Chapter 15: In Pursuit of Reconciliation

Kara gazed into darkness, her body weary and drained. It had been an exhausting day, constantly being dictated by Mrs. Karvonen. The irony of it all struck her as almost comical. Here she was, a young, queen-to-be with ladies-in-waiting following orders given by a stern princess instructing her on every aspect of her existence - how to sit, how to walk, and even how to eat. Yet, amidst it all, the face of the man who had spurred these changes haunted her thoughts. His enigmatic features and captivating aura lingered in her mind.

Nearly two weeks had passed since she last set eyes on him, and it felt as if a vital piece of her being was absent. She yearned for him desperately, longing for the intensity she saw in his eyes. The tender way he held her hand and brushed his lips against her cheek replayed in her memory.