Attack That Cannot Be Dodge

As the two commanders, Shura and Naomi, faced each other on the battlefield, the tension in the air was palpable.

Shura, with a calm demeanor, addressed Naomi with a hint of curiosity, "Let's see what you can do, show me your power, Mrs. 2."

Unfazed by the challenge, Naomi responded with a determined glint in her eyes, "You asked for this, don't regret it later." With a wave of her hand, she summoned a magical sword, impressing even Shura.

As Naomi leaped into the air, swinging her sword with force, a massive slash of energy surged towards Shura. Realizing the danger, Shura opted not to use his full power, relying on his agility to dodge the incoming attack. The tremendous force of Naomi's strike sliced through the mountain behind Shura, leaving a gaping rift.

Shura's concern grew, but he kept his emotions in check. "Impressive, "That's quite powerful, Mrs. 2, he remarked calmly, .It was shocking that you didn't use that in the tournament," he admitted, impressed by her abilities.

However, Naomi had no time for pleasantries. She was focused on the battle at hand and challenged Shura, "Aren't you here to kill me? Stop talking and come at me, you brat."

Shura chuckled lightly, "Now that you've impressed me, I guess I have to do the same, right?" He proceeded to stretch his leg, preparing for the upcoming engagement. Suddenly, he vanished before Naomi's eyes, leaving her astonished.

She couldn't comprehend how he disappeared, wondering if he had invisibility powers.

Naomi remained vigilant, taking to the air to avoid any surprise attacks. Sharpening her senses, she attempted to locate Shura. Meanwhile, Shura made a subtle movement on the ground, catching Naomi's attention. Reacting swiftly, she appeared in front of him, swinging her sword with full force, causing a devastating impact.

Amidst the smoke caused by the powerful slash, Naomi couldn't see clearly, but she was confident that her attack had landed.

Taunting Shura, she exclaimed, "That's all you got? And you killed Aryan with that level of power?" She sensed no more spiritual pressure from him and concluded, "Oh, looks like you're already dead."

Realizing Shura was defeated, Naomi shifted her focus. "I guess I have to find Miss Leona and tell her about Aryan," she decided, planning to inform their mutual acquaintance about the outcome of their battle.

As Naomi turned to walk away, she was taken aback when Shura shun suddenly stood up and hurled an offensive remark at her, calling her a derogatory name. "Where are you going, bitch?" he jeered.

Confused and shocked, Naomi questioned, "How are you alive? Didn't you get cut?" She had seen the powerful slash she delivered, and it seemed impossible for him to survive unscathed.

With a nonchalant grin, Shura tore his clothes further, revealing his scar-covered body. "Oh, this? It's just another scratch that will heal in no time. I always give my opponents a free hit first," he explained, seemingly unfazed by his wounds.

Naomi's expression turned serious as she observed Shura's battle-hardened physique. She knew she couldn't underestimate him.

Naomi unleashed her super speed to attack Shura, but he swiftly countered, inflicting significant damage. Caught off guard, her ribs and bones were shattered. Naomi's lack of awareness served as a harsh lesson, reminding her of the importance of vigilance and caution in combat.

Naomi: (gritting her teeth) Impressive speed, Shura, but don't think I'm done just yet. (She takes a deep breath, trying to recover from the powerful blow.)