It was a good thing it was only a half moon that night, for it provided Willow just enough to light to see by as Lilith carried her down Portland’s streets with blistering speed. Lilith had jumped out of Willow’s window with the ease and grace of a trained acrobat, all the while carrying Willow like a princess.
Thankfully, Portland’s streets were deserted enough that no one saw a 5’6-girl carrying a six foot one down the street at breakneck speeds, but Willow didn’t mind.
As they made it to a bus stop, Lilith came to a stop and set Willow down.
“Okay,” she began. “I know you don’t like going into the Underground, but I must insist that you at least wait a day before you head back. Annnd because I want to give you something just in case you’re in danger again.”
Willow frowned. “Maybe he left already—or maybe he’s stealing my stuff!”
“I’ll head back once you’re inside,” Lilith confirmed. “I’ll make sure nothing happens.”
Willow opened her mouth to speak but Lilith interjected.