Chapter 49: A Place to Rest

Alastair feels his head spin and his stomach churn. He had truly been led to believe he’d only consumed ethically sourced blood his entire life. It seems like his parents will never stop surprising him with new horrors.

At least, now, he and his small circle are not the only ones aware.

“Now everyone knows you’re a monster,” Virdia hisses to whimpering Violet. Virdia’s eyes are glowing in a way that means she is certainly whispering a supernatural fear into Violet’s head, but Alastair cannot bring himself to care.

“I made it clear that you were the one to discover all this and leak it to the public,” Lea goes on. Alastair had forgotten about all that. How if his parents are outed as murderers, then he and his siblings could very easily be compromised as well.

“They’ll believe that?” Alastair asks. Lea looks unsure and shrugs.