Chapter 4: The Banquet

Joel had shown her to her chambers after her meeting with the King, and it was just as glamorous as the castle. He mentioned that her family were given rooms close to hers, which put her at ease.

Following the King’s orders, Joel assigned a lady to Kara, Chione she was called. He said she was to assist with her every need, but she seemed to follow her everywhere. Kara had barely had time to acquaint herself with Chione before she started getting her dressed for the banquet.

Chione helped her get into a long blue dress that showed off her slender arms. She had worked on Kara’s hair, letting the lush curls flow down her back. Under the dim night light, her hair looked white, and Kara could see the look of wonder in the eyes of her lady. She knew that she was a mystery to her, but she didn’t mind it.

The banquet was in full swing when she arrived. She had hoped to walk in with her family, but she wasn’t able to get ready in time. She looked around the hall filled with perfectly dressed nobles, dancers, and enough food to last her people a whole year. The dancers were in the middle of the hall, entertaining the guests. She searched for her family eagerly, worried they had not come to the banquet.

They were invited alright, Kara thought as she spotted the familiar scowl on Cairo’s face.

She noticed them scattered at the back of the hall amongst servants. Rage boiled inside her. They’d had a long journey, and the King had failed to take care of her family. She looked around the hall, searching for Eerik so he could explain his despicable actions.

Eerik sat on his throne, looking at the dancers critically. He seemed to be judging their every move, just as he had judged hers a few hours ago. Chione led Kara to the seat beside him, and she gritted her teeth as she sat.

The insult to her people stung hard.

Consumed by anger, Kara turned her gaze towards the King, her voice filled with indignation. "My Lord, it is clear that my people have been disregarded and excluded from this banquet. They deserve better seats, at the very least."

The King looked at her with a perplexed expression, but before he could respond, Joel swiftly intervened, diverting the King's attention away from Kara's words. Frustrated by being dismissed, she made a final attempt to capture the King's attention.

"My Lord!" Kara called out, her voice laced with anger. "Eerik!" she shouted, her frustration boiling over.

Startled by her outburst, Eerik and Joel turned to face her, their faces contorted with matching scowls. Eerik's tone dripped with condescension as he spoke to Joel, deliberately ignoring Kara's presence.

"It seems my soon-to-be bride lacks the knowledge of addressing her future husband. Joel, you should educate her on proper etiquette," Eerik remarked, dismissively disregarding her existence.

The weight of Eerik's dismissal ignited a burning rage within Kara. She abruptly rose from her seat and stormed out of the hall, leaving Chione behind. Chione’s attempts to follow were halted by a single piercing glare from Kara.

She felt a pang of guilt for leaving her family behind at the banquet, but she yearned for a moment of solitude, free from the overwhelming pressure to "save" them.

As Kara stood in the grand palace corridors, her mind engulfed by anger and frustration, she felt a surge of adrenaline at the sound of Joel's urgent voice echoing through the halls.

"You are supposed to be at Lady Kara's side at all times. Find her and bring her back to the banquet before the King is even more embarrassed!" Joel's voice carried the weight of urgency and apprehension. Hurried steps soon sounded out, following her path. Probably Chione, she thought.

In that moment, Kara's eyes fell upon a grand door to her right. Without hesitation, she pushed it open swiftly and slipped inside, seeking refuge. Leaning against the back of the door, she took a moment to catch her breath, her heart pounding with a mixture of anxiety and defiance.

However, her respite was short-lived as she became aware of a pair of piercing green eyes fixed upon her. The stranger, adorned in a night robe and possessing dark hair similar to the King's, sat in the room, half-turned, his gaze locked onto her.

Realizing that she had inadvertently entered someone's chambers, Kara's voice quivered with apology as she spoke, her hand instinctively reaching for the door.

"I-I'm sorry for intruding," Kara stammered, her eyes flickering with apprehension. The situation seemed to hang in an uncertain balance, leaving her unsure of how to proceed.

A soft smile tugged at the corners of the man's lips as he spoke, his voice filled with warmth and familiarity.

"You're Kara, aren't you? Lady Kara," he said, his words laden with a sense of recognition.

Kara turned to face him, a mixture of curiosity and confusion swirling within her.

"How did you know?" Kara inquired, her curiosity piqued by the stranger's recognition.

Her question hung in the air for a moment before he answered, his gaze fixed upon her hair. "Your hair. You're the only person in all five kingdoms to have white hair," he explained, his voice carrying a gentle warmth.

Caressing her hair instinctively, Kara felt a flutter of nervousness under his piercing gaze. "Pale pink. It's only white at night," she clarified, a hint of vulnerability lacing her words.

A smile graced his lips as he regarded her. "Well, it looks beautiful," he complimented, his genuine admiration evident.

"Thank you, Lord..." Kara paused, awaiting his introduction, her curiosity piqued.

"Henri," he offered, his name hanging in the air, and the pause that followed was filled with anticipation. “And you don’t have to leave.”

"Why?" she asked, wondering why he hadn’t kicked her out already.

“You’re my cousin’s bride. I should at least extend the courtesy that’s due.”

Kara's eyebrows furrowed, her curiosity getting the best of her. "You're the King's cousin?" she questioned, seeking confirmation.

"Guilty as charged," Henri responded, a teasing smile playing upon his lips, evoking a flicker of excitement within Kara. Unfamiliar feelings swirled within her, casting a haze of confusion over her thoughts. "Don't be frightened, Kara. We'll soon be family after all. Take a seat," he invited, his voice gentle and soothing.

Henri gestured towards a plush settee opposite him, his smile soft and reassuring. Kara's feet ached from the uncomfortable heels Chione had insisted she wear, and though she was reluctant to stay, the offer of respite tempted her.

"T-thank you," she stammered, her voice filled with a mix of gratitude and uncertainty. She moved away from the door, taking a seat gently.

"It's alright," Henri replied, his tone comforting and understanding.

Reluctantly, Kara settled into the seat, her gaze deliberately avoiding his. She could sense his mischievous green eyes lingering upon her, but she wasn't yet ready to meet his gaze directly.

This was unusual territory for her, and although Kara was unbelievably nervous, she was also excited. The prospect of making new alliances at the castle seemed to thrill her. But that feeling of excitement was quickly replaced by a stubborn sense of anxiety as he fixed his gaze on her.