Chapter 15 Urgency

Leonard : Reasons why people immediately wake up from a dream just as they're about to die is because the human brain has no knowledge of what comes after death. Just like how humans can't predict the future, however it is truly amusing how the human body can tell you about things without you even realising it yet. 

In Zeus's office Chris steps inside and finds Zeus staring outside the office window 

Chris : You wanted to see me? 

Zeus : Yes, I just wanted to find out how your preparations are coming along. 

Chris : Oh that, no need to worry it's all fine I'll be starting the field assessments since I touched on the theory in the first class. 

Zeus : Wha- Really already?! 

Chris : Yeah well that's your fault for bragging about me on the news. 

Zeus : [embarrassed] Ohhh you saw that huh?

Chris : Anyway get on with it why did you really call me here? 

Zeus : I'm heading to head office today and so are the other principles it's a virtual meeting with G5. 

Chris : G5?! Is it something serious? 

Zeus : A request from me regarding security measures on the Products in schools. 

Chris : You still on edge? 

Zeus : Isn't it bothering you? How nothing's happened ever since we found those 3. 

Chris : [sigh] I had a feeling you didn't just hype up those kids on the news for fun but it was rather..

Zeus : [stern expression] A warning.

At the school assembly 

Leonard : Announcements of the research writing an mock test were made as well as an announcement for class A1 to head to the "Tesseract", a huge blue cube like room which kinda feels isolated from the school. 

Kevin : The Tesseract? 

Leonard : That's what he said. 

Appearing suddenly from behind the group

Ben : We can take you guys there. [murmuring] We were instructed to anyway. 

Sam : Don't you have anything else better to do? You're second years after all. 

Ben : Curriculum's been put on hold since most of our classmates are abroad. 

Nick : Shouldn't we be going? 

Erica : Snowflake's right let's stop wasting time! 

Nick : {I'mma pretend that she didn't just say that.}

As the class start moving one student seems to be falling behind and seems very anxious. That student being Ash has been attempting to get a hold of Zeus and is increasingly becoming frustrated due to his unavailability. 

Ash : {Great. To busy on news channels to check your phone huh?}

Charlotte : You say that as if he doesn't have important stuff to do.

Ash : [startled] This is the second time you doing that! It's creepy how you even doing that? 

Charlotte : Brains emit waves too don't forget that. You should get going Mr Smith is gonna be annoyed with you if you're late. 

Ash stares at her with a look of uncertainty as they make their way to the Tesseract. 

As the class enters they all wear black training suits with the school's emblem in the middle and as they enter the emblem glows with a faint blueish colour. 

Chris : Finally you made it. 

Erica : Sir, what is this place? 

Chris : The Tesseract is a special room that will allow me to assess you and teach you how to operate on field tasks. 

Kevin : This blue box will do that?

Chris smirks as Kevin makes that remark and proceeds to pop up a holographic screen, the class are confused meanwhile Leonard is taking in very deep breaths. 

Nick : You good man? 

Leonard : Yeah, don't worry about me I'm mega. 

Nick : You don't look so mega right now. 

Leonard : Oh that? Well I'm not sure I'm just getting this heavy feeling in my chest. 

Nick : Must be nervous then. 

Leonard : Maybe, I'm not sure why though. 

Nick : Don't over think it, you'll burnout quicker that way. 

Leonard : Right. 

In a split second the room changes to what looks like a mine which startles the entire class. 

Tracey : Where are we?!

Elizabeth : More importantly how'd we get here?!

Chris : [laughs to himself] Right now you're in a gold mine in Japan. 

Sam : Wait what?! We're in Japan?!

Chris : Well technically speaking you're in Japan relatively, as far as I'm concerned I'm still in the "blue box". 

Ash : Okay, so why are we here? 

Chris : Well this is the first of your practical tasks, so research and application is the to completing them, in this case this mine is rich with potassium and you're currently trapped in here you to collect and find a way out, keep in mind that not all of your nuclei react well with potassium so tread carefully. 

Leonard : {Okay sounds simple enough, so this is what NI's all about huh? I have to make sure not to fall behind.}

Chris : Ohhhh, one last thing the people the Tesseract simulates are very irritable and aggressive so expect a fight. Good luck. 

Leonard : {What the?! Why are we fighting?!}

As Chris glitches out and leaves the class by themselves they hear commotion from behind which seems to be a group of Japanese men heading towards them. 

Japanese man : Hey! Who's there?! 

Kevin : What he just say?

Elizabeth : And so it begins.You ready guys?!

Leonard : {This is on a whole different scale.} [takes in a deep breath] Let's do this. 

As Chris watches on from outside the room 

Chris : Time to see what you can accomplish. 

Meanwhile outside the school premises 

Man 1: This is Delta, I'm in position. 

Man 3: Affirmative, commence phase 1. 

To be continued