How are there so many!"

Golden Immortals, Great Unity Golden Immortals rose up. They felt power from the King of Four Direction formation flowing into them. As such they moved to assist in battle.

Great Principle experts, what few remained joined in commanding the formation. They too feared the numbers difference and desperately prayed that this formation could hold on.

Black and gold scales had already covered the entire palace, while a second shell covered the city like a shell. Nine spikes appeared at their circular bases, and the outer shells morphed into a reptilian eyes. Soon a massive dragon head appeared covering both.

Billions of attacks fired from the army of ghostly devils were launched. They impacted the surface of the shield to great explosions. Water evaporated, soil from the seafloor ruptured, the environment of the East Sea was being destroyed.

But the King of Four Direction formation was created from the totality of the East Sea's surplus of primordial qi flowing into it through connected laylines. It also drew small increments of power from all the other seas due to its role as the heart of the dragon's domain.

"Tch, what troublesome defense," Intoxicating Dream said. "It's as if all aspects of reality has been isolated into its own universe." Even so, hundreds of Primal Origin Chaos Immortals and numerous dozens of Primal Zenith Chaos Immortals appeared alongside her. All of them rage filled.

Even Hong was startled by the number of of such experts. He was on his own while they had so many? Why had Zulong taken so many Primal Zenith dragons with him? He wished he could go back in time and discuss with his sovereign about it.

Luckily, the Primal Zenith dragon wasn't alone in his endeavor. Even as he observed his enemies, the formations below him generated magical soldiers in the shape of dragons. They all possessed the strength of powerful immortals, somewhere between the gap of a Great Principle Chaos Immortal and a Great Unity Golden Immortal. They'll do well to serve as fodder.

But even so, the dragon realized he cannot possibly fight an offensive battle. Rather, he'll have to tunnel in and use all his power for defense, drawing out the fight until more support arrives. This was even with the King of Four Direction formation active.

"My children, return to palace immediately!" Gui Daiyu ordered.

"No mother!"

It was Qiu Niu who said that. Gui Daiyu looked up to see the massive dragonic form of her eldest son fly out of the palace. Each step he look was followed by rows of wondrous melody. His head was a bit goofy looking compared to normal dragons, but his aura was extremely powerful.

"Mother, please understand. We are the top powerhouses charged with defending East Sea Dragon Palace. We must fight," Qiu Niu said.

"First brother is right mother," Suanni enthusiastically said. His voice was akin to the roar of a lion. He appeared at the edge of the formation eager to face his foes head on. His dragonic horns aside, Suanni's true form resembled a lion that has been set on fire.

"Too true. These bastards put me under that heinous spell. I am still aggrieved by the experience!" Bi An roared. If Suanni was a lion, Bi An was a cross between a dragon and a tiger. Though weaker among the siblings, he was still a Primal Origin Chaos Immortal.

Intoxicating Dream couldn't help but release her bloodlust.

"So the brats come out to play? No matter. We do not fear death anymore. Kill!"


Gui Daiyu watched with tightened heart as several of her sons joined Hong in a battle near the outer layers of the formation. She did not hesitate to withdraw a warhammer and swam up as well.

Seeing her actions, top experts who were not integral to guiding the King of Four Direction Formation felt invigorated. Several turtle Great principle Chaos Immortals, a crab Primal Origin expert, and dozens more.

From outside the formation, the dragon head's eyes shone like stars. It projected a forcefield which aimed to push the devils out. It succeeded in shaking the balance of Great Unity Golden Immortal, and Golden Immortal devils. Dragon shaped immortal soldiers assaulted their front lines by the thousands. As beings who were not alive, they did not posses any ounce of fear.

But the stronger devils held their ground. Together they pulled enormous amounts of water from the ocean into a demonic giant. In a fierce torrent, hundreds of immortal soldiers created by the King of Four Direction formation, were torn apart. Not even weaker devils standing near were spared.

The lack of thought for their comrades stemmed from their status as ghosts.

"Trying to use water in our domain?" Gui Daiyu was shocked by their audacity. She, along with Hong, dozens of experts, and her sons used their own hydrokinetic abilities passed down for generations, to direct water away from the construct.

Seeing this, numerous devils charged. Some landed on the surface of the formation, others attempted worm their way in. Many were just throwing their bodies hoping to open pores. Hence, in order to lessen the pressure on the people maintaining the formation, Gui Daiyu along with many experts fought along the outer perimeter.

The sea churned as a consequence. Immortals dashed left and right, spells and weapons of all kinds were released without a second thought. In the opening hours of the fighting, numerous devils fell to the palace defenders. But some dragons, and innate creatures were also casualties.

In peacetimes, the modern Golden Immortals were regarded as local power houses. But in the grand scale of fighting in the East Sea, they have become stronger then average foot soldiers. It was in this scene, that young dragons were cut apart by dozens of devils working together.

"Curses!" Gui Daiyu watched from the corner of her eye, her sons fought stomping through Golden Immortal devils as if they were ants. But she knew in the distance, Chaos Immortal devils were just waiting for their time to strike.

After several rounds of fighting, she along with many experts began feeling disheartened by the numerical disadvantage.

"Ao Fuhua," she commanded. Her voice traveled through the water into the palace depths where the dragons maintaining the King of Four Directions formation sat. "Open up entrances."

"Your majesty?" The dragon she spoke to gasped.

"Funnel them in at small junctions. They'll be more manageable that way," she said. He orders were relayed to every expert fighting on the formation's surface.

"I understand."

Across the top of the formation, the golden black dragon head began distorting. Gateways that led inside manifested atop the formation. Gui Daiyu and others retreated inside waiting for their enemies.

Water from all direct pulled forwards as various experts rushed to combat them. No one kept track of how long the fighting went for. But in the ensuing chaos, the empress smashed apart a Primal Origin Chaos Immortal devil in a single strike. Her opponent exploded in a vast cloud of mist obscuring her vision.

'Huh?' She was surprised at the ease in which she broke that devil's defenses. Doubly so at her a technique advanced enough to cloud her sight. She almost didn't anticipate Intoxicating Dream's attack.


She quickly held up her hammer and blocked a green palm strike from Empress Intoxicating Dream. The two grappled admits powerful waves. They skirted along the edges of the King of Four Direction Formation parrying each other's moves.

"You're weaker then I remember," Gui Daiyu said with a hateful smirk.

'Curse this body.' Intoxicating Dream couldn't contain her grimace. Being reminder of her current pitiful existence truly brought into perspective how much her death cost her. It also sprung forth deep resentment for this woman who landed the finishing blow.

As a Primal Origin Chaos Immortal, Gui Daiyu shouldn't be Intoxicating Dream's opponent. Even with a good treasure like her father's hammer, she can not overpower the devil at her peak. At best, she can draw out the fight and tier her down without being completely dominated. This was similar to what Hundun's had done avatar had done to Da Hai

But to defeat Intoxicating Dream? That was impossible.

Yet despite this expectation of their abilities, Gui Daiyu could actually see herself winning the current battle.

"Your form, the aura you give off, your physical appearance," Gui Daiyu commented as they traded more blows. As the fight dragged on, she began drawing similarities between Intoxicating Dream and the few times she visited North Sea Dragon Palace. "It's so hollow."

Her comments summoned an angry cry from Intoxicating Dream. Her arms glowed green and torrents of devilish energies condensed into the appearance of pythons. She pushed Gui Daiyu's entire being back.

"Mother!" Seeing his mother being hurt, Chao Feng quickly tore through a squad of Golden Immortal devils with his beak. He flapped his wings to summon an inferno despite the water around him. After incinerating what must've been two thousand lesser devils, he flew to attack Intoxicating Dream.

"You want to interfere? Do you think you're qualified?" Intoxicating Dream spat.

"Let's find out then!" Chao Feng's talons aimed forwards. His avian form cried out as a transformation took place around his legs. In a burst of power, the image of dragon claws coated his talons which he used to claw at the female devil.

On her part, Intoxicating Dream used her own palm arts to meet Chao Feng's claws. The clash was so fierce that it pushed out all the surrounding water, creating a vacuum free of seawater.

"Nrgh!" Chao Feng's beak quivered at the force. Intoxicating Dream only smiled. His legs were being pushed back, lines of green and purple springing up eroding his dragon claws.

"This is prince Chao Feng?"

"Is it really? He doesn't look like a dragon at all."

"But neither does prince Suanni, or prince Denglong."

"Yeah but they at least have dragonic features. He's…well he's a bird."

"Definitely a phoenix, he looks exactly like one."

"You suggesting the empress might've."

"His majesty won't be pleased when he returns."

"A phoenix dares to treat the domain of dragons as if it were his own?

"What a joke."

Chao Feng's eyes widened. His feet slacked as his attack was completely broken through. Intoxicating Dream smiled further as her free hand went to grab his throat.

In her glee, she just barely noticed Gui Daiyu swinging on her arm. Since the sea empress came back to engage again, she pulled back and created another whip to grab Chao Feng while dashing away. Gui Daiyu quickly grabbed hold of the whip but found a substance trying to stain her skin. The surface of her flesh started to convulse and a nauseating smell began enveloping her fist.

Chao Feng was however able to get his bearings back. He used this opportunity to burn the whip and Intoxicating Dream. His fire carried a similar essence to phoenix style magical arts, something he picked up through Cinnebar Phoenix, only slightly modified.

His mother waited for her son's flames to burn for a few moments before raising her hand into it. Fire burned off the substance sticking to her hand but only after she suffered some injuries from it.


"I'll heal," she reassured him.

To their relief, Denglong and Qiu Niu had entered their perimeter to do battle. Intoxicating Dream was successfully driven away for a few moments clashes with both princes. Denglong surpassed his mother in strength and Qiu Niu does equal her. Together, their combined fierce roar, and musical arts threatened to destabilize Intoxicating Dream's body.

"Children, you all came."

Denglong and Qiu Niu nodded. "Mother is in danger, it's only natural." These two harassed the devil while Gui Daiyu, and Chao Feng got their bearings back.

As the water churned around the dragon's capital, the other sons of Zulong also found themselves entangled by devils of all kinds. Weak ones were stomped apart, but strong ones could survive and entangled them.

Suanni's entire body burned like a furnace. His lionesque face bit into an equally large yet faint devil, then he unleashed a breath of fire. Seeing the never ending tide who slowly trickled in towards his home, he chose to go on the offensive and rampage his way through them.

"Your highness, don't be hasty!" Hong called out. He was surrounded by three Primal Zenith Chaos Immortals who pelted him which hurt enough to distract the dragon.

As Gui Daiyu, Chao Feng, Denglong, and Qiu Niu battled Intoxicating Dream longer, they gained ground on her. The female devil grimaced as she had to flee several times. But Gui Daiyu realized this wasn't necessarily to their benefit.

'She ties too many of us down,' she thought after glancing at more devils pouring in. Their numbers were overwhelming their weaker experts. In their unity to fight off Intoxicating Dream, they lost control over a few of the gateways.

It seemed her subordinates within the palace had taken it upon themselves to close these gateways that were overwhelmed. But strong opportunistic devils, particularly those with the strength of Primal Zenith were able to force these weak spots open.

Gui Daiyu glared at the distant Intoxicating Dream.

"Go handle those points these abominations are coming in from," she informed her present sons. "I'll deal with Intoxicating Dream."

"But mother, despite being weaker she is still a Primal Zenith Chaos Immortal," Qiu Niu said with urgency.

The empress peered across the battlefield. She witnessed Hong tear a Primal Zenith devil in two, only for another similarly ranked devil to appear and harass him. In fact, that dragon was the only reason Primal Zenith level devils hadn't torn through them already.

Her son Chi Wen, the gigantic dragon headed fish he was, swam from entanglement and entanglement. Bi An fought with a fury hardly ever witnessed from the bureaucrat. Pulao and Yazi were both working so hard to not allow any devil into the city and palace. But every fighter, every immortal expert was like a creaking dam, just able to keep the flood back.


The empress gazed down at the palace courtyard. An explosion that reminded her of Wangshu incinerated a squad of Golden Immortal ghost devils who'd somehow made their way pass them.

"Aunt master Changxi," Qiu Niu said. "I thought she was retreating under guard."

"Whatever the case, it's good she's helping us now. Father, uncle, and grandmaster can throw hissy fits all they want. But we need all the help we can get," Denglong said. "I trust you mother."

Denglong dashed through the water towards a distant pore where devils were pouring through. Qiu Niu followed him. Yet the eyes of her youngest, Chao Feng, were filled with reluctance.

They watched as Denglong released a deafening roar that managed to push the startled Primal Zenith devil holding the hole open out of the way. They continued to watch as he and her other sons continued to fight the tides of devils.

"Is this how we'll die?" Chao Feng asked.

"I don't know," Gui Daiyu answered honestly. Zulong was too far away. Da Hai was too far away. Were they even aware they were being attacked? Why couldn't the conflict have stayed simple?

"Fenger listen to me," she said gently. "Whatever happens, your father and I are proud of you. Don't ever let your shape deny you from your right as a son of the dragon."

She lifted her hammer and chased after Intoxicating Dream once more.