Chapter 8 Special part 3

Sam: {What is he doing here?}

Frederick: The three of you took too long and now you're at a disadvantage because of the time limit.

Sam: What?! We cleared the test with time to spare!

Frederick: I don't recall the announcement of the test being cleared.

The trio are stunned

As Frederick flips and catches what seems to be a USB drive

Frederick: The second part of your exam....begins now.

Kevin: You two.

Leonard and Sam: Huh?

Kevin: Get behind me he's looking for a fight.

Frederick body begins to grow in size as veins became visible from the face downward and his suit starts to tear, he charges at them with immense speed, as Kevin kneels down and forms two small spheres of water, Frederick sees this and slows his pace

Kevin: {I've been working on this technique for a while now.} •Hydro Piercing Shot!•

By putting his hands together he shot a stream of water at Frederick but Frederick blocked the attack by placing both forearms infront of him ripping his sleeves

Frederick: {That wasn't a bad attack however it would've been more effective if he's aim was more accurate.}

As Frederick regained his composure he noticed that Leonard and Sam were gone

Frederick: You're using that strategy again moving from your opponents line of sight and then attacking however you used that different when you rescued the girl from that villain.

Kevin: {What a pain this guy is.}

As Leonard and Sam hiding from Frederick

Leonard: {So if I'm right the test is divided into two parts. The 1st part was to stop other candidates from making out of the greenhouse. But what's the second?}

Frederick: Where are your friends?

Kevin: I'm not telling.

Frederick: Fine.

Kevin coats his hands and feet in water as Frederick charges in once again

29 minutes have passed

Kevin: {I hope I don't get dizzy any time soon.}

Frederick gets in close and quickly strikes Kevin with his right fist, Kevin dodges the attack and looks to strike Frederick's right hand but Frederick quickly evades

Leonard: {That's it! The drive that he had in hand when this started is the key. Makes sense since this the field course we're in which means we have be ready to engage in combat if necessary. I've seen videos of this kinda stuff.} [Takes in a deep breath] Okay I can do this.

As it like Frederick was about to land a hit on Kevin, Kevin smiles and ducks backwards and further behind Kevin was Sam taking a huge deep breath and blowing wind at Frederick which pushes him backward only a little bit.

As he regains he's footing Leonard places his hand his back

Leonard: {I came to the conclusion awhile ago already that my power was like a circuit breaker. The potential difference is basically because of my nuclei and the current is the amount of output because of that potential difference and the resistors my body's capability to handle the charge my nuclei produces.}

Frederick turns his head and sees Leonard's current over his body

Leonard: {It's a real pain to move while charging up because the current is constantly passing through my body every one second.}

Frederick: So you're they're trump card huh?

Leonard: That's right. {Maximum output 45 volts} •Voltage Burst•

As the smoke clears Leonard loses his footing and Frederick grabs the hand that was on him and throws Leonard aside, Kevin moves in fast to catch but the impact sends them flying, Sam has a shock on his face

Sam: {We cannot deal with this type of power again.}

Frederick: What a shame, your trump card failed you I'm surprised you thought otherwise. You relied on something who discovered they're power a few weeks ago he was a fool for thinking that he was something special thinking he can save the world with the state his in. But honestly the real fools were the 2 of you for putting so much trust in him.

Sam: Shut up.

Frederick: It's my job to educate you on the truth...

Sam: I said SHUT UPPPP!!

Sam charges in recklessly but Kevin beats him to as he tries to punch Frederick but the attack is blocked

Kevin: We can't have someone as level headed as you to lose your cool like that Sam

Sam is surprised

Kevin: So leave the reckless attacks to me. Besides while he was preaching Leonard told me his nuclei was Gamma Radiation which is why that last attack didn't have much effect on him.

Sam: But even so it's easier for him to get fatigue.

Kevin: Exactly. So what do you say? Wanna try out "that" attack.

Sam: [with a smile and a sigh] Sure why not?

Kevin forms a big sphere of water and aims it at Frederick, as Kevin shoots it Sam increases it's speed by blowing air at it

Frederick: Not bad. {The drive is still in my hand it won't be a problem though.}

Frederick throws the USB in the air as he bulks up even more.

35 minutes have passed

Sam and Kevin: There it is!

As the attack approaches him he claps his hands together and creates a shockwave which blows the attack away as well as blow Sam and Kevin away

Frederick: That leaves just...

As the drive falls back down Leonard starts dashing towards Frederick.

Frederick: more.

Frederick is ready to attack

Leonard: You can say what ever you want to about me!

Frederick: !!!

Leonard: {I've got just about enough current left.}

As Frederick and Leonard are close enough for contact Leonard uses the current in his hands to leap from the ground

Leonard: But if you ever talk trash to my friends again!

While in the air he grabs the USB drive and manoeuvres himself and with the little current he has in his right hand

Leonard: I'll beat the crap outta you!

Strikes a blow directly in Frederick's face, as Leonard lands on the ground he breathes heavily

Leonard: You're right there's nothing special about me, but my goal my friends my family and my power, oh yeah that's what makes me "special".

To be continued