Leo Brandon was in shock and anger after hearing about Aryan's death. He couldn't believe it and asked his mom if it was just a joke. Leona Zero Brandon assured him that it was true and that she had seen Aryan's body herself. She had rushed to be with Leo when she learned about his critical condition.

Leo was still in disbelief, arguing that Aryan was higher in rank, the 3rd in command, while Shura was only the 4th. How could Shura have killed Aryan? His anger intensified as he raised his voice, unable to comprehend the situation.

Leona tried to console him, saying that sometimes positions and ranks don't matter in the face of unexpected events. She urged him to grieve for Aryan and focus on his own recovery.

Leo Brandon was determined to find and take revenge on Shura himself, but his mother, Leona Zero Brandon, firmly refused to let him go anywhere. As the leader of the Zero gang, she insisted that she would handle Shura. She reassured Leo that she would also send Naomi to be with him, as she was worried about his well-being.

Leo expressed his concern about Naomi's safety, especially with their forces weakened after the recent events. He feared that she might be attacked, especially if she were to face Donnie Shama. Despite being the 2nd commander, Leo was worried that she wouldn't stand a chance against him.

Leona observed the change in her son after his fight with Donnie Shama and asked him what had happened. She questioned whether Donnie Shama was truly that strong for Leo to be so shaken. She believed that Leo might not have used his full potential during the fight and suggested that if he had, he might have defeated Donnie.

Leo, however, disagreed. He didn't think that even with his full power, he could have won, as Donnie hadn't used his full power either. Leo mentioned the sword, indicating that if he could use it, things might have been different.

Leona inquired about Leo's continuous efforts to pull out the sword. It seemed like a lingering desire of his, but she was concerned about its consequences.

Overall, the conversation highlighted the tension and concern within the gang, especially after Aryan's death, and the challenges they were facing in the aftermath of the recent events. It also shed light on Leo's internal struggle and his desire to become stronger.

Leo Brandon was concerned when he saw his mother's shocked expression. He asked her what had happened, and Leona Zero Brandon revealed the alarming news about Naomi. Her lifespan was decreasing rapidly, indicating that she was in grave danger. Leona explained that Naomi was currently in a fierce battle with Shura Shan, which was likely the cause of her life-threatening situation. Leo's worry for Naomi intensified, and he knew they had to act quickly to save her.

When Leo insisted on joining his mother to save Naomi, she refused and used her magic to bind him. Despite Leo's determination, his weakened state was a cause for concern. Leona, being one of the 7th most powerful individuals in the world, assured Leo that she would handle the situation and promised to bring Naomi back safely.

Leo Brandon: "Mom, I appreciate your concern, but I can't just sit here while Naomi is in danger!"

Leona Zero Brandon: "Leo, you need to understand that you're still recovering. Rushing into a battle now could make things worse. Trust me, I will do everything in my power to save Naomi."

Leo Brandon: "But I can't bear the thought of her getting hurt or worse because of me. I won't forgive myself if anything happens to her!"

Leona Zero Brandon silenced her son and took charge, flying towards Naomi, indicating that she was determined to handle the situation herself. Her urgent departure left Damon, Sani, and Princess Talia puzzled, wondering about the potential danger that had arisen.

Damon: "Did you see that? Why did Leona fly off like that?"

Sani: "I have no idea, but it looked urgent. Maybe something's happened, and she's in a hurry to deal with it."

Leo Brandon experiences guilt as he remains unable to take action in the current situation, leaving the responsibility to his mother.

Meanwhile, in the farthest distance, where the fight is taking place between Naomi Gano, the 2nd commander of the Zero gang, and Shura Shun, the 4th commander of the Carang gang.

Before the fight starts, 40 minutes ago.

Naomi: "Why are you blocking my way, Shura? You know that starting a fight with another gang member could lead to a full-blown war."

Shura Shun: "Naomi Gano, today you will meet your end by my hands."

Naomi laughed in response, seemingly unphased by his threat. "What did you just say? Are you here to kill me with jokes? Don't make me laugh. Being the 4th commander, what makes you think you can beat the 2nd in command?"

Shura continued to laugh, his confidence evident.

Naomi's expression turned serious as she questioned him, "Why are you laughing like a psycho?"

Shura's laughter subsided, and he replied, "It's funny because just yesterday, someone else said the same thing to me. His name was Aryan Shan."

Naomi was taken aback, her seriousness deepening. "What? Aryan? What do you mean by that? Tell me."

Shura wore a sly smile, enjoying the intrigue he created. "Oh, I'm just saying that before I took care of him, he had the same overconfidence as you."

Naomi's eyes narrowed with anger and concern for her fallen comrade. "You killed Aryan?"

As Shura threw Aryan's ring in front of Naomi, her anger surged, and she unleashed her powerful aura. Fueled by rage, she vowed to make Shura pay for his actions. His response only fueled her determination further.

"You will pay for that, and I will rip you to shreds," Naomi declared, her eyes blazing with fury.

Shura, unfazed by her anger, taunted her with a sinister grin. "Let's play, bitch."

The stage was set for an intense and explosive confrontation between the two commanders.