
With The Mask*** 😷💥

Authoress FG,


Nolan was about getting into his car when he heard the ambulance siren head down to the building the party was taking place.

Why's there an ambulance here? Did something terrible happen in there? Nolan questioned in his head.

"Alina's in there as well!" Nolan gasped and ran back to the venue.

He stood at the entrance in shock as he saw little Alina's pictures on the display screen and his eyes landed on Alina that was laying unconscious on the floor.

Falcon was about carrying Alina on his arms but Nolan rushed to him and carried Alina on his arms after hanging her purse on his neck.

"Alina, please open your eyes" Nolan muttered out worriedly as he ran outside.

Some of the guests and Falcon followed.

The nurses in the ambulance, quickly brought out the stretcher and Nolan placed her on it.

"I will come with you" Falcon uttered and Nolan looked at him.

"Don't worry, I will take it from here. You've thrown a grand party for your guests, you should see till the very end. Although I want to ask you what exactly happened to Alina but I guess I will find out about that myself"

"Who's going with the patient?" The doctor from the ambulance asked.

"It's me Doc. I will come with you. Please let's go" Nolan said and got into the ambulance.

Falcon ruffled his hair worriedly as he watched the ambulance drive away.

"Boss, we have to head back inside. Everyone's waiting" secretary Park reminded.

"Who the hell messed with my party? Who did that?" Falcon asked angrily and secretary Park looked around as he noticed the guests mumbling to themselves.

"Boss, please let's talk about that when we go back inside" secretary Park said and they went back into the venue.

Falcon sighted Lilian at a corner with a glass of wine in her hand as she wore a malicious smile on her lips.

"She's such a suspicious b*tch!" Falcon cursed and head to the podium to apologize for the ruckus that took place.


Alina was rushed down to the hospital.

A doctor attended to Alina while Nolan stood next to her.

"Doctor is it anything serious?" Nolan asked curiously.

"The patient happened to pass through a shocking situation. Which is kind of related to the patient's traumatizing past" The doctor explained.

"Alright doc but she's out of danger as well right?" Nolan asked curiously.

"Yes doc" The doctor said on realising who Nolan was.

"Professor Nolan from Margolis hospital right?" The doc asked.

"Yes, I am. You sound like you know me from somewhere"

"Of course, who doesn't know you in this feed and you once operated on my mother when she had a rib fracture. She's all better now and it's all thanks you doc. Doc, you seem to care a lot about this patient. Don't worry there's nothing for you to be worried about. She will gain consciousness in no time, she just needs to rest. Excuse me Doc, I have to attend to other patients" The doctor said politely.

"Thank you Doc" Nolan said and the doctor left.

Nolan sat next to Alina and he held her hand.

"I'm sorry for leaving you back there Alina. I was so stupid for doing that. I couldn't even protected you or stood by your side when you went through such a thing. I'm sorry Alina and I'm sorry for not wishing you a happy birthday as well. Happy birthday Alina" Nolan wished and kissed the back of her palm.

Just then Alina's phone started ringing.

Nolan brought out the phone from the purse he was carrying and he took the call.

He walked to a corner.

"Falcon speaking. Please how's Alina doing? Have she gained consciousness?" Falcon asked curiously over the phone.

"Why are you acting like you care? Why did you allow such a thing happen to Alina? What on earth happened in there?" Nolan half yelled.

"Stop raising your voice because you're no better than me. You walked out on her so don't claim to be a saint. I have absolutely no idea what happened there. I was at my table when some little girl's pictures appeared on the display screen and before I knew it, I saw Alina laying on the floor" Falcon explained.

I think those were pictures of Alina when she was little but how did he get a hold of it? Even Alina wouldn't make a mistake of letting anyone get hold of those pictures. Nolan questioned in his head.

"Just because you couldn't get her, you used that to get back at her right" Nolan fired.

"What the hell are you talking about? I have no idea how the pictures got to my party or who connected them to the display screen but I know fully well, that it's kinda related to Alina. Who's the little girl? Do you have any idea who the little girl is and why Alina lost consciousness after seeing it?" Falcon asked curiously.

"How would I know who the little girl is? I didn't even see it myself. I think you should do a thorough investigation over there at your party. It's obvious someone planned on ruining it. If you happen to get an information on who did such a thing please don't hesitate to let me know. I have to go now" Nolan said and hung up.

Alina wouldn't want anyone to know about that so it's better, he didn't get the answer he was looking for from me. Nolan said in his head as he looked at Alina from where he was standing.


Falcon's party hall....

"You have to make sure no one uploads anything that happened here on the internet. Luckily, the media didn't show up until I cleared up the whole scene" Falcon said worriedly.

"I will make sure of that boss. After all, no one here is concerned about other people's business so it's nothing for you to worry about. But is miss Alina fine now? She suddenly looked so pale after losing consciousness" Secretary Park asked.

"I also don't get what happened here"

"If you would ask me, I would say the little girl was Alina because she looked like her but the opposite of her actually" secretary Park said and Falcon kicked hid legs.

"What are you still doing here? You should get to work" Falcon said seriously and he ran away.

Falcon looked around as he searched for Lilian.

"Where the hell did she suddenly run off to" Falcon uttered and ran out of the parking lot.

Lilian was about getting into her car. He walked up to her.

"And where the hell do you think you're running off to after almost ruining my party?" Falcon asked coldly as he stood in front of her.

"What do you mean Falcon?" Lilian asked calmly.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about. The MC said you told him you were one of my employees and you needed to add to the memory pictures. Was that one of the memory pictures or one of you schemes to ruin my party? First of, I didn't send you an invite to this party so how did you smuggle your way in?" Falcon asked seriously.

"It's just a party. Do you think it's that difficult for me to get into such parties if I wish to" Lilian scoffed.

"What were you trying to prove by putting those pictures on display screen? What's your business with Alina?"

"Why are you trying to invade into my private life? My relationship with Alina is my private life and I can do to her whatever I see fit. Why does it feel like, you're curious about the girl on the picture?" Lilian smiled.

"Don't mess me Lilian" Falcon said coldly.

"The little ugly girl you saw there was none other than your Alina" Lilian said and Falcon kept mute.

"Why are you suddenly quiet? Does it hurt to find out that the only girl you're crazy for is such an ugly girl? She probably went under the knife and that's why she's pretty now because girls with such a face have no hope of becoming pretty not even in the nearest future. You love them natural right? Oh no, you one and only love Alina isn't natural at all" Alina laughed and Falcon clenched his fist.

"Lilian thank your stars, I don't hit women because what you just said right now deserved a slap. So what if she wasn't born that pretty? Alina isn't the type of girl who would go to such extreme just to please people. No matter what you think or say, I think Alina beats you to everything. She looks prettier than you even when she was little. Who are you to judge her when you're nothing close to being natural. You're doing all this because of Nolan right? But too bad, you're never going to win him over" Falcon said coldly and Lilian glared at him.

"I told you not to invade my privacy so what the hell do you think you're doing right now?" Lilian yelled.

"Does it hurt? But it's true though, what do you think Nolan will do to you when he finds out you're behind all this? Should I tell him or will you pay for the damage you just caused me and for the trauma you caused Alina as well? I also get traumatized when someone interferes with my business and that's why you will have to pay for every damage you've caused and for making my clients and guests go through all that" Falcon fired and Lilian scoffed.

"If that's a threat then I'm sorry I'm not feeling any of it. You should try doing or saying something else, maybe I might be moved a bit"

"Is that so?" Falcon asked with a vicious smile.

"Lilian, I've got like five million followers on Insta. Should I show the world what their favourite female business tycoon looked like when she was little? An eye for an eye. How about a throwback to refresh everyone's memories?" Falcon smiled as he slide into his gallery and tapped on Lilian's pictures when she was little.

"Have a look, does she look like you?" Falcon scorned displaying the photo to Lilian and she shrunk in fear.

Sweats popped up on her forehead.

"Just one tap and you will be trending on the internet. Should I go ahead? Maybe you might feel threatened a little bit?" Falcon said about tapping the post button but Lilian held his hand.

"What do you want? I will do anything, as long as you don't post it" Lilian said in a shaky tone and Falcon smiled.

"Now, you're being professional. I like that" Falcon said coldly.


Falcon drove down to the hospital.

"Did you have any idea who was behind the incident?" Nolan asked on seeing Falcon.

"I did but I've taken care of it. You don't have to worry"

"What do you mean? Just because you handled it doesn't mean everything's okay? Alina's life was put in danger because of that incident. I'm not a forgiving person so please tell me exactly who the person is" Nolan said seriously.

"If I let you know who the person is, what difference will it make? It only make things even worse. I've punished the person in my own way so let it go and let's hope for Alina to wake up soon" Falcon said calmly and Nolan glared at him.

Alina slowly opened her eyes and they both rushed to her.

"Alina, how are you feeling?" They both chorused.

She laughed before answering.

"When did the both of you become so close?" Alina teased and they glared at each other.

"We're not close" The chorused.

"Alina, you have to go back to sleep. You should rest some more, that's exactly what the doctor said. Rest some more" Nolan said as he caressed her hair and she nodded.

"Alright" Alina obeyed and shot her eyes.

Nolan's phone started ringing.

He walked to a corner and took the call.

"Hello, Michael" Nolan said over the phone.

"Nolan, I'm sorry to call you at this time of the night but I think I needed to update you on something. It's about your mum, Nolan. She got into an accident on her way back from work and her condition is pretty critical, she had a fracture. she was rushed down to our hospital and I think you should fly down to the states, I'm sorry to inform you such a terrible news" Michael said over the phone.

"It's... Michael, just update me on her condition. I will process my papers immediately so I fly down I fast as possible. Thank you" Nolan said in a shaky voice as tears roll down his cheeks uncontrollably.

He kept on wiping the tears off but it rolled down uncontrollably.


What will happen to Alina now?

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