
With The Mask*** šŸ˜·šŸ’„

Authoress FG,


Alina broke the hug and moved away from Nolan as she heard his heartbeat race.

"You should go.... to bed. It's late" Nolan stuttered and left the room.

He held his chest as it beats so fast.

"Can you please calm down now. I had no idea you could beat so fast for just a hug" Nolan mumbled as he looked at his chest.

Alina lay down on the bed then switched off the lights.

The first thing that came to her head was the kiss with Nolan during dinner.

She held her mouth in shock then ran into the duvet, covering her face with it.

It wasn't intentional. He had no intentions of doing that so I shouldn't think about it. Alina said in her head but she removed the duvet with a frown on her face.

~ "You thought I wouldn't dare?" ~ Nolan words flashed in her head.

"Oh no! How can he sound so hot at a time like that?" Alina groaned tiredly.

I have to go to the hospital tomorrow. I should get some sleep. Alina said in her head and shut her eyes.

NEXT morning.....

Alina and Nolan woke up then came out to the sitting room.

"Good morning professor" Alina greeted tiredly with her hair covering her face as she head out with her handbag.

"Good morning Alina. Won't you have breakfast?" Nolan asked and she stopped at the door.

"Instant noodles again? Nah, I don't think I've got the energy to have some" Alina said tiredly without even looking at Nolan's face. She tried so hard to avoid Nolan's gaze.

I can't stay or look at him in the face. It's risky, first I should get to work and avoid seeing him for the time being. Alina said in her head.

Alina went out of the apartment. She had a glance at her wristwatch.

"Alina, hop on. I will give you a ride to the hospital" Nolan said from behind and she turned around.

I want to avoid him by all means but why is he making it hard? She said in her head.

"Thanks for the offer Nolan but I think I can go on my own. You don't have to worry" Alina cut in sharply still avoiding his gaze.

"It's our first day as housemates so let me drop you off as well. We didn't have our breakfast so I will get us something on the way" Nolan said with a smile.

"Nolan you seem to be in a cheerful mood this morning" Alina said sarcastically and he walked closer to her.

"Alina are you okay?" Nolan asked as he noticed how she avoided looking at him.

"I'm fine" Alina said slowly as she moved backwards and missed as step on the process.

Nolan held her by the waist to stop her from falling.

This is very romantic. Alina said in her head as she stared at Nolan with passionate eyes.

Alina's hair moved away from her face. Nolan's eyes landed on Alina's eye bags and he moved away immediately.

"Alina, didn't you get enough sleep yesterday?" Nolan asked in shock.

Alina covered her face with her hair and ran away as she felt so embarrassed.

"Alina!" Nolan called out as he ran behind her.

"Please stop following me" Alina said as she ran.

"Why? What happened? Why are you running?" Nolan asked still running behind.

"This is so embarrassing" Alina screamed but she couldn't hear Nolan's footsteps from behind anymore so she stopped running and turned around.

Nolan drove pass her and reversed immediately.

"Can you get in? What are you embarrassed about exactly? It's normal to have insomnia sometimes and it's your first time here so what are you embarrassed about exactly" Nolan half yelled.

"It's embarrassing. I was supposed to have a good night rest but I ended up staying awake the whole night. I couldn't get a thought out of my mind and I spent the whole night trying to get it off my mind" Alina said slowly and Nolan shook his head and got down from the car.

He walked to the other side of the car and he opened the door for her.

"We're running late" Nolan said and Alina got into the car then put on the seatbelt.

Nolan got into the car and drove off.

"Since you're always on mask, no one would notice so don't worry about it but what were you thinking that kept you awake all night?" Nolan asked as he had a glimpse of her.

Alina looked at the window as she suddenly began to feel hot.

"It's nothing for you to worry about. I'm handling perfectly"

Nolan turned on the AC and Alina looked at him.

How on earth did he know I was feeling hot? Alina questioned in her head.

"I also had difficulties catching a sleep last night" Nolan said.

"Why?" Alina asked curiously.

"Why else, of course it's because I had you by my side" Nolan said with his eyes on the road.

Nolan's words got to Alina and her heart skipped a beat.

She found herself coughing.

"Are you okay?" Nolan asked concerned as he pat her back with his other hand.

"Don't worry I'm fine" Alina said and he removed his hand.

"The atmosphere seem to be perfect today. There are no fine dust" Nolan said looking at the sky.


Nolan and Alina drove down to the hospital.

"Catch up with you later. Good luck" Nolan said and winked at Alina after dropping her off.

"Thank you for the drive and breakfast, professor" Alina said as she wore a nervous smile.

"Always welcome" Nolan said with a smile and drove off.



Aria drove down to her agency for some important business.

"President I saw your proposal but all of a sudden a variety show? What's going on? I've got lots of things on my plate right now so why would you add that to it?" Aria questioned.

"Well, if you had gone public with your contract relationship with Matthew. You wouldn't need to do all this and this show was one offered to Natasha but right now she's in no position to go on any shows" Mrs Kim said and Aria scoffed.

"You just made this even worse. There's no way, I will act as an improvisation to anyone. If Natasha can't finish up what she signed up for then I'm sorry CEO but I can't do it" Aria said coldly.

Mrs Kim rushed to her and held her hand.

"Jimmy, can you help me here. Aria why are you cold-hearted? You know exactly why I'm doing this but why are you making things difficult for me?" Mrs Kim pouted and Aria removed Mrs Kim's hands away from hers quietly.

"Don't play the victim. I told you so many times that Natasha isn't any good, you never listen to anything I say to you anyways. I can't be Natasha's replacement, I've got my pride and I need to protect it"

"Come on, don't be like this Aria. Don't worry I've got better news for you" Mrs Kim said with a half smile and Aria looked at Jimmy with a curious look.

"I'm all ears" Aria said.

"This show was offered to you personally but Natasha didn't have much on her hands and that's why I thought of making her do it herself. Since she's on a break, can you please do it for me. If you didn't do that to her, she probably would be here doing it" Mrs Kim said and Aria signed tiredly.

"Alright fine, I will do it. You know I love it when the money is worth smiling for right" Aria said with a silly smile and the CEO smiled back.

"Why do you think I want to do it so badly?"

"That's more like you CEO" Aria smiled and her phone started ringing.

"Excuse me" Aria said and stopped up.

She walked to the window then took the call.

"Hello, Aria speaking" She said over the phone.

"You brat! I had no idea you still have a phone. I thought you've been abducted" Alina yelled at the other end.

"I'm so sorry Alina. I dropped you text messages multiple of times yesterday. I'm sorry it took me that long to get you. I'm sorry Lina" Aria apologized with a cute pout.

"I will be going into the emergency ward right now, luckily Jimmy sent me your new contact today. Let's meet up at our old spot later tonight" Alina said excitedly and Aria nodded.

"Of course, I will come pick you up. Take care" Aria said and Alina hung up.

Aria smiled staring at her phone.

"When's the show?" Aria asked as she went back to the couch.

"Today" Mrs Kim said and Aria's eyes widened in shock.

"What!" Jimmy and Aria chorused.

"Jimmy, take Aria to the shooting site. Everyone's probably waiting for her already so get going and good luck Aria" Mrs Kim said with a smile.

"CEO, it doesn't make sense. I only got informed today and I have absolutely no idea what the variety show will be about" Aria complained.

"Stop whining Aria, you took a look at the variety show and it's all about natural so don't worry much about it. Jimmy take her" Mrs Kim said and left the office immediately.

Aria rolled her eyes frustratedly.

"Why does she always have things her way with things like this?" Aria groaned then walked to the door.

"Here's the information about the variety show. It's all about food and adverts, it's not much of a deal" Jimmy said as he walked behind Aria.

"You must have been informed about this so why did you sound surprise when the CEO mentioned it. It didn't cross your mind to let me know"

"I'm sorry Aria, it only got decided yesterday and I didn't get the chance to speak with you about it" Jimmy uttered.

"Let's go, I hate running late when it comes to work" Aria said and opened the office door.

Jimmy drove Aria down to the shooting site.

"It's Aria" The employees called out excitedly as she came out of her car.

She waved at them and walked majestically to where the director is seated.

"Ah, Aria" The director said with a smile as he stood up.

"Greetings director" Aria said politely.

"You don't have an habit of coming late so what happened today?" Matthew asked jovially from behind.

"Matt" Aria called out in shock as she turned around.

"Oh, I'm loving this. You two must be acquaintances" The director cut in.

"Of course, Aria and I are friends" Matt said and placed his hands on her shoulders. She looked at him in shock.

"We're not friends" Aria said and shoved him off but he held her hand.

"Come on, don't be like that Aria" Matt said playfully.

"What are you doing?" Aria whispered and he laughed.

The employees whispered to themselves watching the whole scene.



It's almost noon already. Alina came out of the emergency ward with her eyes fixed on the report on her arms.

"This fracture looks more complicated than it seems. He must be feeling immense pains right now" Alina uttered out going through the report then Nolan stood in front of her so she would bump into him and just like he predicted, she did just that.

"Watch where you're going" Nolan nagged and Alina raised her face up.

Her heart skipped a beat and she watched Nolan's lips move to the rhythm of his words.

I can't believe I actually kissed those lips yesterday. What the hell is wrong with me? I thought about that the whole night. Don't you think it's time you stop thinking about it. Alina screamed in her head but she couldn't take eyes off his lips.

"Come with me" Nolan said and held Alina's hand.

He took her to his office.

Nolan stood in front of the mirror looking at his lips.

"Do you think there's anything on my lips?" Nolan asked curiously as he walked closer to Alina.

"There's nothing there" Alina said slowly.

"You kept staring at it so I thought something was on it" Nolan said as he slowly wiped it with his thumb.

"I don't mean to sound cheap but can I kiss you?" Alina asked out of the blue with heartbeat racing a marathon.

Love sparkles appeared on Nolan's eyes.

Did I hear it right? Nolan asked in head and a smile appeared on his lips.


Oh yeah šŸ¤­

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