
With The Mask*** 😷💥

Authoress FG,



Sam walked into the company and secretary Park sighted him from the stairs.

"Mr Sam," secretary Park uttered and quickly rushed down to Sam.

"Secretary Park, please I'm here to speak with Mr Falcon. Is he available?" Sam asked politely.

"The boss isn't here today but I should inform him of your arrival" secretary Park said and immediately dialed falcon's number.

"Didn't I made it clear to you that today's your day off? Why the hell are you still calling me?" Falcon barked over the phone.

"Boss, Mr Sam is at the office right now. He wanted to have a word with you but since you're not available, I guess he will have to come back some other time" secretary Park said and Falcon stood up from where he was sitting.

"What do you mean, He will have to come back some other time? Don't send him back home, do you have any idea how busy he is and he took out his time to come see me. You want to send him back. Get him a hot cup of coffee while he waits in my office. I will be right there, I was already on my way to the office" Falcon said and hung up.

"On his way my foot" Secretary Park chuckled and turned to Sam.

"Mr Sam please come with me. Boss, will be arriving soon. Allow me to take you to his office" secretary Park said politely.

"Thank you" Sam said as he followed.

Minutes later....

Falcon ran to his office.

"Boss, did you run all the way here from your house?" Secretary Park asked as Falcon tried to catch his breath.

"Is Mr Sam inside?" Falcon asked curiously.

"Yes, boss. He's waiting for you"

Falcon went into the office.

"Greetings Mr Sam" Falcon greeted and sat down at the couch next to Sam's.

"Greetings Mr Falcon. I'm actually here because of what I told you the other day. I don't know if it's right for me to suddenly show up here without informing you first and I have no idea if the papers are ready as well" Sam said and Falcon stood up.

He walked to his desk and brought out an envelope from his drawer.

"Mr Sam, you're no stranger so why should I need a special notification before you visit. You can visit whenever you want, I don't have a problem with that. Here are the papers, my lawyer handled everything days back, all it needs is your signature and the building will be yours. I received a notice from the bank about your payment" Falcon said and placed the deed on the table.

"I wanted to be sure about my decision and that's why I processed it before coming here. I have no idea why the fixed amount dropped unlike other buildings"

"We've had a landlord tenant relationship for long and there's always a discount in such relationship, it's my own way of congratulating you Mr Sam" Falcon said with a smile.

"Thanks for your generosity" Sam smiled and he signed the papers after reading it thoroughly.

"You've got a good heart and that's why you're a successful businessman at a very young age. Your parents must be so proud of you wherever they are right now. Thank you for being a good landlord to me for so many years now" Sam added giving out his hand for an handshake.

They both stood up.

"Likewise. Congratulations Mr Sam" Falcon said with a smile and they both shook hands.

"Mr Falcon when's the grand party taking place? Because I'm done with your suit. I'm worried I finished it too early" Sam said and Falcon smiled excitedly.

"The party will be taking place next week Friday night. That was quite fast Mr Sam. I guess I've become even more excited to see my suit than the party" Falcon laughed same with Sam.

"I will get it delivered tomorrow. Oh wow, that must be a good day because it matches with Alina's birthday"

"Alina's birthday is on Friday?" Falcon asked surprisingly and Sam nodded.

"I actually sent Alina an invitation to the party. Will she be able to attend? If I had known I wouldn't have. She should spend the day with you or celebrate her birthday. Why did I even give her an invites in the first place? I'm hoping she doesn't jeopardize her birthday celebration for my company's party" Falcon said worriedly.

"Don't beat yourself over it. Alina doesn't usually say no to invites and she loves them as well. If it was still one of her normal work days, she will probably take a day off for the party" Sam laughed.


Nolan and Alina got to the Ferris wheel ground.

"Oh, so this was your secret" Nolan grinned.

"Yeah. Let's have some fun together. I've never really rode anything here but I watched them on TV though" Alina said as they looked around.

"You've never rode on the ferris wheel or carousel ride before?" Nolan asked in surprise and Alina nodded.

"I guess I was too scared to face my fears. I always turned down dad's offer for us to come here" Alina said slowly.

"That must have hurt him" Nolan uttered staring at Alina.

"We shouldn't ruin the mood. We're here to have some fun so Mr Nolan will you help me achieve that?" Alina asked with a smile.

"Of course, love. I will do that will all pleasure" He smiled.

They both got on a rollercoaster..

Alina screamed at the top of her voice and Nolan laughed hard.

They took cool photos together and rode so many more fun rides in the park.



It was finally the day of the grand party of falcon's company.

Guests arrived at the venue already.

Falcon greeted some of the guests as he eyes couldn't get off the entrance door. He impatiently waited for Alina's arrival.

What the hell is wrong with me? Today's her birthday and expecting her to here, that will be selfish of me. I shouldn't do that. Falcon said in his head and exhaled sharply.

"Excuse me" Falcon said to the guests he was talking to.

"Secretary Park" Falcon called him out to a corner.

"Yes boss"

"You should place a call over to Alina. You should stop her from coming. She can't come here" Falcon said and Lilian walked into the venue.

Her eyes looked around and she noticed Falcon whispering to secretary Park.

"But boss, isn't that a bit too late? The party have begun already, what if she's on her way here? I can't just send her back when you gave her the invitation yourself" Secretary Park said and Falcon glared.

"You think I don't know that but it's her birthday for goodness sake. Just go ahead and do what I asked of you" Falcon said seriously then walked away.

I'm sorry Falcon but I can't just allow what you did to me slip away like that. Lilian said in her head.

She went back to the entrance to check out the guest list but her eyes caught with Nolan and Alina that was walking majestically towards the entrance.

Lilian's phone rang.

"Why's he calling me in a time like this?" She uttered angrily then took the call.

She walked to a corner.

"Don't you know what business hours mean? It's past working hours so what's this call for?" Lilian asked angrily.

"Ma'am, you should take a looking at your phone. I just sent you the pictures of Alina Hong. I did the background check on her just like you asked. I think you will find it find it very interesting" Lilian's investigator said.

Hi mescanamezu on 08029974047 to be added on story land

"It better be something interesting" Lilian said coldly and hung up.

She slide into her gallery and she saw photos of Alina when she was in elementary school.

A wide smile appeared on her lips.

"Now, this is something very interesting. This might be a very long night" Lilian uttered with a malicious smile.

Alina and Nolan walked in and immediately secretary park's call came in through her phone.

"Alina, I'm sorry but..." Secretary Park pursed as he slighted her from where he was standing.

"What?" Alina asked.

"It's nothing. You brought a companion. Welcome miss Alina" secretary Park said and hung up.

"What's he saying?" Alina shrugged.

"Falcon" Alina waved at him on seeing Falcon at a table.

He walked to them.

"You're looking beautiful Alina. The dress suits you" Falcon complimented with a smile.

"Thank you. This is indeed a grand party. All thanks to Nolan, I picked this dress. I would have felt so embarrassed after seeing this. Anyways, Falcon meet my boyfriend Nolan. Nolan meet my friend Falcon" Alina introduced and Nolan gave out his hand for an handshake.

Falcon looked at Nolan as he observed every bit of what Nolan's putting on.

"Nice to meet you" Nolan said and Falcon received the handshake.

"The pleasure is mine" Falcon said with a blank expression as he received the handshake.

Nolan and Falcon gave each other striking glares.

"Nice suit" Nolan complimented.

"Thank you, it was made by one of the most talented fashion designer in town" Falcon said calmly.

"That's nice"

"It actually looks like one of the designs dad would make" Alina cut in as she looked closely.

Nolan looked at her in shock.

"You're absolutely right Alina, it was made by your dad" Falcon said with a smile and Nolan furrowed his eyebrows.

"Your dad makes suits?" Nolan asked curiously.

"You had no idea? We should go have a seat over there" Falcon said and he lead the way.

Why's he trying to get on my nerves? Nolan said in his head glaring at Falcon from behind.

They all sat down at the same table.

Falcon brought out a wrapped teddy bear from under the table. He handed it over to Alina.

"Happy birthday Alina. I'm sorry I only got you this as a present, I couldn't think of what to get you. Happy birthday once again" Falcon wished and Alina looked at Nolan whose face expression has changed already.

"Nolan, I'm also sorry for giving your girlfriend such a gift but I'm hoping you don't see it as a big deal" Falcon said politely and Nolan stood up and walked out.

Alina kept the gift aside.

"What's wrong Alina? Why's he so angry?"

"How did you know today's my birthday?" Alina asked curiously.

"Your dad mentioned it in our conversation. Why? Is anything wrong? But first you should go to your boyfriend" Falcon said and Alina ran after Nolan.

"Nolan, why did you walk out like that? Don't tell me you got upset because of falcon's present to me" Alina half yelled as she stopped Nolan from walking away.

"Alina, are you being serious right now? Do you think I'm that petty?"

"Then what's wrong?" Alina asked.

"He's just a friend but he knows of your birthday and I'm your boyfriend but I know nothing, it didn't cross your mind to tell me about your birthday? Alina why don't you share things with me? You couldn't even tell me such an important day of your life? Am I really your boyfriend or you're only with me for fun?" Nolan asked furiously as he lost his cool.

"I'm sorry Nolan. It didn't cross my mind" Alina said slowly but Nolan walked out of the party hall.

Alina bite her lower lips frustratedly.

"Here we will be displaying our beautiful moments during old gatherings" The MC announced at the podium and everyone's attention was on him.

The large display screen was turned on and the first picture to appear was Alina's pictures when she was little.

People laughed and whispered to themselves.

Alina looked up to the display screen and she got shocked to the bone.

She moved backwards in shock as she looked at everyone's faces and expression.

Falcon stood up in shock from where he was sitting.

Everyone's laughter and mockery became blurry and so loud in Alina's head.

Alina held her chest as she felt so much pain even worse than before. She fell to the ground scavenging for air and she lost consciousness as she ran short of breath.

Falcon and the rest of the guests rushed to her.

"Alina!" Falcon screamed.

Nolan noticed the ruckus coming from within the party hall but he didn't bother turning back.

Lilian stood at a corner with a vicious smile on her lips.

"Alina, open your eyes please!" Falcon screamed holding Alina on his arms.


Not again 😰....

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