Fire King VS Dark King

As Leo Brandon landed amidst the aftermath of the explosion, he couldn't help but feel a mix of anger and concern for the injured and deceased. His eyes narrowed as he locked gazes with the person responsible – Donnie Shama. People around them began to flee in fear, sensing the impending clash between two powerful figures.

"Aren't you Donnie Shama of the Carang gang?" Leo inquired, his voice stern.

Donnie couldn't hide his smirk, taking pride in being recognized by the infamous "Fire King." "Oh, what an honor," he retorted playfully, "I must have become pretty famous."

Leo wasn't amused by Donnie's banter. "Cut the bullshit and tell me why you're here," he demanded.

With a hint of mischief, Donnie replied, "I just liked this country so much that I came to explore."

Leo wasn't buying it, observing the destruction around them. "I assumed destroying the town is your kind of exploration?" he questioned sharply.

Donnie quickly attempted to divert blame, "Oh! I am very, very sorry. My poor subordinates just didn't like the food serving here, and they went overboard. Can you please overlook that, Mr. Fire King?" he said, seemingly innocent.

Leo's eyes narrowed further, not falling for Donnie's excuses. "You're testing my patience, Donnie," he warned. "This can't go on."

As the tension escalated, the clash of personalities between the Fire King and the enigmatic Donnie Shama set the stage for a high-stakes confrontation. The fate of the town and their rivalry hung in the balance.

Inside the palace, Damon's unease grew as he witnessed Leo Brandon suddenly flying off without a word. Concerned for his master, he hurriedly made his way through the palace to find Sani and Princess Talia.

"Something must have happened," Damon said, sharing his worry with Sani and Talia. "I need to find out what's going on."

Sani assured him, "Johan is still sleeping in his bed. He has 8 more days to recover."

Damon nodded, "Good, you stay close to him, Sani. I'm going to the town to see what's happening."

Worried for Damon's safety, Sani protested, "Wait, it's dangerous out there! Why are you going?"

Damon tried to ease his friend's concern, "Don't worry, I'll maintain my distance from any trouble. I just need to see what Leo is up to."

Without wasting another moment, Damon sprinted off toward the town, determined to find out the reason behind Leo Brandon's sudden departure.

Leo Brandon's gaze remained unwavering as he issued his final warning, "Get out of my territory right now."

Donnie couldn't help but chuckle at the statement. "Your territory?" he questioned with a smirk. "We were the first ones trying to make this town ours, but you defeated the no.2 and took it from him. You do understand how our gang system works, right?"

A sly smile played on Donnie's lips as he continued, "If something is marked first, it belongs to that gang. But you came and interfered with our system, causing us a lot of problems."

Leo's expression remained stoic, unaffected by Donnie's attempt to undermine his claim.

As Donnie taunted Leo Brandon about the rumors of his conquests, expressing his desire to fight him, Leo remained composed. "You think you can defeat me?" Leo questioned with a hint of amusement.

In the blink of an eye, Leo's fist became engulfed in flames, catching Donnie off guard. Before he could react, he found himself sent flying through a building, the force of the attack overwhelming him.

Leo Brandon stood tall, his fiery aura radiating power. "You asked for this," he said calmly, ready to continue the battle.

Donnie, now realizing the gravity of the situation, struggled to regain his footing. The clash of two formidable forces had begun, and the outcome would determine not just their personal rivalry but the fate of the town they fought for.

Leo Brandon flew towards Donnie, impressed by his resilience. "That was quite a punch," Donnie acknowledged as he stood up.

Leo, still somewhat taken aback by Donnie's quick recovery, remarked, "You actually took my punch and got up immediately? Not bad."

Donnie, unyielding and disrespectful, brushed it off, "Huh, that was a punch? I thought it felt like a mosquito bite on my cheek."

Leo couldn't help but laugh at Donnie's boldness. "Next time, I'll use my full power behind that punch, and let's see if you can handle it," he challenged.

Fearlessly, Donnie replied, "Sure, hit me."

As Leo charged at him, Donnie vanished before his eyes. The Fire King was caught off guard as he was struck by a powerful kick in the gut, causing him to cough up a little blood, and he was sent crashing through the ground.

Mocking Leo, Donnie taunted, "Oh, Fire King, are you okay? Did I hit you too hard?"

Leo quickly got back on his feet, his mind racing with curiosity. "How did he disappear before me?" he wondered, pondering the mysterious powers that Donnie possessed.

As Donnie disappeared once again, Leo Brandon took to the sky, sharpening his senses to anticipate his opponent's next move. He waited, unsure of where Donnie would reappear. Suddenly, Donnie materialized above Leo, attempting to deliver a punch. But Leo was quick to react, stopping the attack and retaliating with his "Fire Crash" technique.

Donnie effortlessly caught the flames and dispersed them with his darkness power. Leo's face showed surprise and realization. "So your power is darkness, huh? You can pull anything inside your darkness and make them disappear," Leo deduced.

Donnie acknowledged Leo's observation, "You are smart, Leo. Yes, I can make myself disappear and reappear from any distance within my darkness. You can call it teleportation. It seems I'm the worst matchup for you."

Leo laughed with confidence, replying, "We'll see about that." However, inwardly he admitted, "He's right. This is a bad matchup for me, and I can't go all out; the town might get destroyed. I have to make this an aerial fight for as long as possible."

As the aerial battle continued, Donnie taunted Leo, "You seem troubled by my power. Let me give you some help by explaining it. My darkness acts like a gravity that can suck anything, even people, into it, making them disappear."

Leo listened intently, trying to find a way to counter Donnie's abilities. "How kind of you to explain," he thought to himself. "What can I do to trap him in one place? Think, Leo, think fast."

Donnie saw an opportunity to end the battle and declared, "Let's finish this now!" He swiftly disappeared from Leo's sight and reappeared behind him, his fist coated in darkness and shaped into a sharp weapon. He struck Leo, who struggled and spat blood as he was pushed back into the ground.

Gritting his teeth, Leo realized that a head-on confrontation wouldn't be enough to defeat Donnie. He needed a strategy that could neutralize his opponent's teleportation and gravity-like powers. As he staggered back up, Leo knew he had to act swiftly to protect the town and ensure victory in this intense and deadly duel.

As Donnie descended, he couldn't help but mock Leo Brandon. "Are you really that guy, or were people just spreading false rumors about you? It seems you didn't use your full power because of this town," he taunted, laughing at the notion.

Leo, still catching his breath, maintained his composure. He knew that the safety of the town was at stake, and going all out could have disastrous consequences. He replied calmly, "I did what I had to, to protect this town. It's not about false rumors; it's about responsibility."

Donnie, however, seemed undeterred and was ready to deliver a final, deadly blow to Leo. But just as he was about to strike, one of his subordinates rushed over, urgently informing him about something.

"What? Are you sure about that?" Donnie questioned in disbelief. The subordinate nodded affirmatively.

Upon hearing the news, Donnie's demeanor changed. He looked back at Leo, a sly smile forming on his face. "You're lucky, Fire King," Donnie said while stepping back. "You get to live today. We'll fight again someday, and when that happens, I hope you'll use your full power," he taunted once more before laughing and leaving the scene, leaving Leo lying on the ground.

Leo watched as Donnie departed, his mind still reeling from the intense battle. He knew that Donnie's powers were formidable, and he couldn't afford to underestimate his opponent in future encounters.