Chapter 13 Dire Situation

Dire situation 

Leonard : I regained my motivation for why I wanted to save countless lives but even so it was only just the beginning.

It was after school and Leonard and other students made their way home

Lucy: You're back?!

Leonard: Hey mom.

Lucy: How was today?

Leonard: [grins] Great.

Lucy: Well that's great to hear. Although Leonard sweetie I'm still worried about you being there.

Leonard: Mom we talked about this already.

Lucy: I know I know, but remember when you were helping that little girl? More cases of those incidents have been happening alot over the last 2 weeks.

Leonard: Mom what are you saying?

Lucy: I'm saying that you should be careful honey.

As Leonard looks on at his mother with a look of worry

4 hours ago in Zeus's office

Zeus: So you'll be working under Ezekiel as research teacher despite your talents?

Scott: Yes, I feel that the research department doesn't get enough credit for there work and how much they contribute to the field.

Zeus: Regardless of your line of work here you must forge a relationship with all the students at NI. 

Scott: [boughs] I look forward to it.

Present time at Ash's house

Ash's Dad: Come and get your food or it's gets cold.

Ash: [busy on the laptop] I'll be right down.

As Ash's continues the research for the 'black tech' he sees that the black markets have been inactive since 2 years ago and that the weapons trace back to an encrypted website

Ash: No good there's too many firewalls here, but if I trace the places where they were spotted I can try and pinpoint...

As the locations pop up Ash is in shock after seeing where they all lead to 

Ash: A-all of this areas the streets the patterns their all around near the perimeters of the school. {This is bad the thugs are close to the other kids, Zeus needs to know immediately.} 

Meanwhile Tracey and Erica are on a call

Tracey: Erica, don't you think you should've been honest at class especially since it's our new classmates?

Erica: Exactly we don't know them they don't have to know. You shouldn't have told them about your power of the alchemy.

Tracey: It'll make us more of unit and help us help each other more, I trust them.

Erica: Well I don't. And you better hope that trust doesn't come back to bite you.

Meanwhile Leonard Kevin and Sam are on a call as well

Kevin: So it's a weekend we should meet and test the rock again.

Sam: Good idea. Are you up for that Leonard?

Leonard: Well yeah sure I got nothing going on.

Sam: Good we'll meet at 12:00 at my place then I have the perfect device to test it, oh and we're testing out your voltage as well Leonard.

Leonard: Alright sounds good.

The call ends and Leonard takes the rock and holds it up while his laying in bed

To be continued