Chapter 3: A King's Vile Descent

The journey was long and grueling. Kara hated every minute of it. She sat in her cabin that night and pictured Eithra. There were many stories, but she wasn’t sure which was true since the stories were from villagers who had never been anywhere. Still, she closed her eyes and pictured the crystals that were the symbol of the Kingdom of Eithra.

Her brother, Ramses, had said they were everywhere, even sitting majestically on the flowers. He told her that the crystals were the tears of the gods themselves. Ramses also said that Eithra’s sky was bluer than the ocean, and the land was so fertile that everything grew bountifully.

"Kara," her mother called from behind.

Kara turned to find her holding a plate of food. She got up quickly, afraid the weight of the plate would crush her thin fingers. She dropped it and held Kara’s hands with tears in her eyes.

"I had prayed to the gods before you were born. Just one girl, I would say. This is more than we could have ever hoped for. Thank you for saving our people."

"You are my people. I’ll do whatever it takes," Kara answered, earning a smile from her mother. Orla picked up the plate, handed it to her, and wobbled off.

Kara got lost in thought again, forgetting the food on her lap. She wondered what the King looked like since nobody could tell her. All they knew was of his disdain for incompetence and favor for loyal subjects. She wasn’t sure how accurate those rumors were, but she hoped he didn’t look like a bearded dwarf.

"That must be tiring to hear," Cairo muttered before walking into the room.

He loomed over her as all Javeni men did. She looked him over, her eyes stopping at his ears. Suddenly feeling self-conscious, Kara pulled her hair forward in a bid to hide her ears.

But she wasn’t fast enough. Cairo placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, offering her a pitiful look. Her chest slumped in shame. She hated that he pitied her. There was no way he could sympathize. He didn’t understand since he was the perfect son of Tadhg Agnew.

"Just a little, but I understand," Kara said, trying to get back to the topic. She took a step away from him, wanting to get away from his piercing gaze.

"They treat us like royalty now. I’m sure the chief is ashamed that his wife couldn’t do what our mother did. The line of succession has changed. I couldn’t be happier," he continued. Cairo then sighed when he noticed the sour look on her face. "But it seems you wish you were."

"I don’t understand why we can’t rebuild here. Why do we have to go?" Kara complained.

"This was an agreement we made with Eithra before you were born. If we try to rebuild, the men would have to marry their mothers, who are even too old to bear children. The chief would turn you to a breeding horse out of spite."

Cairo paused and waited a moment before continuing.

"The Chief wanted to take you for himself. Eithra saved you from his grasp. Believe it or not, this is the best choice for you too." He squeezed her shoulder and left the room.

‘Eithra had saved me’, she thought.

Then and there, Kara decided to stop sulking. Maybe she could have a good life at Eithra. Maybe, she would fall in love with the King and have a happy life. At this point, anything was better than letting the chief have a say over her life.


They arrived at Eithra the next day. Orla entered the room at first light to help her get dressed.

"We must make a good impression," she stated as she put a red dress over Kara’s head.

Kara wondered why their impression of them mattered. They had already agreed to the marriage and from the looks of things, it didn’t seem like anything was going to change. Besides, all the Elven kingdoms knew that the Javeni people didn’t have much.

Orla brushed Kara’s hair down, pulling her out of her thoughts. She added powder to her face, and kissed her forehead. "You look like a beautiful blossom," Orla said with a proud smile.

They climbed off the ship together. Her brothers walked in front of them as if to make sure Eithra was safe enough for them.

Kara could barely see anything with two huge men in front of her. She etched forward, slightly pushing Ramses aside. She gasped lightly, as her eyes fell on a magnificent carriage, and at least ten guards waiting at the docks.

A short round man dressed in black walked up to them and smiled. "My name is Joel, the royal page. The King has sent me to greet you. Please come with me - your carriage awaits."

Kara had never seen a carriage, not one that glamorous at least, so she was excited to follow him. The guards helped Kara and her mother climb in, while her brothers mounted the horses. The seats were so smooth that they felt more comfortable than her bed in Javeni.

As the carriage rolled through the streets of Eithra, Kara's senses were inundated with the sights and scents of a world she had only heard of in tales. The air was crisp and carried the invigorating fragrance of fresh oranges, a tantalizing aroma that danced on her tongue. The bustling city was alive with vibrant colors, its inhabitants adorned in sumptuous garments that seemed to rival the rainbow itself.

Eagerly, Kara leaned out of the carriage window, her eyes wide with anticipation. She gazed upward, her gaze sweeping across the sky, searching for the ethereal crystal flowers Ramses had described. But to her dismay, the heavens above bore no trace of their shimmering beauty. A tinge of disappointment pricked her heart.

"The stories weren't true," she murmured, her voice tinged with a hint of longing.

Yet, despite the absence of the legendary crystal flowers, Eithra unfurled before her like a magical tapestry.

The roads were pristine, free from the wear and tear that marked the paths of Javeni. Each dwelling exuded opulence, their facades adorned with intricate carvings and adorned with glistening jewels. The city itself seemed to stretch endlessly, a testament to its grandeur as they journeyed towards the towering fortress that housed the royal court.

Kara's gaze flickered to her slumbering mother, a sense of unease intermingling with her excitement.

This foreign land held both wonder and trepidation, a delicate balance that made her pulse quicken. She yearned to explore every inch of Eithra, yet the weight of her responsibility weighed heavily upon her.

At long last, the carriage came to a halt, and Kara eagerly thrust her head out, her eyes widening in awe. The sight that greeted her took her breath away.

The castle loomed majestically before her, its towering structure reaching towards the heavens. It was a marvel of architectural splendor, its walls steeped in history and secrets. Surrounding the castle was a sprawling garden, its beauty rivaling the dreams of poets.

Vibrant flowers bloomed in an array of colors, their petals whispering enchantments and casting a spell upon all who beheld them.

Overwhelmed by the grandeur, Kara couldn't help but let out a gasp of astonishment. This was the stuff of legends, a place where fantasy intertwined with reality. In that moment, she knew that her journey had only just begun, and the wonders of Eithra were waiting to be unraveled at her every step.

"This way," Joel ushered. "The King is waiting in the throne room."

They followed silently, still looking around the palace in awe.

Suddenly, Joel stopped. He shot an irritated look at their feet. "Your footsteps are too loud. The King prefers his castle quiet," he huffed and walked away with a sweep of his feet.

Kara exchanged a knowing look with Ramses. Their footsteps weren't loud, this was a way to bring them down and remind them of their place, lest they forget. The Javeni had faced similar incidents in other kingdoms and Kara had been told to expect this. Well, that would all change when she became Queen.

"Is everything ready for the banquet?" Kara heard a deep voice say just before they entered the throne room.

And then, she saw him.

He was seated comfortably on his throne. His skin glowed like polished tiles, his dark hair enveloped his face perfectly, and his eyes - although she couldn’t see the color – drew her in intensely. If a perfect individual existed, it would be the King.

She dropped into a shy courtesy when Joel announced them.

Something in her moved. The urge to go to him was so strong that she had to pinch herself to stay in one place. It was almost like she had no control over herself, like they were the only ones in the room, and he wasn’t even looking at her yet.

Her heart soared. She felt connected to him already.

She looked up at him, her eyes stopping at his ears. Kara couldn’t stop the wide smile that took over her face. Finally, somebody that looked like her. She stared at him, hoping to make eye contact, but he barely spared her a glance. Instead, he gestured to Joel to come closer and whispered something to him. ’How rude,’ she thought.

Joel turned to face them and cleared his throat. "King Eerik would like a moment alone with his future bride."

‘Eerik, so that’s his name,’ she thought.

"Why? He hasn’t even greeted us properly," Cairo said loudly, staring Joel down. Then he shifted his gaze to the King and with barely hidden disdain in his voice, he said, "Ostracizing us already, your majesty?"

She had expected the King to provide an explanation, but instead, he merely exchanged a glance with Joel, who then directed his attention towards her brother. "The King will address you at his own convenience. For now, he wishes for a moment alone with his bride. Please, come with me," Joel conveyed.

In response, Cairo advanced as if he were about to seize Joel. However, Kara swiftly intervened, placing her hand on Cairo's arm and shaking her head. He cast a warning gaze at King Eerik before exiting the room alongside Ramses and their mother.

As soon as they departed, King Eerik descended from his throne, circling her slowly while carefully scrutinizing every detail. Kara felt a nervous shift within her, pondering why the King was behaving in such an unsettling manner.

"Is there something specific you're seeking?" Kara inquired, her discomfort obvious.

"People refer to you as the chosen child. I suppose I had envisioned something different," he mused, placing a hand on his chin as he closely inspected her.

That was the first time he had spoken to her directly. There was a flutter in her stomach which she ignored completely. Even though he was being terribly rude, Kara couldn’t help but feel like she somehow belonged to him, and he was the missing piece that completed her.

"I apologize, for I do not meet your expectations, my Lord," Kara said, the mockery in her voice obvious.

"Hmmm," he muttered before he turned around and walked back to his throne. Eerik picked up a scroll, scanned it, and looked at her again. Joel returned to the throne room, walking straight to the King. She wanted to yell at them when the King started whispering to Joel again. They threw a lot of glances her way, eyeing her up and down.

Finally, Joel cleared his throat. "Please come with me, my lady."

"Come with you? To where?" she asked, confused.

"To get ready for the banquet tonight in your honor," he said in a dull tone.

Kara glanced at the King for a second. Only then did she realize she had hoped for much more from him. She had hoped that their first meeting would be magical, that maybe this marriage would not be so bad after all. However, he hadn’t even spared her a proper glance.

Throwing one last look at the King, Kara followed Joel out of the throne room, silently dreading her future.