Chapter 5 Leonard and Elizabeth

Leonard : It was like any other normal day, we have to attend these institutions after we've attended our normal schools which was kind of a bust since normal schools made us extremely tired, but we were too excited.

In the lobby older kids are walking around on their way to class.

Sam : Second and third year students.

Kevin : How can you tell?

Sam : Just take my word for it.

Leonard : [Nervously] When and where do we start?

Kevin : Calm down would you!

All of a sudden someone is running straight towards the trio and slides next to them.

Elizabeth : Heeeyaaa!

The trio is stunned.

Elizabeth : You guys ready?

Sam : Obviously.

Kevin : Probably.

Leonard : Definitely not.

Elizabeth : Leonard I expected a better answer then that. Especially after all that training we went through.

Leonard : Okay, okay I'll calm down.

Sam : Good. So where do we go?

Elizabeth : That class right over there.

Kevin : So you're really not gonna give us a heads up.

Elizabeth : It would'nt be fair to the other candidates so just do your best okay.

Trio : Right!

Elizabeth : You guys start in 15 minutes...I gotta run the ceremony is about to start. Goodluck!

Kevin : I'm kinda surprised you're here Leonard.

Leonard : Why's that?

Kevin : Your mom obviously.

Leonard : Oh yeah...that went the way it did. I told her how I didn't want Elizabeth's help to go to waste.

Kevin : I need to hear how that training went.

Sam : Later...we should get to class.

Kevin : We still have 12 minutes.

Sam : Doesn't matter let's go.

Kevin : [Irritated] Fine.


Two days before at night

Lucy : Leonard this isn't up for discussion you're not going to that so called school.

Leonard : You're not telling me why.

Lucy : Those kids go on expeditions they can't handle and get hurt in the process plus criminals are starting to target that school you think I'd ever send my child in the crossfire.

Leonard : Look I'm not powerless anymore and Elizabeth helped me so much for these past 3 days I don't want that to be for nothing.

Lucy : You didn't tell me how you got this nuclei of yours all of a sudden and why was this girl helping you anyway.

Leonard : Because it meant something to her I don't know to explain it but it's something she really wanted to do.

Lucy : You're not going.

Leonard :'re the commissioner right?

Lucy : Soon to retire.

Leonard : put your life on the line everyday...when you told grandpa and grandma about it I'm sure they tried to talk you out of it.

Lucy : They tried I just didn't listen.

Leonard : Right. And I'm your son what makes you think I'm gonna do something any differently?

Letoya : His right you worry all of us but you still do what you gotta do.

Lucy : Look I just want you to be different from me and do what's best for you and most importantly being safe.

Leonard : I am different I'm chasing my own goal and that's what's best for me.

Lucy : [sigh of irritation] know you're too stubborn like your mother.

Leonard : Heh looks like you did a good job raising me then.


A class with 15 candidates enter the room the trio are separated from each other as they sit the tables lights up and a hologram of Zeus shows

Zeus : Greetings to have decided to take part in this exam to join this institution in order to make a difference in our want what this formality thing really isn't for me.

Fredrick : [Whispers] Hey! Stick with the script!

Zeus : Look all of you applied to this school right? Which means you know to give 100%. My job as the principle of this school is simple...encouraging you to go all out and making sure you don't give up on your dreams. As for the teachers well they've got one job to help where ever they can to make sure you're able to accomplish those dream that's all I have say...ohhh and good luck go MEGA your hero Zeus signing off.

The candidates look confused including Kevin and Sam all expect for Leonard who is carrying a smile on his face.

Leonard : Heh I had a feeling that would happen.

Leonard takes a huge breathe in.

Lady Invigilator : You may....BEGIN!


Leonard is in Elizabeth's yard laying on the ground completely exhausted while Elizabeth is having a cold drink while sitting on steel chair.

Elizabeth : Come on don't tell me you're tapped out already.

Leonard : I like how you say that considering you've just been in your chair this whole watching shock myself.

Elizabeth : Hahaha....literally. But hey looks you've already been getting better you're able to form it in your hands now.

Leonard : [sits up and looks at his hands] Mmm but I feel like there's still way more I can do.

Elizabeth : Relax and give it time. Whoa I didn't even realise it was this late.

Leonard : Crap! What's the time?!

Elizabeth : 4:17pm

Leonard : I am so dead.

Zeus arrives.

Zeus : Hey little pumpkin.

Elizabeth : Hey Dad. And I told you to stop calling me that now.

Zeus : Ohhh hey Leonard didn't think you were still here, you're usually home by now.

While he's speeding up and down gathering his things.

Leonard : faster than I've ever ran before.

Zeus : Wait.

Leonard : Huh?

Zeus : We have a spare room you could stay for the night just give me your mother's details I'll speak to her.

Leonard : Not sure if should be happy or worried about that.

Zeus and Elizabeth both confused

Leonard : you go.

45 minutes later

They're at the dinner table while Zeus is still on the phone with Lucy.

Leonard : This looks great!

Elizabeth : Yeah my dad's a good could but he's hopeless when my mom's not around so I jump in.

Leonard : Your mom huh no wonder I haven't seen her around.

Elizabeth : Yeah she's a scientist at the navy they study this thing called...the alchemy...that's the only vessel allowed to have black tech.

Leonard : That sounds cool.

Elizabeth : Yeah...if you can a count for my mother only being around have of the year.

Leonard : Ohhhh!!...I'm....

Elizabeth : Don't worry about it I'm used to it by now. And I know you're thinking.

Leonard : Uhhh...

Elizabeth : Why am I helping with you with all of this. You see that goofball over there? He told me that my grandmother said to him that he had his power for a reason so he should help as many people as he can...and that's what's been trying him for years opening the school and everything. I don't know why but it's something I had to do seeing that you only got your powers recently.

Leonard : I don't know what to say except...thank you.

Elizabeth : [with a heartfelt smile] It's my pleasure

Leonard : (I have to make sure that her help wasn't for nothing.)

Present day

30 minutes later

The candidates start exiting the exam room. Sam comes out with a smile on his face...Kevin comes out looking traumatized...Leonard out crawling the floor.

Sam : That...was so good I actually enjoyed myself.

Kevin : You alone.

Leonard : (Sorry Liz I don't think I'll be able to keep my promise after all.)

To be continued

Keep calm and write something...