
With The Mask*** đŸ˜·đŸ’„

Authoress FG,


Matthew met up with James at a confidential restaurant that was quite cozy.

"You've got a good taste, nice restaurant" James said as he joined Matt at the restaurant.

"It's suspicious how you agreed to meet with me immediately. What are you thinking? Have I gotten into your list?" Matt asked sarcastically.

James giggled.

"How can you be this smart? I also had it in mind to request for an audience with you one of this days but you did that before me" James smiled and Matt clenched his fist.

"I'm not here to chitchat with you so I will go straight to the pin. James, why are you hovering around Aria? Why are you trying to get on my nerves?" Matt asked coldly and he smiled.

"Don't you think you're overreacting. It's not a big deal if world stars like us, gets involved in such a scandal so why are you trying to make it sound like a big deal" James scorned.

"I know so well that you've got something against me but if you wish to fight with me, don't go around meddling or hovering around my things because you might end up losing your arms" Matt threatened and James laughed covering his mouth with his palms.

"Your things? Don't tell me, Aria are one of those things because she doesn't belong to you Matt, you should get your act together. Just because your relationship with Aria managed to survive two years, now you're acting like you've got her all to yourself. Quit dreaming man! You might end up hurting so bad if you think that way. You're forgetting the fact that Aria is a world super star, you don't need me to remind you that" James said with a frown.

"If you think I will let Aria go just so she would end up with someone like you then you're so damn wrong. Know your place and don't cross me, I really hate it when I see juniors like you pull my legs out. Your meeting with Aria might be coincidence or not but I don't care. Just stay far away from my babe. You don't deserve this attention I'm giving to you right now" Matt said coldly and walked out.

James hit the table hard as he bite his lower lips angrily.

"So full of himself. What a jerk!" James cursed.



Aria came back home after her visit to AG company.

She got into her apartment and switched on the lights. Surprisingly everywhere was decorated with flowers and balloons.

"What's going on here?" Aria asked with a smile on as she walked in.

Matthew came out of her bedroom with a bunny headband on his head.

"Babe, what are you putting on?" Aria laughed.

Matt walked to her and held her hands.

"You weren't taking your calls. That made me actually worried" Matt said softly and Aria smiled.

"I'm sorry, I should have been more considerate. I was a bit busy at the office but what's all this babe? I don't think it's your birthday or my birthday either? So what are we celebrating?" Aria asked as she grinned and Matt kissed the back of her palm.

"First, I have to admit my wrong. Babe, I'm sorry I doubted you. I was furious, James was getting his way with his plans. I get it that you were tripping and that's why he held you but for a moment, I doubted you and that was wrong of me. I should have stick to the words my heart said to me. I believed and trusted you but I couldn't trust that jerk one bit. I'm so sorry babe" Matt apologized sincerely.

"I knew you would and that's why I didn't take any of your calls. You've always been considerate and this is the first time, you're being this way so I will forgive you babe" Aria smiled and he kissed her forehead.

"So I'm guessing this is a confession party" Aria added and Matt laughed.

He went on his knees.

"Babe, what are you doing?" Aria asked with a blank expression.

Matt brought out a ring from his pocket.

"I'm sorry Aria but I really don't have much words to say but I will say this... I love you so much Aria and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I'm sorry if I'm being too pushy but can you bear the burden of loving and accepting my love for eternity? Will you marry me Aria?" Matthew proposed with a cute smile on.

Aria kept mute for some second as she tried to hold back her tears.

"I'm usually not the teary type but seeing you being so sincere brought tears to my eyes, babe" Aria smiled as she tears dropped.

"So, is it yes?" Matt asked anxiously and Aria nodded positively.

"Yes! I will marry you Matthew" Aria screamed at the top of her voice and Matt wore her the ring immediately.

Matthew smiled brightly as he stood up.

"I promise you won't regret making this today. I love you so much Aria" Matt said excitedly and he leaned forward holding her chins with his hand as he gave her a passionate kiss on the lips.



Louis have fallen asleep already. Alina was seated at the balcony have some can of beer as she stared at the sky.

"The sky is looking beautiful today, I guess something good happened to many people today" Alina uttered with a smile.

Nolan joined her at the balcony.

"You've been here all along?" Nolan asked as he sat down.

"You're not asleep yet?" Alina asked staring at him.

"How can I fall asleep when I'm this excited, you know so well how hard I try to fall asleep when I'm excited. I get scared that things might be different when I wake up the next day" Nolan said and Alina concurred with a nod.

Of course, I know that more than anyone because I've got the same problem as you Nolan. Alina said in her head staring at him.

"I'm probably the last person you want to be with or even see right now but I still want to make this work Alina. We never intended to end things this way, I know that's exactly what you want as well. You want us to patch things up but Alina, I'm not trying to mend things because we've got a child now, I'm trying to patch things up because what I feel inside is still very much alive and that fire will keep burning for as long as I live" Nolan said softly and Alina stared at him with teary eyes.

"Why did you let go of my hands in the first place? The both of us didn't want the divorce so why did you push through with it?" Alina questioned as the tears crowded in her eyes dropped.

"I was only upset Alina but I never let go of your hands not even for a moment. Why would I let go of the hands of the woman that means the world to me. Accepting the divorce was a fault on my part but I'm sorry Alina. I went through double the pain you went through and that's not a bluff" Nolan said calmly and Alina smiled.

"That makes me feel a little better" Alina sniffed.

Nolan bent down in front of her with his hands on Alina's.

"We rushed into marriage because I was scared of losing you but I will never regret making that decision Alina because every decision I make is for our happiness so it doesn't matter if we only got married few months after dating. I'm sorry Alina, I'm sorry I made you go through so much pain back in the States. I went back on the promise I made to you at the altar, that was so irresponsible of me" Nolan said politely and tears escaped his eyes.

"I'm sorry too Nolan. I'm sorry for making such a crucial decision without even thinking. After being apart from you for days, I reflected hard on myself and there's no way, I will ever allow us go through something like that" Alina said in tears and Nolan stood up.

He helped Alina up and hugged her tight.

"I love you so much Alina" Nolan said passionately and Alina pecked his neck.

"I love you even more Nolan and I'm sorry. Let's start over again, Nolan" Alina said sobbing and Nolan broke the hug.

"I've gave you more than enough reason to shed tears so you shouldn't shed anymore tears. I'm here now, sweetie" Nolan said softly as he wiped off Alina's tears.

"Do you have any idea how much I missed you? I missed you so much and it felt like I was going to lose my mind" Alina pouted as she hit Nolan on his chest.

"I don't have any right to complain because I deserve it. I'm sorry" Nolan said slowly and Alina stopped hitting him.

It suddenly became so windy at the balcony.

"It's windy out here. Let's go inside, you might catch a cold" Nolan said and wrapped his arms around Alina's shoulders and they ran inside.

They got inside and shut the door.

Nolan hugged Alina from behind.

"Please don't leave me again," Nolan whispered with his hands wrapped around Alina's waist. She caressed his hands gently.

"I'm not leaving you. I will always be by your side sweetie" Alina said softly and Nolan had a glance at the wall clock.

"It's getting pretty late. I guess I should allow you go have some rest" Nolan said as he broke the hug.

Alina stared at him passionately then she walked to her bedroom door. She turned around staring at Nolan. He gave her a sad look.

"Let's spend the night together" Alina cut in and a wide smile appeared on Nolan's lips.

He carried Alina on his arms in a bridal style and they went into his room. He placed Alina on the bed gently and she stared at him seductively.

Nolan leaned closer to Alina and placed his lips on hers. He kissed Alina gently and slowly the kiss went deep as they exchanged their tongues. Slowly Nolan's hands went down to Alina's thighs as he raised her nighties up. His finger went directly to Alina's clitoris.

Alina moaned slowly as Nolan massaged it with one of his fingers.

"Ahhh! Baby!" Alina moaned as Nolan's finger got into her honeypot.

Nolan fingered her slowly and Alina was dripping wet already. Nolan kissed Alina on her neck and she moaned in ecstasy.

He took off Alina's nighties and surprisingly Alina wasn't having anything beneath.

"Naughty girl" Nolan smiled as he kissed her.

His hands grabbed her boobs and he squeezed them gently.

"AHH!" Alina moaned and she quickly helped Nolan with his shirt as he took off his shorts.

"I love you Alina" Nolan said softly as he continued kissing her.

He spread Alina's legs open as he slowly slid his cock into Alina's honeypot and she wrapped her legs around his waist.

"Yes baby! Ahh!" Alina moaned and Nolan slowly began to ride on her as he moaned silently as well.

"Oh f*CK!" Alina moaned out sharply as Nolan's thrust increased.


Alina woke up and stretched her arms like a baby as the sun ray from the window flashed on her eyes.

Alina reached out to the other side of the bed but Nolan wasn't on it. She quickly stood up.

"Did everything that happened yesterday, all a dream?" Alina panicked and she quickly got out of the bed and ran out of the room.

She found Nolan at the eating table with Louis. Nolan was feeding him while he dished their breakfast on the table as well.

Alina admired him from where she was standing with a wide smile on her lips.

I'm the most happiest woman right now. I can't ask for more. Alina said in her head and Nolan caught a glimpse of her and he walked up to her.

"Good morning sunshine!" Nolan said and pecked Alina on the lips.

"Let's have breakfast, sweetie" Nolan said with a smile as he dressed Alina's hair with his fingers.

Suddenly their phones rang at the same time. They looked at each other curiously.

They both walked to the sitting room where they left their phones.

"Ria" Alina said over the phone.

"Lina, I'm getting married!" Aria screamed and Alina grinned from ear to ear as she stared at Nolan.



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