Donnie Shama departs town after a fierce battle. Leo Brandon, 1st commander of zero gang, succumbs to 1st of Carang gang. Severely injured, he collapses, losing consciousness.

Amidst the chaos of a clash between Leo Brandon and Donnie Shama, Damon rushes towards the scene of the explosion. As he was late, he finds Leo Brandon unconscious on the ground and attempts to revive him, but to no avail. As time passes, palace guards arrive, taking Leo Brandon to the palace for medical attention. The aftermath of the intense fight leaves Damon deeply concerned about his master'scondition and the circumstances that led to this confrontation.

Damon: (Looking at the scene) How did this happen? What happened here? Who was he fighting? I can't believe someone was capable of destroying the strongest commander of the Zero Gang.

(Spotting a little boy observing the destruction)

Damon: Hey little boy, what are you doing here? It's dangerous! You should go somewhere safe.

Saimon: (Looking up at Damon) He was awesome, but the other guy was even stronger.

Damon: (Intrigued) Wait, did you see what happened here? Do you know who Leo Brandon was fighting?

Saimon: Yes, I saw everything.

Damon: (Curious) What's your name, kid?

Saimon: I'm Saimon.

Damon: Nice to meet you, Saimon. Do you know who the other person was? The one Leo Brandon was fighting?

Saimon: (Shrugging) I don't know who he is, but people around here were saying he's from the Carang gang, a commander or something.

Damon: (Realizing the situation) So, Leo Brandon was fighting someone from the Carang gang...

Saimon: (Nods) Yeah, that's what they were saying.

Damon: (Grateful) Thank you, Saimon. Here, take this money and go get yourself some candy.

Saimon: (Happily) Thank you! (Takes the money and leaves)

Damon: (Lost in thought) Carang gang... This is getting serious. I need to find out more about what's going on.

Damon: (Looking around) Where did Saimon go? I forgot to ask him which way that Carang gang person went.

(Unable to find Saimon)

Damon: (Disappointed) He's gone. I'll have to figure it out on my own then.

(Meanwhile Khalik Mongol, wearing the black rope, hiding his identity and going outside of town.)

Khalik Mongol: (Angrily) Tck, that Donnie is a monster! My full power couldn't even scratch him, and he broke my arm like it was nothing. And Leo Brandon was no match for him either. Why didn't he finish Leo off? And why did he leave town?

Khalik Mongol: (Speaking to himself) I have to wait for my brother's revenge, but first, I need to heal. Where is Shura? He should have arrived by now. Is he in another fight?

(He continues to walk, lost in his thoughts, anticipating his brother's return and seeking answers about Shura's delay.)

Damon: (Coming across the sword in the boulder) Huh, that sword again. But where is everyone? There's no one here to try and pull it out today.

(Examining the surroundings)

Damon: (Realizing) Wait, the fight must have scared everyone away. They must have run for their lives. It's no wonder there's no one attempting to pull the sword out now.

(Contemplating the situation)

Damon: Things have become dangerous around here. I'll have to come back another day to see if anyone can wield this legendary sword.

Damon: (Curious and determined) Maybe I should try pulling the sword. Let's see what this is all about.

(As Damon touches the sword, something launches from the sky, pushing him back. He sees a mysterious lady standing on the boulder.)

Mysterious lady: (Addressing Damon) Hey boy, have you seen some hotheaded boy around here?

Damon: (Surprised) Who are you?

Mysterious lady: (Laughs) I am Leona Zero Brandon, and I'm looking for my stupid son.

Damon: (Shocked) Whaaat? You're Leo Brandon's mother, Leona Zero Brandon?

Leona Zero Brandon: (Nods) Yes, that's right. Now, tell me, have you seen my son?

Damon: (Stammering) Y-Yes, he was involved in a fight, he is in the palace getting treated right now. Leo Brandon is in critical condition right now.

Leona Zero Brandon: (Urgent) I know he's in critical condition. Tell me the location of the palace!

Damon: (Quickly) It's outside of this town, about 5 kilometers away.

(Leona grabs Damon, and they soar towards the palace. Damon is in awe as they fly through the air.)

Damon: (Excited) This is incredible! Flying is amazing!

(Within a minute, they arrive at the palace.)

Leona Zero Brandon entered the palace without any interference from the guards, her reputation preceding her.

Leona Zero Brandon: (Entering the treatment room) Leave now! All of you!

Doctors: (Resisting) But we're treating him, we can't just...

Leona Zero Brandon: (Cutting them off, her voice cold and determined) I said leave, or face the consequences.

(Seeing the intensity in her eyes, the doctors hurriedly leave the room, leaving Leona and Leo alone.)

Damon: (Talking to Sani and Princess Talia) I wonder what she's going to do.

Sani: (Curious) Where did you meet her?

Damon: (Explaining) I encountered her by the sword in the boulder. She said she's looking for Leo.

Princess Talia: (Intrigued) The legendary sword? That's interesting.

(Inside the treatment room, Leona concentrates her magic powers on healing Leo's wounds. The injuries miraculously begin to mend rapidly.)

Leo Brandon: (Groaning as he wakes up) Ahhh... Who punched me?

(He looks up and sees his mother standing there, shocked.)

Leo Brandon: (Confused) Why are you here, you stupid mother?

(Without hesitation, Leona smacks him on the head.)

Leona Zero Brandon: (Angry) Is that how you talk to your mother, you reckless fool?

Leo Brandon: (Rubbing his head) Ouch! Alright, alright. Sorry, Mom.

Leona Zero Brandon: (Scolding) You better be sorry. I can't believe you got yourself into this mess again. Fighting with Donnie Shama? Do you have any idea how dangerous he is?

Leo Brandon: (Grumbling) I couldn't just let him walk all over our gang.

Leona Zero Brandon: (Sternly) That's not an excuse. You have to be smarter, Leo. Now, tell me everything that happened.

(Leo explains the events leading up to the fight, and Leona listens attentively.)

Damon: (Peeking inside with Sani and Princess Talia) I'm glad she's here for him.

Sani: (Nods) Yeah, she's a formidable woman, but it's clear she cares deeply for him.

Princess Talia: (Smiling) Family is everything, no matter how complicated it gets.

Inside the room

Leona Zero Brandon: (Serious) As I sensed your critical condition through the magic I placed in you, I'm here for another reason, something important to inform you.

Leo Brandon: (Curious) What is it, Mom?

Leona Zero Brandon: (Hesitant) Our 3rd commander, Aryan Shan, has been killed by the 4th commander of the Carang gang, Shura Shun.

(Leo's face turns pale with shock and anger.)