A Big Clash

Donnie stood before Khalik, frustration evident in his eyes. "Khalik, I warned you not to emit more aura," he exclaimed, trying to keep his voice steady. "But you wouldn't listen, and we can't afford to draw attention to ourselves." With a wave of his hand, a massive barrier enveloped them, preventing any aura leakage.

As Khalik slumped unconscious, Donnie couldn't help but feel a mixture of anger and concern. "Your recklessness nearly ruined our entire plan," he muttered, hoping Khalik would learn from this mistake.

Turning to his subordinates, he gave them clear orders, "Go and check outside, and stay alert. If anyone approaches, contact me immediately. This underground hideout in the hotel has kept us safe, and we can't risk exposure now."

The team dispersed, leaving Donnie to contemplate the path they had chosen and the need for utmost caution in their mission.

Donnie paced back and forth, his impatience growing by the second. "Where is Shura?" he demanded, glancing at his watch. "He should have been here by now."

A subordinate stepped forward hesitantly, "Sir, Mr. Shura informed us that he'll be late. He's still two days away, heading towards Kashi Town."

"That damn brat," Donnie fumed, clenching his fists. "Taking his sweet time while we're in the middle of this crucial operation. Leo Brandon is lurking around, and if he catches wind of our plan, everything will be ruined."

In the midst of the underground hideout, a subordinate approached Donnie with urgency. "Boss, the boss is calling from the magic stone," he informed, raising Donnie's curiosity. "I wonder why he's reaching out now," Donnie mused, before nodding and saying, "Alright, put him through."

Meanwhile, in the majestic palace, Leo Brandon was demonstrating his powers to Damon, who was wide-eyed and fascinated. "Do you have two different powers?" Damon inquired with excitement. "Fire power and magic powers?"

Leo chuckled, amused by Damon's eagerness to learn. "Listen, kid, the Gufa has its stages," he explained. "First, you complete level 1, and you gain a specific power. For me, it was fire power. Then, you move on to level 2, and if you manage to clear it, you acquire magic powers."

Damon's eyes gleamed with curiosity. "So, the more levels I complete, the more powers I get to have?" he asked.

Leo nodded, affirming Damon's realization. "Exactly! Each level you conquer grants you new abilities. It's a journey of growth and strength. But remember, with great power comes great responsibility," he cautioned.

Curiosity filled Damon's eyes as he questioned Leo Brandon further, "What comes after stage 2? What powers do we gain if we clear level 3?"

Leo chuckled with a hint of self-deprecation, "Honestly, I don't know. I couldn't surpass stage 2, so I only acquired firepower and magic."

Damon admired Leo's abilities, "Even with those powers, you're incredible. But are there people who actually cleared stage 3?"

Leo nodded, "Yes, four of the Gang leaders managed to clear stage 3, and that's why they're leaders."

Surprised, Damon pondered for a moment and asked, "Did you try pulling that legendary sword from the boulder to match their strength? To become the next leader?"

A wry smile appeared on Leo's face, "You're a smart kid. It's partly true, but I don't want to be the next leader. I refuse to take orders from an ignorant woman," he shouted, frustration evident in his voice. "I won't bow down to a dumb leader."

Damon's surprise was evident as he asked, "The leader of Zero Gang is a woman?"

Leo Brandon nodded with frustration, "Yes, she is. My mother, Leona Zero Brandon. I dislike her constant orders and that 'Zero' in her name."

Damon couldn't believe it, "Your mother is one of the strongest in the world! You must want to surpass her strength and become the next leader, right?"

Leo snapped back, "Shut up, kid. Let's just go. Enough talk."

Damon obediently replied, "Yes, sir."

In the dimly lit underground hideout, Donnie's thoughts were interrupted as Khalik Mongol regained consciousness. "So you finally awake, took you long," Donnie remarked, his gaze fixed on Khalik.

Khalik, filled with rage and grief, pleaded with Donnie, "Big bro Donnie, please let me kill the guy who killed my brother. I won't make any ruckus."

Donnie sternly refused, "No, you aren't going anywhere. Do you want Leo Brandon to come here?"

Unyielding, Khalik responded, "It doesn't matter if Leo Brandon comes here. As long as you're here, he's not a problem for you."

Donnie tried to reason, "It doesn't matter if I can beat him or not. Our priority is the plan entrusted by the boss."

Fueled by his emotions, Khalik shouted, "I don't care about any plans right now. I just want revenge for my brother!"

Donnie's gaze intensified, "Oi, Khalik! Who do you think you're shouting at? Are you ordering me to change my plans for your little revenge?"

Ignoring his position as the 5th commander of Carang, Khalik charged at Donnie with all his power. In response, Donnie calmly formed his fist and delivered a powerful punch. The clash between their forces resulted in a devastating impact, completely destroying the hotel above them.

Leo Brandon, in the palace, felt the tremors and sensed a dangerous presence in his territory. With a serious expression, he swiftly flew towards the town.

As Leo approached the scene, he saw the aftermath of the clash and Donnie standing there, ready for his next challenge. "Here he comes," Donnie remarked, fully aware of the impending battle with Leo Brandon.

The tension in the air was palpable as the two formidable forces, each with their own motives and emotions, prepared to face off in a clash that could alter the course of their destinies.



CHAPTER 14- Fire King VS Dark King