Chapter 4 Gather the 1st years

Leonard : As our test was about to begin the other first years who already completed their courses, were about to attend the opening ceremony.

Ash : (This is such a waste really...opening ceremonies are so primary school.) [He's eyes turn to the right]

There's robbery in an alley way with a black tech gun a middle aged man robbing a young lady

Robber : Come on lady!! Gimme the damn money so I can scram!

Lady : Someone please....!!

Ash's hand grabs the gun

Robber : What the... get lost kid before you get hurt.

Ash maintains a stern look in his eyes that startles the robber. The gun starts melting. Both the robber and lady are surprised.

Robber : Oh shit! You're a...

Ash : Yeah.

Ash's punch in the stomach sends him flying.

Lady : Uh...Thank you....!!

Ash walks to the robber immediately

Ash : Where'd you get this gun.

Robber : Black market genius...[remembers he was sent flying] t-t-that's why I was trying to get some credits ya know.

Ash : Cheapskate [looks at the woman] call the cops let them take it from here...this guy won't be bothering you anymore [looks at the robber intensely] right????

Robber : Of course!!

Lady : O-okay

Ash : Your welcome by the way...also try not to walk in alley ways often you saw what just happened.

Lady : Yes I'll remember that!

Ash : (I'll have to investigate this a little later)

Erica : Tracey would you hurry up we're gonna be late!

Tracey : I'm coming please stop shouting.

Erica : Sorry...but you're taking forever.

Tracey : We'll make it don't worry.

Across the street before the cross they see another student who's jamming to music.

Erica : Hey doesn't that guy look familiar.

Tracey : I-I think he was at that exam too.

Erica : You think so?

Tracey : I'm not sure.

As the street lights show green for the people cross.

Man : Dammit...I really can't be late again [in a very panicked state] last time they were so mad.

The man in the car starts accelerating as a child and a mother were still crossing.

Erica : Tracey hold my bag!

Tracey : Are you gonna make it?!

Erica : Of course!

Music is paused mother and child scream...all of a sudden sharp shiny crystals burst the tyres snap the cables and tip the car over. Infront of the mother and child with his hand on the ground is the student who was listening to music. The man crawls out from the car.

Man : Kid! Are you stupid?! Look what you've done!

Nick : Are you colour blind or stupid old man? Cause I clearly see the light shows red.

[The man glares at him]

Nick : Street rules. Maybe next time you follow them you'll still have a car. [Nick walks away]

Mother : [continuously bowing her head] Thank you...thank you so much.

Nick : Uhhh it's a pleasure really.

Man : [holding on his head while he murmurs to himself] You have no idea what you've done have no clue at all.

As Nick walks away Erica is standing infront of him.

Nick : Whoa-whoa wait you were over there.

Erica : And now I'm here...good job by the way.

Nick : Uhh thanks [awkward smile] (okay so I'm just gonna pretend this is all normal)

As Tracey stops running and catches her breathe.

Tracey : S-so it really is him.

Erica : Seems so.

Nick : (I am so lost right now)

Tracey : Well do you wanna walk with us?

Nick : Huh?

Erica : Well we're going the same way right NI?

Nick : Well yeah but...

Erica : Great! Let's go.

Starts pulling Nick.

Nick : (Awww man I won't be able to listen to music now!)

In a secret base somewhere

Carbonyl : That guy isn't here yet?! Well seems like he didn't learn his lesson.

Micro : Forget that for now...we have to move forward with the's the mother doing?

Carbonyl : She's still stablizing we plan extract in the next 72 hours.

Micro : Good.

Carbonyl : Is that professor still coming in handy?

Micro : Well it appears that there's a ceremony happening today. We'll be informed if there's an opening.

Carbonyl : Alright...I still don't like the taught of going up against you can leave the teachers to me.

Mirco : Really? Weren't you zapped by one the other day?

Carbonyl : Well it was part of the plan wasn't it?

Mirco : Heheheheh...indeed it was.

Carbonyl : Let's continue with proceedings then.

Trio steps infront of the gate of NI

Sam : You guys ready?

Kevin : We better be.

Leonard : (We finally here)

Kevin : Earth to Stormy!

Leonard : Huh?!

Kevin : You coming or what?

Leonard : [starts smiling] Let's go mega.

Kevin : Dude I know what nevermind.

Trio starts laughing

To be continued