Chapter 12 Resolve

Zeus: [on the phone] I'll be at the school shortly, you'll see for yourself.

Chris: Alright I'll get the preparations ready.

Ben: Are you serious?!

Mrs Michaels: Yes Ben we're serious.

Ben: And he's coming here?!

Sam: Your enthusiasm for this is somewhat off putting.

Ben: Dude, it's a Newton for crying out loud you should be showing more enthusiasm.

Sam: I think not, "Newtons" are considered to be very special even among us abnormal humans called "Products" everything about them is different from us how they emit atomic energy how powerful they are and how their powers have no backlash. In layman's terms they are more abnormal than Products and are more of a threat to humanity than normal products.

Kevin: Are you done?

Sam: Who's side are you on.

Kevin: It'll be our first time seeing a Newton so I'm intrigued, for once don't be a kill joy.

As Sam's face shows a irritated expression

Frederick: Regardless preparations need be made so unfortunately your little tour must be cut short, please return to your class for the time being.

Students: Yes sir.

2 hours later

Leonard: The NI has it's little celebration where they welcome new people to the staff gathering the whole school to offer greetings this celebration was even more spontaneous since you was a special case and so the person being welcomed must say a speech as well.

While Zeus and Chris stand together while Scott says he's speech

Zeus: So, do you feel it now?

Chris: I'm sure everyone does it's not really hard to miss which is pretty concerning.

Zeus: I know, he's a strange man.

Chris: Something's off about him all of us are aware of how Newtons can change the wavelength of their atomic energy to mimic ours.

Zeus: The calm and gentle stream of a Product's atomic energy versus a Newton's intense vibration stream.

Chris: He doesn't hide his at all.

Zeus: Rest assured I'll keep a close watch on him.

Chris: Please do.

Zeus: By the way, how are your students?

Chris: Oh yeah. There's something I wanted to mention.

Scott: ... this is why while I'm here I will be dedicated to making your lives better so that we can do so to the rest of the world. Thank you [as he takes a bough and people give applause]

Leonard stares at him with a look of concern

Nick: You got a lot on your mind don't you?

Leonard: Huh? What do you mean?

Nick: You've been quiet for a while now.

Leonard: Well what I'm thinking isn't really important.

Nick: If you say so, anyway Zeus's daughter asked me to tell you that he wants to see you and the 2 other guys you're always with.

Leonard: Oh, thanks.

As Leonard leaves through the crowd

Nick: Oh! I almost forgot to tell you this. I've been wanting to say that you did good standing up to Ash especially since you don't got a hang on your nuclei.

Leonard: [stares at him a surprised expression] !!!

Nick: You got guts, we'll probably get along because of that too.

Leonard: [ smiles brightly] I hope we do.

After the event was over Leonard Kevin and Sam were waiting near the office

Kevin: Ugh was the restroom again?

Sam: Really? So the tour was for nothing?

Kevin: I forgot okay!

Sam: You're hopeless. [looks at Leonard] We'll be right back.

Leonard: Alright.

As Kevin and Sam are walking away

Kevin: You see that too right?

Sam: Yeah.

Moments later while Leonard is alone Mrs Michaels comes passing by

Mrs Michaels: Oh hello you're the student in class A1 right?

Leonard: Yes ma'am I'm Leonard.

Mrs Michaels: Well Leonard it seems as if something is troubling you.

Leonard: Oh no I'm fine.

Mrs Michaels: Leonard please I'm a teacher we notice things you kids wouldn't notice yourself that's why I can see there's something on your mind.

Leonard: Well....

Mrs Michaels: Yes?

Leonard: I feel as if I lost my ambition for why I wanted to be here in the first place.

Mrs Michaels: How so?

Leonard: Well as a kid I always pictured myself as this great scientist who saves everyone but getting my nuclei I feel like I was just over my head with everything, and also seeing that guy at the assembly made me remember why.... I hated scientist so much back then.

Mrs Michaels: !!!

Leonard: [infuriated] This all started because scientist pushed the natural order of things too far why everyone is suffering, I despised them.

Mrs Michaels: So what made you want to become one now?

Leonard: My older sister, she had a disorder called haemophilia for as long as I can remember when I was younger she was always bleeding she broke down at some point my mother a high ranked policewoman having to cycle work and taking my sister to the hospital went to different kinds of doctors eventually trying the last one.

Mrs Michaels: That's...

Leonard: Sad? Traumatic? Yeah I've heard it all. It's good to see Mr Jones again even though he doesn't recognise me, he used to be a doctor right?

Mrs Michaels: Your mother went to him as the last doctor huh?

Leonard: After he heard about my sister's problem I could see the actual concern in his eyes I never saw someone operate day in and day out without fail until he decided to use his nuclei in her operation to stop the clots and regulate blood pressure few weeks after I never saw her bleeding since when we went to see him again my mother was crying but had a smile on her face my sister with eyes of relief and joy hugging the doctor extremely tight, that's where my ambition started I wanted to bring that joy into people's lives figured I fix they source of so many people's suffering but now I'm in a situation where I I don't even know why I wanted to see that if it means I suffer which is kinda selfish.

Mrs Michaels: It's normal and important to put yourself first there's not much I can say though other than to go through the path you desperately want but since you don't know which one that is you shouldn't think about what that feeling would be like you should rather find out by experiencing it first hand that'll be the only way you find out if it is what you really want.

Sam and Kevin return Zeus steps out of his office

Zeus: Ahh sorry to keep you waiting. Please come in you have a visitor.

Sam: Let's go.

Kevin: A visitor?

Leonard: Thanks for the talk ma'am.

As the trio make their way to the office

Mrs Michaels: Leonard! [strikes a thumbs up] I know you'll make the right choice.

Leonard: [gives a gentle smile] Thank you.

As the trio enter a little girl race towards Leonard and hugs him and squeezes him tight

Leonard: R-Rose?

Rose's mother hugs all three boys with tears in her eyes

Rose's mother: Thank you boys so much for helping my baby.

Sam: Not a problem.

Leonard: {Is this what she meant?}

Moments later Rose and her mother leaves and and trio stay with Zeus

Zeus: So tell me exactly why you boys wanna be here, Leonard would you like to go first?

Leonard: Well sir I just wanna see more smiles like those.

To be continued