Chapter 16 Uninvited Guests

Leonard : Over the course of many years humans have been evolving in terms of technology and eventually became to it, however we aren't fully aware to how much of a disadvantage this would pose to us until we aren't able to rely on it. 

Four men are positioned at 4 corners of the school and all 4 of them flipped switches simultaneously, which would cut off the school's power

Man 2 : Faraday dome initiated. 

Carbonyl : Okay, get ready to mo...

Micro : Hold your positions and await for further orders. 

Man 2 : Roger. 

Carbonyl : What do you think you're doing? You'll be giving them to recuperation, thus giving them time to strike back. 

Micro : Relax. Without the tech support team they won't be able to determine what's going on plus you really expect us to fight the staff and the police? 

Carbonyl : Police? 

As soon as Micro mentions them police cars and SUV's arrive on the seen and first one to step out is Leonard's mom 

Lucy : Spread out! Make sure no one comes in or goes out of that building!

Troops : Yes ma'am! 

As chaos unravels outside similarly inside the school there is panic as the B classes test was underway the power suddenly cuts leaving everyone confused 

Ezekiel : What's the meaning of this?! 

As Ezekiel steps outside his class to figure what is going on he sees the unrest that has in suede

Mrs Michaels : Everyone please stay calm and remain in your classes!

Frederick : Technical support team! Come with me! 

Mr Jones : [on the phone] Why hasn't the backup generator kicked in yet?!

As Ezekiel witnesses all of this someone appears next to him 

Scott : Oh my. This is a bit troublesome don't you think? 

Ezekiel : You don't seem to be too bothered about what's happening. 

Scott : [laughs to himself] Did you expect me to be panicking? 

Ezekiel : Hmph, good point. [smile turns into a creepy glare] This is unexpected, I wonder what results we could have in store from this. 

As class A1 were still collecting potassium rocks in the Tesseract suddenly the mine the class were in reverts back to normal 

Ash : What the hell? 

Nick : Did we fail? 

Sam : (No we weren't given a time limit for that test, so why...) 

The class start hearing the commotion happening in the school, as Leonard stands beside himself as his faces displays a look of worry and confusion, suddenly Ben and Charlotte enter the room out of breath 

Sam : What's going on?! 

Charlotte : The schools power suddenly cut off.

Everyone's shocked by what Charlotte just said but none are more stunned by this predicament other than Sam 

Sam : (That shouldn't even be possible. I studied this place, it doesn't make sense for the main and backup generator to collapse at the same time.) 

Charlotte : We have to move!

Ash : To where?!

Charlotte : Principle Smith's office! 

The unrest isn't settled outside either as the police hold trespassers at bay. Carbonyl and Micro are keeping distance with 13 other troops while 6 of them keep the cops busy. Amidst all the chaos Lucy keeps her composure by staying in the rear of and keeping watch, however one of Carbonyl and Micro's henchman grows irritable. 

Woman : I'm getting tired of this. These guys are too slow, send me forward instead I can make it inside in no time. 

Micro : Stand down Flora, no need to be so hasty we must remain patient and wait for an opening. 

Flora : You want an opening? 

As Flora utters those words she dashes off and leaps out of hiding into the police's line of sight 

Carbonyl : That damn girl just exposed our location! 

As lands on the ground capitalising on the question she asked 

Flora : Well here's your opening. 

To be continued