Chapter 9: Change of Plans

Kade sat back in his chair and watched as Jamison left without another word. He understood why he might be on edge. The news of his boss’ death and even having to be the one to find his body, must’ve been hard on Jamison. That was why he felt it was important that they struck while the iron was still hot. Surely, whoever attacked them on the way back from the meeting and his father’s killings must be related. Not to mention, Angelo’s advances sat in the back of his mind. A sad attempt to make himself seem less guilty, is what Kade saw it as.

If it came back that Angelo and his associates were truly the traitors of their organization, he would make sure he paid for underestimating him. Kade would make him pay for trying to take down his family’s legacy and believing him to be so naive that he could take advantage of him. That was part of the motive behind his push to keep moving forward regardless of the hit that they had taken. As far as he was concerned, they had one of the traitors in their custody and it was only a matter of time before they would confirm who she worked for.

At the same time, Jamison’s condition was concerning to him. Given how driven and stubborn the man had already proved to be since Kade met him, he didn’t foresee Jamison agreeing to sit this out. No, he would proceed even if he had been critically injured. Kade noticed his hesitation and the winces he made at small movements of his body or arms. So, hanging back and allowing Kit and Maya to check out the northern territory first would allow Jamison some time to heal.

There was a lot riding on his success at completing his promise to avenge his father, so figuring out his best plan of action was proving to be difficult. On one hand, it would display his power and determination to the entire organization. Kade also intended to make an example out of all the traitors he uncovered in the process. Anyone who had a hand in conspiring the fall of the Monroe family would suffer. On the other, it would prove to the Inner Circle that he was capable, despite his inexperience.

The click of the office door had him coming out of his daze. Sitting up, he realized that Maya had let herself into the office. Perhaps she had knocked a few times before and gotten no response. If she had, he hadn’t noticed. It wasn’t worth fussing about, he thought, there were much more important things that they needed to go over. Her arrival could only mean that Jamison managed to catch up to her and inform her of the plans, at least on the basic level.

“Sorry for just walking in. I wasn’t sure you heard me knocking,” Maya said with a smile. She seated herself on one of the couches that sat a few feet away from the front of his desk.

“Don’t worry about it,” Kade replied with a wave of his hand.

“Jamison said you needed to see me,” Maya went on, crossing one leg over the other while she reclined on the couch.

“Yes, I have a job for you and Kit,” Kade answered. “And I’d like for the two of you to get started on it right away.”

“Already jumping into the fire? Better be careful not to get burned,” she cooed at him without moving. “Don’t you think you deserve a day or two off after today, Boss?”

Kade shook his head. “On the contrary, I think it’s best to make our next move while our potential enemies believe we are down and out. The woman we caught, I have no doubt she’s part of our ranks. Which means someone will be missing her.”

“Hmm, Jamison mentioned you were clever. I must say you have me impressed too. But I don’t know if we should be taking such a risk with Jamison in his condition. Do you?” Maya hummed and then tilted her head to her question.

“Jamison will remain here with me. It’s why I’ve altered the plan to send only you and Kit to get some intel on Angelo White’s territory. Find out if they’re missing someone. In the meantime we will keep working with the shooter here on our end. Once we can confirm my suspicions of him, that’s when we’ll strike,” Kade explained. He kept his tone calm and even and folded his hands on the desk in front of him.

“And what makes you so sure that he’s the traitor?” Maya questioned.

“He was quick to speak up on my behalf at the meeting and eager to form an alliance with me under the pretense of pursuing the other Chiefs. He also grossly underestimated how easily I or my associates would be persuaded. My understanding was that he has always been ambitious, which was why he earned his title when his former Chief was taken out,” Kade replied without a moment of hesitation.

“Ambitious enough to want the whole organization for himself. That’s quite a tall order. I can see where your concerns might be,” Maya said with a nod of understanding.

“Exactly why we must act swiftly,” Kade agreed.

“You know, it’s okay if you need time to grieve as well. Even if it’s just an hour or two alone,” Maya said slowly. “Getting to things quickly is a good idea, but like I said, you’ll get swept away if you don’t take care.”

Kade flinched at her words. It wasn’t a secret to why they had been said. From the moment the announcement had reached him that his father was found dead, he hadn't shown any signs of grief. No tears and no sorrow. The only thing he had held was a determination to move forward and accomplish his vengeance in his father’s name. It wasn’t that he didn’t feel sorrow for losing his father. On some level, he had grown up knowing the risk of the type of work his family did. It was their legacy and had been for generations. Maintaining that cool, strong composure had just been what he had grown up seeing his father do. His reaction had been natural.

Before he could respond to her, however, the door to his office was suddenly thrown open. Jamison hurried through the open doorway with a small wince at the action made. There was an urgency in his eyes as he looked between the two of them. But it wasn’t that look that had Kade standing from his desk. It was the blood that was smeared along Jamison’s shirt and stained his hands. From the looks of it, it had to be fresh and it didn’t seem like this time it was coming from Jamison, himself.

“What’s happened?” Kade asked before Jamison could even get a word out.

“It’s Tiago, he’s been badly wounded,” Jamison huffed. It was obvious that he had hurried here as quickly as his own injuries would allow him.

“And Kit?” Maya questioned. She had also gotten to her feet when Jamison suddenly burst into the room.

Jamison shook his head. “Gone. Both he and that woman were gone by the time I arrived.”

Kade’s expression hardened to the words, his honey-tinted eyes darkening. “Maya, please check on Tiago. Update me once he’s stabilized,” Kade said coolly. He came around from his desk and only paused to gather a few of the papers he had been going over earlier.

“Yes, sir, and what will you have me do after?” Maya questioned. She’d already started for the door before she stopped to ask.

“Await further instructions. Jamison, gather what you need, we’ve had a change of plans,” Kade instructed and turned his eyes over to his Second.

“You can’t mean to go after them. We can’t even confirm Angelo is related to this,” Jamison protested.

“I said, gather your things. That’s an order, Mr. Bright,” Kade repeated, his tone more stern than it had been. He held his gaze after the demand left his lips.

Jamison’s stare was cold and his jaw clenched, but he nodded once. “Understood.”

A nod in confirmation to Maya and Jamison was what Kade gave in response before he left the room to prepare. Jamison was right, he didn’t have confirmation, but all of this had started after the threat was made. Every part of him believed that Angelo was somehow linked to all of this and he was going to do all he had to in order to obtain that truth. Especially now that one of his own had been taken captive and a second had been injured. Enough was enough, if this was going to be a fight for his position, then he was determined not to lose.

Kade would have his vengeance.