Chapter 3 High class material

Leonard: Two days had passed since we fought with the Vanisher and I was left unconscious.

(While in his hospital bed Leonard woke up sitting up straight feeling sharp pain in his head)

Leonard: Owwww!!

Sam and Kevin covered in bandages were sitting next to his bed.

Kevin: Whoa whoa whoa take it easy man.

Sam: So you're finally up here?

Leonard: Yeah I guess but what's with this killer headache.

Sam: The doctor said that you....had a power surge

Leonards eyes open widely to the news.

Kevin: Dude how come you left us in the dark with your cool power? (While giving him a fist pump to the chest)

Leonard: Well let's just say it was all so sudden.[Could it be from that....?]

Doctor: Hey...look who's finally up.

Kevin: Hey doc.

Doctor: You guys doing okay?

Sam: Yeah we're doing fine but Leonard said something about a headache.

Doctor: Looks like the power surge had quite the backlash on you didn't it? You should try not to use that power of yours all at once it's electric so it could do some serious damage to your nerves and for some reason yours is connected directly to your brain.

(Leonard and Kevin have a surprised look on they're faces while Sam's is more serious.)

Doctor: Oh yeah, and you guys have a visitor too.

(A man steps into the room with the muscular man in the suit)

Man: Hi there.

Kevin and Leonard's eyes open widely with surprise....

Kevin: You gotta be kidding me.

Leonard: Is that?

Sam: Mr Alex Smith, more commonly known as "Zeus".

Frederick : That's right and my name is Mr Frederick've probably heard about me before.

Trio: [Nope doesn't ring a bell]

Frederick : Anyway I'd like to commend you for your help with the criminal the other day.

Sam: It was a problem we're glad we helped.

Zeus: However we're receiving an earful lot of complaining from the higher ups.

Kevin: Higher ups?

Zeus: Yeah bunch of old people complaining and telling us what to do.

Kevin: Oh.

Zeus: So unauthorised usage of Nuclei should be deemed punishable.

Trio: (Panicked expressions)

Zeus: But that's not happening.


Trio: [Then don't scare us like that!]

Zeus: So the 2 of you are already accepted, we just have to enroll you then.

Leonard: Wait what??Me??

Zeus: Well yeah..but it's not gonna be any joy ride this institution is going to push you the limit.

Sam: I wouldn't have it any other way.

Zeus: Good...The application entrance is next week at St Hydra.

Leonard: Got it..we'll be there.

Kevin: You sure?

Leonard: I'll be back in action by that time so you don't have to worry.

Kevin: Cool then.

Zeus: Glad to hear it...can't wait to see you guys there.

Frederick: 3pm sharp don't be late.

Elizabeth: Dad! Are you almost done here?

Zeus: Yeah sweetie. We can go now.

Sam: [Woah whoa whoa.]

Kevin: [Sheesh] [Who's the cutie?]

(Before they leave Elizabeth sees Leonard on the hospital bed, and heads over his way)

Leonard: !!

Elizabeth: Your name's Leo..nard right?

Leonard: It's actually Leonard the "O" is silent.

Elizabeth: Oh! Sorry my bad. My name's Elizabeth...and let me guess Sam and Kevin right?

Sam: You know our names?

Elizabeth: Pretty much yeah. After you guys fought with that "Vanisher" dude Mr Barnes here did some really intense background checks.

(The trio look in his direction with a pissed stare)

Kevin: Is that so?

Frederick : What?? It's direct protocol.

Elizabeth: (She whispers to them) Yeah he's a real buzz kill if you know what I mean.

Leonard: [Tell me about it]

Zeus: By the way....Leonard here has a lightening based atomic power too.

Elizabeth: Really?! Just like us huh?

Zeus: You could probably help him with controlling it.

Sam and Kevin: [Lucky bastard]

Elizabeth: We should exchange phone numbers so that you let me know when you're feeling better.

Sam and Kevin: [Dammit why]

Sam:Anyway we're 3 of the best students in our classes so in our classes so I doubt he'll have a hard time.

Elizabeth: (Smirks to herself) Even so I have to admit the people I completed the course with are freaking scary.

[Elizabeth's thoughts]

Not to freak you out or anything but this one guy called Ash is a real hot head he literally burnt through the course. (A image of Ash in the middle of an inferno, he looks back with an intense stare on his face)

Oh and there's another what was his name...uh Nick or something like that...the dude was completely chilled just like those crystals he used a complete bling if you ask me. (A image of Nick sitting on one of his crystals as he lifts his head up wind blows his white hair as he smiles).

And there's 2 more! And this time...girls. They dominated too this one girl Erica she was all over literally the fastest girl I've ever seen. (A image of Erica running through a bunch of people with a serious face)

And last but not least Tracey to be honest I had not idea what she was up to she was never really in sight. (A image of Tracey walking out of a thick fog with a huge smile on her face)

Elizabeth: I have to admit this guys those are some high class students.

(Leonard, Sam and Kevin have a freaked out expression on their faces)

Leonard: Hey...uh would you mind telling us what this test is really about.

Elizabeth: Hehe...sorry can't do that no spoilers here you're gonna have to find out for yourselves.

To be continued