Chapter 11 Grand tour

Leonard: It was a surprise I never heard about a thing called supervisors in school but they were basically our guardians to show us the ropes

Chris: You're finally here. Well now everyone meet your upperclassmen supervisors, Ben and Charlotte.

Charlotte: Hi.

Ben: Hey everybody! Man I have a good feeling about these guys.

Ash: [irritated] {Another loud one.}

Ben: Alright please introduce yourselves and state your nuclei!

Nick: I'll go first. {Just to get this over with.} My name is Nicolas Frost but just call me Nick, and my nuclei is Beryllium.

Ben: Whoa that's super cool! Nice to meet you Nick.

Tracey: Umm hi my name is Tracey Watson and I have a contract...

Everyone's eyes get bigger as they listen to her

Tracey: ...with the alchemy.

All of a sudden Ben is infront of Tracey fully enthusiastic with shining eyes

Ben: You too?! That's amazing, what type?!

Tracey: Umm it's the Energy type.

Chris: {This year's class as well huh, but so far only a single contractor.}

Leonard: {I need to think of something my nuclei was never classified,'s an electric type but that won't by through I need to be specific.}

Ben: I told you Char, I got a good feeling about these 1st years.

Charlotte: I keep telling you please control your excited you're making everyone feel uncomfortable.

Ben: Am not!

Leonard: {I got it!}

Leonard stands up abruptly everyone is startled

Leonard: My name is Leonard Storm my nuclei is Voltage I'll use it to achieve my goal and become the world's greatest scientist.

Kevin: [smiling to himself] {If I had a nickel for every time I heard him say that.}

Sam: [laughing to himself] {That's said introduction Leonard.}

Leonard: [holds his mouth with both hands] {Crap! I got ahead of myself and started blabbering they didn't ask me that!]

Ash: Hmph.

Ben smirks and heads over to Leonard's desk

Ben: [holds him on the shoulder] I like your enthusiasm also you've got competition cause best scientist is going to me.

Leonard: [smiles] Oh yeah we'll see.

Kevin: I guess it's my turn, the name's Kevin Adams my nuclei, Carbonated water.

Sam: My name's Samuel Atom and my nuclei is Coriolas Wind. And I word of advice to you.

Ben: Hmm?

Sam: If you really wanna be the greatest then you better up your game. [Kevin and Sam stand next to Leonard] Because you have 3 opponents to deal with, we're his friends and we're gonna help him.

Ben: [starts laughing] You guys are just making me more excited!

Elizabeth: My name's Elizabeth Smith and my nuclei is Neeeeeooon! And I suppose since Leonard's my friend too I'll help him out.

Ben: Man a 4 on 1 huh? [he notices Ash at the back] What about you bro?

Ash: [sigh] Ashley Burns nuclei Exothermic Heat.

Ben: Mmmm, another fire type.

Erica: [nervously] Uhh my name is Erica Crick my nuclei is Speed.

Ben: [confused] Wait what isn't there like a specific type for your speed?

Erica: Nope not at all so yeahhh

Tracey stares at Erica with a look of concern

Ben: O-o-okay. Sir! Would you mind if we take your students on a little tour?

Chris: That's not a bad idea, go ahead.

Ben: Great! Everyone follow me!

At the head office

Zeus: You're a Newton which category?

Scott: Category 3.

Zeus: !!! {To have someone so special want to join my research department. No something doesn't add up, but I'll hire him anyway I need to keep a close watch on him.} Well then you'll be Mr Stanley's assistant professor, welcome aboard.

Zeus reaches his hand out and shakes hands with Scott

Scott: Thank you so much. I can promise you that you won't regret this.

Zeus: [maintains a stern look in his eyes] Let's hope not.

At the school

On the tour class A1 were at the B classes barracks as the pass class B1

Leonard: [stops and looks intensely at the class] Hey you guys call me crazy but don't those faces look familiar?

Kevin: Didn't they fail the test?!

Sam: {What's wrong with you?}

Ben: Yes they did, which means they're nuclei didn't qualify for the field instead they were thrown into the research department.

Elizabeth: Really? Is that what happens with everyone?

Charlotte: It wouldn't make sense to turn the people who have nuclei away if this school is only for people who have nuclei.

Sam: Makes sense.

Nick: [looks at Elizabeth] Hold on your Dad literally owns this school yet you don't know what's going on here.

Elizabeth: [embarrassed] Hahahaha.

Leonard stares at the classroom

Leonard: {Would it have been for me if I ended up there instead, I don't think I'm suited for this field course class I might drag everyone down instead.} [clenches his fist] {There's no time to think like that, I just gotta keep improving.}

As they keep walking they end up in the cafeteria room

Nick: This place is huge and shiny.

Kevin: Awww and they're food is great too.

Charlotte: Okay let's keep moving.

They class is met by 3 other teachers

Ben: We were just coming to see you guys.

Frederick: Somehow I find that hard to believe.

Ben: Everyone! Meet Mr Barnes, Mr Jones, and Mrs Michaels

Mr Jones: This year's freshmen huh?

Frederick: Yeah they got some spunk in them too.

Mrs Michaels: [holding your cigarette the entire time] They're cute too.

Ash: {So like is she gonna smoke that thing or not?}

Charlotte: Trust me you don't want her to do that.

Ash: !!!

Ben: Where's Mr Stanley?

Mr Jones: At head office. Word going around that we're gonna have to welcome a new recruit.

Ben: Really, who?

Mrs Michaels: We're not so sure on the details but the principal told us that...

Chris: [on the phone] Are you absolutely certain?

Zeus: Yes, the atomic energy he gives off is the same like his there's no mistake I know that feeling.

Chris: {A Newton.}

To be continued