Chapter 7 Special part 2

Chris: {Back when Alex and me were just little kids all I can remember is how all 5 of us used to stick together as brothers even when father would give us an instruction to work individually we would....}

Leonard, Sam, Kevin are still rushing together to the greenhouse as they never split up

Chris: {Do the exact same thing those 3 are doing.}

Chris: Those 3 are off to a good start already aren't they?

Zeus: Yeah. If you intend to be a top class scientist you need 2 basic know your facts like the back of your palm...and to make the compromise to work alongside others.

Leonard: The others really split up!

Sam: That's their choice we have to stick together if we want to pass.

7 minutes had passed

Ash: {I wonder...them three working together one has air abilities one has water abilities and the other I think lightening...they are so incompatible I wonder how this'll turn out.}

One by one the candidates made their way in the greenhouse and 9 minutes had already passed

Sam: We're in!

Kevin: Guys you know I'm a sprinter right?! I can't seem to take much more of this.

Sam: Keep pushing!

Leonard: Sam...don't you think we should rest for a bit?! You and I are the only ones with stamina to keep going!

Sam: We have to keep going!

Leonard: (grumbles)

As they run further inside

Kevin: Are those...plastic bottles?!

Leonard: Huh?? Somebody should've cleaned up in here!

Sam: Mmm

Erica: None of them have noticed yet.

Nick: Chill...give em time.

Tracey: Yeah he's right.

Elizabeth: {Come on you guys.} (while she clenches her hands together)

12 minutes had passed

Sam slows down abruptly while holding Kevin and Leonard

Sam: Stop!!

Leonard: What?! Now you wanna take a break?

Sam: Shut up and listening alright.

Zeus: (smiles)

Chris: I guess there was a bright one on the team.

Kevin: Okay so what is it?

Sam: Right now we're in the greenhouse surrounded by trees and agriculture.

Kevin: Obviously...(sigh) I thought this was important.

Sam: Just listen! When you here greenhouse what comes to mind with such substances?

Leonard: (holds his chin) I guess what comes to mind first is highly flammable substances.

Sam: Exactly!!

Kevin: Okay? What about it?

Sam: (points at Kevin) Kevin!

Kevin: (stunned)

Sam: You noticed that there are plastic bottles all over this place and based off our knowledge in physics plastics are polymers.

Kevin: Materials that can change in molecular form right?

Sam: Right!

Kevin: So what now?

Sam: If my assumptions are correct and too many people make it out of the greenhouse we fail but on the other hand if few people make it out say 3 people there's a high chance we pass.

Leonard: So that means right now our objective is...

Sam: (with a menacing glare) We immobilise everyone in this place.

16 minutes had passed

Sam: Come on we need to hurry we already wasted more than 3 minutes discussing this!

(Sam uses wind control to break the pieces of branches)

Sam: I'll gather enough branches we need to make a fire. Kevin can you make a large enough hole in the ground as big as a pound.

(Kevin coats his hands with enough water and both into the ground)

Kevin: Well I mean I can try.

(Sam puts both hands and wind starts spinning plastic bottles start to gather at their location)

They throw both the branches and the bottles into the hole that Kevin made.

Sam: Leonard how well can you control your power?

Leonard: Uhh...well it's still a work in progress.

Sam: That's just fine. I need you to fire at the branches that'll spark a flame to break out in the hole.

(Leonard puts both hands in of him fists clenched)

Sam: Let a rip!

Leonard: {Okay...remember what Liz told you use your inner monologues to focus your energy in a specific body part.} (lightening travels from his brain into his palms) {minimum output 35 volts.} {THUNDERJOLT!!}

Smoke emerges for everyone to see

Candidate 1: What the hell is that?

Candidate 2: If I'm not careful I might get caught in a trap.

A sticky substance is formed

Sam: Let's go!

Sam and Leonard use their hands to stretch it out near the exit and stick on to trees...while Kevin uses bubbles he made to stick onto many more

Kevin: This is way faster.

Zeus: Candidates 22 minutes have already passed if you don't exit soon you will be out of time and fail.

Candidate 3: Screw this I'm gonna bolt if I have to.

Candidates run towards the direction of the exit but get caught by sticky substances

Candidate 4: Wha...wha...what the hell is this?!!

All 12 candidates were immobilised in 24 minutes while the trio run outside and start laughing together

Elizabeth: Whoaaaaaaaaa!!!!

Chris: You sneaky devil you gave them knowing that they'll carelessly rush in it's like you rooting for those 3.

Zeus: Hehehehehe.

Ash: (has a surprised look on his face) The..they actually made it...together.

Nick: (laughs to himself) You know even if your skills are incompatible you can always use science to accomplish something together.

Ash: Wait how did you...?

Nick: That look on your face said it all, you didn't believe in them even a little bit.

Ash: Hmph.

Sam: Alright finally now we can...

Kevin: Guys. Look over there.

Leonard: Mr Barnes?

Frederick: Welcome.

To be continued