Chapter 14 The Beginning

Leonard : The day on which the summer sky was shining bright unlike any other day, if only we knewthat clouds that would soon block the sun would foreshadow the chaos that was brewing in the shadows. 

On the news channel 

Reporter : Hello everyone and welcome back! As you can see I'm joined by city's number 1 on this beautiful day. 

Zeus : Hello there, I'm Alexander Smith but I'm mostly known to the public as Zeus and I happen to be the principle of the Neutron Institution, it's great to be here. 

Reporter : Thank you so much for making time us it's pleasure to have you here. Now to tackle the question that's been weighing on everyone's minds and that's the Neutron Institution, what's your take on the new 1st years? 

Zeus : Well that's easy, there's new potential every year and it seems to be the same this year the new talent that stumbled on our doorstep is truly remarkable. 

Reporter : Well we understand that the research department of your has a brilliant professor who always catches on updated data and has a talent for educating the youngsters, but what about the field department? 

Zeus : [smirks] Well we've never had an issue in past regarding the field department and we've had to rotate instructors on a yearly basis as well as changing to assessments, I mean take last year for example majority of the kids had access to the alchemy and so we had to manoeuvre a way to assess the kids based on that, and by the 2nd semester they turned out to be elite even now as second years they're still improving which is why we send them abroad. 

Reporter : That is quite something indeed, so do you expect a similar result based on this batch of freshmen? 

Zeus : This year I left my brother in charge of them, so without a can expect results. 

As Sam's mother watches the news Sam steps into the living room. 

Sam : Okay mother, I'm going now. 

Mrs Atom : Okay then, but remember to be early today, your father and I are expecting visitors and they want to meet to entire family. 

Sam : I'm aware. 

Mrs Atom : Okay go have fun with your friends then. 

Sam : Before I go does father still keep that generator in the attic? 

Mrs Atom : What on earth would you want with that thing? 

Sam : My friends and I have been doing an experiment and today "that thing" is needed. 

Mrs Atom : Very well, but I don't know what your father keeps in there but you can go and check. 

Sam : [sigh] Fine.

At an unknown location 

Mirco : Are all preparation set? 

Carbonyl : The extraction was completed 2 days ago and all other measures have been confirmed to be in place, we will proceed with the breach in 2 days time. 

Mirco : So soon? 

Carbonyl : [menacing stare] We need that data. 

Mirco : Very well, I'll attend to the others. 

Carbonyl : {everything is falling into place.} 

As Carbonyl walks towards an incubation tank containing an unconscious woman inside and as Carbonyl steps in front of the tank the woman opens her eyes. Carbonyl then puts his right hand on the tank.


Carbonyl : [grins] And you are the key. 

At Leonards house in the garage 

Kevin : What's taking him so long? 

Leonard : Oh! There..he is? 

Sam makes his way to the garage with the generator. Sam then drops it on a desk.

Leonard : Uhhh.

Kevin : Sam, what is this? 

Sam : A generator. 

Kevin : [stares at Sam] You're joking.

Leonard : Looks too old to one I don't even see an insulator, Sam are you sure thi-

Sam : This an old version okay. It was made in the early 2000s by my grandfather. 

Kevin : Damn, then it's definitely old.

Sam : [sigh] Leonard, did you bring it? 

Leonard goes to this desk opens the shelf takes out a cube shaped like container and then takes out the rock and hands it over to Sam, but Sam notices there's something different about it and inspects it visually but he the rock is still the same and disregard his thoughts. 

Sam : Let me show you guys what I've been working on. 

Sam connects a cable to the rock and tries switching on the generator, however there's no feedback 

Sam : [confused] This makes no sense. 

Leonard : What? 

Sam : This generator should've been operating at full capacity, that's how I tested the rock, this generator is able to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy. 

Leonard is stunned as he hears this and ultimately reaches a conclusion 

Leonard : Sam lemme try something. 

Leonard connects the hooks of the cables to his fingers while Sam and Kevin witness this they remain dumbfounded 

Leonard : {Okay, minimum output.} Sam hit it now. 

Sam : Leonard your power's electricity I don't think it'll work lik-

Leonard : Just do it!

As Sam hits the switch Leonard sends a stream of electricity into the generator which causes it to operate fully making loud engine noises, and as Leonard removes his fingers the generator stays operating. Sam and Kevin are completely stunned as the witness this they both turn back to look at Leonard who is nervously rubbing the back of his head 

Leonard : Uhhh hehe hehe. 

Sam : [irritated] Something you wanna share?

Kevin : Start talking. 

To be continued