
With The Mask*** 😷💥

Authoress FG,


Doctor Nolan walked down to where Alina was. He looked at her from her head to toe.

Alina looked away as she tried so hard to avoid starting a conversation with him.

"I'm wondering why you're still here and why you're creating a mess. You shouldn't be here, you haven't been accepted yet" Nolan said coldly and Alina raised her face up.

"Sir, what do you want from me? There's no rule here that states I can't be here. I may not work here but that doesn't mean I can't be out here. What do you want from me? Why do you keep trying to pick on me?" Alina asked with a mean expression and Nolan scoffed.

"Rephrase that statement. You still have no idea what looking kept means. You're really not going to get in here. I'm only telling you this in advance so you don't keep your hopes up. Don't waste anymore time here. And for your information, you're not allowed to touch anyone here the way you want. It's against the rules here" Nolan said seriously then walked away.

Alina glared at him as he walked away.

"What's his deal? Why's he trying so hard to get on my nerves? He's already jinxed my interview today. Does this really mean I'm going to get accepted here. He's one of the professors and I've gotten on his wrong side already" Alina gasped in a bead and she sat down back.

Her eyes went down to her shirt that got ruined from the spilled juice.

Now I see what he meant. Alina groaned in her head then picked up her bag and left the hospital.

Weeks later....

Alina woke up sluggishly on hearing a beep on her phone.

"It's another day and I still have no idea where to start from. That jerk really fulfilled his words to me" Alina said with a frown and a knock came on her door.

"Alina, get up. We have to leave for the shop now. Some customers have been calling" Sam announced and Alina yawned.

"Dad, aren't you scared I might chase away all your customers with my face"

"Stop spouting nonsense and come out of your room. Just because you didn't get accepted into that hospital, doesn't mean it's the end of the world. There's still a chance for you and that's getting married" Sam scolded and Alina sluggishly got out of her bed then picked her phone.

"Dad, how's marriage any related to this and who would want to get married to a girl like me. Dad, you might not know this but every man out there is after a beauty who would make them proud" Alina said and came out of her room.

Sam smacked her head.

"Ouch, dad!" Alina winced.

"Who said you're not a beauty. My daughter is a beauty and don't forget that. Go brush your teeth" Sam said seriously and Alina pouted.

As she walked into the bathroom to brush her teeth. She decided to have a look at her phone.

Alina dropped her toothbrush on the ground in shock.

~"Congratulations Alina Samuel, you got accepted into Margolis hospital. You are to begin work immediately" ~ A text popped at the screen of Alina's phone.

"Dad!!" Alina screamed at the top of her voice.


Alina rushed down to Margolis hospital then to the director's office.

But she bumped into Nolan as she was about going into the office.

"Greetings professor" Alina greeted with a bow.

"What are you doing here? Didn't I told you clearly that you're not going to be accepted here so what are you doing here?" Nolan asked sarcastically.

"Professor why do you think I can't be accepted here?" Alina asked.

"Because you lack a lot of things and that clearly shows you're not qualified to be here. A nurse should perfect and you're far from being one" Nolan said coldly and Alina smiled.

"I guess, nurses like me are exactly what this hospital wants. That's why they accepted my application. I look forward to working with you sir, please don't hesitate to straighten me up if I make a mistake" Alina said politely and Nolan frowned.

She went into the office.


That's exactly where the problem lies. I shouldn't have made that statement then. He's straightening me up rather than the usual. Alina said in her head with a frown.

"Nurse Alina, what are you waiting for? Move it. Go get my paper works done" Mrs Smith said rudely.

Alina walked away and head down to the washroom.

Alina punched the air with her fist and feets.

"So annoying! For long will I have to keep up with his attitude" Alina groaned as she continued punching the air.

Someone walked into the washroom and she composed herself.


Nolan and one of his freshman doctor came in with him.

"You look like someone who has something to say. What is it?" Nolan asked as he sat on his seat.

"Professor, sorry for what I'm about to say but is it right for us to belittle a nurse in front of a patient. It's against the rules of the right of a nurse and that's why I'm saying this" He said and Nolan looked away.

"I wouldn't have spoken that way to nurse Alina if she had handled the whole situation peacefully. Why am I telling you this? You have no right to question the way I discipline anyone. You're also under my watch to be taught and disciplined so watch what you say to me. If you've got nothing more to say, leave my office" Nolan said seriously and the doctor bowed then left.

Nolan smiled secretly.

I don't find anything special with her. I find her irritating, there's no way she deserves to be here. Let's see how she holds up under my watch. Nolan said in his head with a malicious smile.

A call came into through his cellphone.

"Professor Nolan speaking" He said on answering the call.

"Professor, I think you need to rush down to the emergency ward"

"What going one over there? What's that noise?" Nolan asked seriously as he stood up.

"Professor it's nurse Alina. A patient's mother started an argument with her. I don't think this is merely an argument"

"What do you mean?"

"The lady is pulling her hair" The doctor said and Nolan sat down back and crossed his legs.

"Why are you informing me that? You should be speaking to the security instead. I'm hanging up" Nolan said and hung up.

He boost into laughter after hanging up.

"Someone is being harassed. I shouldn't be smiling but why does it feel good" Nolan said with a wide smile.

He had a flashback on the day, Alina started working here.


Nolan ran to the chief director's office.

"Uncle, what's going on? Why was she accepted here?" Nolan asked seriously as he barged into the office.

"You only refer to me as uncle whenever you want something. I was told exactly how you treated the young girl at the interview. Why do you despise her? You haven't even met her before" The chief director said calmly.

"I've never met her before but why's she so annoying? I can't believe you accepted after what she said at the interview. She didn't sound professional and she lacks the quality to work here. She's only a graduate, she doesn't have any working experience" Nolan said seriously.

"If we don't accept her then how do you expect her to gain experience. In her resume, her qualifications were all written there. She's more than qualified to be here, all she needs is working experience and that's exactly why she got accepted. A patient was rushed in the same day of the interview. The patient was hurt badly and all thanks to Alina Samuel's intervention, the patient was miraculously healed. You know me, I know a good business when I see one and Alina, I'm going to invest in her" The chief director said and Nolan clenched his fist angrily.

"How's that even possible? Did she go around bragging about that for it to get to your ears that quickly"

"The patient made his statement and he was brought here. According to his description, he was definitely talking about Alina Samuel. You have no choice but to accept her and teach her well"

"Don't expect me to do that. I really despise to work with anyone, who I find annoying so don't expect anything from me" Nolan said coldly then walked out of the office.

"That brat! Get back here Nolan"


For the first time, uncle didn't listen to me. Just because of her. It's only a description not an eyewitness. Nolan said in his head.

"The patient might pull out all her hairs. I shouldn't miss out on such a show" Nolan gasped and ram out of his office.


"Ma'am, please calm down. It's not what you think" Alina tried to get free from the lady's grip.

Doctor Nolan watched from a far and he smiled inwardly.

I knew from the very start that she doesn't belong here. How can she allow a patient do this to her. Nolan said in his head.

The director noticed the ruckus as he was heading to his office with some fellow doctors.

He walked into the emergency ward.

"What's going on here?" The director asked and the lady pushed Alina aside.

"I'm sorry about the whole scene, director" Alina apologized with a bow.

"Ma'am, why did you pull the nurse Alina's hair? Regardless of how angry for frustrated you are, you're not allowed to lay a finger on a nurse. We might sue you for this act? Can someone explain to me, exactly what happened here?" The director asked and all the doctors brought their faces down.

What's he doing? I can't believe he's causing a scene all because of her. Nolan said seriously in his head.

"Ma'am, can you explain to me why you picked a fight with nurse Alina?"

The lady mumbled as she found it hard explaining her actions.

"You can't even point out what she did wrong and I can't believe you summed up the courage to pick a fight with a nurse"

"My daughter broke one of her legs and it only took her two weeks to recover from such a fracture. How am I supposed to convince my husband that she indeed broke her legs. I'm only upset because nurse Alina took my daughter's recovery way too much into her hands" The lady complained and the director smirked.

"Are you blaming the nurse for your daughter's quick recovery or you're upset with the nurse for personal reasons? Ma'am, behaviours like yours isn't acceptable here in Margolis hospital so can you kindly transfer your daughter to some other hospital. Your doctor or nurse is like a god to you, a god you can see but if you can't respect and honour your nurse then you don't deserve to be admitted here. Please leave. You would be given a refund for the rest of the weeks you're supposed to be here. Nurse Alina go get their papers done" The director said and left.

The patients gossiped and hailed the director.

"What an attention seeker" Nolan said coldly then went downstairs.

She's everywhere. Why did he try so hard to defend her. Nolan groaned in his head.

"Doctor Nolan, greetings" A patient greeted with a wide smile and Nolan waved at him.

"Since I've seen doctor Nolan, I think I will have a great day. He's known for blessing people's day" some patients gossiped and Nolan smiled inwardly.

He admired himself and lost track of his footsteps then he bumped into Alina.

Alina held him, stopping him from falling.

Nolan's eyes widened in shock as he thought he was going to land his face on the ground.

"Thank y..." He couldn't complete his statement as his eyes landed on Alina.

"I don't need your help" Nolan didn't even finish his statement when she let go of him.

Nolan fell to the ground in a heartbeat.



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