Secret of Gufa

Leo Brandon kindly declined Damon's request for teaching, wearing a smile as he did so.

Damon's face fell, disappointment evident in his eyes. "But... why?" he stammered, trying to comprehend Leo Brandon's refusal.

Leo's smile softened, and he placed a reassuring hand on Damon's shoulder. "It's not that I don't believe in you, Damon," he said gently. "It's just that my path is not meant for teaching. I have my own battles to fight, and I can't commit to being a proper mentor right now."

Damon's shock turned into understanding, though he still felt a pang of sadness. "I understand," he replied with a hint of disappointment. "I was really hoping to learn from you, but I won't push you into something you're not comfortable with."

Leo nodded appreciatively. "Thank you for understanding, Damon," he said warmly. "I have no doubt that you will find someone who can guide you on your journey to becoming stronger. Just remember, the drive to improve comes from within. Keep that fire burning, and you'll find the right path."

Damon mustered a smile, grateful for Leo's honesty. "I will," he said resolutely. "Thank you for considering it, Leo."

With a final pat on Damon's shoulder, Leo Brandon turned away. "Good luck, kid," he said, his smile returning. "I have a feeling you'll do just fine." And with that, he walked away, leaving Damon determined to find another way.

Leo Brandon playfully hits Damon on his head, teasingly saying, "Haha, you fool, that was a joke!" He bursts into laughter, finding the situation amusing.

Damon eagerly asked Leo Brandon if he would indeed train him. Leo responded, "My training won't be simple, can you handle it?" Damon replied with determination, "Anything you throw at me, I'll handle it." Excitedly, Leo agreed to take Damon under his wing, ready to challenge him in the journey of growth.

Leo Brandon looked at Damon, a mix of seriousness and encouragement in his eyes. "But listen, Damon," he said, "no matter how much you train your body, it won't be enough to become truly strong and overcome powerful enemies. To defeat them, you'll need powers like I possess. I can control fire at will, but you don't have any innate abilities. So, first, let's figure out how you can obtain powers."

Damon's excitement surged. "Wait, you mean I can actually get powers?" he asked eagerly. "How is that even possible?"

Leo nodded, appreciating Damon's enthusiasm. "Yes, it's possible," he replied. "You must have heard about the Gufa, where people receive powers after facing challenging trials. It's a sacred place where many have become formidable beings through the granting of abilities."

Damon's eyes widened with wonder. "Oh, I've heard about the Gufa," he exclaimed. "But how do I even get there, and what kind of trials will I have to face?"

Leo's smile grew as he sensed Damon's determination. "You have to seek out the Gufa's location, which is not an easy task," he explained. "As for the trials, they are different for each person, testing their resolve, courage, and strength of character. It won't be easy, but if you truly desire powers, it's worth the effort."

Damon took a deep breath, ready to embrace the challenge. "I'm willing to do whatever it takes," he declared resolutely.

Leo Brandon clapped Damon on the shoulder, admiring his spirit. "That's the spirit, Damon," he said proudly. "I'll support you in your journey to become stronger. Remember, it's not just about obtaining powers; it's about the growth and learning you'll experience along the way."

Princess Talia and Sani continued their palace tour, leaving Damon and Leo Brandon behind.

Damon couldn't contain his curiosity about the Gufa any longer and asked Leo Brandon about its whereabouts. Leo, with a reassuring smile, replied, "Don't worry, I'll find it for you. But for now, let's focus on training your body. You already look strong. Have you been exercising?"

A hint of pride shone in Damon's eyes as he responded, "In my village, I used to cut trees daily to build my muscles. It was hard work, but I wanted to become stronger."

Leo nodded in approval. "Not bad, kid. Your dedication shows." Then, changing the topic, he asked, "What's your aim for the future?"

Damon hesitated for a moment before answering, "To kill someone."

Leo Brandon's expression turned serious as he asked, "Who do you want to kill?"

"I don't know much about him," Damon admitted. "All I know is that he's associated with the Carang gang, and he might be a skilled swordsman. But it's just a guess."

Leo's demeanor became grave, and he decided not to delve further into that topic. Instead, he told Damon firmly, "Body training can come later. Let's focus on getting you powers first."

Damon looked surprised but also excited. "Really? You're going to help me acquire powers?"

"Yes, but it won't be easy," Leo warned. "The trials at the Gufa are demanding, and it will test your resolve. But if you're ready, I'll guide you through it."

Damon's determination resurfaced, and he nodded firmly. "I'm ready, sir. I'll do whatever it takes to obtain powers and become stronger."

Leo Brandon patted Damon's shoulder with a smile. "Good," he said. "With your dedication and the right guidance, you might just achieve more than you can imagine."

Damon couldn't help but be intrigued by the idea of acquiring powers from the Gufa. "By the way," he asked Leo Brandon, "what type of power should I choose?"

Leo chuckled, correcting him gently, "You can't choose anything. The Gufa grants powers based on its own criteria, and you get whatever it deems suitable for you."

Damon looked shocked at the revelation. "Wait, we don't have any control over choosing our powers? What if I end up with a strange or weird ability?"

Leo nodded thoughtfully. "Yes, that's possible. Sometimes the powers can be quite unusual, and you might find them hard to handle. Some people even wish for normalcy after receiving their powers."

Damon couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and trepidation. "But what kind of weird powers are we talking about?" he asked, curious despite himself.

Leo grinned mischievously. "Well, imagine someone gaining the ability to turn their body into rubber, like the legendary Gum-Gum power," he said, trying not to laugh.

Damon's eyes widened in disbelief. "What? No way! That's so bizarre!"

Leo burst into laughter at Damon's reaction. "See? Some powers can be quite unconventional," he said, trying to suppress his amusement.

Damon couldn't help but chuckle too, realizing the unpredictability of the Gufa's granting powers. "I guess I'll have to brace myself for whatever comes my way," he said with a determined smile.

Leo nodded, his expression turning serious again. "Exactly. No matter what power you receive, it's how you use it that matters. Embrace it and learn to wield it to the best of your abilities."

In the aftermath of the bar's destruction, Khalik Mongol, the 5th commander of the infamous "Carang gang," learned of his brother Kasim's demise at the hands of a mysterious kid. His rage ignited, and his aura surged uncontrollably. However, before he could unleash it fully, the 1st commander, the formidable Right-hand man of Dorje, intervened, smacking him and warning, "Don't emit your aura too much! Leo Brandon might sense it even from this distance."

Meanwhile, in the palace, Leo Brandon looked out over the town, a sense of unease washing over him. He thought he sensed something, but he dismissed it, muttering to himself, "Maybe it was nothing."

Amidst escalating tensions in the town, Khalik Mongol's anger rises, "Donnie Shama" appears also known as the 1st commander.